
LSD for alcoholism (BBC World News TV Interview)
LSD for alcoholism (BBC World News TV Interview)
LSD has a beneficial effect on alcohol misuse lasting for at least six months after a single dose, according to clinical trials (9 March 2012). BBC Health: www.bbc.co.uk Nature: www.nature.com Study PDF: www.ntnu.edu Teri S. Krebs and Pål-Ørjan Johansen. Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) for alcoholism: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2012.

Types of Alcohol : What Is the Best Vodka in the World?
Types of Alcohol : What Is the Best Vodka in the World?
The best vodkas in the world are probably made in Poland or Russia, as they are the original makers of this spirit, but vodka varies so much that the best vodka is according to individual taste. Find the best vodka in the world with information from an experienced distiller in this free video on alcohol and liquor. Expert: Brendan Coyle Bio: Brendan Coyle is the distiller at High West Distillery in Salt Lake City, Utah. Filmmaker: Michael Burton

TYTU Crew's Least Favorite Alcoholic Drinks
TYTU Crew's Least Favorite Alcoholic Drinks
Following on from last week's list of the worst liquor flavors in the world, we've got the TYTU crew's least favorite drinks. So if you're new to the wide world of alcohol, you might want to avoid some of these. Or, you're in college, and you're limited to Keystone and cheap vodka. Alas. What do you think is the most disgusting drink in the world? What about the best? Any most people haven't heard of? Let us know in the comments down below! And if you liked this video, "Like" it as well! :) Subscribe to TYT U for more videos:www.youtube.com Submit a video to TYT U! We love hearing from students and faculty www.youtube.com Follow us on twitter!!! twitter.com twitter.com twitter.com

Kim Delaney Speech - Alcohol Involved?
Kim Delaney Speech - Alcohol Involved?
Actress Kim Delaney was kicked off the stage at the Liberty Medal Award ceremony for former defense secretary Robert Gates because of her bizarre speech. Was alcohol involved? Ana Kasparian, Michael Shure and Ben Mankiewicz discuss on The Young Turks. The Young Turks on Current TV: current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Support TYT for FREE: bit.ly

212 Lucy's Gift To Us & The World, Life Beyond AA
212 Lucy's Gift To Us & The World, Life Beyond AA
How tapping helps parents to deal with the death of a disabled child. Daily tapping will deal with daily problems, but they keep returning without addressing the deeper core issues. Clearing away the past issues will prevent many daily problems. FasterEFT works better than numerous other therapies. It produces the promises made in Alcoholics Anonymous that were still out of reach with 12-step work.

MIKA - Lonely Alcoholic
MIKA - Lonely Alcoholic
From Mika's EP 'Songs for Sorrow' Lyrics: you're a lonely alcoholic with a tendency to wine well you speak it and you drink it and bore us all the time say you drink out of your sorrow for you've got no one to love but tell me who could cuddle up to a lonely alcoholic you're a stressed out single mother who has clearly been harassed well you can't predict the future for you can't erase the past cause your baby isn't going anywhere but up so join the line and get the dole for the stressed out single mother I'm a mediocre writer who sings all of the time writing songs about misfortunes and other people's crimes well they say that I am doing my duty to the world oh you could say that that is onerous, I'm just craving to be heard ooooo don't leave me alone well who is there to listen to the problems of our lives you've got kids who just don't eat enough and men with many wives if we're all together screaming why can't we make a sound oh cause the dirt on which we're stepping is the one in which we will be found ooooo baby don't leave me alone well who is there to listen to the problems of our lives you've got kids who just don't eat enough and men with many wives if we're all together screaming why can't we make a sound oh cause the dirt on which we're stepping is the one in which we will be found ooooo baby don't leave me alone

Sarcofago - Alcoholic coma[Rotting album]
Sarcofago - Alcoholic coma[Rotting album]
The second official full lenght album,released in 1989.The album's themes were extremely heavy for that time, and the band can surely be considered one of the predecessors of the whole Black Metal scene still present in the world. In terms of heavy music, it is one of the most polemic albums ever released. The band left an eternal mark with its sound and the most commented cover of the Metal scene. Line up: *Wagner "Antichrist" Lamounier - Vocals, Lead Guitar *Geraldo "Incubus" Minelli - Bass, Backing Vocals *M. Joker - Drums *Eugênio "Dead Zone" - Keyboards session musician Track list: 1.The Lust - 0:29 2.Alcoholic Coma (Music and lyric by Wagner Lamounier) - 6:07 3.Tracy (Music and lyric by Wagner Lamounier) - 8:52 4.Rotting (Music and lyric by Wagner Lamounier) - 7:05 5.Sex, Drinks And Metal (Lyric by Wagner Lamounier. Music by Geraldo Minelli) - 3:30 6.Nightmare (Music by Zeber "Butcher". Lyric by Wagner Lamounier. Guitar solo by Geraldo Minelli) - 6:44

(Alcoholic) -- Starsailor Cover
(Alcoholic) -- Starsailor Cover
this is a cover of alcoholic by starsailorthanks for watching Honours for This Video: #91 - Most Viewed (Today) - Music #59 - Top Rated (Today) #10 - Top Rated (Today) - Music #87 - Top Rated (Today) - Music - Global #55 - Top Rated (This Week) - Music #69 - Most Discussed (Today) #10 - Most Discussed (Today) - Music #92 - Most Discussed (Today) - Music - Global #77 - Most Discussed (This Week) - Music #28 - Top Favourites (Today) - Music

Tim Berg - Alcoholic
Tim Berg - Alcoholic
Every weekend www.DJtunez.netchooses an official tune of the weekend to help you party animals get your weekend off on the right foot. Heres this weekends tune, Tim Berg - Alcoholic . sign up for our forum @ http For the FaceBook users check out our fan page @ www.facebook.com ------ * All rights reserved to this song by the artist and Joia Records * If there is a problem with this track being up here, please contact us and we'll have it removed ASAP. * Our objective is allow the world to hear great music that might not have heard otherwise

Dealing WIth An Alcoholic
Dealing WIth An Alcoholic
alcoholicsfriend.com Tips to help in dealing with a friend or relative who is an alcoholic. Your situation can get better. Follow these steps when dealing with an active alcoholic. They have a tendency to lie a lot. This is just a personality attribute of the problem drinker. By accepting this "fact" we can begin to stop confronting the lies. Here's the thing, they are just going to continue to lie...so, why even confront them? They will only "deny" the truth anyway because they live in a world of denial. Just be settled in your life that you know what the truth is. By doing so you can eliminate a lot of arguing. Refuse to argue...period! Never argue with a drink. It really accomplishes nothing when we do. Be mindful that when they have been drinking is no time to talk about serious things. Dealing with them in a different manner than how you have been is the key to obtaining more serenity in your life. Let's face it what you have been doing has not been working, so change must take place. I can teach you how to deal with an alcoholic. Go to http and check out the audio series we have there. There are hundreds of tips on dealing with alcoholics on our site.

Alcoholic Vervet Monkeys! - Weird Nature - BBC animals
Alcoholic Vervet Monkeys! - Weird Nature - BBC animals
In the Caribbean, Vervet Monkeys have developed a taste for alcohol and can regularly be spotted stealing cocktails from humans on the beach. Brilliant wildlife video from BBC animal show 'Weird Nature'. BBC Worldwide Channel: www.youtube.com BBC Earth Channel: www.youtube.com For more Natural History: www.bbcearth.com

Three-year old diagnosed Britain's youngest alcoholic
Three-year old diagnosed Britain's youngest alcoholic
www.nma.tv A three-year-old who was regularly given alcohol has been diagnosed as the UK's youngest alcoholic, it has been reported. The toddler, from the West Midlands, cannot be named, but is now being treated in hospital. www.nma.tv

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome -- The Biological Basis / FAS FASD Video
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome -- The Biological Basis / FAS FASD Video
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome -- The Biological Basis Courtesy of: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) 5635 Fishers Lane, MSC 9304 Bethesda, MD 20892-9304 Over 375000 newborn babies have been exposed to drugs in utero. The film promotes zero tolerance for alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and drugs for all pregnant women. The purpose of the video is to promote awareness of the problem among teenagers who are at risk for both unplanned pregnancy and substance use. This gripping film take a serious, no-holds-barred look at what happens when pregnant women use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The film includes an examination of prenatal drug and alcohol abuse, fetal alcohol syndrome, nicotine's effect on unborn babies, risks for AIDS, SIDS and FAS, drug effects at various stages of pregnancy, how drugs affect unborn babies and other relation social and emotional problems. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and a spectrum of associated disorders, sometimes calledFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), is a permanent birth defect caused by maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. The term fetal alcohol effects (FAE) or alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) is applied to children whose mothers are known to have drunk heavily during pregnancy and who exhibit some, but not all, features of alcohol-related facial malformation. FASD is the leading cause of mental retardation in the Western world and is entirely preventable. It has been estimated that one <b>...</b>

Drunk Off Liquor Chocolates
Drunk Off Liquor Chocolates
Prank victims in a parking lot are asked to sample hard liquor chocolates at an outdoor stand. The delicious bonbons are filled with rum, brandy, vodka and porto. A police officer spots them from across the street and asks them to pass an alcohol test. When the breathalizer shows they are over the legal blood alcohol limit, the cop chastises these so-called alcoholics for even thinking about drinking and driving! Then, confiscates their car keys so they won't drive drunk. A presentation of JustForLaughsTV, the official Just For Laughs Gags YouTube channel. Home of the funniest, greatest, most amazing, most hilarious, win filled, comedy galore, hidden camera pranks in the world! Social Animal? Here are a few interesting links: Twitter: twitter.com Facebook: facebook.com Tumblr: justforlaughsgags.tum Puppies www.youtube.com blr.com Pinterest: pinterest.com Offical Site: gags.justforlaughs.com Juste pour rire les gags, l'émission de caméra cachée la plus comique de la télé!

The Impact On Children Who Parents Are Alcoholics Or Drug Addicts / Educational Video PSA
The Impact On Children Who Parents Are Alcoholics Or Drug Addicts / Educational Video PSA
The Impact On Children Who Parents Are Alcoholics Or Drug Addicts / Educational Video PSA. Children in families experiencing alcohol or drug abuse need attention, guidance and support. They may be growing up in homes in which the problems are either denied or covered up. These children need to have their experiences validated. They also need safe, reliable adults in whom to confide and who will support them, reassure them, and provide them with appropriate help for their age. They need to have fun and just be kids. Families with alcohol and drug problems usually have high levels of stress and confusion. High stress family environments are a risk factor for early and dangerous substance use, as well as mental and physical health problems. It is important to talk honestly with children about what is happening in the family and to help them express their concerns and feelings. Children need to trust the adults in their lives and to believe that they will support them. Children living with alcohol or drug abuse in the family can benefit from participating in educational support groups in their school student assistance programs. Those age 11 and older can join Alateen groups, which meet in community settings and provide healthy connections with others coping with similar issues. Being associated with the activities of a faith community can also help. Dependence on alcohol and drugs is our most serious national public health problem. It is prevalent among rich and poor, in all <b>...</b>

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome / How Drugs Deform Your Baby / FAS FASD FAE Documentary Video
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome / How Drugs Deform Your Baby / FAS FASD FAE Documentary Video
Department of Education. And Down Will Come Baby. And Down Will Come Baby is a 17 minute video about the effects of exposure to alcohol and other drugs on the fetus during pregnancy. Accompanying the video is a Teachers Guide designed to promote a 15-20 minute discussion of the video. Producer: Department of Education.Creative Commons license: Public Domain The purpose of the video is to promote awareness of the problem among teenagers who are at risk for both unplanned pregnancy and substance use. This gripping film take a serious, no-holds-barred look at what happens when pregnant women use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The film includes an examination of prenatal drug and alcohol abuse, fetal alcohol syndrome, nicotine's effect on unborn babies, risks for AIDS, SIDS and FAS, drug effects at various stages of pregnancy, how drugs affect unborn babies and other relation social and emotional problems. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) and a spectrum of associated disorders, sometimes called Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD), is a permanent birth defect caused by maternal consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. The term fetal alcohol effects (FAE) or alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND) is applied to children whose mothers are known to have drunk heavily during pregnancy and who exhibit some, but not all, features of alcohol-related facial malformation. FASD is the leading cause of mental retardation in the Western world and is entirely preventable. It <b>...</b>

To Alcohol! The cause of... and solution to... all of life's problems.
To Alcohol! The cause of... and solution to... all of life's problems.
To alcohol! The cause of... and solution to... all of life's problems.

I chug the brand new Monster energy drink Energy Brew UberMonster Bio-Activated Non-Alcoholic 16.9oz (500ml) wide mouth bottle in 5 seconds flat. This drink cost me about $5 at my local gas station shop. It is now the single most expensive energy drink in my collection. It taste very good similiar to the Original Green Monster which is my favorite energy drink of all time. I still have not found the New Monster Rehab flavor Tea + Orangeade + Energy 15.5oz (458ml) can yet but when i do i will make a chug video.

BOY MEETS WORLD - If You Can't Be with the One You Love.... 2/2
BOY MEETS WORLD - If You Can't Be with the One You Love.... 2/2
Boy Meets World Vault's introduces its first episode. Season: 5 Episode: 18 Original Airdate March 6, 1998 Tired of being the depressing kid after his breakup with Topanga, Cory decides to drink alcohol at Kimberly Sussman's party to liven up. He is successful, as he shares stories and does dances that entrance everybody except Topanga, who is a bit confused. He then spends over an hour in the bathroom, luring Shawn is out of confusion, and he convinces Shawn to drink. As they walk home, Cory tells Shawn how he thought he needed Topanga, but now that they are apart he realizes that he needs Shawn. They hug, and then give a nearby transient $10 to buy them beer. He buys them beer and goes away, but just as they open it, a cop car (one that they had peed on) pulls up. After returning to Cory's house after an ordeal at the police station, Cory and Shawn get it from Alan and Amy. Alan is very accusatory of Shawn, but Amy pulls him into the living room to cool him off. Shawn tells Cory that he'll take the blame, but once Cory's parents return, Cory tells a very convincing story (the truth) of how he made Shawn drink. Alan apologizes to Shawn for accusing him, and Cory and Shawn agree never to drink again. Later on in Feeny's class, Cory attempts to explain to Topanga why he was acting weird at Kimberly Sussman's party, but she doesn't care. Shawn has a frustrated outburst, insulting Feeny's curriculum, and is promptly kicked out of class. Cory goes after him, following him <b>...</b>

GOP Candidate: Gays Like Alcoholics
GOP Candidate: Gays Like Alcoholics
New TYT Network channels: www.youtube.com www.youtube.com New TYT Facebook Page(!): www.facebook.com Subscribe to the FREE Video Podcast on iTunes: bit.ly Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com www.theyoungturks.com DISCOUNTS: www.theyoungturks.com FREE Movies(!): www.netflix.com Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: www.examiner.com TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): www.youtube.com

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 05 / FAS FASD Educational Training Video
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 05 / FAS FASD Educational Training Video
The following training video on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is produced by the Washington State Department of Social Services and is part of the Foster Parent Webcast Archive. Carolyn Hartness and Julie Gelo are outstanding presenters. This thorough overview of FAS and FAE and intervention strategies should be required viewing for all who care for or treat children or adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Video courtesy of the Foster Parent Training Institute of the Division of Licensed Resources. "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)" and "Fetal Alcohol Related Conditions" with Carolyn Harness and Julie Gelo. Hartness, a member of the Governor's Commission on Indian Affairs, is an advocate and educator with many years of experience with FAS. Julie Gelo, a foster and adoptive parent, is co-trainer with the Foster Parent Institute. Over 375000 newborn babies have been exposed to drugs in utero. The film promotes zero tolerance for alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and drugs for all pregnant women. The purpose of the video is to promote awareness of the problem among teenagers who are at risk for both unplanned pregnancy and substance use. This gripping film take a serious, no-holds-barred look at what happens when pregnant women use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. The film includes an examination of prenatal drug and alcohol abuse, fetal alcohol syndrome, nicotine's effect on unborn babies, risks for AIDS, SIDS and FAS, drug effects at various stages of pregnancy, how drugs affect <b>...</b>

Preventing Excessive Alcohol Use: What Public Health Can Do
Preventing Excessive Alcohol Use: What Public Health Can Do
Excessive alcohol use, including underage drinking and binge drinking (drinking 5 or more drinks during a single occasion for men or 4 or more drinks during a single occasion for women), is responsible for 80000 deaths and 2.3 million years of potential life lost in the US each year, and cost the United States $223.5 billion in 2006 or about $1.90 per drink. This powerful session of Public Health Grand Rounds explored the public health impact of excessive alcohol use and evidence-based strategies to prevent it, with specific attention to the role that state and local public health agencies play in addressing this important public health problem. Comments on this video are allowed in accordance with our comment policy: www.cdc.gov This video can also be viewed at www.cdc.gov