- published: 11 Jul 2011
- views: 5915848

25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes in Films
FOR MORE LISTS: http://mewlists.com/
25 Great Scenes in Film that actually were not scr...
published: 11 Jul 2011
25 Greatest Unscripted Scenes in Films
FOR MORE LISTS: http://mewlists.com/
25 Great Scenes in Film that actually were not scripted, but rather, improvised. Please keep the captions on, as I will explain the improvisation.
- published: 11 Jul 2011
- views: 5915848

Born of Hope - Full Movie
Born of Hope is an independent feature film inspired by the Lord of the Rings and produced...
published: 11 Dec 2009
Born of Hope - Full Movie
Born of Hope is an independent feature film inspired by the Lord of the Rings and produced by Actors at Work Productions in the UK.
Thanks to Chris Bouchard and the H4G team for putting the film here. For more films by the makers of this and BoH extras please visit.
Check them out for more videos regarding the film including the audio commentary.
A scattered people, the descendants of storied sea kings of the ancient West, struggle to survive in a lonely wilderness as a dark force relentlessly bends its will toward their destruction. Yet amidst these valiant, desperate people, hope remains. A royal house endures unbroken from father to son.
This 70 minute original drama is set in the time before the War of the Ring and tells the story of the Dúnedain, the Rangers of the North, before the return of the King. Inspired by only a couple of paragraphs written by Tolkien in the appendices of the Lord of the Rings we follow Arathorn and Gilraen, the parents of Aragorn, from their first meeting through a turbulent time in their people's history.
- published: 11 Dec 2009
- views: 19733131

Into The Fire - Full Film
Press For Truth Presents Into The Fire
World leaders and activists from around the world ...
published: 20 Apr 2011
Into The Fire - Full Film
Press For Truth Presents Into The Fire
World leaders and activists from around the world gathered for the G20 Summit. With over 19,000 police officers and security personnel on hand, the results lead to over 1100 arrests, martial law in downtown Toronto, and the most massive violation of civil liberties in Canadian history.
Into The Fire
The whole world is watching.
Directed by Dan Dicks
Produced by Steven Davies Bryan Law and Dan Dicks
Music by Dan Dicks
Into The Fire on DVD has over 2 hours of extras including deleted scenes, extended interviews, a making of the soundtrack special feature and much more!
Support independent media by joining Press For Truth TV:
We rely on you the viewer to help us continue to do this work. With your help I can continue to make videos and documentary films for youtube in an effort to raise awareness all over the world. Please support independent media by joining Press For Truth TV!
As a Press For Truth TV subscriber you'll have full access to the site's features and content including Daily Video Blogs on current news from the PFT perspective and High Quality Downloads of all Press For Truth Films, Music and Special Reports! Subscribe to Press For Truth TV: http://pressfortruth.tv/register/
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You can also support Press For Truth and help us continue to do this work by donating or becoming a sponsor at pressfortruth.ca
- published: 20 Apr 2011
- views: 586010

On the edge of space, a mining ship, The Ezekiel, finds an uncharted planet that reveals s...
published: 01 Oct 2011
On the edge of space, a mining ship, The Ezekiel, finds an uncharted planet that reveals signs of a possible fuel resource. Two crew members undertake a mission to the desolate rock to take samples for later analysis. The mission goes well until they unearth a dark and terrifying truth.
- published: 01 Oct 2011
- views: 291946

Naina-one of the top horror films from India
Watch out Latest Full Bollywood Hindi Film Naina online FREE
A thrilling horror film with...
published: 10 Oct 2011
Naina-one of the top horror films from India
Watch out Latest Full Bollywood Hindi Film Naina online FREE
A thrilling horror film with great effects. One of the best Indian horror movies.
A day of solar eclipse, a young girl of five loses her eyesight and her parents in a freak accident in London. Twenty years later, she is bestowed with the gift of sight. Thanks to the marvels of modern science, a cornea implant brings her vision back. Her period of darkness is over... or is it?
With the implant through which her vision is restored, she starts seeing a new world hitherto unknown to mankind. What is this curse that has been cast upon her? Will she ever be able to escape it? Will this extraordinary sense she is now bestowed with destroy her life? Will she ever be able to resume her regular life again?
Naina is the quest of a young woman trying to find the answers to these supernatural mysteries. Will she succeed?
You can like our channel on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/IDream-Production/159704297458844
- published: 10 Oct 2011
- views: 520055

2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginning OFFICIAL FILM [Brave Archer Films®]
'A World of Love is Coming!' Brave Archer Films presents '2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginn...
published: 02 Dec 2012
2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginning OFFICIAL FILM [Brave Archer Films®]
'A World of Love is Coming!' Brave Archer Films presents '2012 Crossing Over: A New Beginning' a film written, directed, filmed, edited & entirely independently funded & produced by Amel Tresnjic.
Unlike the doomsday scenarios portrayed in the mainstream media, this film explores a 'positive' spiritual viewpoint regarding the significance of Dec 21, 2012 and beyond. Furthermore it explores 'our world's current state' and provides an empowering message of how every individual can contribute in making the world a better place. The film investigates the galactic alignment, consciousness awakening, cycles of evolution, our binary star system with Sirius, the fear agenda in the media, who's behind it, love vs fear, the power of choice, the purpose of life and much more. The film is loaded with amazing revelations of the current times we live in, from exceptional astrologer and teacher Santos Bonacci, spiritual leaders Bud Barber, George Neo and Vamsi Krishna, Yoga devotee Alfred Van Den Bosh and Vedic historian Acintya Govinda Das. It also features appearances of Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Gregg Braden, Alex Jones, David Icke and more.
Please share the message & support the film by making a small donation. It is the key to being able to make films like these possible. Each donation will receive a Downloadable HD copy of the Film. This film has been completely independently funded, produced & released for free. Your donation is very much appreciated. All donations will go towards spreading the message & production costs of the next film entitled 'Spiritual Awakening, Rise of the Kundalini.' To donate visit Paypal below! https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted;_button_id=HB8KM2RLA97VQ
With 10.800+ Likes, the film has NOW been SEEN by more than 750.000+ people! Below are just a few updates for the film:
-Half a million views in the first 3 weeks on YouTube only.
-Listed NO 1 Doco at TDF Top Documentary Films in the genre 'Conspiracy'
-Listed NO 2 Doco at Documentary Magic in the genre of 'Spirituality'
-Rated 8.3/10 on www.IMDB.com
-5 STAR rating with 1300+ Likes and 9000+ views on Disclose TV
-5 STAR Review by AIDY Reviews
-5 STAR Review by Michael Forrester
-To read 10 user and 30+ more critically acclaimed reviews visit:
-The film is in the process of being translated into 16+ languages, all by the power of the people
-In the first week of release, the film was offered a Hollywood distribution deal, but Amel respectfully rejected it due to the terms that the film needed to be removed from YouTube
-Received Honor Award 'New Age of Activism 2011-2012 top 12 & Beyond' http://www.newageofactivism.com/search/label/%280%29New%20Age%20Of%20Activism%20Top%2012%20and%20Beyond%3A%20Documentary%3A%202012%20Crossing%20Over
-Inspired a song entitled 'Cross Over' by Johnna Rae
-The films strong & positive message to 'choose love' inspired world-wide fans to host numerous screenings in Australia, Germany, Bosnia, LA, DC, Canada, Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Russia, UK as well as hundreds of online stations
-The film was screened at the Washington DC Correction Center & included in their video library to help encourage positive change in prisoners.
-It was also added to a Children's Clinic video library in Hawaii to help youth overcome physical & mental illnesses http://lovingservicefoundation.org
-The film Inspired hundreds of thousands of people around the world to 'choose love' & to make a positive contribution to humankind!
"Thank you ALL for sharing the message of LOVE. Most people don't realize that the entire crew of the film..is just ME :-) I created the film entirely on my own with the intention of making our world a better place.. & the response has been AMAZING. There are no paid ads or any mainstream support. The message of LOVE is spreading all over the world AND THAT'S ONLY BY THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE! Thank YOU ALL! It is amazing what ONE person can do when they are driven by good intentions. Imagine if every single one of us (no matter how small the deed) does the same! A world of peace,
love & harmony would be just around the corner!" Amel
Film Credits:
Written, directed, filmed, edited & entirely
independently funded & produced by Amel Tresnjic.
Including Original Music by: Jonathan Kent
From the Album: Sundara Nama by Jonathan Kent
Produced by Brave Archer Films®
- published: 02 Dec 2012
- views: 757551

Replay - Amazing Animated Short Film by Talantis Films Distribution
Check out more at http://www.aniboom.com/animation/featuredanimations.
In a destroyed w...
published: 18 Jun 2009
Replay - Amazing Animated Short Film by Talantis Films Distribution
Check out more at http://www.aniboom.com/animation/featuredanimations.
In a destroyed world, the only glimpse of hope is the memory of a forgotten past. But be careful not to let your dreams control your mind...This is Replay an amazing animated short film.
Animation by anthonyvoisin - the film is distributed by Talantis Films.
Follow Aniboom:
facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Aniboom
MySpace - http://www.myspace.com/aniboom
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/aniboom
If you liked this animation, don't forget to subscribe, you know you want to .
- published: 18 Jun 2009
- views: 2515553

STREET BATTLE Les Twins VS. Bones The Machine+Pee Fly VS. Laura+Boubou | YAK FILMS
2 on 2 freestyle dance battle in the streets of Paris, France
Les Twins (New Style, Fre...
published: 26 Aug 2010
STREET BATTLE Les Twins VS. Bones The Machine+Pee Fly VS. Laura+Boubou | YAK FILMS
2 on 2 freestyle dance battle in the streets of Paris, France
Les Twins (New Style, French Hip Hop) VS. Bones & Pee Fly (New York Flexing) VS. Laura & Boubou (New Style, French Hip Hop)
Filmed & edited by Yoram Savion & Ben Tarquin
© YAK FILMS 2010
- published: 26 Aug 2010
- views: 7494117

1970s American Culture Sociology Documentary Films: Health, Education, Fashion, Drug Use
In the Western world, social progressive values that began in the 1960s, such as increasin...
published: 22 Aug 2012
1970s American Culture Sociology Documentary Films: Health, Education, Fashion, Drug Use
In the Western world, social progressive values that began in the 1960s, such as increasing political awareness and political and economic liberty of women, continued to grow. The hippie culture, which started in the latter half of the 1960s, waned by the early 1970s and faded towards the middle part of the decade, which involved opposition to the Vietnam War, opposition to nuclear weapons, the advocacy of world peace, and hostility to the authority of government and big business. The environmentalist movement began to increase dramatically in this period.
Novelist Tom Wolfe coined the term Me decade in his article "The "Me" Decade and the Third Great Awakening", published by New York magazine in August 1976 referring to the 1970s. The term describes a general new attitude of Americans towards atomized individualism and away from communitarianism in clear contrast with the 1960s.
Wolfe attributes disappearance of the "proletariat" with the appearance of the "lower middle class", citing the economic boom of Post-War America as affording the average American a sort of self determination and individuation that ran alongside economic prosperity. Wolfe describes this abandoning of communal, left, and New Deal politics as "taking the money and running." He traces the preoccupation with one's self back to the aristocrat. The nature of the "chivalric tradition" and the philosophy behind "the finishing school" are inherently dedicated to the building and forming of personal character and conduct.
The attitude of the counter-culture of the 1960s and The New Left promoted a recovery of the self in the wave, of what was deemed, a flawed, corrupt, and almost fascistic, America. This philosophy left the 1970s with the promise that the use LSD or acid unveiled the true and the real self. Wolfe describes the revelatory experience of hallucinogens as attenuating the ecstatic religious experience, transforming the religious climate in America. Chronicling the First and Second Great Awakenings, Wolfe comes to describe the "Me decade as the "Third Great Awakening."
In the United Kingdom with the 1979 elections resulted in the victory of its Conservative Party under Margaret Thatcher in 1979. Industrialized countries, except Japan, experienced an economic recession due to an oil crisis caused by oil embargoes by the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries. The crisis saw the first instance of stagflation which began a political and economic trend of the replacement of Keynesian economic theory with neoliberal economic theory, with the first neoliberal governments being created in Chile, where a military coup led by Augusto Pinochet took place in 1973.
In Asia, affairs regarding the People's Republic of China changed significantly following the recognition of the PRC by the United Nations, the death of Mao Zedong and the beginning of market liberalization by Mao's successors. Despite facing an oil crisis due to the OPEC embargo, the economy of Japan witnessed a large boom in this period. The United States withdrew its military forces from their previous involvement in the Vietnam War which had grown enormously unpopular. In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan which led to an ongoing war for ten years.
The 1970s saw an initial increase in violence in the Middle East as Egypt and Syria declared war on Israel, but in the late 1970s, the situation in the Middle East was fundamentally altered when Egypt signed the Egyptian--Israeli Peace Treaty. Anwar El Sadat, President of Egypt, was instrumental in the event and consequently became extremely unpopular in the Arab World and the wider Muslim world. He was assassinated in 1981. Political tensions in Iran exploded with the Iranian Revolution which overthrew the Pahlavi dynasty and established an Islamic republic of Iran.
The economies of much of the developing world continued to make steady progress in the early 1970s, because of the Green Revolution. They might have thrived and become stable in the way that Europe recovered after World War II through the Marshall Plan; however, their economic growth was slowed by the oil crisis but boomed immediately after.
- published: 22 Aug 2012
- views: 209162

Frases Reggaeton Parte 5 - (Piamonte Films)
■ Síguenos en Facebook ■
Juanda Oviedo: http://www.facebook.com/juandajd
published: 02 Mar 2013
Frases Reggaeton Parte 5 - (Piamonte Films)
■ Síguenos en Facebook ■
Juanda Oviedo: http://www.facebook.com/juandajd
Fan Page: http://www.facebook.com/yosoyjuanda
Santiago Monsalve : http://www.facebook.com/TiagoMonsalve
Julian Piran: http://www.facebook.com/julian.piiran
Carlos Garces: http://www.facebook.com/G.Mathieu0707
Alejandro Guerra: http://www.facebook.com/alejandro.guerrasanchez
Suscribete en YouTube: http://bitly.com/LiNR3Q
Piamonte Films en Facebook: http://www.fb.com/PiamonteFilms
Siguenos en Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/PiamonteFilms
Frases Reggaeton ④
© Piamonte Films - Medellin, Colombia
Intro: 00:00 Un Beso Lui G 21+
0:14 Harlem Shake - Baauer
0:50 Flow Violento - Arcangel
1:04 Este es el flow - Arcangel
1:30 Me estas tentando - Wisin y Yandel
1:50 Niña bonita - Rayo y Toby
2:41 Fuiste tu quien perdió - Arcangel
3:00 Esta noche hay pelea - Wisin y Yandel
3:44 Llego el patán - Lui G 21+
4:20 Punto G - Ñengo Flow ft ovejas negras
4:43 Perros y Gatas - Alberto Style
5:04 Siente - J king y Maximan ft Ñengo
5:22 Aprovecha - Nova y Jory ft Daddy Yankee
6:03 El no se va a enterar - Arcangel
6:22 Si ella es brava - Lito y Polaco
6:46 Todo de ti - J alvarez
7:25 Un beso - Lui G 21+
7:35 Amor de antes - Plan B ft Amaro y Ñengo
9:22 Si tu me calientas - Yaga y Mackie
10:17 Hello - Lui G 21+
11:02 Se revelo - Lui G 21+
11:53 Shorty - Jowell y Randy
11:59 Nada va a pasar - Arcangel ft Yaga y Mackie
12:34 Miss Independent - Lui G 21+ ft Maluma
FINAL: 13:50 Un beso - Lui G 21+
- published: 02 Mar 2013
- views: 256880

Late Bloomer - Short Film - Sundance Film Festival
Short film directed by Craig Macneill. Written by Clay McLeod Chapman. Produced by Thom Li...
published: 03 Mar 2011
Late Bloomer - Short Film - Sundance Film Festival
Short film directed by Craig Macneill. Written by Clay McLeod Chapman. Produced by Thom Litttle.
Official selection at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival, Late Bloomer is a compelling and humorous short film about 7th grade sex ed class gone horribly wrong. Loosely based on the dark tales of H.P. Lovecraft.
Audience Award for Best Short Film at the Lake Placid Film Festival
. Best Short Film at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival
Directed by, Craig Macneill
Written by, Clay McLeod Chapman
Produced by, Thom Little
Edited by, Emily Williams
Music by, One Ring Zero
Sound Design, Peter Walsh
Production Designers, Mak & Claire Falkenberg
Sam Borenzweig
Lauren Bond
Danicah Waldo
Courtney Merritt
Godfrey Pflager
- published: 03 Mar 2011
- views: 864367

Portal: No Escape (Live Action Short Film by Dan Trachtenberg)
A woman wakes up in a room with no memory of who she is or how she got there...
This is...
published: 23 Aug 2011
Portal: No Escape (Live Action Short Film by Dan Trachtenberg)
A woman wakes up in a room with no memory of who she is or how she got there...
This is a short set in the world of the Portal video games created by Valve Software.
Recommend viewing in HD in FULLSCREEN with sound UP...
- published: 23 Aug 2011
- views: 12061066

7 Things to Know About Making Short Films! : FRIDAY 101
This week, Russell goes over seven important things to know about short films, from effici...
published: 01 Feb 2013
7 Things to Know About Making Short Films! : FRIDAY 101
This week, Russell goes over seven important things to know about short films, from efficient exposition, to what the best length is when submitting to film festivals! If you have anything that you would add to this list, leave them in the comments below!
This week's links:
List of Short Film Oscar Nomination Qualifying Festivals: http://www.oscars.org/awards/academyawards/rules/shortsfestivals.html
Martin Scorsese's "The Big Shave": http://youtu.be/N1T93rJ9p-s
Peluca (The short film that became Napoleon Dynamite): http://youtu.be/9SeTfcj3UKI
BMWFilms' "The Hire" Series: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEfqB-d3QJo&list;=PL3A278EE758551DD8&index;=1
If you have a question, are seeking advice (FILMMAKING advice, Russ is NOT, in fact, a licensed therapist), or were just wondering about anything at all film or video related, send an email to:
Even quick, simple questions will do.
Have something to add to any of the topics we discussed on this episode? Send us a video response, or a Youtube link via email, and record yourself weighing in!
If you have made a movie and want advice as to how it could be better, send a Youtube link, listed or unlisted, to:
and let Russell know you want your movie put on THE CHOPPING BLOCK!
Intro Video by Anthony De Coninck (aka Stylow)
Theme Music by Abhilash Buch
Additional Music by Kevin MacLeod
"Covert Affair"
"Who Likes to Party"
- published: 01 Feb 2013
- views: 25841
Youtube results:

Nachano Ledo ? - Telugu Short Film By Nani Golla
For More Short Films http://www.teluguone.com/shortfilms
Free Movies http://www.teluguone...
published: 28 Feb 2013
Nachano Ledo ? - Telugu Short Film By Nani Golla
For More Short Films http://www.teluguone.com/shortfilms
Free Movies http://www.teluguone.com/movies
- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 53392

ELECTROSHOCK (HD) Brilliant Short animated Film from ESMA Students
(2011) 08:42 | Animation - Adventure Comedy
Produced at Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Art...
published: 06 Jan 2012
ELECTROSHOCK (HD) Brilliant Short animated Film from ESMA Students
(2011) 08:42 | Animation - Adventure Comedy
Produced at Ecole Supérieure des Métiers Artistiques (www.-montpellier.com)
For More info on the film visit Facebook.com/Electroshockmovie
CREDITS: Created, Directed & Animated by Hugo Jackson, Pascal Chandelier, Valentin Michel, Bastien MORTELEcque and Elliot Maren. With the voices of Christophe Lemoine, Ariane Aggiage, Michel Vigne, Laetitia Barbara, Philipe Peythieu and Véronique Augereau. Music by Thierry Jaoul, Jose Vicente and Hugo Jackson. Sound Design by José Vicente and Yoann Poncet, Studio des Aviateurs.
MadArtistPublishing.com does not own the copyrights to this film, in most cases we represent and have direct contact with the film makers and all parties associated with the making of the film. We promote and screen their films in our publications and on our channel.
- published: 06 Jan 2012
- views: 959953

Backbenchers Telugu Short Film With Subtitles
Like Us for more Videos at http://www.fb.com/runwayreel
'Back-Benchers' Short Film
Story &...
published: 12 Dec 2012
Backbenchers Telugu Short Film With Subtitles
Like Us for more Videos at http://www.fb.com/runwayreel
'Back-Benchers' Short Film
Story & Direction by Dilip Kumar Nomula
Editing by Nani Lukka
Cinematography by Murali Krishna Kankanala
Music by Nani Vineel AR
- published: 12 Dec 2012
- views: 155280

Touch Chesadu (Every Girl must watch) Telugu Short Film by Ravi Kiran Raju
Touch Chesadu - Telugu short film
A film by Ravi...
published: 23 Dec 2012
Touch Chesadu (Every Girl must watch) Telugu Short Film by Ravi Kiran Raju
Touch Chesadu - Telugu short film
A film by Ravi Kiran Raju .ph:9030953978 kiran4films@gmail.com
Cast : Bhargavi . Haurish Naga . Chethan Banala
- published: 23 Dec 2012
- views: 413416