- published: 18 Jan 2011
- views: 16409
- author: heimspekingur
Faroese language lesson 1
The first in a series of lessons in Faroese language. Stay tuned for more videos....
published: 18 Jan 2011
author: heimspekingur
Faroese language lesson 1
The first in a series of lessons in Faroese language. Stay tuned for more videos.
- published: 18 Jan 2011
- views: 16409
- author: heimspekingur
Faroese: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews
Alexander Arguelles presents a series of videos to provide introductory overviews of the l...
published: 27 Apr 2008
author: ProfASAr
Faroese: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews
Alexander Arguelles presents a series of videos to provide introductory overviews of the languages of the world. Working diachronically through various language families in turn, he demonstrates how to identify each language, translates a text sample to show how it works, and discusses its genetic affiliation and cultural context. For further information about the series, please refer to www.foreignlanguageexpertise.com
- published: 27 Apr 2008
- views: 33092
- author: ProfASAr
Trailer of first Faroese story film in Faroese language. See more: www.facebook.com...
published: 29 Sep 2009
author: miguelbarna
Trailer of first Faroese story film in Faroese language. See more: www.facebook.com
- published: 29 Sep 2009
- views: 11041
- author: miguelbarna
Nólsoyar Páll Dokumentary with Faroese Language from Faroese Television Kringvarp Føroya.
Nólsoyar Páll (originally, Poul Poulsen Nolsøe) (11 October 1766, Nólsoy -- 1808 or 1809, ...
published: 27 Oct 2012
author: Faroe Paradise
Nólsoyar Páll Dokumentary with Faroese Language from Faroese Television Kringvarp Føroya.
Nólsoyar Páll (originally, Poul Poulsen Nolsøe) (11 October 1766, Nólsoy -- 1808 or 1809, near Sumba) is a Faroese national hero. He was a seaman, trader, poet, farmer and boat builder who tried to develop direct trade between the Faroes and the rest of Europe and introduced vaccination to the islands. He went missing in the winter of 1808/09 sailing home from England. More on this Link www.facebook.com
- published: 27 Oct 2012
- views: 109
- author: Faroe Paradise
Faroese language lesson
Watch my videos here: Watch Faroese language lesson 1: www.youtube.com Watch Faroese langu...
published: 23 Mar 2008
author: heimspekingur
Faroese language lesson
Watch my videos here: Watch Faroese language lesson 1: www.youtube.com Watch Faroese language lesson 2: www.youtube.com
- published: 23 Mar 2008
- views: 47792
- author: heimspekingur
Faroese Language Lesson 2
Finally it has arrived: the second Faroese language lesson. This time, learn how to say ph...
published: 22 Jan 2011
author: heimspekingur
Faroese Language Lesson 2
Finally it has arrived: the second Faroese language lesson. This time, learn how to say phrases to do with the topics: "Asking for public services", "Improving communication", "Responding" and "Status".
- published: 22 Jan 2011
- views: 3144
- author: heimspekingur
Response to: Faroese: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews - Read by a Faroese.
This is a video response to: Faroese: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews Where...
published: 20 Oct 2010
author: Mourits A. Mikkelsen
Response to: Faroese: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews - Read by a Faroese.
This is a video response to: Faroese: Languages of the World: Introductory Overviews Where I pronounce the words correctly. You must watch the original video first. Here is the text: Víðvíkjandi føroyskum ætli eg at gera mítt besta. Eg skilji, at nógv fólk duga danskt eisini. Ja, øll duga danskt, og nógv danskt verður lisi her; men sjálvandi hevði eingin Føroyoingur nakrantíð kunna hugsa sær at tosa við ein landsmann á donskum! Talumálið hevur altíð verið føroyskt, og nú vinnur tað skjótt fram í stýri og handli, í kirkju og skúlum. Eg sá nógvar føroyskar bøkur í handlunum, og eg legði til merkis, at bløðini her eru skrivað næstan bara á føroyskum. Og vit halda tað vera rætt soleiðis! Kann vera at ein Onglendingur ikki rættiliga fata, hvat tað er at stríðast fyri einum máli - sínum egna máli!
- published: 20 Oct 2010
- views: 2062
- author: Mourits A. Mikkelsen
The Story of Jesus - Faroese Language (Denmark, Faroe Islands)
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of L...
published: 24 Jun 2012
author: eyong52
The Story of Jesus - Faroese Language (Denmark, Faroe Islands)
The Story of the Life and Times of Jesus Christ (Son of God). According to the Gospel of Luke. (Denmark, Faroe Islands) Faroese Language Version. God Bless You All.
- published: 24 Jun 2012
- views: 230
- author: eyong52
Epic Faroese Meal Time
me and some of my friends decided to make some food, then we just decided to record it xD...
published: 27 Nov 2011
author: hjaansi
Epic Faroese Meal Time
me and some of my friends decided to make some food, then we just decided to record it xD
- published: 27 Nov 2011
- views: 799
- author: hjaansi
icelandic/faroese, how similar are they?
this video is contains recorded samples of both languages. The first scene is in Icelandic...
published: 26 Apr 2009
author: aGeilini
icelandic/faroese, how similar are they?
this video is contains recorded samples of both languages. The first scene is in Icelandic, and then followed by the same scene but in Faroese. Jón Hilmar Magnússon: Færeyskan og íslenzkan eru alsystur af sama bergi brotnar. Þær hafa þó haldið hvor sína leið í framburði, en í eðli sínu eru þær nauðalíkar. Það sýnir meðal annars málfræðileg bygging þeirra. Fyrr á tíðum héldu margir, að færeyskan væri skrumskælt mál eða bjöguð íslenzka! Þessa furðulega misskilnings eða öllu heldur fáfræði hefir jafvel gætt allt til þessa. Menn skyldu hafa það í huga, að ekkurt tungumál er málleysa, en hvert um sig hefir farið sína leið í aldanna rás, þróazt og breytzt eins og hver sjálstæður einstaklingur í stórri fjöskyldu. sources to Icelandic: vefmidlar.visir.is Føroyska og íslanska málið eru systrar úr sama bergi brotnar. Tær hava tó hildið hvør sína leið við framburði tungunnar, men í einleika eru tær meinlíkar. Tað sýnir millum annað málfrøðiligi bygnaður teirra. Fyrr í tíðini hildu nógv, at føroyskt var avlagað ella avskeplað íslendskt! Henda løgna misskiljing, ella rættari hesin fákunnleiki, gevur seg enn í dag til kennar. Vit skulu hava tað í huga, at einki tungumál er høpisleyst, men hvørt mál er farið sína egnu leið øld eftir øld, ment og broytt eins og hvør sjálvstøður einstaklingur í stórari familju. sources to Faroese: www.kringvarp.fo
- published: 26 Apr 2009
- views: 17965
- author: aGeilini
A film by the author of "Rannvá" and "Páll Fangi", also with a full Faroese cast and Faroe...
published: 08 Nov 2009
author: miguelbarna
A film by the author of "Rannvá" and "Páll Fangi", also with a full Faroese cast and Faroese language. See more: www.facebook.com
- published: 08 Nov 2009
- views: 2114
- author: miguelbarna
Me singing Fagra Blóma - Faroese song!
Yup..... This time I am trying to sing "Fagra Blóma" (Beautiful Flower)..... In FAROESE! A...
published: 09 Sep 2009
author: Masteroth1
Me singing Fagra Blóma - Faroese song!
Yup..... This time I am trying to sing "Fagra Blóma" (Beautiful Flower)..... In FAROESE! And I don't quite know the language (yet).... I know what the sentences in the song mean though..... It's just very hard to pronounce them... ARG! But I love the (weird) Faroese language. DON'T mind the Danish text in the background! Hehehheeh....
- published: 09 Sep 2009
- views: 5081
- author: Masteroth1
Havið trúgv ( Belive in God ). Mandskor "BETESDA", Klaksvik . Recorded in Copenhagen 1946
Havið trúgv ( Belive in God ). Mandskor BETESDA, Klaksvik, Faroe Islands. Conductor: Theod...
published: 24 Sep 2009
author: northatlantic78rpm
Havið trúgv ( Belive in God ). Mandskor "BETESDA", Klaksvik . Recorded in Copenhagen 1946
Havið trúgv ( Belive in God ). Mandskor BETESDA, Klaksvik, Faroe Islands. Conductor: Theodor við Keldu. Recorded in Copenhagen, Denmark 1946. Polyphon X 51155 - A. In the summer 1946, the males fraction from the local Baptist Choir of the Baptist Church "Betesda" in Klaksvik, Faroe Islands, visited Denmark. Denmark and the Faroe Islands were separated between 1940-45. Denmark was occupied by the Germans, and Faroe Islands was occupied by the British Forces. During this 1946 visit in Denmark, several Baptist services in the Faroese language were arranged. During this visit, they also recorded three 78rpm records for the Danish record compagny Polyphon. Jógvan Gerðalíð from klaksvík arranged this. The recordings took place in the concert hall of Odd Fellow Building in Bredgade in Copenhagen. Each record was made in 300 copies, and was a great succes at the Faroe Islands. This was the very first time some Faroese songs were recorded in the Faroese language by the Faroese people. Before, in 1928 and 1937 a few attempts of recording 78rpm's in the Faroese language were done, but only with Swedish and Danish concerto singers. In spite that these records were made during the recyckling of old records in Denmark between 1940-49, Polyphon never asked the Faroese People to return 900 old records! A grand gesture during a time with serious scarity of shellach.
- published: 24 Sep 2009
- views: 1655
- author: northatlantic78rpm
Í Búri. Marie Louise Ussing. Copenhagen 1937. Performed in Faroese..wmv
Í Búri. ( Jógvan Waagstein - JHO Djurhuus). Sunget af Marie Louise Ussing. Performed by Ma...
published: 15 Feb 2010
author: northatlantic78rpm
Í Búri. Marie Louise Ussing. Copenhagen 1937. Performed in Faroese..wmv
Í Búri. ( Jógvan Waagstein - JHO Djurhuus). Sunget af Marie Louise Ussing. Performed by Marie Louise Ussing. Polyphon XS 44290 A. Recorded in Copenhagen, Denmark 1937 At the very end of 19th Century, the Faroese written language was rediscovered, after a break since late Middle Age. During centuries the Danish language was the only written, until 1938 when the Faroese language was introduced in the Lutheran State Church and the public schools. The royal farmer Jóannes Patturson in Kirkjabøur, Faroe Islands, was one of the pionéers introducing the Faroese people to rediscover their own written language. The simple people in the small villages had during centuries maintained the spoken Faroese language, an old antique West-Scandinavian languege, related to Icelandic and Norwegian. In early 20th Century, several local poets started to use the Faroese language with great succes. Among them were the poet JHO Djurhuus (1881-1948) This poem "Í Búri" (In the Cage) is one of the most beloved Faroese poems. Jógvan Waagstein (1879-1949) was one of the Faroese pionéers of art and music. Jógvan Waagstein composed melodies to several of the early Faroese poems in early 20th Century. In 1928 the very first 78rpm record was published. It was the old Faroese national athem "Eg oyggjar veit". The record was recorded by a Swedish singer, who did his best singing in Faroese. In 1937 two 78rpm records were recorded in Faroese in Copenhagen. It was patriotoc songs, composed by Jögvan Waagstein ...
- published: 15 Feb 2010
- views: 1325
- author: northatlantic78rpm
Youtube results:
Another Kozea sample [constructed language]
This time, I will go through another quite large example of Kozea, but I will also transla...
published: 10 May 2010
author: Skomakarn
Another Kozea sample [constructed language]
This time, I will go through another quite large example of Kozea, but I will also translate it this time. I'm translating the lyrics of a song made by the Faroese folk metal band Týr, and so, you will get to hear me speaking in three languages in this video; English, Kozea and Faroese.
- published: 10 May 2010
- views: 1967
- author: Skomakarn
Salmon from the Faroe Islands
More info on Salmon from the Faroe Islands can be found on www.salmon.fo...
published: 18 Oct 2011
author: havb100
Salmon from the Faroe Islands
More info on Salmon from the Faroe Islands can be found on www.salmon.fo
- published: 18 Oct 2011
- views: 2306
- author: havb100