
Dairy: 6 Reasons You Should Avoid It at all Costs
Got milk? Plenty of people think its perfectly healthy to drink, and advertisements would ...
published: 13 Jan 2010
author: ultrawellness
Dairy: 6 Reasons You Should Avoid It at all Costs
Got milk? Plenty of people think its perfectly healthy to drink, and advertisements would have you eating dairy all the time. But it may not be as healthy as you think. In this weeks UltraWellness blog Dr. Mark Hyman gives six reasons you should avoid milk and explains why it may be at the very root of your health problems.
published: 13 Jan 2010
views: 253729

Dairy Farming Documentary
A family of farmers showcase the art of dairy farming and the caring for the cows they rai...
published: 22 Sep 2011
author: usfraonline
Dairy Farming Documentary
A family of farmers showcase the art of dairy farming and the caring for the cows they raise. They demonstrate how technology has positively changed the ways milk is produced. For more information and to join the conversations, please visit us at www.fooddialogues.com.
published: 22 Sep 2011
author: usfraonline
views: 105686

Food Friday: Dairy farming thrives in Taita Taveta
www.ntv.co.ke Residents of the County of Taita Taveta are abandoning subsistence dairy far...
published: 02 Nov 2012
author: NTVKenya
Food Friday: Dairy farming thrives in Taita Taveta
www.ntv.co.ke Residents of the County of Taita Taveta are abandoning subsistence dairy farming in favor of a commercial approach. In the past, the farmers had not engaged in the practice for profitable purposes due to marketing challenges geared by the high transport costs, driven by poor roads coupled with rough and hilly terrains. But in our weekly segment Food Friday, NTV'S Rose Wangui tells of how the growth of milk farming for profit is turning the fortunes of the area's residents for the better.
published: 02 Nov 2012
author: NTVKenya
views: 150

Why you should avoid dairy products
In this Go Vegan Radio interview, Dr Vaidya Priyanka (from a 700-year lineage of ayurvedic...
published: 15 Jan 2012
author: veganfuture
Why you should avoid dairy products
In this Go Vegan Radio interview, Dr Vaidya Priyanka (from a 700-year lineage of ayurvedic women healers from India) discusses the dangers of dairy consumption and offers valuable health tips. She advises listeners to "completely give up milk and dairy products from your diet." Listen to this interview to find out about the health problems associated with dairy products, including breast cancer, colon cancer, asthma, osteoporosis, arthritis, bronchitis, emphysema and diabetes. Consuming milk and other dairy products has also been linked to damage to the immune system, increased mucus, high cholesterol, constipation, diarrhea, ear infections and autism. For your health, please consider eliminating dairy products from your diet. Go vegan today. Download "It's Easy to Be Dairy-free" and other booklets from veganfuture.wordpress.com Download a vegan starter guide from veganfuture.wordpress.com This interview by Bob Linden was originally broadcast on the 8th May 2011 edition of Go Vegan Radio. To listen to the show in full, visit www.goveganradio.com Thank you to Go Vegan Radio for permission to reproduce this interview. Make a donation to Go Vegan Radio at www.goveganradio.com
published: 15 Jan 2012
author: veganfuture
views: 8590

Farmed & Dangerous: Dairy demos vs corporate herd
Europe's dairy farmers are feeling the squeeze - they say big business is forcing milk pri...
published: 23 Jul 2012
author: RussiaToday
Farmed & Dangerous: Dairy demos vs corporate herd
Europe's dairy farmers are feeling the squeeze - they say big business is forcing milk prices down to below the cost of production. And they say they're getting nowhere with their EU MPs, who they accuse of following the corporate herd. RT's Tesa Arcilla has more. RT LIVE rt.com Subscribe to RT! www.youtube.com Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Follow us on Google+ plus.google.com RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
published: 23 Jul 2012
author: RussiaToday
views: 4749

Farmageddon - The truth about the food and dairy industry
published: 12 May 2012
author: imlaspace
Farmageddon - The truth about the food and dairy industry
****SAVE THIS DOCUMENTARY AS AN MP4 FILE TO WATCH RATHER THAN STREAM*** 1) Highlight and copy this videos URL address: www.youtube.com 2) Go to www.savetube.com 3) Paste the URL you just copied into the "VID" field and then click on VIDEO. 4) It will then give you options for download, download the MP4 file. You can then watch it without waiting for it to buffer and even better, burn it to DVD for others to see. Americans' right to access fresh, healthy foods of their choice is under attack. Farmageddon tells the story of small, family farms that were providing safe, healthy foods to their communities and were forced to stop, sometimes through violent ac-tion, by agents of misguided government bureaucracies, and seeks to figure out why. Filmmaker Kristin Canty's quest to find healthy food for her four children turned into an educational journey to discover why access to these foods was being threatened. What she found were policies that favor agribusiness and factory farms over small family-operated farms selling fresh foods to their communities. Instead of focusing on the source of food safety problems — most often the industrial food chain — policymakers and regulators implement and enforce solutions that target and often drive out of business small farms that have proven themselves more than capable of producing safe, healthy food, but buckle under the crushing weight of government regulations and excessive enforcement actions. Farmageddon highlights the urgency of ...
published: 12 May 2012
author: imlaspace
views: 87600

Dairy Farmers Love What They Do
published: 29 Dec 2011
author: DairyFarmingToday
Dairy Farmers Love What They Do

Dairy Farm Uses Chiropractor to Help Cows
Dairy farmers use chiropractors to keep cows comfortable in attempt to boost milk output. ...
published: 29 May 2012
author: AssociatedPress
Dairy Farm Uses Chiropractor to Help Cows
Dairy farmers use chiropractors to keep cows comfortable in attempt to boost milk output. (May 29) Subscribe to the Associated Press: bit.ly Download AP Mobile: www.ap.org Associated Press on Facebook: apne.ws Associated Press on Twitter: apne.ws Associated Press on Google+: bit.ly
published: 29 May 2012
author: AssociatedPress
views: 2552

Food Wars - Coconut Milk vs Dairy Milk vs Soy Milk vs Almond Milk - Live Lean TV
In this www.LiveLeanTV.com Food Wars episode, Brad Gouthro analyzes the coconut milk vs da...
published: 25 Apr 2012
author: bradgouthrofitness
Food Wars - Coconut Milk vs Dairy Milk vs Soy Milk vs Almond Milk - Live Lean TV
In this www.LiveLeanTV.com Food Wars episode, Brad Gouthro analyzes the coconut milk vs dairy milk vs soy milk vs almond milk debate. Which is healthiest. Please click like, subscribe, and comment on what you want to see in future episodes. For the full synopsis of this video, visit www.bradgouthrofitness.com FREE DOWNLOAD - LIVE LEAN FOREVER, 36 page e-book: www.bradgouthrofitness.com Please help Brad reach his transformation 10000 mission by sharing these videos. His goal is to transform the health of 10000 people by educating them on how to make healthier food choices and move their body's more efficiently. PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND I'LL KEEP MAKING THESE VIDEOS! FITNESS & NUTRITION BLOG: www.bradgouthrofitness.com & http SUBSCRIBE FOR NEW VIDEOS: www.youtube.com GET MY PRINTABLE GROCERY LIST: www.facebook.com FOLLOW: www.twitter.com Get your own TRX here: www.bradgouthrofitness.com Pick up the TABATA Interval Timer that I use in these videos at this special link: www.bradgouthrofitness.com Be sure to check out my internationally selling book, Awaken The Abs Within, and learn why my 7 secrets can help you lose belly fat, get a flat stomach, and ultimately live a healthier lifestyle. www.awakentheabswithin.com Music From BeatsRoyaltyFree.com If you don't know me yet, my name's Brad Gouthro and I'm a internationally selling author, certified fitness and nutrition professional, public speaker, and model. http Thanks for watching my Food Wars - Coconut ...
published: 25 Apr 2012
author: bradgouthrofitness
views: 3970

Silage 2011 - Dairy Farming in Canada
How we make feed in Saskatchewan, Canada. From chopping barley silage, to feeding our cows...
published: 28 Nov 2011
author: SaskDairy
Silage 2011 - Dairy Farming in Canada
How we make feed in Saskatchewan, Canada. From chopping barley silage, to feeding our cows. Music: Songs in Order Brian Tyler- Assembling the Team (0:20) Nero- Symphony 2808 (0:56) Thorgasm- Machine Vandals (1:44) Bassnectar & Seth Drake- Above and Beyond (2:55) Nero- Symphony 2808 (6:40) High Valley- When You Call My Name (8:46) GarageBand- Dolce Vita (9:07)
published: 28 Nov 2011
author: SaskDairy
views: 171588

In The Dairy - Doddington Dairy
Download the audio track at www.doddingtonicecream.co.uk/in_the_dairy All proceeds go to C...
published: 09 Dec 2010
author: doddingtondairy
In The Dairy - Doddington Dairy
Download the audio track at www.doddingtonicecream.co.uk/in_the_dairy All proceeds go to Cancer Research UK. What a pleasure it was when we first met Simon Cow, he has such lovely teeth you know. We couldn't believe it when he first approached us with the idea of recording 'In The Dairy' but as soon as we found out how serious he was there was no stopping us. All the girls had such a great day in the studio when they got together to record the chorus. We hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it!
published: 09 Dec 2010
author: doddingtondairy
views: 5233

USDA Confiscates and Kills Dairy Sheep
The 11-minute clip above is taken from the documentary "Farmageddon." (In the film, the cl...
published: 22 Jul 2012
author: Joe Plummer
USDA Confiscates and Kills Dairy Sheep
The 11-minute clip above is taken from the documentary "Farmageddon." (In the film, the clip above begins at approximately 10 minutes in.) If you would like to watch the entire film, it is available here: www.youtube.com If you'd like to fight back and / or support the makers of the film, visit their website for more info: farmageddonmovie.com
published: 22 Jul 2012
author: Joe Plummer
views: 1792

Minecraft Tekkit - SSP: Gar's Dairy Diamond Farm #22
Follow Dave in his new Tekkit adventures Our Map Download: www.mediafire.com -------------...
published: 22 Sep 2012
author: davechaos
Minecraft Tekkit - SSP: Gar's Dairy Diamond Farm #22
Follow Dave in his new Tekkit adventures Our Map Download: www.mediafire.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● Gar's YouTube: www.youtube.com ● Nipde's YouTube: www.youtube.com ● John's YouTube: www.youtube.com ● Andy's YouTube: www.youtube.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● Texture Pack: Sphax pureBDcraft - bdcraft.net ♬ Music Intro: Kubbi - kubbi.bandcamp.com ♬ Music: Spazzmatica Polka - tinyurl.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ● Donate: tinyurl.com ● Dave's Wishlist: tinyurl.com ● T-shirts: davechaos.spreadshirt.co.uk ● Facebook:www.facebook.com ● Twitter: twitter.com ● Google+: plus.google.com ● Twitch.tv: www.twitch.tv ● Submit art to: davechaos@suicidegamers.co.uk ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
published: 22 Sep 2012
author: davechaos
views: 33249

The meat and dairy drug: not food, not fashion and not a fad - it is a drug (Philip Wollen) ESP subs
Philip Wollen discusses the meat and dairy industry: not food, not fashion and not a fad -...
published: 30 Jun 2012
author: kindnesstrust
The meat and dairy drug: not food, not fashion and not a fad - it is a drug (Philip Wollen) ESP subs
Philip Wollen discusses the meat and dairy industry: not food, not fashion and not a fad - it is a drug; a minor blip on human consciousness and decency. Spanish subtitles available. Join us on facebook.com and please review the information below; "Nearly Half Of Meat In US Supermarkets Contaminated With Drug Resistant Staphylococcus" April 18, 2011, video - www.youtube.com "Meat Without Drugs" - June 26, 2012 A remarkable 80 percent of antibiotics sold in the US are used not by humans, but by the meat and poultry industries so factory farm animals can grow faster and survive crowded and unsanitary conditions... blogs.prevention.com "Drug-Resistant Bugs Found in Antibiotic-Free Meat | Wired Science" - 31 Jan 2012 If you're paying premium prices for pesticide- and antibiotic-free meat, you might expect that it's also free of antibiotic-resistant bacteria... www.wired.com "Nearly Half of US Meat Tainted With Drug-Resistant Bacteria" - April 15th, 2011 Here's something to think about the next time you stop by the meat counter at your local grocery store -- there may be drug-resistant strains of ... www.foxnews.com "Consumers demand drug-free meat" - June 20th, 2012 If you prefer your meat without antibiotics, you're not alone, according to a new study from Consumers Union ... thechart.blogs.cnn.com "Dispute over drug in feed limiting US meat exports" - January 25th, 2012 A drug used to keep pigs lean and boost their growth is jeopardizing the nation's exports of what once ...
published: 30 Jun 2012
author: kindnesstrust
views: 4480
Vimeo results:

Farmageddon - Movie Trailer
Americans’ right to access fresh, healthy foods of their choice is under attack. Farmagedd...
published: 04 Nov 2010
author: Kristin Canty
Farmageddon - Movie Trailer
Americans’ right to access fresh, healthy foods of their choice is under attack. Farmageddon tells the story of small, family farms that were providing safe, healthy foods to their communities and were forced to stop, sometimes through violent action, by agents of misguided government bureaucracies, and seeks to figure out why.

Absolute Body Control
Epopoeia of the Food and Drink of the United States (A Dream in Hell)
Beautiful like a ...
published: 08 Sep 2010
author: soonaspossible
Absolute Body Control
Epopoeia of the Food and Drink of the United States (A Dream in Hell)
Beautiful like a baby calf is the song of chicken fried with batter,
the long red and white picnic tablecloth is finer than the finest lady’s legs, the finest thing there is to embark upon a heaping bowl of coleslaw,
shrimp from the gulf coast are delicious, gushing with wine as if feeling,
like honey mussels, in Redmond or Olympia, harvested by fishwives, in the seaweed,
and the glory of banjos in Baton Rouge, their juices course through them like
ageless autumn lemons,
like mom's fragrant pot pie, chocked full of juicy stew, widens the gullet,
and, baked, cries out blooming peach tree blossoms.
What would you say to some barbecue ribs, burning hot
grilled on a charcoal fire in June on the banks of a man made lake,
pines or cedar trees that sum up the dramatic atmosphere of a
damp sunset at Lake Lanier or Stone Mountain,
or to a clam chowder, whose name is inextricably related to Manhattan or
Rhode Island or New England?
No, you hunt quail and you grill it, just like you hear honky-tonk or stars and stripes
at the feet of Mount Rushmore, and fried catfish along the Chattahoochee
where it leaps into the sacred sizzling skillet, superbly fine
river fish, makes fishing boats rich while the sisters Lee,
as if in pain, sweat what's human and divine on the grand antique family fiddle.
Tremendous turkeys that smell like summer, almost human, autumn shades of
walnut or chestnut, I eat them everywhere, and in D.C. I kiss them,
like the vats where barley sighs like the prettiest girl in Jersey
raising her skirt underneath the lights of the big apple, same
as the roof off of a block party with streamers and flags where we drink in red plastic cups
a substantial whiskey and beer,
or the love mattress, upon which we set sail and sighing face each other and
the night’s tremendous oceans, into whose horrible darkness,
black and tenacious flows the bloody calla lily,
or the teardrop that falls in our moths as we joyfully sing.
Napa Valley wine is enormous and dark in the California sunset, and when
it's in your blood, nostalgia
and the apology to heroism sing in the wheels of spurs to
the beast’s hide, dancing to the fundamental tune of backwater rapids
against the frothy red glare.
Nicely aged bourbon bellows in its cellars like a great sacred cow,
and St. Louis will be golden, like a rib-eye on the grill, all over
the bloodied paths towards Oklahoma, autumn's
guitar will weep like a soldier's widow,
and we'll remember everything we didn’t do and could have and
should have and wanted to, like a madman
staring down a town's abandoned well,
watching, ear shattering, the engines of youth rev down dawn's
wide gust
crumbling like memories in the abyss.
The saddle glows all across the Midwest, mountain range to mountain range, booming like a great combine with its 20 foot span, booming
like a cow auctioneer or a righteous pastor or tornado season,
lasso raised up against the sky
on top of a guffaw, a hyuck or a yeehaw, splashed with sun and hard work, where manure perfumes dung heaps like a domestic god, with tremendous balls like a widow.
A mighty log cabin with its open yard, apple trees, front porch
scented with remote antiquity,
where the bootlegger and his still would sing, drop by drop, a sense of eternity into
the water, recalling old ancestors with its tremulous pendulum,
exists, same as in Madison as in Franklin or Fairview or Springfield,
although it’s the little town of Hodgenville Kentucky that most proudly proclaims the wooden troughs or pig iron pots, wide open spaces, the Appalachians, the original wild west, civil war and emancipation, in little log cabins,
from Tennessee to Ohio, who express it proudly in tremendous language, eating ears of pigs eating ears of corn.
Because, if it's necessary to stuff yourself with hot dogs in a Detroit Coney before dying,
on a rainy day, blessed with a strawberry milkshake from fresh upstate dairy, and smoke, bathing in conversation, friends and the munchies, launching yourself into terrible leaps and bounds, blubbering, savoring the booming chili in spoonfuls and fries,
it's also necessary to get your meat from the Kansas City stockyards in March, when the pigs
look like televangelists and the televangelists look like swine or hippopotamus,
and wash the food down with some fiery sips from a short glass,
yes... in Dallas or Fort Worth the corn tortillas look like the local ladies: wide white waists and sleepy half moon eyes, since, ticklish and cuddly,
they turn their faces, and let themselves be kissed, unendingly on either end.
And the chit'lins, swimming and searing in broth and tabasco, and the cornbread that moaned in broiling bacon fat, is blessed where thunder rolls in wide whips, along the Mississippi,between one drink and the next,
but it never surpasses a gamy partridge, savored in the dry underbrush of July,
in t

Mother's Milk
In fact, don't turn on the shower or flush the toilet or use the sink, because the baby ne...
published: 07 Dec 2010
author: 5-Second Films
Mother's Milk
In fact, don't turn on the shower or flush the toilet or use the sink, because the baby needs the breast milk there too.

Mataderos - Slaughterhouses | Investigación de Igualdad Animal - Animal Equality investigation
Vídeo sobre los mataderos en España, parte de la investigación de Igualdad Animal Matadero...
published: 10 Jul 2008
author: IgualdadAnimal | AnimalEquality
Mataderos - Slaughterhouses | Investigación de Igualdad Animal - Animal Equality investigation
Vídeo sobre los mataderos en España, parte de la investigación de Igualdad Animal Mataderos, realizada a principios de 2008.
Más información en: Mataderos.info
Visita nuestra web en: IgualdadAnimal.org
Video of Spanish slaughterhouses, part of the Animal Equality investigation about slaughterhouses, started in 2008.
More information (soon in English): Mataderos.info
Visit our website: AnimalEquality.net
Youtube results:

Colours Swathi's Dairy Milk Ad
Watch - Colours Swathi's Dairy Milk Add Devudu Chesina Manushulu -Dcm www.youtube.com list...
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: nplusonemedia
Colours Swathi's Dairy Milk Ad
Watch - Colours Swathi's Dairy Milk Add Devudu Chesina Manushulu -Dcm www.youtube.com list=PL2C34B6A32DE95AEC&feature;=view_all AlluArjun julayi Movie Songs www.youtube.com Srimannarayana Movie - Balakrishna www.youtube.com list=PL9875EC96E02E71C8&feature;=view_all Tollywood Trailers 2012 www.youtube.com
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: nplusonemedia
views: 26309

"Dairy" Cows Are WOMEN And MOTHERS Too!
Milking is an absolute invasion of women's rights! If you think sexism is wrong then you'v...
published: 12 Aug 2012
author: ClareIsVegan
"Dairy" Cows Are WOMEN And MOTHERS Too!
Milking is an absolute invasion of women's rights! If you think sexism is wrong then you've GOT to be anti-animal products, especially milk! I don't have children but if you do, the next time you look into their eyes, imagine if someone kidnapped them and you can begin to understand how dairy cows (or goats/ water buffaloes) feel! Please go vegan! Believe in justice, love, nonviolence, peace and the end of all discrimination and exploitation, including speciesism: Go Vegan! Humans are animals too, and all animals can feel pain and don't want to feel pain. Stop causing unnecessary suffering! What are you waiting for? Be Vegan. Make Peace.
published: 12 Aug 2012
author: ClareIsVegan
views: 687

Dairy Free Ice Cream - Video Recipe
This is the perfect recipe for anyone who is lactose intolerant. If don't have to miss out...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: simpleeasycooking
Dairy Free Ice Cream - Video Recipe
This is the perfect recipe for anyone who is lactose intolerant. If don't have to miss out on having your ice cream any more Follow me on: tinyurl.com tinyurl.com tinyurl.com tinyurl.com Ingredients: 1.5 cups rice milk 1/2 cup sugar 3 cups light coconut cream 1 tsp vanilla extract Also add any fruit you wish that conforms to your dietary needs
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: simpleeasycooking
views: 3353

Hot Scene from Kavya's Dairy Telugu Movie
www.aishwaryafilms.com twitter.com www.facebook.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Film: ...
published: 22 Aug 2012
author: myaishtv
Hot Scene from Kavya's Dairy Telugu Movie
www.aishwaryafilms.com twitter.com www.facebook.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com Film: Kavya's Dairy Cast: Charmee, Manjula, Shashank, Indrajit, Satyam Rajesh, Archana and others Dialogues: Vakkantam Vamsy Music: Manu Rameshan Produced by: Sanjay Swarup Banner: Indira Creations Screenplay and directed by: Karuna Prakas A happy family, with a husband, wife and kids, invite a stranger to their home and in no time, they get close. However, things begin to take a serious turn soon. There is a lot of tension, sadness and death, later. Why all this happens forms the essence. Raj and Pooja (Indrajith and Manjula) is one happy couple totally in love with each other and they have two lovely kids too. The family moves into their new home and start living happily and things change when one of the kids is saved from an accident by Kavya (Charmee). Pooja is thankful to Kavya and since they need a nanny, Pooja asks Kavya to stay over. Soon, both of them become close friends and Kavya gets close to the kids too. Meanwhile, Abhi (shashank), Raj?s brother who falls in love with Kavya at first sight and though she turns him down he does not give up. Finally, Kavya agrees but then the story takes a turn when Abhi gets killed in a hit and run accident. Since then, problems begin for Pooja and Raj leading to frustration and more pain. What happens after that forms the rest of the story.
published: 22 Aug 2012
author: myaishtv
views: 448628