- published: 02 Feb 2012
- views: 17947
- author: afghanistan313

MUST WATCH Kandahar city
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: afghanistan313
MUST WATCH Kandahar city
- published: 02 Feb 2012
- views: 17947
- author: afghanistan313

On the Road - Kandahar Province Season 1 Episode 1 (Pashto)
"On the Road" Mujeeb and his team travel to Kandahar....
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: USAIDAfghanistan
On the Road - Kandahar Province Season 1 Episode 1 (Pashto)
"On the Road" Mujeeb and his team travel to Kandahar.
- published: 14 Feb 2012
- views: 37825
- author: USAIDAfghanistan

Kandahar Trouble - Afghanistan
May 2010 With more than 170 civilian deaths in April alone, the Afghan city of Kandahar is...
published: 10 May 2010
author: journeymanpictures
Kandahar Trouble - Afghanistan
May 2010 With more than 170 civilian deaths in April alone, the Afghan city of Kandahar is proving to be a hot-bed of Taliban resistance. A powerful report about the city where "the war will be won or lost". Produced by ABC Australia Distributed by Journeyman Pictures
- published: 10 May 2010
- views: 41723
- author: journeymanpictures

Kandahar the Song
Kandahar the song is about life at Kandahar Air Base in Afghanistan. Everything was filmed...
published: 13 Dec 2011
author: Heysarge99
Kandahar the Song
Kandahar the song is about life at Kandahar Air Base in Afghanistan. Everything was filmed, photographed, recorded and edited at Kandahar (KAF) except the stuff that wasn't. Yep, Rocket Attacks, the Poo Pond and reflective belts are a way of life at KAF. Enjoy
- published: 13 Dec 2011
- views: 103325
- author: Heysarge99

Inside The Kandahar Massacre; Grieving Survivors Describe Afghan Mass Murder
March 28, 2012 'US Soldiers Used Steroids B4 Massacre' SBS "Dateline" received unprecedent...
published: 28 Mar 2012
author: TheAbdaliBacha
Inside The Kandahar Massacre; Grieving Survivors Describe Afghan Mass Murder
March 28, 2012 'US Soldiers Used Steroids B4 Massacre' SBS "Dateline" received unprecedented access to the survivors and investigation of the Kandahar village massacre by US forces. Grieving survivors describe Afghan massacre; US military war crimes & Genocide against Pashtuns in Afghanistan Reporter Yalda Hakim of Australia's SBS network has become the first western journalist to visit the villages where a US soldier allegedly killed 17 people. In a remarkable report she talks with some of the survivors and some Afghan guards on duty at the military camp from where Staff Sergeant Robert Bales left on his alleged killing spree. The video at the top of this story is Hakim's account of her journey to the remote villages near Kandahar and what she was told. Bales is now held at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas and has been charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder. The events of that March night in a rural area some 20 kilometers from Kandahar are being investigated by both the US military and Afghan authorities. But much remains unknown. Many Afghans, including some of the survivors that night, believe more than one US soldier was present in the two villages where the killings took place. Others speak of seeing a single American soldier leaving Camp Belambai that night The US military says there is no evidence that more than one man was involved in the shootings. Bales has not entered a plea. The killings made headlines around the world but at times it seemed the victims were ...
- published: 28 Mar 2012
- views: 31497
- author: TheAbdaliBacha

Trailer for "Kandahar"
An Afghan-born Canadian journalist crosses into Afghanistan from Iran in order to reach Ka...
published: 12 Nov 2008
author: FirouzanFilms
Trailer for "Kandahar"
An Afghan-born Canadian journalist crosses into Afghanistan from Iran in order to reach Kandahar and prevent her sister from committing suicide. This offering from Mohsen Makhmalbaf was made to bring attention to the living conditions and the plight of women in Taliban era Afghanistan, at a time when the world was not paying much attention to this oppressive regime. www.firouzanfilms.com
- published: 12 Nov 2008
- views: 82446
- author: FirouzanFilms

Kandahar PL.Lektor Część 1.
Kandahar to film opisujący historię 5 rosyjskich pilotów, którzy zostali porwani lecąc sam...
published: 19 Feb 2011
author: wiadomoscizgola
Kandahar PL.Lektor Część 1.
Kandahar to film opisujący historię 5 rosyjskich pilotów, którzy zostali porwani lecąc samolotem do Bagramu transportując amunicję.Byli przetrzymywani ponad rok przez talibów.Film jest na faktach autentycznych wszystko wydarzyło się w sierpniu 1995 roku reszty dowiecie się na filmie.Miłego seansu życzę:)Część.2 www.youtube.com
- published: 19 Feb 2011
- views: 14244
- author: wiadomoscizgola

Kandahar Break
Kandahar, Afghanistan, 1999. A team of British mine clearance engineers, including Richard...
published: 14 Nov 2012
author: RevolverOnDemand
Kandahar Break
Kandahar, Afghanistan, 1999. A team of British mine clearance engineers, including Richard Lee (Shaun Dooley Salvage, Eden Lake) and Steve Delamore (Dean Andrews Ashes to Ashes) are working for the Taliban Government to clear mine in the scorching deserts of Southern Afghanistan. But when Richard falls for their beautiful Afghan interpreter he soon finds himself at the mercy of the local police chief Ashiq Khan, who instigates a manhunt to kill the British infidel. Now alone, Richard must escape on foot through hostile terrain into nearby Pakistan, aided by a force of rebel guerrillas who agree to help him flee from the vengeful Taliban.
- published: 14 Nov 2012
- author: RevolverOnDemand

Lions of Kandahar - Mission 2 - "Bingo Red One" - ArmA 2 Voice Controlled
There is a lot of "story" in this mission. Do you guys like that kept in, or should I chop...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: Jester814
Lions of Kandahar - Mission 2 - "Bingo Red One" - ArmA 2 Voice Controlled
There is a lot of "story" in this mission. Do you guys like that kept in, or should I chop it all out and just leave in the 3-4 min of shooting? If you notice at the end of the mission, it was almost 2 hours long, and I cut it to 14 minutes to keep the good/relevant parts in. So the question is, do you want me to keep the story in the campaign videos, or just the combat? Update: Due to overwhelming response in support of keeping the story in, I will be keeping all the story in for all future videos for LoK. Thanks for the feedback guys! Lions of Kandahar is an ArmA 2 campaign modeled after the book by the same name. The player fills the shoes of US Army Special Forces Captain Rusty Bradley. I use VAC, Voice Activated Commands(www.dwvac.com), with a custom ArmA profile when I play single player, so I can very finitely control my AI team(there are no voice commands for this particular mission). Follow me on twitter for video updates twitter.com Or like my facebook page for video updates: www.facebook.com -The two most common questions I'm asked is what my system specs are and what I use to record: Computer: i5 Ivy Bridge 3570k; 120 gig SSD; 1tb Standard HD(for recording); 8 gigs ram; nVidia Geforce GTX 560ti Recording: Fraps for video and system audio; Audacity for personal audio. This video is created using games from Bohemia Interactive. See www.bistudio.com for more information.
- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 1186
- author: Jester814

Malayalam Film Kandahar Song - Aye Janani / Naman Hai [ HD ] [ Sonu Nigam ]
Major Ravi could have made a Better Video for this Song with Great Visuals instead of othe...
published: 24 Dec 2012
author: MaLLuHiTz
Malayalam Film Kandahar Song - Aye Janani / Naman Hai [ HD ] [ Sonu Nigam ]
Major Ravi could have made a Better Video for this Song with Great Visuals instead of other crap songs Malayalam Film Kandahar KandaHar MalayalaM Movie songs Mohanlal amitabh bachan lalettan KANDAHAR MALAYALAM MOVIE TRAILER TRAILOR KanDAHAR SOngs
- published: 24 Dec 2012
- views: 3247
- author: MaLLuHiTz

KANDAHAR [Pelicula subtitulada)
Increible jornada de una joven mujer, en el Afganistan profundo en busca de su hermana. La...
published: 10 Jun 2012
author: alf fer
KANDAHAR [Pelicula subtitulada)
Increible jornada de una joven mujer, en el Afganistan profundo en busca de su hermana. La película nos muestra la dificultad de desplazamiento, la pobreza, la cultura, religión, el trato a la mujer y la falta de todo, expresada en los rostros y en un escaldante desierto. Director: Mohsen Makhmalbaf. País : irán. Año. 2001. Espero sus comentarios .
- published: 10 Jun 2012
- views: 69594
- author: alf fer

Kandahar. (Кандагар). (2010) (Ruski film) (Kliknuti cc za srpski prevod)
Филм снимљен по мотивима истинитог догађаја. 1995. године Авганистански Талибани пресрећу ...
published: 15 Aug 2012
author: cyberboybg84
Kandahar. (Кандагар). (2010) (Ruski film) (Kliknuti cc za srpski prevod)
Филм снимљен по мотивима истинитог догађаја. 1995. године Авганистански Талибани пресрећу руски теретни авион, и принудно га приземљују на аеродром поред Кандахара. Посада авиона, њих петорица, падају у заробљеништво Талибана, у коме ће провести 378 дана. За то време боре се са разним искушењима: да ли издати Русију ако ти обећају слободу? Да ли се одрећи вере да би сачувао главу? Како остати нормалан у таквој ситуацији? Одговор је један. Бежати! Режија: Андреј Кавун Жанр: Драма Глумци: Александар Балуев ... Владимир Машков ... Јури Бељајев ... Андреј Панин ... Официјална ФБ страница: www.facebook.com
- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 22059
- author: cyberboybg84

Lions of Kandahar - Mission 4 - "Cat and Mouse" - Voice Controlled ArmA 2
I played missions 4 and 5 back to back. I was going to combine them into one video, but mi...
published: 24 Dec 2012
author: Jester814
Lions of Kandahar - Mission 4 - "Cat and Mouse" - Voice Controlled ArmA 2
I played missions 4 and 5 back to back. I was going to combine them into one video, but mission 5 was very long, so the mission 4 video is a little short and light on action. Hopefully mission 5 will make up for that. Lions of Kandahar is an ArmA 2 campaign modeled after the book by the same name. The player fills the shoes of US Army Special Forces Captain Rusty Bradley. I use VAC, Voice Activated Commands(www.dwvac.com), with a custom ArmA profile when I play single player, so I can very finitely control my AI team. Follow me on twitter for video updates twitter.com Or like my facebook page for video updates: www.facebook.com -The two most common questions I'm asked is what my system specs are and what I use to record: Computer: i5 Ivy Bridge 3570k; 120 gig SSD; 1tb Standard HD(for recording); 8 gigs ram; nVidia Geforce GTX 560ti Recording: Fraps for video and system audio; Audacity for personal audio. This video is created using games from Bohemia Interactive. See www.bistudio.com for more information.
- published: 24 Dec 2012
- views: 373
- author: Jester814

Lions of Kandahar - Mission 5 - "The Notebook" - Voice Controlled ArmA 2
After a very uneventful Mission 4, is the very eventful Mission 5. Enjoy watching me fight...
published: 24 Dec 2012
author: Jester814
Lions of Kandahar - Mission 5 - "The Notebook" - Voice Controlled ArmA 2
After a very uneventful Mission 4, is the very eventful Mission 5. Enjoy watching me fight against my own team and game. Lions of Kandahar is an ArmA 2 campaign modeled after the book by the same name. The player fills the shoes of US Army Special Forces Captain Rusty Bradley. I use VAC, Voice Activated Commands(www.dwvac.com), with a custom ArmA profile when I play single player, so I can very finitely control my AI team. Follow me on twitter for video updates twitter.com Or like my facebook page for video updates: www.facebook.com -The two most common questions I'm asked is what my system specs are and what I use to record: Computer: i5 Ivy Bridge 3570k; 120 gig SSD; 1tb Standard HD(for recording); 8 gigs ram; nVidia Geforce GTX 560ti Recording: Fraps for video and system audio; Audacity for personal audio. 15th MEU Realism Unit: www.15thmeu.net The 15th is always recruiting(Must be 17 or older) All of our missions are vs. AI. The 15th doesn't officially PvP. Official 15th Youtube Channel www.youtube.com This video is created using games from Bohemia Interactive. See www.bistudio.com for more information.
- published: 24 Dec 2012
- views: 15
- author: Jester814
Vimeo results:

DEA FAST team in Afghanistan
A mission with the Drug Enforcement Administration's special-ops Foreign Advisory and Supp...
published: 23 Sep 2009
author: Chuck Holton
DEA FAST team in Afghanistan
A mission with the Drug Enforcement Administration's special-ops Foreign Advisory and Support Team in Afghanistan. This was a capture/kill mission that took place on 9/11 to take out a taliban kingpin who was a large drug facilitator in Kandahar province. The raid turned up heroin, opium, precursor chemicals and bomb-making materials. The explosion toward the end of the piece is those items going up in smoke.

Trt Arapça Kanalına Yapmış Olduğumuz
Arapça Dublaj Çalışması
published: 26 Jan 2011
author: nurhakerkmen
Trt Arapça Kanalına Yapmış Olduğumuz
Arapça Dublaj Çalışması

Live on KZSC Dec 23 2011...
published: 31 Dec 2011
author: Chris Alexander
Live on KZSC Dec 23 2011
Youtube results:

Tragic incident in Panjwai District of Kandahar
Report to the President about the tragic incident in Panjwai District of Kandahar -- March...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: ARG1880
Tragic incident in Panjwai District of Kandahar
Report to the President about the tragic incident in Panjwai District of Kandahar -- March 16, 2012
- published: 17 Mar 2012
- views: 23637
- author: ARG1880

This is a demonstration of the Kandahar Reel, which took place In Aberdeen at the start of...
published: 18 Sep 2010
author: eddie mckenna
This is a demonstration of the Kandahar Reel, which took place In Aberdeen at the start of Dance Scottish Week. A Published Copy of the dance is available from www.rscds.org and www.soldierscharity.org priced £4. £2.00 goes to ABF The Soldiers Charity (Scotland). The Kandahar Reel is a new country dance devised by two serving army officers of The Black Watch as a tribute to their fallen comrades. They devised it in September 2009 while on active service in the Kandahar Region of Afghanistan. Elements of the dance to watch out for include the "hands across" which symbolise both the Chinook Helecopter and the single blades of a Black Hawk . These figures are normally done once round in four bars. As soldiers are constantly exhorted to give 150% these figures are done one and a half times in the same number of bars! Other elements to watch out for include; team work and offering a helping hand as they board the helecopter. It is a challenging dance. Enjoy! The Music Is Played By Colin Dewar and his Scottish Dance Band www.colindewar.com/
- published: 18 Sep 2010
- views: 28544
- author: eddie mckenna

The Kandahar massacre of 17 innocent Afghans courtesy SBS Dateline
The Kandahar massacre occurred in the early morning of Sunday, 11 March 2012, when sevente...
published: 29 Mar 2012
author: abdul hakim
The Kandahar massacre of 17 innocent Afghans courtesy SBS Dateline
The Kandahar massacre occurred in the early morning of Sunday, 11 March 2012, when seventeen civilians were killed and five wounded in the Panjwai district of Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. Among the dead were four men, four women, two boys, and seven girls; eleven of these victims were from the same family. Some of the corpses were partially burned. United States Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales, age 38, from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, was taken into custody and charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder and six counts of assault and attempted murder.
- published: 29 Mar 2012
- views: 8491
- author: abdul hakim