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Children of the Occupation

£20 Helps us to campaign for fairer treatment for the victims of the Occupation

£50 Gives a child living under occupation the psychosocial care they need

£100 Gives a Palestinian child the chance to be a child, and play at a camp

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Child Malnutrition in Gaza

Child Malnutrition in Gaza
Thursday 8 November 2012
The ongoing closure of the Gaza Strip with reduced access to food, medical supplies and safe drinking water, in...

Protecting the Bedouin Community

Protecting the Bedouin Community
Thursday 8 November 2012
The Bedouin community is one of the most marginalised and vulnerable groups in the West Bank. It is heavily...

Support for Children in the Old City of Jerusalem

Support for Children in the Old City of Jerusalem
Thursday 8 November 2012
This month MAP will be supporting a new project in East Jerusalem, in partnership with Al Saraya Center for...


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Work with MAP

Opportunities to contribute to MAP's work

Want to contribute to MAP's work with local partners and for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees? Here are the latest opportunities.


Children in Chains - Israel's Twilight Zone

10 November 2012

This seminar, organised by Scottish Friends of Palestine in collaboration with the Educational Institute of Scotland, will explore the reality for Palestinian children under occupation, and Israel's obligations, as an occupying power, to ensure their health and well-being. It will be of interest to everyone who believes that children should be treated as children.


Congratulations to the Cycling4Gaza cyclists!

Cycling4Gaza 2012 team makes it to Istanbul

Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) would like to extend a massive congratulations to the 32 cyclists from around the world who endured one of their toughest cycling challenges yet to complete the 2012 Cycling4Gaza in Istanbul on Saturday.


The olive harvest takes an unnatural toll on Palestinian health and economy

The harvest marks an increase in settler attacks

The Palestinian olive harvest has traditionally been a time of celebration and hard physical work shared by family and community. However, over recent years it has become increasingly marred by violence perpetrated by Israeli settlers, which routinely goes unchallenged by the Israeli military or punished by Israeli courts.


A Mother's Right to Health

Special feature for Middle East Hospital magazine by Sara Halimah, MAP's Programme Officer

The expectation of a baby brings excitement and joy, but for refugees living in Lebanon, the birth of a new born baby can cause anxiety, stress and deep sorrow. Six decades after the first waves of refugees crossed the border into Lebanon, a quarter of a million Palestinians still remain in dilapidated, overcrowded camps with no right to work, education or health care.

MAP’s assistance to displaced Palestinian and Syrian refugees from Syria

MAP’s assistance to displaced Palestinian and Syrian refugees from Syria
Thursday 8 November 2012
The deteriorating conflict in Syria - particularly with the arming of pro- and anti-regime factions in the Palestinian refugee...

Changing attitudes and society regarding disability

Changing attitudes and society regarding disability
Thursday 8 November 2012
When Mohammed Ghanim says, "Be the change that you want to see in others," you know he means it....

Fighting rages at Damascus Palestinian camp, 20 killed

Fighting rages at Damascus Palestinian camp, 20 killed
Monday 5 November 2012
(Ma'an) The Syrian army shelled rebel positions inside a Palestinian refugee camp on the edge of Damascus on Sunday...


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