- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 154

Al-Hassan ibn Ali(RA) & Muawiyah( RA)
Sheikh Othman AlKhamees discusses the 4th to 6th Caliphs in Islam Sunni Islam -imam Al Has...
published: 27 Nov 2012
Al-Hassan ibn Ali(RA) & Muawiyah( RA)
Sheikh Othman AlKhamees discusses the 4th to 6th Caliphs in Islam Sunni Islam -imam Al Hassan ibn ali and Muawiyah -( sunnah islam )----Imam Bukhari declared: I dont see any difference between praying Salah behind a Jahmi or a (Shia) Rafidhi and a Christian or a Jew. They (Jahmis/Rafidhis) are not to be greeted, nor are they to be visited, nor are they to be married, nor is their testimony to be accepted, nor are their sacrifices to be eaten. (Khalq Afaalul-Ibaad, p.14) ---------------------------------------------- Imaam Abu Hanifah
It was reported that often Abu Haneefah used to repeat the following statement about the Shi`ites, "Whoever doubts whether they are disbelievers has himself committed disbelief."
Imaam al-Shaafi`e
On one occasion al-Shaafi`i said concerning the Shi`ites, "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Raafidite Shi`ites." [Ibn Taymeeyah, Minhaaj as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah, 1/39] On another occasion he said, "Narrate knowledge from everyone you meet except the Raafidite Shi`ites, because they invent Hadeeths and adopt them as part of their religion." [Ibid, p. 38]
Imaam Maalik
Once Maalik was asked about them and he replied, "Do not speak to them nor narrate from them, for surely they are liars." [Minhaaj as-Sunnah, 1/37] During a class of Imaam Maalik, it was mentioned that the Raafidite Shi`ites curse the Sahaabah. In reply, he quoted the Quranic verse, "Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and those with him are harsh with the disbelievers and gentle among themselves. So that the disbelievers may become enraged with them." He then said, "Whoever becomes enraged when the Sahaabah are mentioned is one about whom the verse speaks." [Tafseeer al-Qurtubee, Soorah al-Fath; Editors note: That is, anyone who is enraged by the mention of the Sahaabah is a dsibeliever, because the verse says, "the disbelievers may become enraged with them (Sahaabah)."]
- published: 27 Nov 2012
- views: 154

Muslim Media- Best Of Abu Muawiya
Muslim Media präsentiert ein Best of von Abu Muawiya. Bitte entschuldigt die schlechte Qua...
published: 24 Feb 2011
Muslim Media- Best Of Abu Muawiya
Muslim Media präsentiert ein Best of von Abu Muawiya. Bitte entschuldigt die schlechte Qualität in einigen Szenen. Die Aufnahmen wurden uns von Abu Muawiya gegeben und stammen nicht von uns.
Abonnieren und weiterleiten nicht vergessen. :-)
Viele Grüße und Selamun Aleykum wünscht euer Muslim Media Team....
- published: 24 Feb 2011
- views: 15490

Reply to Tahir ul Qadri - Shia Kafir? Was Muawiyah not Kafir because of cursing Mola Ali(as)? Part 1
Reply to Tahir ul Qadri - Shia Kafir? Was Muawiyah not Kafir because of cursing Mola Ali(a...
published: 14 Jan 2012
Reply to Tahir ul Qadri - Shia Kafir? Was Muawiyah not Kafir because of cursing Mola Ali(as)? Part 1
Reply to Tahir ul Qadri - Shia Kafir? Was Muawiyah not Kafir because of cursing Mola Ali(as)? Part 1
- published: 14 Jan 2012
- views: 760

Circumcision song- dedicated to Muawiyah Rayyan Ibn
Muawiyah Rayyan got circumcised last week. This sunat song is dedicated to the little bast...
published: 16 Nov 2012
Circumcision song- dedicated to Muawiyah Rayyan Ibn
Muawiyah Rayyan got circumcised last week. This sunat song is dedicated to the little bastard who initially protested, but later gave in and allowed himself to be cut. Masha Allah he is now muslim.
Please make dua for his speedy recovery.
- published: 16 Nov 2012
- views: 75

Ameer Muawiyah RA (Must Watch) حضرت امیر معاویه
A beautiful lecture delivered by One of the prominent Muslim Scholar Syed Muzaffar Hussain...
published: 25 Jan 2012
Ameer Muawiyah RA (Must Watch) حضرت امیر معاویه
A beautiful lecture delivered by One of the prominent Muslim Scholar Syed Muzaffar Hussain Shah on the tpoic " Hazrat Ameer Muaviyah RadiAllahuAnh ".
"The Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) asked the Sahaba. "Who is a stingy and miserly person. The Sahaba responded: " O Messenger Of Allah (sallallahu aliyhi Wassallam) A stingy person is he who has loads of wealth but does not spend it." The Prophet of Allah (Sallallahu alaihi wassallam) responded "No! a Stingy and Miserly person is he in whose presence my name is mentioned and he does not recite Durood."
The Prophet of Allah ( sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) has said that whoever recites Durood upon me for his each recitation Allah Ta Ala will Forgive ten of his sins , his rank in paradise will be raised by ten Degrees, and he will receive ten blessings.
Whoever recites Durood abundantly, will be the closest to The Prophet Of Allah (sallallahu Alaiyhi wassallam).
Whoever recites Durood abundantly, he will be relieved of his debts.
Whoever recites Durood abundantly, at the time of his death he will blessed with the tawfiq to recite the Kalimah Tayabbah.
Whoever recites Durood abundantly, will be given tawfiq to visit the Blessed Grave of our Beloved (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam).
Whoever recites Durood abundantly, will be blessed by seeing the Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) in his dreams.
Whoever recites Durood abundantly, on the day of Qiyamah his face will be shining like the Moon on the 14th night of the month when it is at its brightest.
Whoever recites Durood abundantly, he will be as close to The Prophet Of Allah (Sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) as the Index finger is to the middle finger on a hand.
Whoever recites Durood abundantly, will be given the water from the fountain of Al Kawthar to drink by The Prophet of Allah (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam).
I hope it helps but forgive me if there is something is not right, I just copied and pasted the document.
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Relevant to other Topics :
Shirk kya hai , Tawheed Aur Shirk Ki Haqeeqat , The Hidden Shirk , Shirk o Bidat , Biddat Ki SHARAI HAISIYAT , Shirk ki iqsam , Haqeeqat o Iqsam e Shirk. Shirk in islam , Barelvi Shirkia AQAID , Mushrikana Aqaids , Brailvi Aur Deoband, BRAILWI SE AHLEHADITH , Gustakh e Rasool, khatam e nabuwat , Friends of Allah - Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A), ulema e deoband, hind , ulema ahle sunnat, brailwi mushrik , barelvi mushrik , Bid'ah Bid'aat , Jum'ah mubarak , Seerah of Prophet Muhammed ,Life of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.s ,TAFSIR AL QURAN ,
- published: 25 Jan 2012
- views: 360

Jesus the Muhamamd and who is Muawiyah ? Response to YusefAlTahir
Hi Yusuf , in this video I discuss the theory of Jesus the Muhammad from two different sou...
published: 25 Aug 2012
Jesus the Muhamamd and who is Muawiyah ? Response to YusefAlTahir
Hi Yusuf , in this video I discuss the theory of Jesus the Muhammad from two different sources " Did Muhammad exist? " by Robert Spencer and " The Hidden Origins of Islam"
- published: 25 Aug 2012
- views: 262

TRUTH ABOUT Ameer Muawiyah RA
and a great leader of the muslims - Ameer Muawiyah ra muawiyah muawiya mu'awiya mu'awiy...
published: 01 Aug 2009
TRUTH ABOUT Ameer Muawiyah RA
and a great leader of the muslims - Ameer Muawiyah ra muawiyah muawiya mu'awiya mu'awiyah sunni shia sahabah companion LOL what more can I say? This video was originally uploaded by brother DrFMM. Please subscribe to his channel at http://www.youtube.com/user... shia shiite shias rafidah rawafid idiot stupid bid's shirk karbala imams cheese comedy funny Sunnis Cheaper To Keep Her Rice Johnnie Taylor Love Will Keep Us Together Greenfield Sedaka the Captain and Tennille Play That Funky Music Parissi Wild Cherry Ray Of Light Madonna Orbit Muldoon Curtis Leach Madonna Senses Working Overtime Partridge XTC Still In Hollywood Napolitano Concrete Blonde Not Fade Away Holly Petty Buddy Holly Blister In The Sun Gano Violent Femmes Nothin' But A Woman Cray Robert Cray Crowd Page Ramsey Lewis Trio Bittersweet Symphony Ashcroft Jagger Richards the Verve A loop of an rchestral version of the Rolling Stones song The Last Freak Scene Mascis Dinosaur jnr Come Fly With Me Cahn Van Heusen Frank Sinatra I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For Bono Clayton Edge Mullen U islam sunna sunnah suna sunah imam imamite imamites 12imam 12imams shite shism shiasm fali ali allah prophet Youmuslim Debate 12 th Imam Mahdi Dajjal antichrist cave boy Hussain Hassan rafidi rafida
laughing! From...
Ghadir Khumm way out of context. The Hadith of Ghadir Khumm has absolutely nothing to do with Imamah or Caliphate, and if it did, then nothing prevented the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) from clearly stating that instead of using the word Mawla which is known by everyone to mean beloved friend. Furthermore, and this point cannot be stressed enough, Ghadir Khumm is located 250 km away from Mecca: if the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) had intended on nominating Ali (رضّى الله عنه) then he would have done that at the larger gathering atop Mount Arafat during his Farewell Sermon in front of all the Muslims from every city. The entire Shia paradigm is based on the flimsy and easily refutable idea that But today, in the age of information and technology, accurate maps are at our finger-tips and no reasonable person should be fooled by the Shia myths. We have shown that the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) did not (and could not have) nominated Ali (رضّى الله عنه) at Ghadir Khumm as the Shia claim. This is the very foundation block of Shiism, without which their faith has no basis whatsoever: if the Prophet (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلّم) did not nominate Ali (رضّى الله عنه) to be Caliph, then the Shia can no longer claim that Abu Bakr (رضّى الله عنه) or the Sunnis usurped the divinely determined designation of Ali (رضّى الله عنه). And with that, the whole of Shiism collapses in on itself, all because of an unaccountable 250 km separating Ghadir Khumm from Mecca and separating Shiism from the truth. for more info visit : http://www.ahlelbayt.com/articles/reb...
Books: Jewish Encyclopedia: Abdullah ibn Saba, Founder of Shiism The Jewish Encyclopedia says: ABDALLAH IBN SABA By : Hartwig Hirschfeld A Jew of Yemen, Arabia, of the seventh century, who settled in Medina and embraced Islam. Having adversely criticized Calif Othmans administration, he was banished from the town. Thence he went to Egypt, where he founded an antiothmanian sect, to promote the interests of Ali. On account of his learning he obtained great influence there, and formulated the doctrine that, just as every prophet had an assistant who afterward succeeded him, Mohammeds vizier was Ali, who had therefore been kept out of the califate by deceit. Othman had no legal claim whatever to the califate; and the general dissatisfaction with his government greatly contributed to the spread of Abdallahs teachings. Tradition relates that when Ali had assumed power, Abdallah ascribed divine honors to him by addressing him with the words, Thou art Thou! Thereupon Ali banished him to Madain. After Alis assassination Abdallah is said to have taught that Ali was not dead but alive, and had never been killed; that a part of the Deity was hidden in him; and that after a certain time he would return to fill the earth with justice. Till then the divine character of Ali was to
- published: 01 Aug 2009
- views: 1064

Muawiyah Bin Abu Sufyan (R H) by Mualana Qari Muhammad Tayaib Qasmi
اہل سنّت والجماعت دیوبند کا فخر اور ناز خطیب ہانگ کانگ حضرت مولانا قاری محمد طیب قاسمی سر ...
published: 19 Jul 2012
Muawiyah Bin Abu Sufyan (R H) by Mualana Qari Muhammad Tayaib Qasmi
اہل سنّت والجماعت دیوبند کا فخر اور ناز خطیب ہانگ کانگ حضرت مولانا قاری محمد طیب قاسمی سر پرست ختم نبوت اسلامک کونسل
- published: 19 Jul 2012
- views: 65
Youtube results:

[HD] Muawiya and Hassan- Life and trials
The life of Muawiya and Hassan [ra] by Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq.
Click here to download th...
published: 08 Apr 2011
[HD] Muawiya and Hassan- Life and trials
The life of Muawiya and Hassan [ra] by Sheikh Mumtaz Ul Haq.
Click here to download the mp3 of this lecture: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DMMKQ5SI
The Prophet said: 'The first army that will fight a naval battle in my Ummah will have made Jannat compulsory on themselves.'
[The first naval force was in fact headed by Muáwiya (Radhiallaahu Anhu) during the Caliphate of Usman].
Narrated In Bukhari.
Nabi even made Dua for the knowledge of Muáwiya (Radhiallaahu Anhu) where he said, 'O Allah, endow Muáwiya with the special knowledge of the Qurân and save him from punishment.' (Ahmad; Tabraani).
Brought to you by the Ink of Scholars.
- published: 08 Apr 2011
- views: 11282

SYIAH SESAT - Apakah Status Kedudukan Abu Sufian, Muawiyah Dan Yazid
Terima kasih untuk warga di Oman yang sudi menjemput...
published: 13 Mar 2012
SYIAH SESAT - Apakah Status Kedudukan Abu Sufian, Muawiyah Dan Yazid
Terima kasih untuk warga di Oman yang sudi menjemput Ustaz Fathul Bari ke sana. Juga setinggi penghargaan di atas layanan "A" yang diberikan oleh tuan rumah dan jemaah di Oman. Ustaz Fathul Bari juga sangat berbesar hati dengan kehadiran Duta Malaysia di Oman, Dato' Rustam Yahaya bersama Isteri. Semoga Allah menetapkan hati dan imankalian di atas Manhaj yang benar. Semoga dakwah Sunnah ini akan sentiasa tersebar walau di mana jua kita berada. Barakallahufik..
Kuliah:Aqidah FAQ
Lokasi: Muscat, Oman
Tarikh: 07/03/2012
Penyampai: Ustaz Fathul Bari Mat Jahya
Semoga bermanfaat...
Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBAAF81129FF8AF17
Video Penuh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FerI9e2Ahd0
Segmen Terpilih:
UFB - Kepercayaan Karut Crossed Fingers & Touch Wood
UFB - Pegawai Arab Saudi Tegur Ritual Jemaah Haji
SYIAH SESAT - Apakah Status Kedudukan Abu Sufian, Muawiyah Dan Yazid
UFB - Cara Terbaik Mengajar Anak Kenal Aqidah
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Cara download: http://abuaqif.blogspot.com/2010/04/youtube-bagaimana-cara-nak-savedownload.html
- published: 13 Mar 2012
- views: 11631