Obi may refer to:
OBI may refer to
O.B.I. @ Selvatek Festival 05/07/2014 Videoset
O.B.I. @ Techno-Flash 2013 (Aranda de Duero/ES)
Videoset O.B.I. & Viper XXL @ Florida135 - Apokaliptika XXL - (Fraga/ES) - 07/12/2014
O.B.I. & Julyukie @ Djax it Up - Club Rodenburg
Obi - Yoruba Classic Movie.
Kuro - Obi Subtitulada en Español (completa)
Videoset O.B.I. @ Reverse Club - Cubbo Night - (Madrid/ES) - 26/09/2014
O.B.I. - Monegros Festival 2013 - ES
Full Videoset OBI & Viper XXL - Apokalyptika FLORIDA135 - Fraga 22/09/2012
Zedbazi - OBI
Videoset O.B.I. @ Citadela Brno
Obi Kelelenke -Latest 2014 Nigerian Nollywood Movie
Most Africans leave their continent in quest of higher and better education abroad with the intention of moving back home to work after studies. However, most, if not all, end up settling down abroad instead of moving back to where they came from. This story highlights why they would rather stay in self-imposed exile than move back to Africa. Then it exposes some of the challenges Africans face adjusting to foreign cultures and trying to raise their children born abroad with parental expectations that are influenced by African principles.
Keywords: abroad, africa, exile, immigration, lost
lost in abroad
Cam, Piper, Obi and the rest of the R.E. gang take on the Seattle 72 hour film challenge. Obi has his heart set on the Horror category, but alas they receive the wimpiest category of all. The gang must set out to beat their rival indie film team who always seems to get in the way.
Keywords: audition, film-challenge, film-festival, filmmaking, independent-film, mockumentary, viral-video
In the year 2025, oxygen on Planet Earth it become a luxury, if you want to live, you got to buy it from dealers. Vast Air(Hugh Allison) is a London oxygen dealer and Detective Medine(Rodrig Andrisan), a corrupt policeman, is his accomplice. Because of their greed, a young man will die...
No more oxygen
Two life-long friends (Bode and Obi) live in the shanty town area of Lagos. Having grown-up in a world where corruption and greed over-ride all else, the friends decide to cut their ties with their megalomaniacal boss (Dele) and form their own partnership with a view of leaving their corrupt world for good. But their plans fall apart before it's began when against their better judgment, they work a scam on Dele's turf, the scam back-fires, and he finds out about it. The friends are then faced with a life or death situation as they search for an escape route whilst hiding from the clutches of Dele's henchmen. And as the sun fades on this bustling metropolitan city, the friends are put to test about the real value of their friendship with the ultimate question: how far would you go to save the life of your friend...?
Jigsaw and his young apprentice, Amanda, are dead. But the grisly games continue. 5 supposed strangers find themselves in the midst of the big game, and believe they are in a survival of the fittest competition. Via his now infamous video linked doll, Jigsaw conveys the message that they should ignore there instincts, and ignore his advice at their peril. Meanwhile, agent Strahm wants to prove that Hoffman is an apprentice to Jigsaw, and pursues him as he continues his twisted games. What Strahm does not realize is that Hoffman is testing him all along, and must pass his test in order to stay alive.
Keywords: arson, bald-man, bare-chested-male, bare-chested-male-bondage, blackmail, bleeding-to-death, blood, blood-on-shirt, blood-spatter, bomb
You won't believe how it ends.
In the end all the pieces will fit together
[from trailer]::Jigsaw: Hello Seth, I want to play a game. Right now, you are feeling helpless. This is the same helplessness you bestowed onto others. But now, it's unto you. Some would call this karma, I call it justice. Now you served five years of what should have been a life sentence, for murder. A technicality gave you freedom, but it inhibited you from understanding the impact of taking a life. Today, I offer you true freedom. In thirty seconds, the pendulum will drop far enough to touch your body. Within sixty seconds, it will cut you in half. To avoid the pendulum, all you have to do is destroy the things that have killed... your hands. You must insert your hands and push the buttons to start the devices before you. Your bones will be crushed to dust. Will you destroy the things that have taken life in order to save one, Seth? Make your choice.
[from trailer]::Jigsaw: I am the man you call 'Jigsaw'
[from Trailer]::Jigsaw: Today, five people will become one, with the goal of surviving.
Jigsaw: Killing is distasteful.
Brit: We won. We won. We worked together.
Mallick: What are you doing?::Brit: Being smart.
Luba: What did you do?::Brit: You go first.
Brit: Make sure we follow the rules.
Brit: No it's not Jigsaw, he's dead. Haven't you watched TV lately?
Agent Strahm: [last lines - to Hoffman] *I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! I KNOW!*
Jeff is an anguished man, who grieves and misses his young son that was killed by a driver in a car accident. He has become obsessed for revenge against the man and reckless with his wife and daughter. When Dr. Lynn Denlon, who has troubles with her marriage, is abducted by the deranged Jigsaw's apprentice Amanda, she is brought to a gruesome warehouse to keep John Kramer alive in spite of having a terminal brain tumor. Amanda puts a necklace gadget full of explosives around Dr. Lynn's neck connected to John Kramer's life support system, and tells her that if he dies the device will explode. Meanwhile, Jeff is submitted to a sick game of forgiveness with surprising dark consequences.
Keywords: accidental-killing, acid, apprentice, axe, bare-breasts, bare-chested-male, bare-chested-male-bondage, betrayal, blood, blood-splatter
Sometimes Rules Are Meant To Be Broken...
Like Father, Like Daughter.
To the victor goes the spoils.
Every game has its loopholes...
This Halloween He's Pulling Out All The Stops
Suffering, You Havent Seen Anything Yet
Pain: it's part of the puzzle. Blood: it's the price of freedom. Death: it's not that easy.
If Its Halloween, It Must be Saw........
Legends never die.
Jigsaw's got a blooded tooth (Sweden)
Danica: I didn't do anything to you!::Jeff: That's exactly it, you didn't do anything.
Dr. Lynn Denlon: Who are you? Who are you? WHAT IS THIS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?::Amanda: [casually threatens Lynn with a knife] Are you gonna behave?
Jigsaw: Matrimony has always fascinated me. Husbands barely able to look at their wives, wives on their backs in hotel rooms with perfect strangers; able to bear children to bear children only to neglect them; until death do us part indeed.
[from trailer]::Jigsaw: Hello, America. Do you wanna play a game?
Jigsaw: Hello, Kerry. I want to play a game. Up until now, you have spent your life among the dead, piecing together their final moments. You're good at this because, you, like them, are also dead. Dead on the inside. You identify more with a cold corpse than you do with a living human. I believe you want to join your true family, indeed your only family... In death. The device you're wearing is hooked into your rib cage. By the time this tape is finished, you will have one minute to find a way out. At the end of that minute... You should know better than anyone, what happens then. There is a single key that will unlock the harness, Kerry. It is right in front of you. All you have to do is reach in and take it. But do it quickly, the acid will dissolve the key in a matter of seconds. Make your choice.
Eric Matthews: You're not Jigsaw, bitch!
Jigsaw: Jeff, when the judge presiding over your case sentenced your boy's murderer so lightly, your soul never recovered. Now, you have the power to sentence his soul straight to hell. Or, you could forgive. The key that will free him is hidden inside your son's possessions, possessions you have clung to for far too long. Now if you flip the switch on the incinerator underneath you, a fire will cleanse you of this obsession and destroy them all, leaving only the key remaining. It is also the key that will bring you closer to the man accountable for taking your child. He doesn't have much time, Jeff. Let the game begin.
Jigsaw: [after Amanda gets shot] Amanda... It's OK. This was your test. Your game. I was testing you. I took you in. I selected you for the honor of carrying on my life's work. But you didn't. You didn't test anyone's will to live. Instead you took away their only chance. Your games were unwinnable, your subjects merely victims. In my desperation I decided to give you one last chance. So I put everything in place. You didn't know that Lynn and Jeff were husband and wife. I had to keep that from you for the purposes of my game. I had to leave out the ruined marriage, the cheating wife, the vengeful husband, the neglected daughter and I let you make your own choices. I wanted you to succeed... You couldn't.::[Amanda begins to collapse and die]::Jigsaw: God...::[Amanda finally dies]::Jigsaw: Game over.
Jeff: I forgive you.
Jigsaw: And what about the other test subjects?::Amanda: What about 'em?::Jigsaw: Is that how you felt about them? Is that how you felt about Eric Matthews?::Amanda: Eric Matthews? I'll tell you how I felt about Eric Matthews. Eric Matthews learned NOTHING from your test. He was the SAME person he was and he arrested me, and he framed me when he took me DOWN!::[flashback]::Eric Matthews: Where is he, you junkie bitch? You're not Jigsaw, bitch!
O.B.I. @ Selvatek Festival 05/07/2014 Videoset
O.B.I. @ Techno-Flash 2013 (Aranda de Duero/ES)
Videoset O.B.I. & Viper XXL @ Florida135 - Apokaliptika XXL - (Fraga/ES) - 07/12/2014
O.B.I. & Julyukie @ Djax it Up - Club Rodenburg
Obi - Yoruba Classic Movie.
Kuro - Obi Subtitulada en Español (completa)
Videoset O.B.I. @ Reverse Club - Cubbo Night - (Madrid/ES) - 26/09/2014
O.B.I. - Monegros Festival 2013 - ES
Full Videoset OBI & Viper XXL - Apokalyptika FLORIDA135 - Fraga 22/09/2012
Zedbazi - OBI
Videoset O.B.I. @ Citadela Brno
Obi Kelelenke -Latest 2014 Nigerian Nollywood Movie
Videoset OBI & Lukas @ Syndicate 2011
O.B.I. - Reverse 27/12/2013 - Madrid
O.B.I. & ViperXXL - Awakenings 2013 - Eindhoven
Obi Wan vs Grievous HD - Star Wars Episode 3
Full Videoset O.B.I. & Lukas @ Red Room - Bologna -
Ify Obi - Redemption Song
Obi-Wan and Anakin vs Count Dooku - Revenge of the Sith [1080p HD]
Obi Igwe (Chineke Chebe Nwa Gi)
Obi Igwe (Nani Ya Kam' G'efe)
Obi Igwe (Olee ebe olile-anya ugwo oru gi di?)
Obi Igwe (Amaghim Ihe aga-eme uwa)
Obi Igwe (Lekwa akam)
Ngozi Chukwu (God's blessings) part 1
Ngozi Chukwu (God's blessings) part 2
Ngozi chuku (God's blessings)part 3
Ngozi Chukwu- Mich C. Philip- Ude Chukwu pt1
Ngozi Chukwu- Mich C. Philip- Ude Chukwu pt2
Voice Of The Cross (Madu nile kpafuru dika aturu)
He touched me
Voice Of The Cross (Anya N'ele Uwa)
Voice Of the Cross (Eligwe N'uwa G'eji Oke Uzu N'abia)
Voice Of the Cross (Onwuru N'elu Obe Bu Jesus Onyenwe Uwa)
Voice Of The Cross (Odi Mma Ibu Nke Jesus)
Voice Of The Cross (Lee K'ona Eche N'onuzo Obi Gi)
Obi Igwe & the good friends (Sacha mu Sacha mu Sachapum njo)
Obi Igwe & the good friends (Agbabawom na gi oh)
Obi Igwe & the good friends (Gi nwe ndu mu oh! gi nwe aku n'uba mu oh!)
Obi Igwe & The Good Friends (Kpewe ekpere yoba Chineke k'onyere gi aka)
All these lives float on the wind
once there was original sin
like drops in the sea of life
we are here just to find our way back to the stars
God reaps all
all that he sows
why he does what he does nobody knows
I wanted to know when life is won
and when I ask he just laughed and said 'Son,
would you
could you
do this?'
Time alone will tell
Yeah time alone will tell
What's in a name?
I wanted to know
leave nothing to chance
got nothing to lose
I lost all my words
everything changed
show me the way
show me the way
got all that I want
just never enough
it's haywire
and once in a while
give all that I have
to feel alive
show me the way
show me the way
well sure looks good, don't it?
and it'll all be sweet, won't it?
and we'll stick around just to milk it
for a while
for a while
sure looks good, don't it?
it'll all be sweet, won't it?
and we'll stick around just to milk it
for a while
Obi, Obá
Que nem zen, czar
Jerusalém, z'oiseau
Na relva rala
Meu arerê
Ali, Alá
Logo além
Nem lá
Pra cá ninguém faraó
No ver da gente
O samba é pedra mór
E fica melhor
Amanheceu de um sorriso
Vida como é preciso
Falo de mim
Pra você
Alô, olá
Se não for pra já
So long
Ouricuri madurou
No ver da gente
O samba é pedra mór
E fica melhor.
All these lives float on the wind
once there was original sin
like drops in the sea of life
we are here just to find our way back to the stars
God reaps all
all that he sows
why he does what he does nobody knows
I wanted to know when life is won
and when I ask he just laughed and said 'Son,
would you
could you
do this?'
Time alone will tell
What's in a name?
I wanted to know
leave nothing to chance
got nothing to lose
I lost all my words
everything changed
show me the way
show me the way
got all that I want
just never enough
it's haywire
and once in a while
give all that I have
to feel alive
show me the way
show me the way
well sure looks good, don't it?
and it'll all be sweet, won't it?
and we'll stick around just to milk it
for a while
for a while
sure looks good, don't it?
it'll all be sweet, won't it?
and we'll stick around just to milk it
Don't make me a jealous guy
give me no reasons to cry
I just want you back
I just want you back
I just want you back
by my side
Want a car but I got you instead
need a ride would you get in my bed
To be around you
I'd like to sit but I wanted some time
want to change but I change my mind
around you
To be around you
and I'll wake, wake beside, beside you
Want to run but I started to fight
want to run but I change my mind
around you