Saturday, January 12, 2013


Oh dear, dear, dear -- and yet awesome:

The head of firearms training company who took to YouTube and Facebook this week to threaten a murderous response to any attempt on the Obama administration's part to "ban assault rifles and impose stricter gun control" has had his handgun carry permit suspended by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security for presenting "material likelihood of risk of harm to the public."

And they'll "hug" those "guns" even harder now


Americans who believe being gay is a sin are no longer the majority — not even half — a shift a Southern Baptist-affiliated research group pins on President Barack Obama’s changed opinion of gay marriage.

A November survey from Nashville-based LifeWay Research, affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, found 37 percent of Americans polled said “yes” when asked if homosexual behavior is a sin.

Forty-five percent said no. Seventeen percent didn’t know.

That’s a major change from LifeWay’s September 2011 survey, when 44 percent said homosexuality was a sin, 43 percent said no and 13 percent didn’t know.

Time for Republicans to throw more money away.

Some wonders never cease, also not wonders

Fresh off portraying Obama as Hitler and Stalin combined, the gun fetishists thought it would classy with a series of "K"s to do this just before the inauguration.

A new coalition of gun rights and conservative groups has proclaimed January 19, 2013, “Gun Appreciation Day” — the group, calling themselves GAD, has begun urging Americans nationwide to show their support for gun ownership by turning out en masse at gun stores, ranges, and shows from coast to coast.


Even sicker, the thing that really causes gun sales to surge is a mass shooting...these nuts should just cut out the misdirection and openly endorse those.

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Price of Fame

And who paid it.

(Reuters) - The late British TV presenter Jimmy Savile physically abused hundreds of people over six decades, according to a police-led report on Friday which said he carried out attacks at the BBC and at hospitals where he did voluntary work.
Of his victims, 73 percent were under 18 and 82 percent were female. The oldest was 47 and the youngest just 8.

"Savile's offending footprint was vast, predatory and opportunistic," Commander Peter Spindler told reporters.

Savile, one of the BBC's biggest stars of the 1970s and 80s received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth for charity work. He died in 2011, aged 84, a year before allegations about his abusive behaviour emerged in a TV documentary.

Friday's report said he had committed 214 criminal offences including 34 rapes or serious sexual assaults across the country.

 "It is now clear that Savile was hiding in plain sight and using his celebrity status and fund-raising activity to gain uncontrolled access to vulnerable people across six decades," the report said.

Hey, I just remembered

I'm a lawyer AND I'm in Iowa these folks have a hell of a case under Iowa Code Chapter 91A.

To "nit"wit:

Representative Michele Bachmann (R-MN), former presidential candidate and a leader of the Tea Party Caucus in the House of Representatives in Washington, has yet to pay some of her Iowa presidential campaign staff after one year and in spite of the fact that over $2,000,000* sits in bank accounts at her disposal.


 Dr. Peter Waldron, Bachmann for President National Field Coordinator, explained it this way, "Recently Mr. Pollack demanded that each unpaid staff member sign a non-disclosure agreement that prohibits any discussion of any criminal, moral, and/or unethical behavior witnessed during Mrs. Bachmann's campaign in Iowa. In fact, Mr. Pollack insists that each staffer not speak to law enforcement and/or lawyers without first speaking with Mrs. Bachmann's attorneys."

 I'm sure "God" told her to screw 'em.

Funny how that works too

Speaking of money, if you take a bit more of it from the rich folks who have been screwing over the rest of the public, it is amazing what you can do with a budget deficit -- oh, and tossing out the Republicans probably helped.

Gov. Jerry Brown took office two years ago promising that he had the know-how and the fiscal prudence to guide the state out of its financial crisis, and on Thursday he delivered a budget without a deficit.

It's the first time since 2007 that leaders at the Capitol haven't had a deficit to contend with and the first time since the late 1990s that the outlook over future years shows surpluses instead of deficits.

"Money works how?"

Who is really surprised that FoxNews has no fucking clue as to how money works?

Golly, which person do you think should listen to?

This person:
James Yeager -- CEO of Tactical Response, a Tennessee-based company that specializes in firearms and tactical training -- said the White House could spark a civil war if it issues an executive order on gun control. And Yeager said he would be "glad to fire the first shot."

"I'm not fucking putting up with this," he said in a video message posted Wednesday. "I am not letting my country be ruled by a dictator. I'm not letting anybody take my guns. If it goes one inch further, I'm gonna start killing people."
Or this person:
A high school teacher and a campus supervisor talked a student into surrendering after he opened fire in a classroom, wounding a classmate at a school in California's southern San Joaquin Valley on Thursday morning, police said.
But they weren't good guys ... with guns?

Personally, I'll pass on the guy another sheet to the wind of insanity from Alex Jones, thank you very much.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Unleash the "Nobody could have anticipated" macro

Who could have foreseen that a group calling itself "Fix the Debt" is actually a front group dedicated to the idea that poor and middle class people should suffer because the groups only purpose is to keep rich people's taxes low?

As usual "nobody" only means those involved in television "journalism"?

Oh everything is fine

No health care reform (or gun control) necessary at all...

Americans ranked last (or first, depending on how you look at it) in infant mortality, injury and homicide rates, teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS, drug abuse, obesity and diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, and disabilities. But don't worry, we managed all this while spending $8,600 a year per person on healthcare, which is more than twice as much Britain, France and Sweden, "even with their universal healthcare systems."

It is always amazing to me that the health care debate came from such ignorance, I suppose it shouldn't.   But all those folks under 65 complaining about their taxes, don't seem to have any desire to notice that their health insurance premiums are disgusting.  Maybe, just maybe, in return for paying say $3,000 a year more in taxes, you pay $5,000 less a year in health insurance premiums AND get better care.

But noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. it

Ladies and Gentlemen, a sterling representative of the Democratic Party:
State Sen. Dick Saslaw does not mince words about his support for uranium mining. A Northern Virginia Democrat who is also the Senate minority leader, Saslaw says burying the radioactive byproduct known as tailings underground should be a solution to environmental concerns. And he says he can’t be concerned about what might happen 100 [years] from now.
Yes, after all Mr. Saslaw will not be here, so why worry about it.

He then ended the interview and went home and filled his lamps with whale oil.

 It's folks like Mr. Saslaw, of course, that undoubtedly don't notice the environment around him collapsing because in the past the same logic applied...except, unlike many of them, he has a chance to be fully informed yet refuses to care.


How about we bury those radioactive tailings in your backyard then, Saslaw?
[cross-posted at Firedoglake]

Wednesday, January 09, 2013


When does the transition for conservatives come from denying global warming to saying regulation isn't needed because it will impede the free market's opportunities to maximize profit from mass starvation?

Just want to know, because we won't see them held accountable for being wrong.

"And THAT'S what the Dominican Republic is for!"

Traveling Viagra for Brains:
Rush Limbaugh: Marriage Equality Is Helping To ‘Normalize Pedophilia’
That sort of stuff is for sex tourism only.

Just another isolated instance (of a horrifying trend)

Time for another round of ... hey the artic is opening up for oil exploration articles in the Wall Street Journal.
The average temperature for 2012 was 55.3 degrees Fahrenheit, 3.2 degrees above normal and a full degree higher than the previous warmest year recorded -- 1998 -- NOAA said in its report Tuesday. All 48 states in the contiguous U.S. had above-average annual temperatures last year, including 19 that broke annual records, from Connecticut through Utah.
Another record year here and around the globe.
Each year since 2001 has been among the warmest on record worldwide
Damn you Al Gore.
The temperature forecast for next Monday by Australia's Bureau of Meteorology is so unprecedented - over 52C - that it has had to add a new colour to the top of its scale, a suitably incandescent purple.
Yeah, but where are the real world effects?
A record-breaking heatwave and high winds across south-eastern Australia have produced some of the worst fire conditions seen in the country, with blazes destroying thousands of hectares of land (video) and threatening properties, but – so far – sparing lives.
' I guess it's a nightmarish balance to last year's biblical flooding. But on to serious issues... [cross-posted at Firedoglake]

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Steps to fix the economy

1.   Make Giant Trillion Dollar Plaintinum Coin.

2.   Make it hollow.

3.   Tell Koch Brothers, Obama's Kenyan Birth Certificate inside.

4.   Tell Walton family and Papa John same thing.

5.     Accept bids starting at $1 trillion and one dollars, no reserve AND no backsies.

6.     Treat whole country to one Nacho Cheese Dorito Taco each with profit.

7.     Compare shell of Taco to Boehner fleshtone.

8.     Laugh

9.     Spend rest of money on fixing plumbing infrastructure in wake of everyone eating one of those shit awful tacos.

America's Concern Troll

Richard Cohen, who if you dislike those who leer or ogle should be known to you as "ACTION BRENT MUSBURGER!" manages to start off his defense of Chuck Hegel (who I think deserves some defense) with the worst possible way for Richard Cohen to start anything short of "Hey, who's that sexy young intern we just hired?":

Before they were girls, they were women. Before that, they were girls. I am not talking here of the chronology of females but of acceptable usage. Back in the 1970s, for instance, the use of “girl” could trigger a stinging rebuke and the damning charge of male-chauvinist piggism — or why else would a man call a woman a girl? This was the Golden Age of political correctness, which now, it seems, has its last redoubt on, of all places, the opinion pages of the robustly anti-PC Wall Street Journal.

For Richard Cohen to ever start out a column this way is a bit like having Clarence Thomas do the forward for a history of interracial porn called "Chocolate Thunder Down Under" --

But there is it anyway.

Six figures in salary annually for that.

Republicans, bringing people together

The other kind of Citizens' United:
President Barack Obama won a majority of support for his handling of the crisis, as 52 percent of Americans approved of his approach, while 37 percent disapproved. John Boehner, by contrast, saw a 20-point net negative rating, with 31 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving of his handling of the deal.
To be fair with Congressional approval in the single digits this may the the highest rating Boehner gets apart from the Florida Citrus Growers Association.

I have to say

This crazy conspiracy asshole Piers Morgan toyed with last night certainly has a logical hatred for this:
"The number one cause of death in America is suicide, because the they give people suicide mass murder pills!" (He's talking about Prozac.)
Somebody clearly has an aversion to stuff he should get a prescription for.

Hard to believe

That a movement full of crazy people paid to be crazy could be really unpopular once they have a  chance to be crazy on you.

Tell it who's number one!

Oh dear.
Samsung unveils gesture-control TVs at gadget show
The extended middle-finger will take you to FoxNews.

This austerity thing has worked out so well...

It can only be solved by calling for more austerity:
Concerns the UK is “triple-dipping” back into recession rose on Friday, as a closely-watched gauge of the services sector showed output fell for the first time in two years. Markit’s purchasing managers’ index (PMI) threw up a reading of 48.9 for December, where anything below 50 signals activity in the sector contracted. Nick Beecroft, an analyst at Saxo Capital Markets, called it a “pretty disastrous” result.
And what of the architect of "Fleeced in our time", George Osborne?

Well he's be busy belittling people needing trying to reduce the same.
My own research has found benefit claimants desperate to work, whose persistent efforts to find employment clashes with Osborne’s characterisation of those on welfare “sleeping off a life on benefits”.
He's like a pasty non-tearful John Boehner.

By all means let's do that here, triple dip recessions are clearly awesome.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]

Monday, January 07, 2013

Reasons to cheer for a giant meteor, continued

For those who thought Penn State was "worst football story ever"

Meet the program at Steubenville, Ohio.

In a league of their own

When the right-wing's worst ideas spread to their closest friends. When you are borrowing from the intellectual residue of Steve King it is a problem.
Israel is to build a huge steel fence along the boundary between the Golan Heights and Syria amid fears that the civil war could spill over or create an influx of refugees. The pledge from the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, came a few days after the defence ministry announced the near-completion of a 150-mile fence along the southern border with Egypt, aimed mainly at keeping out illegal migrants.
Yeah, that'll work. When are they eliminating their socialist health care system?

 [cross-posted at Firedoglake]

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Iowa's Shame

Funny for about four months before November Steve King did his best appearance to appear non-insane and he bamboozled enough central Iowans to keep his seat in Crazytown. Too bad.
The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution expressly provides that nearly anyone born in the United States is a citizen, regardless of the immigration status of their parents. Yet, despite the Constitution’s clear command, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) wants to ignore our founding document and prevent the children of undocumented immigrants from becoming citizens
Yes, wasting time on unconstitutional laws to attack "anchor babies".

No word on what Michelle Malkin thinks of that.

I thought in the States this is simply known as

Getting to Brunch early:
The first comedian-founded atheist church in England is set to hold its first monthly service tomorrow. Pippa Evans (a "musical improv comedian") and Sanderson Jones (just a regular talking comedian) came up with the idea together.

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