- published: 26 Dec 2012
- views: 124
- author: AmazonWebServices

Webinar: Deploying a Django Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
This video walks you through deploying a sample application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using...
published: 26 Dec 2012
author: AmazonWebServices
Webinar: Deploying a Django Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
This video walks you through deploying a sample application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk using eb (an updated command line interface) and Git, and then updating the application to use the Django framework. Learn more: docs.amazonwebservices.com
- published: 26 Dec 2012
- views: 124
- author: AmazonWebServices

Seven Bridges Genomics and the AWS Global Start-Up Challenge
Seven Bridges Genomics provides a cloud-based service that enables bioinformaticians and b...
published: 26 Dec 2012
author: Russell Lebo
Seven Bridges Genomics and the AWS Global Start-Up Challenge
Seven Bridges Genomics provides a cloud-based service that enables bioinformaticians and biologists to perform highly demanding data analysis for genomics at unprecedented performance, price, and scalability. Start running today with $100 in free pilot funds at igor.sbgenomics.com
- published: 26 Dec 2012
- views: 244
- author: Russell Lebo

AWS - Takard El - [Hivatalos Videó (HD)]
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: www.facebook.com Szöveg: "És az éj sárga szemmel órát lop, Vajúdva várj...
published: 08 Feb 2011
author: AWSofficial
AWS - Takard El - [Hivatalos Videó (HD)]
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: www.facebook.com Szöveg: "És az éj sárga szemmel órát lop, Vajúdva várja az új napot, Fagyott a szív, fagyott a föld Ez egy ismétlődő Barkobázás az Istennel, Elszámolás az élettel. Forog a tett, ahogy forog a Föld; Ez egy ismétlődő. Hogy fordul át, Mikor bíbor dereng át a tájon. Hogy takarod el a szemed Ha feltett kézzel várod az ébredést? A Szél a szennyet éjjel festi át. Olajból születik szín kavalkád. Újra él ami eddig halt, És ez örökké tart. Tartsd még úgy is könnyű már." Zene: AWS Szöveg: Siklósi Örs A Hangfelvétel a Supersize Recording stúdióban készült. Keverés/Master: Horváth Attila "A klip az állandó körforgásról szól: a zenekar tagjai megpróbálnak véget vetni a sivár hétköznapoknak, amelyek fogva tartják őket, azoknak az élethelyzeteknek, amik nélkülözik a szabadságot... De hiába." AWS: Siklósi Örs Brucker Bence Kökényes Dániel Varga Marcell Veress Áron táncos: Egyed Beja rendező: Zomborácz Virág operatőr: Halász Júlia steady operatőr: Mecseki Csaba SFX: Csonti világosító: Gazdag Ádám gyártásvezető: Nikléczy Attila felvételvezető: Harmath Dávid rendező asszisztens: Papp Vivi produkciós asszisztens: Kiss Máté stylist: Zelenka Nóra fodrász: Szűcs Johanna smink: Vass Lilla A video a PANKKK támogatásával készült! 2011
- published: 08 Feb 2011
- views: 72441
- author: AWSofficial

AWS - Sorsforgató [Promó Videó]
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: www.facebook.com Promó videó 2012 Szöveg: "Ma átlépem a vörös óceánt És...
published: 17 Jun 2012
author: AWSofficial
AWS - Sorsforgató [Promó Videó]
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: www.facebook.com Promó videó 2012 Szöveg: "Ma átlépem a vörös óceánt És poharam merítem belé. Új bárkát ringat a szentelt vízesés, Hátszélben a szakadék felé. Sötét a szív, mint a csend, Mint a jól ismert fényt hozó szent, Mint a haraggal vemhes irigység, Mint a jövőbe vetett reménykép. Várom, hogy széttárja az Ég a lábait, Vágyom rá, hogy megtépázzam mások szárnyait, Vágyam mind elvenni, még többet mi kapható, Elszédít, megbénít ez a sötét sorsforgató. A végén kezdi a könyvet a zsebből jósoló, szavait issza az ittas rongy világ. Új pap kántál, ilyet már láttál, a szentség itt megszámolható. Izzadok, ha álmodom, a valóság szorítja tarkóm, Ha álmodom, a valóságtól izzadok. Megizzadok, ha álmodom, a valóság szorítja tarkóm, Ha álmodom, a valóságtól izzadok." Zene: AWS Szöveg: Siklósi Örs A Hangfelvétel a Supersize Recording stúdióban készült. Producer/keverés/master: Varga Zoltán Felvétel: Brucker Bence Videó: Krucsai Péter
- published: 17 Jun 2012
- views: 28158
- author: AWSofficial

2012 re:Invent Day 2 Keynote: Werner Vogels
Hear Amazon CTO Werner Vogels discuss the next generation of application architectures in ...
published: 29 Nov 2012
author: AmazonWebServices
2012 re:Invent Day 2 Keynote: Werner Vogels
Hear Amazon CTO Werner Vogels discuss the next generation of application architectures in the cloud.
- published: 29 Nov 2012
- views: 10482
- author: AmazonWebServices

Introducing AWS Storage Gateway
The AWS Storage Gateway is a cloud storage gateway service connecting on-premise applicati...
published: 06 Oct 2011
author: AmazonWebServices
Introducing AWS Storage Gateway
The AWS Storage Gateway is a cloud storage gateway service connecting on-premise applications with AWS Cloud storage for cloud backup, cloud disaster recovery, as a cloud storage gateway.
- published: 06 Oct 2011
- views: 10623
- author: AmazonWebServices

AWS Report with Deepak Singh, Amazon EC2
Deepak Singh, Product Manager on the Amazon EC2 Team, talks about the new High I/O Instanc...
published: 19 Jul 2012
author: AmazonWebServices
AWS Report with Deepak Singh, Amazon EC2
Deepak Singh, Product Manager on the Amazon EC2 Team, talks about the new High I/O Instance Type (hi1.4xlarge). For more information visit the EC2 home page at aws.amazon.com Contact AWS Report at AWSreport@amazon.com.
- published: 19 Jul 2012
- views: 3827
- author: AmazonWebServices

Introducing AWS Marketplace
AWS Marketplace is an online store that makes it easy forhelps customers to find, compareb...
published: 19 Apr 2012
author: AmazonWebServices
Introducing AWS Marketplace
AWS Marketplace is an online store that makes it easy forhelps customers to find, comparebuy, and immediately start using the software and services they need to build products and run their businesses. The AWS Marketplace joins existing AWS partner programs such as the Amazon Partner Network and is another example to AWS's commitment to growing a strong ecosystem of software and solution partners. Visitors to the marketplace can use AWS Marketplace's 1-Click deployment to quickly launch pre-configured software and pay only for what they use, by the hour or month. AWS handles billing and payments, and software charges appear on customers' AWS bill. Learn more at aws.amazon.com
- published: 19 Apr 2012
- views: 11307
- author: AmazonWebServices

AWS 101 Cloud Computing Seminar-Bangalore
Listen as Kingsley Wood explains cloud computing and the various services available throug...
published: 03 Aug 2012
author: AmazonWebServices
AWS 101 Cloud Computing Seminar-Bangalore
Listen as Kingsley Wood explains cloud computing and the various services available through AWS. Learn more: aws.amazon.com
- published: 03 Aug 2012
- views: 1900
- author: AmazonWebServices

Deploy a .NET Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Amazon RDS Using Visual Studio
In this video, we will walk you through deploying an application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk ...
published: 08 May 2012
author: AmazonWebServices
Deploy a .NET Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Amazon RDS Using Visual Studio
In this video, we will walk you through deploying an application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk (link: aws.amazon.com configuring an Amazon RDS for SQL Server DB instance (link: aws.amazon.com and managing your configuration, all from the confines of Visual Studio. The AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio streamlines your development, deployment, and testing inside your familiar IDE. To learn more about AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Amazon RDS, visit the AWS Elastic Beanstalk Developer Guide at docs.amazonwebservices.com
- published: 08 May 2012
- views: 8181
- author: AmazonWebServices

AWS - Világposztolás - [Hivatalos Videó (HD)]
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: www.facebook.com Szöveg: "A világ korrodál, nézzük mind némán. Korlátol...
published: 14 Oct 2012
author: AWSofficial
AWS - Világposztolás - [Hivatalos Videó (HD)]
LIKE-OLD AZ AWS-T: www.facebook.com Szöveg: "A világ korrodál, nézzük mind némán. Korlátolt klónokat futószalagon utángyárt. Meddig érünk fel a magasba mászva, ha a csúcsról villám rúg le a fagyos porba? Posztolom, hogy elpusztult a világ, de nem lesz aki válaszol rá! Mikor elevenen éget, végleg késő, hogy újra játszd. Ez nem az az álom. Az evolúció a földet bolygató kór. Gyere nézd csak, hogy fogy el! Úgy láss, ahogy más nem! A szél ellenáll, várom az orkánt. Hogy erejével megrengesse a föld súlyát. Meddig érünk fel a magasba mászva, ha a csúcsról villám rúg le a fagyos porba? Álmodj mást, hogy élhess, álmodj változást! Élj úgy, hogy fényünket nem hiába gyújtották meg!" Írta, rendezte, fényképezte: Rácz Péter Vad Róbert www.facebook.com cinemate.hu Szereplők Rákosi Lili AWS Vári László Hegyi Imre Hegyi Anita Mihályi Géza Mihályi Richárd Halassy Adrienn Kovács Krisztián Munkánkat segítették: Balogh Flórián Pongrácz Zoltán Borsi Tamás Kozák Zsolt Vágner Olivér Zene: AWS Szöveg: Siklósi Örs A Hangfelvétel a Supersize Recording stúdióban készült. Producer/Keverés/Master: Varga Zoltán Felvétel: Brucker Bence
- published: 14 Oct 2012
- views: 23030
- author: AWSofficial

2012 re: Invent Day 1 Keynote: Andy Jassy
View AWS Sr. Vice President Andy Jassy's keynote presentation as we kick off AWS re: Inven...
published: 28 Nov 2012
author: AmazonWebServices
2012 re: Invent Day 1 Keynote: Andy Jassy
View AWS Sr. Vice President Andy Jassy's keynote presentation as we kick off AWS re: Invent with the latest news and innovations of our services. You'll also hear customers and partners share how they're innovating with AWS.
- published: 28 Nov 2012
- views: 13286
- author: AmazonWebServices

C* 2012: Cassandra Performance and Scalability on AWS (Adrian Cockcroft, Netflix)
Session: Cassandra Performance and Scalability on AWS Speaker: Adrian Cockcroft (Netflix) ...
published: 20 Aug 2012
author: DataStaxMedia
C* 2012: Cassandra Performance and Scalability on AWS (Adrian Cockcroft, Netflix)
Session: Cassandra Performance and Scalability on AWS Speaker: Adrian Cockcroft (Netflix) Description: Netflix published a Cassandra scalability benchmark in 2011 that showed linear scalability as the number of nodes in the cluster was increased from 48 to 288 and over a million triple replicated writes per second. This talk will summarize a range of new benchmarks that take advantage of more powerful EC2 instances and improvements in Cassandra itself.
- published: 20 Aug 2012
- views: 986
- author: DataStaxMedia

DayZ - Weapon Guide - L85A2 AWS
Weapon Guide to the L85A2 AWS You can get the DayZ mod at www.dayzmod.com - ArmA 2 & Opera...
published: 15 Aug 2012
author: Neverstormgaming
DayZ - Weapon Guide - L85A2 AWS
Weapon Guide to the L85A2 AWS You can get the DayZ mod at www.dayzmod.com - ArmA 2 & Operation Arrowhead required to play.
- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 7578
- author: Neverstormgaming
Vimeo results:

Making-of at http://vimeo.com/38060089
I love being on a bike. It helps me feel free. I g...
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: Guillaume Blanchet
Making-of at http://vimeo.com/38060089
I love being on a bike. It helps me feel free. I get it from my dad. After 382 days spent riding through the streets of Montreal, being sometimes quite cold, sometimes quite hot - and sometimes quite scared, I dedicate this movie to you, Yves Blanchet :-)
Music by Paul Maco / End credit music : Mpc Work at http://bamprod.bandcamp.com/
Winner for best short film at the Francophone Film Fest. of Kalamazoo, 2012
Winner - Jury - Boston Bike Film Festival
Winner - People's choice - of the Bike Reel Film Fest.
Winner - People's choice - NDG Off The Wall, Montreal
Official Selection PixelPops, Cardiff Design Festival
Official Selection Favorite Films Festival, Berlin
Official Selection Clockenflap Festival, Hong Kong
Official Selection Clips of Faith, USA Tour
Official Selection G-Driven Creativity 2012, London
Official Selection Festival de Cinéma de la Ville de Québec
Official Selection Wild&Scenic; Film Festival, Nevada
Official Selection Best of Creativity 2012, Barb.com
Official Selection Wrocław Bike Travellers, Poland
Official Selection Nitehawk Dailymotion, Brooklyn
Official Selection Filmed by Bike, USA
Official Selection Adventure Film Festival, Colorado
Official Selection Festival Images en vue, Québec
Official Selection Mountain Film in Telluride
Official Selection Crested Butte Film Fest, USA
Official Selection Alice Springs Bicycle Film Festival
Official Selection SPASM Festival, Montreal
Official Selection Rail City Roadshow Film Festival, Montreal
Official Selection Chromatic, Montreal
Official Selection Kalamazoo Bike Fest, Michigan
Official Selection Under The Arches, South East London, UK
Official Selection Canmore Community Cruisers Film Fest, Alberta
Shot with GoPro Hero

Celestial Lights
Celestial Lights is my second video project. It is another stop motion based video about t...
published: 17 Apr 2012
author: Ole C. Salomonsen
Celestial Lights
Celestial Lights is my second video project. It is another stop motion based video about the northern lights. The video is shot in the northern parts of Norway, Finland and Sweden during autumn 2011, winter and spring 2012.
If you like the video, please feel free to share it!
More info about me and my photography work:
If you have access to proper audio hardware, please connect and turn up the volume to enjoy the fantastic music composed by Norwegian composer Kai-Anders Ryan. Not only is Kai-Anders a great musical talent, he is also very professional and a joy to work with.
Kai-Anders can be found here:
The audio track can be found here:
For those who do not know, auroras are caused by solar activity. This is shortly visualized in the video. Our suns activity varies in 11 year cycles, and we are closing solar maximum (solar max) for our current solar cycle somewhere between 2012-2013, and solar activity with corresponding auroral activity has clearly been picking up. The beginning of 2011 was lots of clouds but weather improved late 2011 and out 2012. This video contains recordings from some of the most spectacular auroral displays I have ever witnessed, and I have seen a few.
For this video I did shoot approx 150.000 exposures from sept.2011 - april.2012 using Canon DSLR's and various wide angle lenses. Approx 6.000 frames in this video. To achieve pannings I used the fantastic Stage Zero + MX2 controller time-lapse gear from Dynamic Perception.
The video is a merge of two parts; the first part contains some more wild and aggressive auroras, as well as a few milky way sequences, hence either auroras are moving fast because they are, or they are fast due to motion of the milky way / stars. Still, some of the strait up shots are very close to real-time speed, although auroras mostly are slower, she can also be FAST! The second part has some more slow and majestic auroras, where I have focused more on composition and foreground. The music should give you a clear indication of where you are :)
Again, choosing what sequences to use was a battle, and many good sequences will have to wait for a later project I am working on ;) - More info about this will be announced on my facebook site. http://facebook.com/arcticlightphoto
This video summarizes the end of a hectic aurora season for me, and my last shots was done only a few days ago. However now the late sunlight is making it hard to shoot the auroras at night up here, so I decided enough was enough for now, and time to release the video.
I have driven thousands of km between locations up here in the arctic this season, and while on location(s) I was running between 2-3 cameras like a madman, and almost every sequence you see in this video also has been shot using circular fish-eye optics, for yet another project to come. Luckily I had some good company on many of the cold nights.
Gear used:
Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Canon 15mm f/2.8, Canon 24mm f/1.4 II, Canon 17-40 f/4, Nikon 14-24 f/2.8,
Samyang 14mm f/2.8, Samyang 24mm f/1.4
Dynamic Perception Stage Zero + MX2, Orion/Merlin AZ Teletrack head.
Thanks to:
Thomas Seppola
Antti Pietikainen
Thorbjørn Riise Hågensen
Helge Mortensen
Dynamic Perception for making the greatest timelapse gear available to mankind!
Check it out here: http://www.dynamicperception.com
Hope you like the video, and that you by watching it are able to understand my fascination and awe for this beautiful celestial phenomenon.
Video will also be available in 4K Digital Cinema on request.

PATHS OF HATE long trailer
New short animation directed by Damian Nenow, produced by Platige Image.
published: 21 Nov 2010
author: Platige Image
PATHS OF HATE long trailer
New short animation directed by Damian Nenow, produced by Platige Image.
DIRECTOR Damian Nenow
SCRIPT Damian Nenow
EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS Piotr Sikora, Jarosław Sawko, Tomek Bagiński
PRODUCER Marcin Kobylecki
3D GRAPHICS Jarosław Handrysik, Jakub Jabłoński, Rafał Kidziński, Bartłomiej Kik, Bartosz Opatowiecki, Kamil Pohl, Krzysztof Rusinek, Łukasz Skurczyńśki, Marcin Stępień, Piotr Suchodolski, Dominik Wawrzyniak
EDITOR Damian Nenow
IT Tomasz Kruszona, Piotr Getka, Łukasz Olewniczak
MUSIC Jarosław Wójcik
SOUND Genetix Studio, Maciej Tęgi
SOUND PRODUCER Jarosław Wójcik
MUSIC PERFORMED BY Jarosław Wójcik, Paweł Piechura, Ramez Nayyar
VOCAL Radosław Zander
MUSIC MIX Rafał Smoleń
SOUND RECORDING IN DOLBY DIGITAL EX Tomasz Dukszta, C.A.S., Maciej Tęgi, Jarosław Wójcik
MASTERING DOLBY Tomasz Dukszta, C.A.S.
HEAD OF STUDIO 1 WFDiF Wojciech Hamer
TECHNICAL SERVICE STUDIO 1 WFDiF Mieczysław Karwicki, Jan Kozłowski, Leszek Micewski
PRINT LABORATORY WFDiF Jarosław Migała, Jacek Cieśliński
CO-FINANCED BY Polski Instytut Sztuki Filmowej

The International Space Station Expedition 30 crew shot some truly awe-inspiring time-laps...
published: 23 Apr 2012
author: Adonis Pulatus
The International Space Station Expedition 30 crew shot some truly awe-inspiring time-lapse sequences flying over practically every square mile of the globe.
I downloaded the high-resolution image sets that have been made available by the NASA Johnson Space Center and constructed this short time-lapse film in hi-res 2K project format. I was amazed at how clean the Nikon D3S images turned out (even at ISO 3200 and above) which kept the post-processing requirements to a minimum.
Images courtesy of the Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, NASA Johnson Space Center available from: http://eol.jsc.nasa.gov/Videos/CrewEarthObservationsVideos/
Cameras: Nikon D2X and D3S
Lenses: 28-70mm f/2.8, 14-24mm f/2.8, 17-35mm f/2.8, 28mm f/1.4, 85mm f/1.4
Technique: The majority of the images were shot at 1 second intervals, ISO 200-12800.
Post Processing:
:: Downloaded more than 16K hi-res images from NASA for this project
:: Image sets adjusted in Adobe Lightroom 3.6
:: Image sets imported into an Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 2K 24p project
:: Used GBDeflicker for the image sets with shorter exposure times. Highly recommended: http://granitebaysoftware.com/Products/ProductGBD.aspx
:: Exported as 2048x1024 24p MP4 @ 75Mbps
Soundtrack: "Rallying the Defense" by http://MachinimaSound.com licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Youtube results:

DayZ - Huey UH-1H and L85A2 AWS Gameplay [DayZ Helicopter Gameplay]
CLICK HERE TO WATCH Shadow of Chernarus Episode 7 www.youtube.com Like for a fucking helic...
published: 01 Aug 2012
author: extremePrecision
DayZ - Huey UH-1H and L85A2 AWS Gameplay [DayZ Helicopter Gameplay]
CLICK HERE TO WATCH Shadow of Chernarus Episode 7 www.youtube.com Like for a fucking helicopter? Awesome gameplay of mythTECH using the L85 Thermal. ________________________________________________________________ Check out the DayZ mod here: dayzmod.com Check out our bandit DayZ videos: bit.ly Check out our DayZ tutorials bit.ly Check out the official show page for SoC: bit.ly ________________________________________________________________ Stay up to date on everything extremePrecision twitter.com Like us on Facebook? www.facebook.com Join our Steam group? steamcommunity.com Intro and Outro music: bit.ly
- published: 01 Aug 2012
- views: 8687
- author: extremePrecision

L85 AWS and AS-50 End Game Sniping Combo
remember to rate and comment. www.twitter.com...
published: 29 Jul 2012
author: wrath111377
L85 AWS and AS-50 End Game Sniping Combo
remember to rate and comment. www.twitter.com
- published: 29 Jul 2012
- views: 6818
- author: wrath111377

Getting Started with AWS CloudFormation
Follow along with this video tutorial on how to use an AWS CloudFormation template to crea...
published: 13 Dec 2011
author: AmazonWebServices
Getting Started with AWS CloudFormation
Follow along with this video tutorial on how to use an AWS CloudFormation template to create a stack. The tutorial uses the template located at s3.amazonaws.com Be sure to download it before watching the video.
- published: 13 Dec 2011
- views: 4841
- author: AmazonWebServices

DAYZ L85A2 AWS Demonstration
One of the rarest guns in the game...... Still can't believe I got it. :) Thanks to every ...
published: 21 Jul 2012
author: Joblessgamers
DAYZ L85A2 AWS Demonstration
One of the rarest guns in the game...... Still can't believe I got it. :) Thanks to every one who helped me get it by making long ass run's to different heli crash site locations Check out our Social medias to stay up to date with all Giveaways, Video updates! __________________________________ ...
- published: 21 Jul 2012
- views: 33128
- author: Joblessgamers