
official myspace www.myspace.com Lyrics in english : sometimes I come lie next to you so I...
published: 17 Jan 2007
official myspace www.myspace.com Lyrics in english : sometimes I come lie next to you so I accept it whatever you tell me sometimes I come lie next to you and so i will tolerate further attacks Now the roses dry caress you deep into the floor that write your name you spread me through your hands And you did wrong in the mistakes of your heart And i affected me, spasmophiliacs me, hurry me, I didn't pay attention to you and all I had with you i felt, loved, exist And i affected me, spasmophiliacs me, hurry me, I didn't pay attention to you and all I had with you i felt, loved, exist for you i exist sometimes i come in a ...... you always be my sake, but I am in a vacuum Sometimes i'll come for kiss your mouth even if you cursing me for put a sudden end And i affected me, spasmophiliacs me, hurry me, I didn't pay attention to you and all I had with you i felt, loved, exist And i affected me, spasmophiliacs me, hurry me, I didn't pay attention to you and all I had with you i felt, loved, exist for you i exist in reality it is otherwise in love not, in love not, in love not to give up And i affected me, spasmophiliacs me, hurry me, I didn't pay attention to you and all I had with you i felt, loved, exist for you i exist
published: 17 Jan 2007
author: paraskevie

NINO-OK(ΟΛΙΚΗ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΟΦΗ)New Song 2011(with lyrics)
12.5.2011 Lene pws h fush tha mas ekdikithei Apeiroi profhtes kai xiliades oiwnoi Lene oti...
published: 12 May 2011
NINO-OK(ΟΛΙΚΗ ΚΑΤΑΣΤΡΟΦΗ)New Song 2011(with lyrics)
12.5.2011 Lene pws h fush tha mas ekdikithei Apeiroi profhtes kai xiliades oiwnoi Lene oti oi planhtes tha euthugrammistoun kai ola osa gnwrizoume ws twra tha xathoun Kai an erxetai to telos kai h katastrofh to mono pou metraei gia mena eisai esu! Kai an meinoume ston kosmo emeis teleutaioi efoson exw esena egw thamai OK! Anthrwpoi orgismenoi pou epanastatoun kuvernhseis pionia s'adiexodo odhgoun Sastismenoi hgetes amhxana koitoun ena neo kosmo ston opoio den xwroun Kai an erxetai to telos kai h katastrofh to mono pou metraei gia mena eisai esu! Kai an meinoume ston kosmo emeis teleutaioi efoson exw esena egw thamai OK!
published: 12 May 2011
author: ninitsa142

NINO - Apopse den pame spiti - Official Audio Release (HQ)
NINO - Aπόψε δεν πάμε σπ&...
published: 22 Jun 2012
NINO - Apopse den pame spiti - Official Audio Release (HQ)
NINO - Aπόψε δεν πάμε σπίτι Μουσική : Φοίβος Στίχοι : Ελένη Γιαννατσούλια
published: 22 Jun 2012
author: spicyofficial

Nino - December
Title: December Artists: Nino (voor boekingen info@blacklabelmusic.nl) Music Produced by: ...
published: 13 Dec 2009
Nino - December
Title: December Artists: Nino (voor boekingen info@blacklabelmusic.nl) Music Produced by: Perry Mystique Directed by: Tahir Mohamed Video Produced by: Light-Creation more info www.blacklabelmusic.nl www.light-creation.com
published: 13 Dec 2009
author: blacklabelmusic2008

Nino - Amor
Music video by Nino performing Amor. (C) 1999 BMG France/France Télévision D...
published: 25 Oct 2009
Nino - Amor
Music video by Nino performing Amor. (C) 1999 BMG France/France Télévision Distribution
published: 25 Oct 2009
author: NinoVEVO

Nino ft Singa - Superheld
Video productie door Syndrum Audio productie door Killing Skills Het album Stille Wateren ...
published: 20 Apr 2012
Nino ft Singa - Superheld
Video productie door Syndrum Audio productie door Killing Skills Het album Stille Wateren Diepe Gronden of de losse single is te koop via I-Tunes via deze link: I-TUNES: itunes.apple.com
published: 20 Apr 2012
author: PlaneetNamek

Nino ft. Kempi - Lucifer
Je kunt het album of de losse single kopen via itunes.apple.com :Title: Lucifer Artists: N...
published: 12 Jan 2012
Nino ft. Kempi - Lucifer
Je kunt het album of de losse single kopen via itunes.apple.com :Title: Lucifer Artists: Nino ft Kempi Music Produced by: Spikey Spike Directed by: Tahir Mohamed Video Produced by: Light-Enterprise more info www.planeetnamek.nl www.light-enterprise.com
published: 12 Jan 2012
author: PlaneetNamek
Vimeo results:

FULL Review here: http://ninofilm.net/blog/2011/12/09/canon-eos-c300-review-short-film/
published: 09 Dec 2011
Author: Mario Feil
FULL Review here: http://ninofilm.net/blog/2011/12/09/canon-eos-c300-review-short-film/
BTS by Peter Hainzl: http://vimeo.com/33272532/
shot on pre production unit of the new Canon EOS C300 camera
guy in a tram finds a pack of cigarettes and realizes that it's not a usual brand...
I wrote the first script of this short propably 5min after Canon Germany called me to confirm they will send me a pre production unit of the new Canon C300. I wanted to get my hands on it since Nov 3rd and was glad they'd send me the camera.
I called Nino Leitner who was on that "Pre-Pro-User"-List because I wanted to shoot a short with him depending on who gets it first. So we continued our plans to shoot in Vienna, packed the gear, called friends and colleagues, got to Vienna and started shooting from Saturday to Sunday.
After 15-16 hours, we wrapped our shoot and were pretty happy how it turned out, even if it was WAY too short to get everything like we want it to be.
Our main goal was to test the camera in a "real" production environment. I love cameras that don't stand in the way. A camera is great if it doesn't force you to make compromises. If you want to be creative, you don't want to think of camera flaws, quirks or even battery life.
We really enjoyed shooting with it and realized that it's the best camera for our current needs. Again, for us, not for everyone.
this was our schedule:
Wednesday: Canon called
Thursday: Pre-Production (script, actors, locations)
Friday: first test shots and further planning
Saturday / Sunday: shooting
Monday-Wednesday: Post-Production
Enjoy watching it!
If you have any questions, just ask on twitter:
thanks to the great team and everyone involved
follow us on twitter
**UPDATE: a few people asked if it would look more filmic if I would have done more grading. I did grade it a bit but only some contrast and nothing else. I didn't want it to look oversaturated or with high contrast. Will give it to a colorist for grading and upload 2 different ones, with and without grading.
**UPDATE 2: new grading is up from Micha Schmidt!

The travel diaries 2011
Loneliness, detached, overwhelmed, fascinated, homesick - a year of travelling around the ...
published: 01 Jan 2012
Author: Gunther Machu
The travel diaries 2011
Loneliness, detached, overwhelmed, fascinated, homesick - a year of travelling around the globe on business trips.
I flew 6 times around the world, spent 1.5 weeks (net) in airplanes 2011 and collected shots the whole year for this project.
I walked for hours around airports to get the one shot, got nearly arrested at Chicago O'Hare but had some good luck too!
Filmed at Seoul, Shanghai, Beijing, Chicago, Houston, Dubai, Frankfurt and my home - airport Vienna.
Shot on Lumix GH1 and GH2 (both hacked), by making use of the ETC mode on the GH2 I was able to get up to 3200mm equiv. focal length.
Hope you enjoy this!
follow me on twitter: twitter.com/GunMac
If you want to know more about using the GH2, the hack, lens options in general please visit my friend Nino Leitner's blog:

FEBRUARY - shot on the Canon EOS 550D / Rebel T2i (preprod unit), ungraded version
NEW BLOG about HD video on DSLRs - the good, the bad the ugly: http://ninofilm.net/blog/20...
published: 24 Feb 2010
Author: Nino Leitner
FEBRUARY - shot on the Canon EOS 550D / Rebel T2i (preprod unit), ungraded version
NEW BLOG about HD video on DSLRs - the good, the bad the ugly: http://ninofilm.net/blog/2010/04/17/536/
T2i / 550D Battery showdown: original vs. knock-off: http://ninofilm.net/blog/2010/04/08/canon-t2i-550d-battery-showdown-–-original-vs-fake/
Series on essential budget accessories for the Canon T2i / 550D:
Part 3: ND filters and the depth of field:
Part 2: Batteries, Memory Cards, Bags:
Part 1: Basic LENSES:
Check out the NEW GRADED VERSION OF "FEBRUARY" here: http://ninofilm.net/blog/2010/03/07/color-graded-version-of-february/
Please read the full camera review at http://ninofilm.net/blog/2010/02/23/canon-550d-review/
This short film, FEBRUARY, was shot on a pre-production unit of the new Canon EOS 550D / Rebel T2i. This is UNGRADED footage straight off the camera (converted to ProRes LT first for easy editing). I used a "flattened" picture style as outlined by Stu Maschwitz on his blog: http://prolost.com/blog/2009/8/3/flatten-your-5d.html
Shot in 1080p with 25fps, except for the slow-motion, which was shot in 720p with 60fps and later reconformed to 25fps.
I updated the blog with a rolling shutter test and a short raw footage clip (straight off the camera) for download.
Follow me on Twitter via http://www.twitter.com/ninoleitner
"Living Waters" by Philip Glass from the "Truman Show". You can buy an MP3 download on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0027J8I9W?ie=UTF8&tag;=evstyotaadoab-20

The Great Camera Shootout 2011: Episode 2 ~ "Sensors & Sensitivity"
Episode 2, “Sensors & Sensitivity” of the three part series continues with tests covering ...
published: 22 Jul 2011
Author: Steve Weiss
The Great Camera Shootout 2011: Episode 2 ~ "Sensors & Sensitivity"
Episode 2, “Sensors & Sensitivity” of the three part series continues with tests covering sensitivity, resolution, compression and the relationship between them. These tests were designed and administered by Robert Primes ASC, director of the Single Chip Camera Evaluation (SCCE) and shown at 2K screenings around the world to indie filmmakers, event shooters, commercial DP’s, directors and corporate filmmakers alike. Their opinions on the footage are invaluable when it comes to understanding what all this data means in real world shooting situations.
To measure the sensitivity, the SCCE team used the Signal to Noise ratio of each camera to determine the threshold of acceptable noise. “Michael Bravin shot an opto-electronic conversion function or OECF chart,” says Steve Weiss, director. The chart uses twenty different grey patches that are analyzed by software to determine how the sensor converts the illumination into digital values.” A low light scene was lit by Stephen Lighthill, ASC to show how noise can affect a shot in the real world.
Matt Siegel was in charge of measuring the resolution of each camera by shooting a 3ft wide Siemen star chart. This chart is used to find the Spatial Frequency Response (SFR) of the sensor which shows the smallest details a camera can capture. The final test in episode two covers color compression and sub-sampling. Each camera was recorded, if possible, to an external recorder to capture the most uncompressed image possible, with the Wringer chart, the differences between on-board and off-board recordings are shown. “Some cameras can record in 4:4:4” explains producer Jens Bogehegn, “but other cameras compress the image by removing color data, this can be 4:2:2 or 4:2:0.” A Still Life scene was also shot by Steven Lighthill, ASC and Nancy Shreiber, ASC to show the real world implications when resolution and compression are pushed to their limits.
Come watch Episode 2: “Sensors & Sensitivity” and learn from some of the best in the business! We promise you won’t be disappointed.
The featured scenes in this episode are shot by Michael Bravin, Matt Siegel, Stephen Lighthill, ASC and Nancy Schreiber, ASC. The still life scene was designed by Rhonda Rolston.
Commentary: Jay Lee, Jack Cummings, Dan Freene, Daniel DeMoulin, Daren Finner, Nino Leitner, Jonathan Bregel, Jon Carr, Jan Crittenden: Product Manager-Panasonic, Bruce Logan, ASC, Cinematographer “Tron,” James Kallemeyn, Sam Shinn, Johnson Liv, Chris Cooke, Mark Steel, Dave Kittredge, Richard Crook, Ken Glassing: Cinematographer, “CSI-Miami,” Gale Tattersall, ASC, Cinematographer, “House,” Michael Lewis, Sebastian Tr, Mathew Medeiros, Paul Ream, Michael Watson, Peter James, ACS, ASC, DP “Driving Miss Daisy” & “Meet The Parents,” Robert Primes, ASC, Ryan Koo, David Johnson, Rodney Charters, ASC, Cinematographer “24,” and Robert Haddad.
The web series documentary features two different independent crews. The SCCE Crew: Administrator Robert Primes, ASC; Station Chiefs: Michael Bravin, Stephen Lighthill ASC, Nancy Schreiber ASC, Matt Siegel and Mike Curtis; Line Producer Josh Siegel. The Shootout 2011 Crew: Editor Karen Abad, Graphic Designer Chris Voelz, Producers: Daniel Skubal, Scott Lynch, Jens Bogehegn and Eric Kessler; Web Series Director Steve Weiss.
Additional SCCE Testing Methodologies
All of the manufactures were invited to be involved with the tests and provide a technician with their camera. In cases where the manufacturer declined to send a representative, Bob Primes assigned a camera master who was an expert with that particular camera to manage it as it rotated though all of the series of tests. Each test also had a station chief who kept the tests consistent across cameras.
Youtube results:

Ill Nino - How Can I Live
© 2007 WMG Purchase Confession from iTunes - bit.ly Ill Nino - How Can I Live...
published: 27 Oct 2009
Ill Nino - How Can I Live
© 2007 WMG Purchase Confession from iTunes - bit.ly Ill Nino - How Can I Live
published: 27 Oct 2009
author: RoadrunnerRecords

Ill Niño - How Can I Live
How can i live by Ill niño Lyrics : I am so alike you, In so many ways. I know I...
published: 10 Jun 2009
Ill Niño - How Can I Live
How can i live by Ill niño Lyrics : I am so alike you, In so many ways. I know I'm just a copy, That carries on the stain. But, We make the same mistakes. Cause, We are one in the same. But, We leave behind the stain. That cannot separate. All that lies in me, All that dies in me. How can I live without you? All that lies in me, All that dies in me. How can I live without you? I am your mirror image, I'm all you left behind You made me what I am, Then who the hell am I? But, We make the same mistakes. Cause, We are one in the same. But, We leave behind the stain. That cannot separate. All that lies in me, All that dies in me. How can I live without you? Why, Yo no entiendo porque, I know that our lives are the same, Y mi vida, Is just a guessing game A dirty stain That I cannot play. But I follow your steps, In the same way that you just walked away, And pushed the way through. I...will...not...live! Do you think of me? Do you dream of me? I always dream about you. Do you think of me? Do you dream of me? I always dream about you. All that lies in me, All that dies in me. How can I live without you? All that lies in me, All that dies in me. How can I live without you?
published: 10 Jun 2009
author: minhocalol125

It's Gotta Be Nino
My first ever music video created on Windows Movie Maker. I had made attempts plenty of ti...
published: 24 Jul 2011
It's Gotta Be Nino
My first ever music video created on Windows Movie Maker. I had made attempts plenty of times, but never got around to finishing them.
published: 24 Jul 2011
author: cutiechu25