- published: 27 Feb 2011
- views: 27575
- author: adelicateflower08

Spartacus [Champions of Capua] Feat. The Glitch Mob
This video placed #5 in the Internal Movement Contest "I swear to be burned, chained, beat...
published: 27 Feb 2011
author: adelicateflower08
Spartacus [Champions of Capua] Feat. The Glitch Mob
This video placed #5 in the Internal Movement Contest "I swear to be burned, chained, beaten or die by the sword in pursuit of honor in the arena." A tribute to the champions of Capua, past and present. All clips from Spartacus: Blood And Sand and Spartacus: Gods of the Arena. Song by The Glitch Mob "Bad Wings" Program: Vegas Movie Studio
- published: 27 Feb 2011
- views: 27575
- author: adelicateflower08

Senza alcuna didascalia, le immagini raccontano solo una piccola parte della città e dei s...
published: 03 Jun 2012
author: mitreus
Senza alcuna didascalia, le immagini raccontano solo una piccola parte della città e dei suoi gioielli, ma c'è da scoprire ancora tantissimo altro.
- published: 03 Jun 2012
- views: 943
- author: mitreus

Giuramento solenne Esercito Italiano - Capua, 1° Blocco 2012 VFP
18 maggio 2012 - Giuramento solenne, presso la Caserma Salomone di Capua, del 1° blocco 20...
published: 19 May 2012
author: angefabio1961
Giuramento solenne Esercito Italiano - Capua, 1° Blocco 2012 VFP
18 maggio 2012 - Giuramento solenne, presso la Caserma Salomone di Capua, del 1° blocco 2012.
- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 11693
- author: angefabio1961

Let's Play - Roma Surrectum II - Capua - Part 22
After a brief overview of what wasn't uploaded correctly in Part 21, we continue our relen...
published: 23 Jan 2013
author: GhostsofBelka
Let's Play - Roma Surrectum II - Capua - Part 22
After a brief overview of what wasn't uploaded correctly in Part 21, we continue our relentless military expansion to the North and South. Also we test out some new weaponry on some hapless bandits, with mixed results. Be assured that all were killed nonetheless. A question was asked about the direction this campaign should take, should it end at some arbitrary point? Or are we going for the WORLD? Be sure to voice your opinion! And as always thank you all for your continued interest and support in this endeavor. Together, we cannot fail!
- published: 23 Jan 2013
- views: 197
- author: GhostsofBelka

O Sole Mio Capua Typher Yom Soloist
published: 26 Jan 2013
author: Elizabeth Faidley
O Sole Mio Capua Typher Yom Soloist
- published: 26 Jan 2013
- views: 17
- author: Elizabeth Faidley

Capua, Novembre 1943
Il mio Docufilm "Capua, Novembre 1943" realizzato con l'ausilio di spezzoni video che ritr...
published: 02 Feb 2011
author: MSei9
Capua, Novembre 1943
Il mio Docufilm "Capua, Novembre 1943" realizzato con l'ausilio di spezzoni video che ritraggono la città subito dopo i bombardamenti del '43. Le immagini furono riprese da cineoperatori del contingente militare americano e sono conservate presso l'Archivio di Stato americano.
- published: 02 Feb 2011
- views: 4899
- author: MSei9

CAPUA: Parte della Sfilata del Carnevale Estivo 2012
Carnevale estivo di Capua...
published: 25 Jul 2012
author: Salvatore Carbone
CAPUA: Parte della Sfilata del Carnevale Estivo 2012
Carnevale estivo di Capua
- published: 25 Jul 2012
- views: 1142
- author: Salvatore Carbone

Scienziata fuori dagli schemi, riconosciuta a livello internazionale, Ilaria Capua infrang...
published: 20 Sep 2012
author: la7intrattenimento
Scienziata fuori dagli schemi, riconosciuta a livello internazionale, Ilaria Capua infrange tre dogmi tutti italiani: due che riguardano la ricerca e uno che riguarda le donne. Ilaria Capua è ospite di 'Se stasera sono qui' il programma di La7 con Teresa Mannino
- published: 20 Sep 2012
- views: 790
- author: la7intrattenimento

Let's Play - Roma Surrectum II - Capua - Part 1
With a tallying of the votes (glory to those noble few) I have reinvigorated my Let's Play...
published: 02 Jun 2012
author: GhostsofBelka
Let's Play - Roma Surrectum II - Capua - Part 1
With a tallying of the votes (glory to those noble few) I have reinvigorated my Let's Play project of Roma Surrectum II with a campaign of... Capua! Things get off to a rough start, as can be expected when you start the game at war with Rome and bordering them. But, with a valiant battle and a tactical withdrawal from certain death, our plucky Capuan separatists hold their own against the domineering pseudo-republican Romans. -- Thank you all for your input on where to take my Let's Play series after the one with Syracuse floundered due to technical difficulties. I promise that I will continue to do my best on these for you all. I also promise to carry over my hatred of Rome from that first campaign into this one. -- ROMA DELENDA EST! Link to original Total War Center forum download: www.twcenter.net
- published: 02 Jun 2012
- views: 4103
- author: GhostsofBelka

Let's Play - Roma Surrectum II - Capua - Part 4
Roman incursions into Capuan lands are becoming more frequent, and more brazen. This kind ...
published: 10 Jun 2012
author: GhostsofBelka
Let's Play - Roma Surrectum II - Capua - Part 4
Roman incursions into Capuan lands are becoming more frequent, and more brazen. This kind of insolence will be dealt with- severely. Capua stands now as it has the past few episodes, still steadily building up its forces and resources, still pouncing on Roman armies when the time is just right. But in this part, something truly remarkable happens, maybe even miraculous. (or moronic) The Proconsul of Rome itself is seen on the field of battle. The second battle of this momentous episode, is quite a dramatic one indeed. And even the outcome of it, seems to bring only further chaos, and grim determination for ultimate victory.
- published: 10 Jun 2012
- views: 1203
- author: GhostsofBelka

Let's Play - Roma Surrectum II - Capua - Part 11
As long as there has been a sea, there have been men wanting to cross it. And this is what...
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: GhostsofBelka
Let's Play - Roma Surrectum II - Capua - Part 11
As long as there has been a sea, there have been men wanting to cross it. And this is what we have done. Operations in Sicily have come to an abrupt beginning and end in this episode. The island was surprisingly undefended, and Capuan landing forces split into multiple sub-units were able to easily capture the Roman holdings there. BUT... I made an enormous hygienic blunder that will get many people killed. My bad guys. Apart from that everything else has been successful, Our lands grow and the Romans continue to falter steadily. However there have been rumors and sightings of a set of brothers. True Roman aristocrats, hellbent on restoring the honor and prestige of the crumbling edifice that is their nation. These two brothers are known as: The Brothers Fattius.
- published: 07 Aug 2012
- views: 1248
- author: GhostsofBelka

Let's Play Minecraft Multiplayer - Part 40 - City of Capua
The new server is up and running, if you want the ip, you have to be subscribed to this ch...
published: 18 Jun 2011
author: prisontv
Let's Play Minecraft Multiplayer - Part 40 - City of Capua
The new server is up and running, if you want the ip, you have to be subscribed to this channel and then send me a private message requesting the ip! I am doing a Live Commentary and playing some MineCraft Survival Multiplayer. Having tons of fun with this game, if you want to learn more about it or play it yourself, visit : www.minecraft.net I'm not going to post the server ip here because I don't want to get griefers on. Don't leave rude comments or enjoy a block
- published: 18 Jun 2011
- views: 17207
- author: prisontv

Protesta al 'Righi' di Santa Maria Capua Vetere: parlano gli alunni
Leggi su www.interno18.it...
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: interno18video
Protesta al 'Righi' di Santa Maria Capua Vetere: parlano gli alunni
Leggi su www.interno18.it
- published: 25 Oct 2012
- views: 2697
- author: interno18video

Santa Maria Capua Vetere. Occupato il Liceo Scientifico Amaldi
Leggi www.interno18.it...
published: 24 Nov 2012
author: interno18video
Santa Maria Capua Vetere. Occupato il Liceo Scientifico Amaldi
Leggi www.interno18.it
- published: 24 Nov 2012
- views: 3461
- author: interno18video
Youtube results:

Anfiteatro 2012 Santa Maria Capua Vetere Spettacolo Pirotecnico
Anfiteatro 2012 Santa Maria Capua Vetere Spettacolo Pirotecnico. Fine Festa Madonna Assunt...
published: 18 Aug 2012
author: Vincenzo Ottocentodieci
Anfiteatro 2012 Santa Maria Capua Vetere Spettacolo Pirotecnico
Anfiteatro 2012 Santa Maria Capua Vetere Spettacolo Pirotecnico. Fine Festa Madonna Assunta ©Vincenzo Napolitano
- published: 18 Aug 2012
- views: 1894
- author: Vincenzo Ottocentodieci

"O Sole Mio" - Eduardo di Capua - for Classical Guitar
onlineguitaracademy.net - One of the first songs one thinks about when Italian music is me...
published: 25 Aug 2011
author: LAGuitarAcademy
"O Sole Mio" - Eduardo di Capua - for Classical Guitar
onlineguitaracademy.net - One of the first songs one thinks about when Italian music is mentioned, "O Sole Mio" is synonymous with Italian culture in the popular mind. Its lyrics, written by Giovanni Capurro, (1859-1920), liken a lover's face to the sun, with a brightness that can lift the singer's spirits with just a smile. The universal appeal of love's power, added to a catchy tune, made this piece popular throughout the world. This piece works well on the guitar. Guitarists who want to delight the audience at special occasions, parties, and wedding receptions will want to keep this piece polished and ready to go. Ifyou would like to learn to play this piece and add it to your repertoire, take advantage of the free mini-lesson on this piece, available on Los Angeles Guitar Academy's website, http To access sheet music, close-up, slow walk-through clips for this piece and LAGA's complete online classical guitar lesson program to bring your playing up to this level and beyond, enroll in a full subscription to LAGA's online classical guitar lessons, LAGA Classical. You can get started today by signing up for a free, no-obligation, three-day trial on the website listed above. -NEW - Sheet music by LAGA Publishing: onlineguitaracademy.net For updates on our latest music postings, please subscribe to our YouTube channel on the button above. Thanks!
- published: 25 Aug 2011
- views: 41785
- author: LAGuitarAcademy

Let's Play - Roma Surrectum II - Capua - Part 13
Biological warfare in ancient times? You bet. I have mastered the upper strata of covert a...
published: 22 Aug 2012
author: GhostsofBelka
Let's Play - Roma Surrectum II - Capua - Part 13
Biological warfare in ancient times? You bet. I have mastered the upper strata of covert activities and am now able to deliver deadly plague agents via ship and land to enemy cities. These days it would be called state-sponsored terrorism. During this video I estimate that I caused Rome to suffer nine to ten thousand civilian deaths in various cities. A simply staggering number, in addition to the damage caused by the citizenry's rioting and looting within the city walls. All of this in further preparation of my war of final extermination on the Romans. Also, outside of Capua itself, the Brothers Fattius again descended down the Appian Way from Rome and were cornered and destroyed by the city garrison. Both of those blubbering, rippling, piles of filth now dwell in the shadowlands of Hades.
- published: 22 Aug 2012
- views: 1176
- author: GhostsofBelka