- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 2594157
- author: BacilRakbyTv

Bacil & Rakby - 365 dní (feat. Nicole)
Piaty oficiálny videoklip z albumu Abnormal Hudba : Oliver Fillner Kamera a strih : Double...
published: 15 Aug 2012
author: BacilRakbyTv
Bacil & Rakby - 365 dní (feat. Nicole)
Piaty oficiálny videoklip z albumu Abnormal Hudba : Oliver Fillner Kamera a strih : DoubleJ Režia : Bacil & Rakby kupuj album ABNORMAL : smarturl.it
- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 2594157
- author: BacilRakbyTv

Aura Dione - I Will Love You Monday (365)
Music video by Aura Dione performing I Will Love You Monday (365). (C) 2009 Music For Drea...
published: 13 Dec 2009
author: AuraDioneVEVO
Aura Dione - I Will Love You Monday (365)
Music video by Aura Dione performing I Will Love You Monday (365). (C) 2009 Music For Dreams, Denmark under exclusive license to Universal Music Domestic Pop, a division of Universal Music GmbH
- published: 13 Dec 2009
- views: 4675717
- author: AuraDioneVEVO

Los Tucanes De Tijuana - 365 Dias
Music video by Los Tucanes De Tijuana performing 365 Días. (C) 2012 Tucanes, LLC. Exclusiv...
published: 22 May 2012
author: LosTucanesVEVO
Los Tucanes De Tijuana - 365 Dias
Music video by Los Tucanes De Tijuana performing 365 Días. (C) 2012 Tucanes, LLC. Exclusively licensed in the United States to Fonovisa.
- published: 22 May 2012
- views: 1012391
- author: LosTucanesVEVO

365 Days of Beard - 2010 : Ricky Coates
Ricky Coates' epic adventure of growing a beard for an entire year. Blog Link : 365daysofb...
published: 11 Jan 2011
author: ManBeard19
365 Days of Beard - 2010 : Ricky Coates
Ricky Coates' epic adventure of growing a beard for an entire year. Blog Link : 365daysofbeard.tumblr.com
- published: 11 Jan 2011
- views: 831898
- author: ManBeard19

Thaeme e Thiago - 365 Dias (part. Fernando Zor)
365 Dias - (Composição: Thiago Servo / Thaeme Mariôto) Música integrante do DVD Ao Vivo em...
published: 24 Feb 2012
author: thaemeethiago
Thaeme e Thiago - 365 Dias (part. Fernando Zor)
365 Dias - (Composição: Thiago Servo / Thaeme Mariôto) Música integrante do DVD Ao Vivo em Londrina - ® 2012 Som Livre. Thaeme e Thiago, dupla integrante do casting da FS Produções Artísticas. Direção: Junior Jacques
- published: 24 Feb 2012
- views: 4174619
- author: thaemeethiago

ZuzkaLight.com - ZWOW # 49 - 365 Rep Workout
For all of my workouts, nutrition tips, recipes, and personal blog visit my website www.zu...
published: 28 Dec 2012
author: ZuzkaLight
ZuzkaLight.com - ZWOW # 49 - 365 Rep Workout
For all of my workouts, nutrition tips, recipes, and personal blog visit my website www.zuzkalight.com
- published: 28 Dec 2012
- views: 76041
- author: ZuzkaLight

The Verge, Year One: 365 days of art, culture, science, and technology
It's been a wild first year for us at The Verge. Here's our perspective of the world in 20...
published: 17 Dec 2012
author: TheVerge
The Verge, Year One: 365 days of art, culture, science, and technology
It's been a wild first year for us at The Verge. Here's our perspective of the world in 2012. We hope you enjoy it, and here's looking forward to 2013. The Verge Video Team Executive Producer: Chad Mumm Creative Directors: Billy Disney, Jordan Oplinger Directors / Editors: John Lagomarsino, Sam Thonis Editorial Lead: Ross Miller Producers: Nina Sokoler, Talia Keren-Zvi Contributors: Regina Dellea, Pablo Korona, Ryan Manning, Jason Miller, Paris Seawell, Jimmy Shelton
- published: 17 Dec 2012
- views: 20401
- author: TheVerge

The Truth 365: Be the Voice for Children by Watching and Sharing this Film
The Truth 365 is a grassroots documentary and social media campaign designed to help child...
published: 06 Dec 2012
author: thetruth365film
The Truth 365: Be the Voice for Children by Watching and Sharing this Film
The Truth 365 is a grassroots documentary and social media campaign designed to help children in need. By watching and sharing this film you will be doing your part to spread the word and help make a difference. Website: www.thetruth365.org Media inquires: info@thetruth365.org
- published: 06 Dec 2012
- views: 66132
- author: thetruth365film

JPM▼365天▼官方完整版Official MV (HD)
▼365天▼ 導演:比爾賈作詞:JPM王子(邱勝翊) 編舞:林大鈞▼JPM官方粉絲團: www.facebook.com ▼專輯線上聽/ Buy the [365] Album ◎...
published: 29 Nov 2012
author: itsJPMofficial
JPM▼365天▼官方完整版Official MV (HD)
▼365天▼ 導演:比爾賈作詞:JPM王子(邱勝翊) 編舞:林大鈞▼JPM官方粉絲團: www.facebook.com ▼專輯線上聽/ Buy the [365] Album ◎ iTunes tinyurl.com ◎ KKBOX kkbox.fm ◎ myMusic tinyurl.com ◎ Omusic tinyurl.com 中韓合作創造出流線JPM 王子填詞為歌迷獻上「365天」 專輯的首波主打「365天」,是公司特別情商韓國製作人特別為JPM量身訂作的一首electro dance pop,將復古Tone的旋律以全新的概念呈現。舒服流線的曲勢中,JPM三人表現了比第一張專輯更成熟的唱腔及咬字;其中的歌詞,是在眾多的比稿作品中,JPM的邱勝翊(王子)根據這張專輯『愛』的主軸,寫出了直接而想要追求的熱情;簡單易懂的口氣,加上「365天」的Title,呈現精準而誠摯的心意,獲得工作人員一致好評入選! 『魂』、『心』、『體』個人風格『三六舞』的團體合作JPM「365天」舞蹈散發生生不息的概念為了營造「365天」的快歌張力,JPM這次也再次邀請上一張專輯創造出「月球漫步」中『太空舞』的天王御用舞蹈老師大鈞,來量身訂作舞蹈!聽完工作人員這張專輯的訴求,強調比兄弟跟兄弟的默契以及歌曲中「365天」、「Every day every night」的時空循環概念,除了特別為J-小傑、P-王子、M-毛弟設計了個別的風格動作『魂』、『心』、『體』,強調小傑的肢體Style,王子的內斂態度,毛弟的舞蹈動作,更針對三人合體設計了『黃金三角』的手勢與隊形!並再特別情商JPM的6位師弟男子漢們,以三、六、九加乘的氣勢,創造出在舞蹈間彼此搭配、互動的能量傳遞! 【365】進化時尚版:附贈2013年年曆【365】特別版:限量附贈獨家iPhone4手機殼【365】豪華版:限量附贈獨家手機隨身充電器JPM全新概念專輯【365】11月30日全新出品▼JPM官方粉絲團查詢: www.facebook.com ▼新浪微博: tw.weibo.com ▼JPM Google+: plus.google.com
- published: 29 Nov 2012
- views: 423366
- author: itsJPMofficial

365 Days of Animal Crossing City Folk LIVE!!! Day 364!!!
This is it! The day before the end! Be sure to join me on one of the last days of this yea...
published: 24 Aug 2012
author: RedPandaGamer
365 Days of Animal Crossing City Folk LIVE!!! Day 364!!!
This is it! The day before the end! Be sure to join me on one of the last days of this year long series! This is YOUR chance to visit the town of Sexville for the last time!
- published: 24 Aug 2012
- views: 13293
- author: RedPandaGamer

365 days of AWESOME (GoPro 2012)
Canada Edition! Shot exclusively on the GoPro HERO series. Canucks getting crazy north of ...
published: 27 Dec 2012
author: FlippedSociety
365 days of AWESOME (GoPro 2012)
Canada Edition! Shot exclusively on the GoPro HERO series. Canucks getting crazy north of the border! A compilation of all the action captured in 2012. ('show more' for song) Edited by: Gavin Peacock. Music: Plastik Joker - Phantom Dancer. // DOWNLOAD LINK www.Safe-TRACKS.com
- published: 27 Dec 2012
- views: 31821
- author: FlippedSociety

YouTube Unlisted Videos (132/365)
Unlisted Videos on YouTube allows you to share videos in a more personal way. The videos w...
published: 13 May 2010
author: theshadowfan
YouTube Unlisted Videos (132/365)
Unlisted Videos on YouTube allows you to share videos in a more personal way. The videos will not be listed on YouTube or Google's search engines. People do not have to login to their YouTube account in order to view the video. There is no limit on the amount of people that can view the video. The video will not display on your YouTube Channel page. Only people that have the link to the video's YouTube page will be able to watch the video. My videos about new YouTube features: Annotations www.youtube.com Channel Bulletins www.youtube.com Cleaner Video Page layout www.youtube.com Closed Caption Transcribe Audio Beta www.youtube.com Content Ratings www.youtube.com Download MP4 Video www.youtube.com Hashtags www.youtube.com Real Time Friends www.youtube.com Safety Mode www.youtube.com Unlisted videos: www.youtube.com Video Downloads End www.youtube.com
- published: 13 May 2010
- views: 26769
- author: theshadowfan
Youtube results:

YouTube User Live Streaming (155/365)
Hopefully one day YouTube users will be able to broadcast themselves in a live stream feed...
published: 04 Jun 2010
author: theshadowfan
YouTube User Live Streaming (155/365)
Hopefully one day YouTube users will be able to broadcast themselves in a live stream feed. Here's where the Live Stream button screenshot was taken on YouTube's CitizenTube www.google.com
- published: 04 Jun 2010
- views: 4245
- author: theshadowfan

Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo - Episode 365 - 3rd August 2011
Raju handsome gets extremely happy as Apurva allows him to take a break of 15 days and mee...
published: 04 Aug 2011
author: sabtv
Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo - Episode 365 - 3rd August 2011
Raju handsome gets extremely happy as Apurva allows him to take a break of 15 days and meet his girlfriend Shabho. Ishwarlal discloses his happiness through his unbeatable lecture and also informs him that he is leaving for Himalaya mountain. Ishwarlal plans to stop Ishwarlal. Will Dhiru bhai succeed in stopping Ishwarlal from going to Himalaya mountain? "'Sajan Re Jhoot Mat Bolo' is a situational comedy that arises from a small lie that the protagonist, Apoorva, had to tell his employer Dhirubhai Jhaveri to get a job. Dhirubhai is a very successful businessman who hates lies and liars, and believes in family bonding and values. His belief in these values at times cross levels of normalcy & are unbelievably rigid. Apoorva, an orphan was raised in an orphanage and to get the job in Dhirubhai's company, lies that he as a full-fledged family back in India. Apoorva's description of his imaginary family makes Dhirubhai fall in love with each and every member. Dhirubhai has a niece Aarti, who is young, beautiful and believes in the same values as her uncle. They both trust Apoorva blindly, and Apoorva has earned this trust and respect on the basis of his hard work. Over time he has become the Man Friday for Dhirubhai as well as Aarti. Apoorva has also developed a liking for Aarti, but has refrained from expressing his feelings to her. Dhirubhai fixes Aarti's marriage but in a dramatic turn of events, the marriage is called off at the last moment and Dhirubhai decides to marry ...
- published: 04 Aug 2011
- views: 5077
- author: sabtv

Saas Bina Sasuraal - Episode 365 - 19th June 2012
"Taanya is a beautiful, intelligent and multi-faceted computer science student in Mumbai. ...
published: 20 Jun 2012
author: setindia
Saas Bina Sasuraal - Episode 365 - 19th June 2012
"Taanya is a beautiful, intelligent and multi-faceted computer science student in Mumbai. As she is about to pass out of college, her parents begin to talk about her marriage. That's when she tells them that she likes a boy called Tej and wants to marry him. Tej also loves her but is reluctant to accept the proposal because of a problem in his family. While he does not want to cheat her by keeping the truth from her, he is scared of losing her if he tells her about his family's problem. His friends try to convince him that every family has some problem so he need not even mention it to Taanya. Finally, when Tej and Taanya's families meet, there seems to be no problem and the proposal is mutually agreed upon. A grand wedding takes place and Taanya arrives in her sasuraal. The moment of shock come when all the rituals and ceremonies are over and the guests are all gone. Taanya realizes that Tej's household is full of men, just men. All the chachis, mamis, buas etc who attended the wedding had all gone and she was the only woman in the house. Taanya does not know how to handle this. Though in college days she was never uncomfortable among boys and she grew up with a brother, this was another feeling altogether. A life always surrounded by only men -- all strangers to begin with -- looks unimaginable. She stays put anyways but within twenty four hours she realizes that these men are like pebbles on a beach -- all different from each other and rubbing each other sour. She ...
- published: 20 Jun 2012
- views: 57291
- author: setindia

Kasamh Se - Episode 365
Pia tells Jigyasa and Karuna that she is worried about the wedding. Jai tells Rano that he...
published: 17 Aug 2012
author: zeetv
Kasamh Se - Episode 365
Pia tells Jigyasa and Karuna that she is worried about the wedding. Jai tells Rano that he will teach Pia a lesson. Pia dresses up as a bride. She goes to see if Jai is ready. Rano hires a man to stand in place of Jai. Rao also buys the man hired by Pia to keep an eye on Bani. Jai goes to meet Bani. Pia gets angry on Rano for spying on her. Rano tells her that she has been defeated. Pia cries that she will never get Jai. Nachiket, Anu and everyone come to the party. Rano taunts Pia as she leaves with her bag.
- published: 17 Aug 2012
- views: 10554
- author: zeetv