
Saved! - Trailer
This is one of my favourite movies! Furthermore, Jena Malone deliveres an excellent perfor...
published: 28 Jan 2008
author: Miniboy17
Saved! - Trailer
This is one of my favourite movies! Furthermore, Jena Malone deliveres an excellent performance in the lead role. Subsequently, I have become a fan of her... :-) Important notice: I received this trailer from united Artists Films Inc. as part of their official CD-Rom Press Kit. The sole purpose of this upload is to support the promotion of this movie and NOT to infringe UA's copyright.
published: 28 Jan 2008

The Gospel is not a Weapon
from the movie saved....
published: 03 May 2008
author: tunamelton
The Gospel is not a Weapon

How to Get Saved and Why (born again) - Romans 10:9 & 10 Confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord
[ See all our videos at www.youtube.com ]John W. Schoenheit of Spirit & Truth Fellowsh...
published: 13 May 2009
author: TruthOrTradition
How to Get Saved and Why (born again) - Romans 10:9 & 10 Confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord
[ See all our videos at www.youtube.com ]John W. Schoenheit of Spirit & Truth Fellowship International ( www.stfonline.org ) shares on how and why to get saved (born again). He shows how making Jesus, the Christ, Lord removes from us the penalty of sin. If you like what we are doing and you would like to help us continue to spread the Gospel all over the globe, please consider sowing into our ministry at http For further study see: Becoming A Christian Why? What? How? www.TruthOrTradition.com Righteousness - Every Christians Gift from God www.TruthOrTradition.com
published: 13 May 2009
author: TruthOrTradition

How To Be Saved DR Charles Stanley
Samuel Zwemer Theological Seminary www.samuelzwemerseminary.com How To Be Saved DR Charles...
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: Zwemer100
How To Be Saved DR Charles Stanley
Samuel Zwemer Theological Seminary www.samuelzwemerseminary.com How To Be Saved DR Charles Stanley
published: 20 Jan 2012
author: Zwemer100

How To Be Saved
The Bible reveals how to get right with God and be sure of heaven....
published: 19 May 2012
author: Mick Alexander
How To Be Saved
The Bible reveals how to get right with God and be sure of heaven.
published: 19 May 2012
author: Mick Alexander

SAVED Recut Movie Trailer!!!
This is my first youtube video. My first attempt at recutting a movie trailer. Be kind....
published: 13 Nov 2007
author: JesGuy
SAVED Recut Movie Trailer!!!
This is my first youtube video. My first attempt at recutting a movie trailer. Be kind.
published: 13 Nov 2007
author: JesGuy

LaVern Baker "Saved" (Atlantic 2099, 7")
LaVern Baker "Saved" (Atlantic 2099, 7") With Howard Biggs' Orchestra R...
published: 19 Sep 2009
author: IndieEsq
LaVern Baker "Saved" (Atlantic 2099, 7")
LaVern Baker "Saved" (Atlantic 2099, 7") With Howard Biggs' Orchestra Recorded 6th December 1960 in New York City with Taft Jordan, Dick Vance (tp) Rudy Powell (as) Al Sears (ts) Bert Keyes (p) Lilton Mitchell (org) Phil Spector (g) Abie Baker (b) Gary Chester (d) Sticks Evans (bass d) LaVern Baker (vo) Howard Biggs (arr, dir). This happens to be number #107 in the office jukebox
published: 19 Sep 2009
author: IndieEsq

Over Saved
Comedian Michael Jr. shares his insight on how some people can seem too religious sometime...
published: 21 Sep 2007
Over Saved
Comedian Michael Jr. shares his insight on how some people can seem too religious sometimes.
published: 21 Sep 2007

Shelley Segal Saved
Hey Guys...Very excited to release my first single and video clip 'Saved' from my ...
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: Shelley Segal
Shelley Segal Saved
Hey Guys...Very excited to release my first single and video clip 'Saved' from my debut CD 'An Atheist Album.' The album is now available to download from bandcamp: shelleysegal.bandcamp.com Itunes: itunes.apple.com Amazon: www.amazon.com And the hard copy is available to order from my website here: www.shelleysegal.com Thanks heaps for all you support and feedback Lyrics: Say that i need to be saved Say with me the devils got his way I want to know how when you are praying And when you are doomsdaying How you think you know that someone is listening to what you are saying CHORUS So you think that you Can tell us how to live our lives Never questioning the source from which your moral code derives You think that suffering is part of some great plan that's been devised I wonder, I wonder When we'll be rid of your lies Say I need to hear the truth A sales-pitch of eternal life and eternal youth All these blessings you are bestowing Upon the one you say is all-knowing Are they really deserved if He is sending me where you say I am going? CHORUS So you think that you Can tell us how to live our lives Never questioning the source from which your moral code derives You think that suffering is part of some great plan that's been devised I wonder, I wonder, I wonder, I wonder What will it take for you To start opening your eyes To start questioning the bullshit everyone around you buys You think it's any of your business what goes on between my thighs? I wonder, I wonder, When we <b>...</b>
published: 13 Oct 2011
author: Shelley Segal

I Was a Slave of Drugs and Hated God, Yet He Saved Me
MP3: illbehonest.com Gabriel gives his testimony of being saved out of the hatred anger th...
published: 23 Oct 2010
author: illbehonest
I Was a Slave of Drugs and Hated God, Yet He Saved Me
MP3: illbehonest.com Gabriel gives his testimony of being saved out of the hatred anger that consumed his wicked heart. There was no way Gabriel was ever going to break the power of the drugs and addictions that reigned on his life without looking to Jesus Christ alone for hope. Many people are slaves of drugs and get morality and change outwardly but only Christ can change a man inwardly. 2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. illbehonest.com
published: 23 Oct 2010
author: illbehonest

John Piper - What must someone believe in order to be saved?
published: 09 Aug 2010
author: desiringGod
John Piper - What must someone believe in order to be saved?

Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last
Music video by Vanessa Williams performing Save The Best For Last. (C) 1991 The Island Def...
published: 08 Oct 2009
author: VanessaWilliamsVEVO
Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last
Music video by Vanessa Williams performing Save The Best For Last. (C) 1991 The Island Def Jam Music Group
published: 08 Oct 2009
author: VanessaWilliamsVEVO

How to be Saved and know it
published: 16 Sep 2009
author: allianceofchrist1
How to be Saved and know it
Vimeo results:

Landscapes: Volume Two
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/dustin_farrell
website: www....
published: 03 Oct 2011
author: Dustin Farrell
Landscapes: Volume Two
Follow us on Twitter: twitter.com/dustin_farrell
website: www.crewwestinc.com/
Planet 5D Blog: http://blog.planet5d.com/2011/10/dustin-farrells-landscapes-volume-two-another-canon-eos-5d-mark-ii-timelapse-masterpiece/
PLEASE WATCH IN HD FULL SCREEN w/SOUND. It is a much better viewing experience. Hopefully you have a 1080P monitor and good connection. If not, bug a friend or colleague that does. It is worth it.
Landscapes: Volume 2 is the second of a three part series. Every frame of this video is a raw still from a Canon 5D2 DSLR and processed with Adobe software. In Volume 2 I again show off my beautiful home state of Arizona and I also made several trips to Utah. This video has some iconic landmarks that we have seen before. I felt that showing them again with motion controlled HDR and/or night timelapse would be a new way to see old landmarks.
Sales Pitch: I would now have to say that my timelapse skill set is very complete. The amount of knowledge I have gained through research, testing, and shooting experience is astounding. From moon phases to high dynamic range to motion control rigs to noise reduction, you would have a tough time finding someone with more overall knowledge of timelapse. If you need help with your next timelapse project you can reach me at 888-444-2739 or DustinF@crewwestinc.com
Most of the motion control for this video was done with the Stage Zero Dolly by Dynamic Perception. Once I got comfortable using the DP dolly I fell in love. I can set up shots now in much shorter times. More importantly for me, it is much smaller and much more portable than my homemade motion control. Without it, shots like the Delicate Arch shot in Utah would be nearly impossible due to the length of the hike. Buy the Stage Zero Dolly if you are looking for quality, inexpensive, easy-to-use motion control. http://dynamicperception.com/
In addition to the Stage Zero, I also used a three axis motion controlled CamTram. The CamTram is the most versatile dolly I have ever used. Its applications are only limited by your creativity. The CamTram has virtually no weight limit. I was able to achieve shots that dolly-in with the camera just over the ground because of the CamTram's ability to hold heavy counter weights.
CamTram Motorized Options Video: http://www.vimeo.com/30385088
The amazing graphic work at the beginning and end was done by Chris Pettit of Digital Skye Media Development. Check out Chris' other work here: vimeo.com/user8750744
Music is "Sunshine (Adagio In D Minor)" by John Murphy. #15 here: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/sunshine-music-from-motion/id297702863
Thank you to the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff for allowing me to shoot there. They were very friendly and helpful. http://www.lowell.edu/
Saving the best for last . . . thanks to my wonderful wife Laura. Not only does she put up with and support this crazy passion of mine, she helped out on many of these shots. I think I'll keep her :-)

Super Sexy CPR
Check Out The Latest Fortnight Lingerie Videos At: vimeo.com/fortnightlingerie
published: 11 May 2010
Super Sexy CPR
Check Out The Latest Fortnight Lingerie Videos At: vimeo.com/fortnightlingerie
Fortnight Lingerie Presents Super Sexy CPR: Now that we’ve got you interested in learning CPR and the Abdominal Thrust, go get properly certified by taking a class through one of the many certifying authorities in your local area... Then go get some lingerie... make sure it says Fortnight Lingerie on the label... cause it may just save your life.
Director / Cinematographer: CURTIS WEHRFRITZ
Original Music By: ADAM ALL
Song Title: 'FLATLINE'
The Official Track Is Available At iTunes: bit.ly/bWOG7z
Product/Service: LINGERIE
Year: 2010

Fishing under ice
Some under ice views from beautiful lake Saarijärvi in Vaala, Finland.
published: 29 Dec 2011
author: Juuso Mettälä
Fishing under ice
Some under ice views from beautiful lake Saarijärvi in Vaala, Finland.
Fisherman: Eelis Rankka
Fisherman's friend: Tommi Salminen
Boy with the balloon: Jukka Pelttari
Camera and editing by: Juuso Mettälä
Manuscript by J. Mettälä and Eelis Rankka
Safety divers: Esa Vuoppola and Juhana Heino
Music: Stefano Mocini; The end of the doubs
Couple of things about this video:
Camera I used was Sony HDR-SR11 with Amphibico HD Elite housing.
The Wheelbarrow was saved from the bottom of the lake and I have used it many times after that.
The rubber duck and the balloon are also home with me.
None of the divers got any permanent damage either.
And yes, we had a lot of fun making this video.

Sebastian's Voodoo
A voodoo doll must find the courage to save his friends from being pinned to death....
published: 08 Mar 2009
author: Joaquin Baldwin
Sebastian's Voodoo
A voodoo doll must find the courage to save his friends from being pinned to death.
Youtube results:

The Fray - How To Save A Life (from Grey's Anatomy)
How To Save A Life The Fray Grey's Anatomy Music Video credits go to abc.com...
published: 22 Sep 2006
author: moose35
The Fray - How To Save A Life (from Grey's Anatomy)
How To Save A Life The Fray Grey's Anatomy Music Video credits go to abc.com
published: 22 Sep 2006
author: moose35

Big & Rich - Save A Horse [Ride A Cowboy] (Video)
© 2006 WMG Save A Horse [Ride A Cowboy] (Video)...
published: 16 Nov 2009
author: bigandrich
Big & Rich - Save A Horse [Ride A Cowboy] (Video)

How Can I Be Saved?
How To Receive Salvation Through Jesus Christ. Daniel King explains how to be saved from s...
published: 22 May 2011
author: Daniel King
How Can I Be Saved?
How To Receive Salvation Through Jesus Christ. Daniel King explains how to be saved from sin. Get a FREE BOOK by visiting www.kingministries.com and signing up for our free e-newsletter.
published: 22 May 2011
author: Daniel King

Saving Valentina.6.8.11.h264.mov
Michael Fishbach narrates his encounter with a humpback whale entangled in a fishing net. ...
published: 13 Jun 2011
author: elinoyes
Saving Valentina.6.8.11.h264.mov
Michael Fishbach narrates his encounter with a humpback whale entangled in a fishing net. Gershon Cohen and he have founded The Great Whale Conservancy to protect whales. www.greatwhaleconservancy.org, is their website, or go to gwc's facebook page, and join them in helping to save these magnificent beings.
published: 13 Jun 2011
author: elinoyes