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Quote# 39355

Same sex marriage, what a joke.

We see our society being attacked by terrorists wanting nothing other than the total destruction of it.

We see the European currencies crushing the North American currencies.

We are seeing 3 choices for leadership in the most powerful nation on earth that not worth the consideration of someone you would not even want for a friend. The 3 of them are no different than one another.

We are witnessing the absolute collapse of the western societies. Now with this abomination in California we have demeaned the union between a men and women. What a disgrace. A same sex marriage will never have the same meaning as one between a man and a woman. It goes against all natural laws.

I believe in the greater scheme of things man’s laws mean nothing anyway. It will be God’s law and if God looks down on this sorry excuse for a society and tells himself all is good, then I will be expecting him to apologize to the people of “Sodom and Gomorrah” for I see so many similarities in our society and the one that God destroyed.

May God have mercy on us for our stupidity.

BobinMesa, CBC.ca News Comments 58 Comments [5/16/2008 5:44:38 PM]
Fundie Index: 0
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Quote# 4498

They know that their own theories are being disproven, so each time this happens, they bring out a new theory. At one time or another, we have been descendants of apes, chimpanzees, flies, dinosaurs, fish, birds, ants, you name it – they’ve said it.

seeker42, Rapture Ready 2 Comments [10/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 1
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Quote# 5715

Oh, dear friend, religion and government WILL mix. Here...AND EVERYWHERE for that matter. It's just a matter of time. Just hope 'we' aren't on the wrong sie of the fence when that time comes.

Neon Knight, Rapture Ready 8 Comments [12/1/2003 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
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Quote# 86732

[On an article regarding the supreme court hearing on the Affordable Care Act.]

It's PERFECTLY OBVIOUS that the ACA violates the HYDE ACT, because the only way to avoid the tax is NOT TO BE BORN, which is essentially a MANDATE for ABORTION. This will not apply to the PRESIDENT, because he has NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE proving that he WAS NOT OF WOMAN BORN.
I bet you can't come up with a BETTER argument!

David, Talking Points Memo 77 Comments [4/2/2012 3:34:31 AM]
Fundie Index: 115
Submitted By: Lilli
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Quote# 46679

A triangle pointing up or down is a sign of the unholy trinity to satanists, and is revered as a holy symbol. A triangle in a circle is a really high holy symbol of satanism.

Notice how many things on the market today are shaped like triangles. Clocks, radios, buildings, the list goes on. Pyramids are triangles.

You will find many satanic symbols used on the patches of the boy scouts, girl scouts, and NASA Space program.

Crystals are the rage today. They are demonic. You get your very own demon in every piece. It is part of the New Age movement.

How about unicorns? They are so cute! There are statutes and pictures and stuffed animals and blankets and jewelry of unicorns. Yep! You guessed it! Unicorns are symbols for satanism. Occultism looks at it as a symbol of their god. I've read of testimonies where just having a unicorn what-not in the house caused financial, sexual and physical problems.

Been sick a lot in your life? Can't sleep at night? If you look around your house, you may find pictures and the like of frogs and owls. Oh No! Not my ceramic frogs and owls? YES! The Bible says that owls and frogs are abominable things.

People laughed at Jesus too for what He taught and did. The people that won were the ones that listened and acted upon His words.

Stan and Elizabeth Madrak, Demonbuster 75 Comments [9/5/2008 12:44:47 PM]
Fundie Index: 4
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Quote# 15455

[What if you went before God when you died - and discovered that it was Allah? What would you do?]

Just a quick answer, I have the HOly Spirit to confirm to me that He, Jesus is the only way, there is no doubt when you have been sealed by the Spirit

Therefore speculation on impossibilites are not possible for me.....either you know He Is and you trust HIM or you don't, for me there is no what if the other guy is right, only a burden for them to know the truth

roxannacc, Christian Forums 17 Comments [9/29/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
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Quote# 61254

[After the Vermont legislature legalized gay marriage in the state]

I await the volcanoes, the tsunamis, the hurricanes and hopefully, the destruction of Vt and its pacifist secular socialism by the Lord. I actually do want it to happen with good Americans being protected as we see in the OT, when God protects believers that do good and trust the Lord. Since VT doesn’t seem to believe in the Biblical God or His standards, perhaps a nice lesson in humility would be a nice taste of God’s wrath. Oh I know, that is sooooo cruel.

phillyfanatic, FreeRepublic 77 Comments [4/8/2009 11:37:15 AM]
Fundie Index: 51
Submitted By: Mike
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Quote# 19574

Atheists, the scenario is you have a week to live.

What is keeping you from engaging in your baser instincts: Raping, pillaging, stealing and all those sorts of things? What's stopping you? I mean, you can get away with anything you want, so why not?

This is a different from asking you this if you had thirty years to live, I think. You don't have the risk of spending thirty years in prison for murder. A life sentence might only be a couple of days! Besides, it'll never have enough time to go to trial.

Valdemar, Internet Infidels 79 Comments [1/18/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 7
Submitted By: Winston Jen
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Quote# 63643

[Have you ever met a happy, polite atheist?]

Not at all. They are miserable because they have no explanation for life or their existence.

Stephen T, Y! answers 67 Comments [7/1/2009 2:34:55 PM]
Fundie Index: 47
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Quote# 85954

Another big step on the road to Whatever is not Prohibited is Mandatory - homo-nazi agenda style.

I’m sure you know the details - but the day homo-marriage was made “legal” in MA by one judge, the head of the MA education department ruled that schoolchildren had to be taught “gay is good” since homo-marriage was now the law of the state.

They’re after the children. That’s obvious, and they want to destroy society. I have a list of quotes from homo-spokesholes, very clearly stating their real reasons for “gay marriage” and it’s not monogamy, lifelong “love” or white picket fences. It’s to purposely destroy the very meaning of family, marriage and the fabric of society.

little jeremiah, Free Republic 51 Comments [2/6/2012 4:15:55 AM]
Fundie Index: 70
Submitted By: Rabbit of Caerbannog
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Quote# 43812

[re: a baptism that included a reference to the "Creator Spirit" and the washing away of sins by blessed water instead of the blood of Jesus]

That poor boy did not get a proper baptism in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Why do people have to add mumbo jumbo to things?

OnTheHorizon, RR 27 Comments [7/29/2008 4:03:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 1
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Quote# 54675

Okay, I know this may seem controversial if you've heard of the Westboro Baptist Church, but if you haven't heard of them, they're a church operating out of Topeka, Kansas. They achieved infamy by picketing the funerals of gays and U.S. soldiers with their main motto being "God Hates Fags." Now, I believe that Fred Phelps, love him and his tactics or hate him, is right in one aspect: God DOES hate fags. The Bible spells out exactly what God thinks of gays, so why the political correctness about it? I think every Christian ought to be expressing what an abomination it really is, after all, if the message is loud and shocking enough, perhaps more gays will convert, and make it to Heaven and NOT the lake of fire. I say the message of "God Hates Fags" shouldn't be demonized, what say you?
True, I disagree with his tactics. I don't agree that funerals should be picketed, but the controversial part is his message. That message is that homosexuality is an abomination, and those who practice it are abominations to God. I believe that gays should be placed in ex-gay camps, like drunks are placed in AA meetings. If their lifestyle persists, perhaps jailtime is in order. After all, AIDS doesn't spread itself, right?
Well, I'm just trying to toss out the best way possible to create a quick enough change in people. No one here wants them to go to Hell, I just think drastic measures could be taken, that's all.
Well how do you react knowing the state of the nation right now? YOU saw the gays invade that church, it was on the news. You know that babies are being slaughtered every day in abortion-mills. You know that militant atheists are teaching our children there is no God. This is a very grave state of affairs, and I for one am concerned.

many, RR 40 Comments [12/22/2008 6:15:58 AM]
Fundie Index: 5
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Quote# 1297

It's a molten core -- magma from volcanoes comes from this source.

Yoda, Rapture Ready 12 Comments [11/1/2002 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: -10
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Quote# 32017

I know that the board is under attack and the mods have been under attack.

I just realized yesterday that my family is under deep attack AGAIN.

Check in and let us all know whats going on. I am curious how wide spread it is, because I think there is a legion of demons assigned to the members of this board specifically.

For some reason or another Satan is working over time here on RR MEEMBERS.

yellowbo, Rapture Ready 40 Comments [12/5/2007 10:50:04 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
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Quote# 11029

how dare you say that, a supreme court is consisted of nine judges that are suppose to define the constitution for over three-hundred million?

Michael, Myspace 18 Comments [4/20/2006 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 4
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Quote# 1649

[On gambling]

World Magazine (a mag like a Christian Newsweek) wrestled with this question once. A Christian somehow won some amount of millions of dollars playing some lottery game in his state. At his press conference he announced that since he was a Christian, he intended to give ten percent to his church. Many churches were delighted with this announcement, seeing it as a real gift & blessing from God & evidence that the dude was being such the wise steward. World Mag said the church should refuse to take it, as "Jesus doesn't build His church on the backs of the poor".

reformedfan, Bibleforums.org 15 Comments [7/19/2005 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 0
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Quote# 20595

science IS a religion on its own merits....it takes more faith to believe the garbage th ey spew about evolution than it does to believe in a creator

Arawn, Myspace 43 Comments [2/12/2007 12:00:00 AM]
Fundie Index: 3
Submitted By: Winston Jen
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Quote# 54325

[This is in reaction to finding out that Obama believes that Global warming is an important matter and needs to be focused on]

This guy is a psycho and every time he opens his mouth in the last week or so, he's revealed more of his "real" agenda. If I weren't scared for this country before because of his election - which I was - now, I'm downright terrified. He truly believes he's a king or maybe an Odingo - just pray, pray, pray, my friends.

CarlaL48, RR 29 Comments [12/16/2008 11:09:45 AM]
Fundie Index: 2
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Quote# 51132

Is not atheism a "belief" of mis belief? Therefore in and of itself it is a quasi religious belief.

Check mate.

Ironman, slate 38 Comments [11/5/2008 4:20:44 AM]
Fundie Index: 6
Submitted By: L
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Quote# 46328

Q u o t e:
Jesus was a liberal

Jesus's answer to the adulterous woman was: go and sin no more.

He called people to personal responsibility at part of his overall ministry.

He didn't tolerate sin. So no, he wasn't a liberal.

Adun, WoW offtopic 24 Comments [9/2/2008 12:21:06 PM]
Fundie Index: 5
Submitted By: Worldsend
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