Reporters Without Borders

Home page - Asia - China

Unprecedented censorship


Enforced disappearance of three Tibetan monks following arrest

Reporters Without Borders is concerned about three Tibetan monks – Sungrab Gyatso, Yeshi Sangpo and Draksang – of whom there has been no news since (...)

Published on 4 January 2013 Read


New York Times reporter has to leave mainland China

Reporters Without Borders regrets that New York Times correspondent Chris Buckley has had to leave mainland China, the country where he has (...)

Published on 3 January 2013 Read


Photojournalist “sent on holiday” after covering death of five children

Reporters Without Borders is dismayed to learn that independent photojournalist Li Yuanlong was forced to leave the southwestern province of (...)

Published on 5 December 2012 Read


134 Nobel Laureates Urge Incoming Chinese President Xi Jinping to Release Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Liu Xiaobo and Wife Liu Xia

134 Nobel Laureates Urge Incoming Chinese President Xi Jinping to Release Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Liu Xiaobo and Wife Liu Xia Citizens (...)

Published on 4 December 2012 Read


European Union urged to take clear stand on censorship in China

As the 18th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party prepares to unveil the names of the country’s new leaders, the censorship surrounding the (...)

Published on 14 November 2012 Read


Already reelected – censorship and harassment of news providers

The next generation of China’s leaders will be named during the 18th congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that opens today in Beijing. (...)

Published on 8 November 2012 Read


Censorship and freedom of information during the 18th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party

See 8 November 2012 press release Thuesday, November 13th : 04:24 PM : Dissident writer Sheng Liang Qing’s computer has been the target of (...)

Published on 8 November 2012 Read


Jailed netizen with cancer needs proper medical treatment

In the name of respect for human dignity, Reporters Without Borders calls for the jailed netizen and activist Ni Yulan to be transferred at once (...)

Published on 24 October 2012 Read

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