- published: 25 Jul 2012
- views: 58
- author: zenovandenbroek

In Situ installation
Zeno van den Broek - In Situ installation. 4 channel audio composition - 4 speakers covere...
published: 25 Jul 2012
author: zenovandenbroek
In Situ installation
Zeno van den Broek - In Situ installation. 4 channel audio composition - 4 speakers covered in soil. Part of the Manu Baeyens solo+ exhibition at Gallery SANAA, Utrecht. zenovandenbroek.com galeriesanaa.nl
- published: 25 Jul 2012
- views: 58
- author: zenovandenbroek

Cobiax in-situ installation and casting
Installation and casting of Cobiax void formers for bi-axial load bearing concrete slabs M...
published: 25 Aug 2010
author: cobiaxzug
Cobiax in-situ installation and casting
Installation and casting of Cobiax void formers for bi-axial load bearing concrete slabs More information can be found under www.cobiax.com
- published: 25 Aug 2010
- views: 9079
- author: cobiaxzug

In Situ | Ragga Dance
Ragga Dance music video by In Situ Choreo by: Nere González & Oriana Mejías (Iume / In Sit...
published: 21 Nov 2010
author: insitudance
In Situ | Ragga Dance
Ragga Dance music video by In Situ Choreo by: Nere González & Oriana Mejías (Iume / In Situ / Alicante) Also: Jorge Vidal, Daniel Guillén & Aitor Calatayud Film & edition: Marco Ramos (mayormarko@hotmail.com) Come to Alicante and visit us! insitudance.com
- published: 21 Nov 2010
- views: 207192
- author: insitudance

Zoos and Conservation
**Version with Spanish subtitles available: www.youtube.com Humanity relies on nature - an...
published: 17 May 2010
author: EAZAvideo
Zoos and Conservation
**Version with Spanish subtitles available: www.youtube.com Humanity relies on nature - and time is running out for many species. The accumulated knowledge of zoos and aquariums is crucial in the fight to save biodiversity. EAZA members are at the forefront of wildlife conservation. This film, produced to mark International Year of Biodiversity 2010, explores some of the links between zoos and field conservation projects. EAZA is the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, linking and representing more than 300 institutions across Europe and beyond. To find your local EAZA member visit: www.eaza.net -------- The video features interviews with the following people: Bengt Holst - Director of Research and Conservation at Copenhagen Zoo, Denmark Patrícia Medici - Coordinator, Lowland Tapir Conservation Initiative, Brazil Stewart Muir - Director, Newquay Zoo, UK Nguyen Van Thai - Program Officer, Carnivore and Pangolin Conservation Program, Vietnam Dr Christoph Schwitzer - Head of Research, Bristol Zoo Gardens, UK; and Executive Secretary, The Lemur Conservation Association (AEECL) Production Team: Director/Producer: Paul King Director of Photography: Mark Verkerk Editor: Natassia Wijdeveld 2nd Unit Camera: Paul Woodd-Walker 2nd Unit Production: Rebecca Harris Production: Esther Hertog Graphic Design: Robert Doets Production Assistant: Suzanne Schreve Music composed and performed by Steven de Geus Special thanks to MacGyver Post Production Amsterdam This production was made ...
- published: 17 May 2010
- views: 18275
- author: EAZAvideo

Insitu ScanEagle Launch And Capture
Video by Staff Sgt. Bernardo Fuller 16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment The Australian A...
published: 21 Nov 2012
author: airboyd
Insitu ScanEagle Launch And Capture
Video by Staff Sgt. Bernardo Fuller 16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment The Australian Army's 131 Battery, 20th Surveillance and Target Acquisition Regiment operates the "Scan Eagle" unmanned aerial vehicle, or UAV, at multi-national base Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan. To support troops on the ground, the 131 Battery, originally from Gallippoli Barracks in Brisbane, Australia, has flown more than 25 thousand hours over Afghanistan so far. With an endurance of about 12 hours, the Scan Eagle can travel up to 100 kilometers away from the operator, based on line of sight, before being handed off to another operator at a different location. With the Australian UAV footage, the Singaporean Imagery Analysis team, who are also deployed to multi-national base Tarin Kowt, support the UAV team by producing 3-D digital mockups of suspected insurgent compounds as well as tracking patterns of life around the area of operation. To become a Scan Eagle operator, one must go through a three-month course involving simulations as well as actual test flights at various ranges around Australia. The importance of the 131 Battery's mission is most evident when ground troops fighting insurgents can't see over Afghanistan's rugged terrain. They can watch where insurgents are coming from and to where they are escaping. The Australian Scan Eagle imagery is available to the whole coalition and gets distributed to the units. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en.wikipedia.org ScanEagle is a small, low ...
- published: 21 Nov 2012
- views: 13698
- author: airboyd

Corazon in "situ"
Dr. Segundo Garzón Vélez Docente de la Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil. Cualquier comenta...
published: 18 May 2009
author: segundoalfredo
Corazon in "situ"
Dr. Segundo Garzón Vélez Docente de la Universidad Estatal de Guayaquil. Cualquier comentario enviar a la dirección de correo siguiente: dr.segundogarzon@hotmail.com o dr.garzon@hotmail.com Este proyecto (Sistema AudioVisual para facilitar el aprendizaje de Anatomía) ha sido diseñado para tratar de resolver los problemas existentes en la Cátedra de Anatomía de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la UG que es el conseguir el número adecuado de cadáveres para la gran cantidad de estudiantes que existen por aula y que manifiestan inconformidad por no poder observar y fijar las estructuras del cuerpo. Este trabajo es de tipo casero y con inversión propia, económica y de tiempo. Pero hecho con la única satisfacción de poder llegar a todos mis alumnos con el mismo conocimiento teórico-práctico y brindar a todos la misma oportunidad de aprendizaje.
- published: 18 May 2009
- views: 17084
- author: segundoalfredo

TV3 - In Situ - Monòlegs - Dani Mateo
El Dani Mateo es va passar uns quants anys mirant pantalles de tele, però no era ni un voy...
published: 07 Aug 2007
author: tv3
TV3 - In Situ - Monòlegs - Dani Mateo
El Dani Mateo es va passar uns quants anys mirant pantalles de tele, però no era ni un voyeur ni el Gran Germà d'Orwell: donava la informació del trànsit. Un bon dia, Paramount Comedy va aparèixer en la seva vida i li va permetre presentar el late night "Noche sin tregua", que fa més de 3 anys que és en antena.
- published: 07 Aug 2007
- views: 30368
- author: tv3

Site oficial do DIR EN GREY: www.direngrey.co.jp DIR EN GREY Brazilian Street Team: www.fa...
published: 02 Aug 2012
author: DEGBRST
Site oficial do DIR EN GREY: www.direngrey.co.jp DIR EN GREY Brazilian Street Team: www.facebook.com
- published: 02 Aug 2012
- views: 56920
- author: DEGBRST

Off-pump CABG exclusively with skeletonized insitu arterial conduits
Off-pump technique is proven to reduce risks for CABG operation. Arterial grafts are exclu...
published: 06 Jun 2010
author: asaitoru
Off-pump CABG exclusively with skeletonized insitu arterial conduits
Off-pump technique is proven to reduce risks for CABG operation. Arterial grafts are exclusively prepared skeletonized with Harmonic Scalpel and used insitu without branching composite technique. Highly demanding but high quality operation for severe coronary artery disease.
- published: 06 Jun 2010
- views: 19664
- author: asaitoru

Biorremediacion In Situ, U de Santiago, FUNDBIO 2012.
Flores, Leiva, Quintrel, Morales, Muñoz...
published: 14 Dec 2012
author: nicolas flores
Biorremediacion In Situ, U de Santiago, FUNDBIO 2012.
Flores, Leiva, Quintrel, Morales, Muñoz
- published: 14 Dec 2012
- views: 16
- author: nicolas flores

Sal y Mileto - Soledad con Paul Segovia [In Situ]
Un pequeño homenaje de parte mía a Sal y Mileto ya Paul Segovia, lider de la banda de los ...
published: 24 Dec 2010
author: CristJianZild
Sal y Mileto - Soledad con Paul Segovia [In Situ]
Un pequeño homenaje de parte mía a Sal y Mileto ya Paul Segovia, lider de la banda de los hornos... Sal y Mileto - Rock Libre Ekuatoriano
- published: 24 Dec 2010
- views: 13361
- author: CristJianZild

Tren de Laboreo Subal para panaderia, con formadora chapatera. Instalación In-situ.
Pesadora heñidora. Es una máquina precisa, fiable y compacta. Apropiada para todo tipo de ...
published: 20 Nov 2009
author: SubalMaquinaria
Tren de Laboreo Subal para panaderia, con formadora chapatera. Instalación In-situ.
Pesadora heñidora. Es una máquina precisa, fiable y compacta. Apropiada para todo tipo de masas, pues funciona según el sistema de succión al vacío que garantiza un trabajo suave, sin castigar la masa en absoluto. La pesadora heñidora suministra piezas redondeadas gracias a su teja regulable de teflón adaptable al tamaño de las piezas. Cámara de reposo. Es una cámara de reposo estática. Las piezas permanecen en la misma bolsa desde la carga hasta la descarga. No hay saltos de piezas de una bolsa a otra. El tiempo de reposo puede ajustarse. Existen modelos de diversas capacidades. Formadora de barras. La formadora es polivalente, fiable y sólida. Está especialmente diseñada para trabajar en grupos de panificación. El formado del pan es admirable con cualquier tipo de masa
- published: 20 Nov 2009
- views: 6730
- author: SubalMaquinaria

Peter Norvig: The 100000-student classroom
www.ted.com In the fall of 2011 Peter Norvig taught a class with Sebastian Thrun on artifi...
published: 18 Jun 2012
author: TEDtalksDirector
Peter Norvig: The 100000-student classroom
www.ted.com In the fall of 2011 Peter Norvig taught a class with Sebastian Thrun on artificial intelligence at Stanford attended by 175 students in situ -- and over 100000 via an interactive webcast. He shares what he learned about teaching to a global classroom.TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Featured speakers have included Al Gore on climate change, Philippe Starck on design, Jill Bolte Taylor on observing her own stroke, Nicholas Negroponte on One Laptop per Child, Jane Goodall on chimpanzees, Bill Gates on malaria and mosquitoes, Pattie Maes on the "Sixth Sense" wearable tech, and "Lost" producer JJ Abrams on the allure of mystery. TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and TEDTalks cover these topics as well as science, business, development and the arts. Closed captions and translated subtitles in a variety of languages are now available on TED.com, at http If you have questions or comments about this or other TED videos, please go to support.ted.com
- published: 18 Jun 2012
- views: 28166
- author: TEDtalksDirector

Zoom H1 Handy Recorder Video Walkthrough: Put Your Hands Together. . .
Who's the handiest recorder around? Why, the Zoom H1 Handy Recorder, that's who. We're of ...
published: 03 Apr 2011
author: gearwire
Zoom H1 Handy Recorder Video Walkthrough: Put Your Hands Together. . .
Who's the handiest recorder around? Why, the Zoom H1 Handy Recorder, that's who. We're of course using the 1st and 2nd definitions culled from the online edition of Merriam-Webster's, quote: handy adj \ˈhan-dē\ hand·i·er hand·i·est def.: conveniently near convenient for use The Zoom H1 meets both these criteria, well, handily. See, it's easy to use, captures audio in beautiful stereo, and is compact enough to always be at the ready in a coat, pants, or shirt pocket, purse, or satchel. And at just under $100, it's easy to own as well. Owen examines the H1 in situ first at a band rehearsal and then as a songwriter's scratchpad in this video walkthrough.
- published: 03 Apr 2011
- views: 20202
- author: gearwire
Vimeo results:

Gameleste: custom instrument for Björk
Björk commissioned several custom instruments for the shows surrounding the release of 'Bi...
published: 26 Jun 2011
author: Andy McCreeth
Gameleste: custom instrument for Björk
Björk commissioned several custom instruments for the shows surrounding the release of 'Biophilia' - one is a hybrid gamelan celeste; the original steel bars of a vintage orchestral celeste were replaced with bronze tonebars hand-made by UK cymbalsmith Matt Nolan, and the instrument was rebuilt and MIDIfied by Iceland's top organ-maker, Björgvin Tòmasson.
I filmed Matt in his workshop in UK, then we flew to Iceland to finish commissioning the instrument in Björgvin's seaside organ factory. Due to the timescales involved, it was recorded in-situ for Björk's 'Biophilia' project, which was released shortly after.
This is a 2-minute brief montage of the making of the 'Gameleste' - the soundtrack was composed by Matt Nolan largely using treated percussive sounds.
Camera: Andy McCreeth
Editing: Andy McCreeth and Matt Nolan
Soundtrack Music: Matt Nolan

Vieux Port Steakhouse - Expérience Steakhouse Vieux-Montréal
More than a restaurant, Vieux-Port Steakhouse is an institution. Quality cuts, cooked to p...
published: 22 Mar 2012
author: Vieux Montreal
Vieux Port Steakhouse - Expérience Steakhouse Vieux-Montréal
More than a restaurant, Vieux-Port Steakhouse is an institution. Quality cuts, cooked to perfection for almost three decades. All our beef is AAA Canadian Certified and aged for at least 30 days. You’ll love the classic atmosphere, warm and welcoming. We’re situated directly on St. Paul Street in a beautiful, century-old structure. Inside, you’re greeted by old stone walls, wood floors, cozy fireplaces and an attentive staff.
Bien plus qu’un simple restaurant, le Vieux-Port Steakhouse est une institution. Voilà plus de 30 ans que nous servons des coupes de viande de qualité cuites à la perfection. Nous sélectionnons uniquement du boeuf canadien certifié AAA et vieilli au moins 30 jours. Un service chaleureux dans un décor classique, voilà une formule qui charme à coup sûr. Nous sommes situés directement sur la rue Saint-Paul au sein d’un magnifique édifice centenaire. À l’intérieur, vous serez accueillis par un personnel attentionné, de splendides murs de pierres, des planchers de bois franc et des foyers crépitants.

Poured Bar
A bar top made by pouring.
Layers of fast-hardening fluid are poured in 6 metre long run...
published: 23 Feb 2011
author: Glithero
Poured Bar
A bar top made by pouring.
Layers of fast-hardening fluid are poured in 6 metre long runs across an immaculate surface. As the viscous material hardens, enforcements are added to brace the giant slab, the first pours becoming buried under its foundations.
At last, when it is made sturdy and rigid, the slab is flipped in one choreographed motion, revealing the smooth plane of the first poured layers, blobs, runs, drips and puddles, tracing the path of the gesture with which it was made.
The bar top, made in situ, is mounted onto a wooden structure, a temporary pop-up bar with an expressive and accidental top. Commissioned by the Corinthia Hotel, London, the temporary bar hosted several parties including the Bafta Awards and London Fashion Week events.

An architectural visualization by Atelier York - Bespoke Architectural Visualiz...
published: 13 Jul 2011
author: Alex York
An architectural visualization by Atelier York - Bespoke Architectural Visualization.
"The House" is a project that started life for Atelier York back in 2008, with a commission from the architects to produce a few relatively simple exterior renders of a new project they were working on, to better help them visualise their design. We were then asked to produce planning stills showing the proposed building in situ and its (very modest) impact on the existing building and landscape. A fly-around animation was also produced. The building was granted planning permission and this quickly evolved into commissions for detailed, full-scale visualisation content, including high-res externals, detailed interiors, updated fly-around animations and, finally, two 7+-minute fly-through animations - the first to show the primary spaces within the house and to convince the Client to green-light the project, plus a fly-around of the whole exterior, the second to show the secondary spaces and to help the Client choose finishes and to tweak details.
After almost four years of hard work, we are thrilled to finally be in a position to present the studio's "Highlights Reel" - a collection of our favourite shots from the full 15-minute animation, with accompanying stills. In total, over the last four years, the studio has produced over 15 minutes of animated footage for the client, and more than 40 still images.
We enlisted the help of several well-known industry professionals and services including London-based freelance artist David Connolly of Insightful Light, Workstation providers BlueGfx and RenderNation, the studio's render farm of choice for demanding projects.
We hope you enjoy it!
Alex York
For and on behalf of Atelier York - Bespoke Architectural Visualization
Youtube results:

Amazing building projection at Buda castle Budapest
Amazing building projection in the palace in Budapest. Beautiful building specific video c...
published: 14 Sep 2010
author: JesseLeeEsquire
Amazing building projection at Buda castle Budapest
Amazing building projection in the palace in Budapest. Beautiful building specific video content projected onto the Buda Castle.
- published: 14 Sep 2010
- views: 18128
- author: JesseLeeEsquire

Ant colony raids a rival nest - Natural World - Empire of the Desert Ants - BBC Two
More on this programme: www.bbc.co.uk This is producer Ian Gray's favourite clip from the ...
published: 10 Aug 2011
author: BBC
Ant colony raids a rival nest - Natural World - Empire of the Desert Ants - BBC Two
More on this programme: www.bbc.co.uk This is producer Ian Gray's favourite clip from the film. Honey ant scouts come across a smaller ant nest and send in a raiding party. Nothing is left behind but the repletes are the most valuable plunder - some are drained in situ, others are dragged back overground to the victor's nest.
- published: 10 Aug 2011
- views: 367939
- author: BBC

Melina Laboucan-Massimo, a member of the Lubicon Cree First Nation and a Climate and Energ...
published: 18 Jun 2011
author: GreenpeaceCanada
Melina Laboucan-Massimo, a member of the Lubicon Cree First Nation and a Climate and Energy Campaigner with Greenpeace, describes the impact of oil and gas developments and the recent oil spill in the traditional territory of the Lubicon Cree in northern Alberta.
- published: 18 Jun 2011
- views: 13590
- author: GreenpeaceCanada

NASA | Sentinels of the Heliosphere
What NASA calls its 'Heliophysics Observatory' is an impressive fleet of spacecraft design...
published: 04 Aug 2009
author: NASAexplorer
NASA | Sentinels of the Heliosphere
What NASA calls its 'Heliophysics Observatory' is an impressive fleet of spacecraft designed (often with international partnership) to study the relationship between the Sun, Earth, and Solar System. Flying in an array of trajectories and orbits, many of these satellites do not take images in the conventional sense but record fields, particle energies and fluxes in situ to give mankind a better understanding of space weather and space environments. Find this video for HD download at: svs.gsfc.nasa.gov Want more? Subscribe to NASA on iTunes! phobos.apple.com Or get tweeted by NASA: twitter.com
- published: 04 Aug 2009
- views: 138837
- author: NASAexplorer