- published: 16 Aug 2010
- views: 205208
- author: hickok45

1873 A Firearms Bonanza!
1873 was a ballistical bananza, a watershed year in firearms and cartridge development. Th...
published: 16 Aug 2010
author: hickok45
1873 A Firearms Bonanza!
1873 A Firearms Bonanza!
1873 was a ballistical bananza, a watershed year in firearms and cartridge development. Things I should / could have mentioned in this video: The Winchester ...- published: 16 Aug 2010
- views: 205208
- author: hickok45

Uberti 1873 Carbine
The Winchester model 1873 carbine in .44-40 was one of the most popular guns of the old we...
published: 17 Mar 2013
author: duelist1954
Uberti 1873 Carbine
Uberti 1873 Carbine
The Winchester model 1873 carbine in .44-40 was one of the most popular guns of the old west. It was the rifle of choice of the Texas Rangers and many other ...- published: 17 Mar 2013
- views: 9664
- author: duelist1954

Shooting the 1873 Trapdoor Springfield.mov
This is the final episode of "The Guns of 1873" series. This episode focuses on the 1873 T...
published: 08 Jan 2012
author: duelist1954
Shooting the 1873 Trapdoor Springfield.mov
Shooting the 1873 Trapdoor Springfield.mov
This is the final episode of "The Guns of 1873" series. This episode focuses on the 1873 Trapdoor Springfield carbine and the .45-70 cartridge. The .45-70 tr...- published: 08 Jan 2012
- views: 48466
- author: duelist1954

Uberti 1873 Cattleman
Uberti Nickel plated finish, 5 1/2 inch, 1873 cattleman in .45 Colt. You should know by no...
published: 01 Jul 2012
author: birdshot1911
Uberti 1873 Cattleman
Uberti 1873 Cattleman
Uberti Nickel plated finish, 5 1/2 inch, 1873 cattleman in .45 Colt. You should know by now that I have a special place in my heart for these old style guns :)- published: 01 Jul 2012
- views: 26587
- author: birdshot1911

Winchester 1873 and Sika Deer Hunting - Stalk and Flush
Join me on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/NicTaylor00
published: 20 Aug 2013
Winchester 1873 and Sika Deer Hunting - Stalk and Flush
Winchester 1873 and Sika Deer Hunting - Stalk and Flush
SUBSCRIBE / LIKE / FAVORITE Join me on FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/NicTaylor00 Want to see more pictures of my Hunts? http://texasnative00.blogspot.com/ Be sure and see my other hunting videos! If you've been hunting for as long as I have you begin to get creative in what you use. In this video a buddy of mine and I use our replica cowboy rifles. I'm using a Uberti 1873 carbine chambered in 38 / 357 magnum while my buddy is using an 1866 version chambered in the 45 Long Colt. After spotting some Sika deer from the Jeep we head out on foot and head into the brush where they only have one way out due to the terrain. As the remaining Sika makes its way out my buddy sits waiting to ambush it. Fortunately for the sika, he has a light primer strike with his 1866 and the rifle fails to fire. Leading to frustration and a few extra beers consumed around the campfire that night.- published: 20 Aug 2013
- views: 481

Uberti 1873 Single Action Cattleman Cartridge Revolver
http://www.Uberti.com/firearms/single-action-cattleman.php Colt's 1873 Single Action Army ...
published: 03 May 2012
author: Uberti Firearms
Uberti 1873 Single Action Cattleman Cartridge Revolver
Uberti 1873 Single Action Cattleman Cartridge Revolver
http://www.Uberti.com/firearms/single-action-cattleman.php Colt's 1873 Single Action Army revolver is arguably the most influential firearm in American Histo...- published: 03 May 2012
- views: 11876
- author: Uberti Firearms

Uberti Winchester 1873 - Gun Mart Review
Classic fun Pete Moore shoots Ubertis superb recreation of the iconic, 24, Winchester 1873...
published: 19 Oct 2009
author: GunMartTV
Uberti Winchester 1873 - Gun Mart Review
Uberti Winchester 1873 - Gun Mart Review
Classic fun Pete Moore shoots Ubertis superb recreation of the iconic, 24, Winchester 1873 Sporter lever-action rifle.- published: 19 Oct 2009
- views: 47469
- author: GunMartTV

The Colt Model of 1873 Single Action Army
The Single Action Army is considered by many to be the firearm that best symbolizes the ol...
published: 02 Dec 2008
author: MidwayUSA
The Colt Model of 1873 Single Action Army
The Colt Model of 1873 Single Action Army
The Single Action Army is considered by many to be the firearm that best symbolizes the old west. In this GunTec presentation Larry Potterfield, CEO and Foun...- published: 02 Dec 2008
- views: 218870
- author: MidwayUSA

Hole in hole accuracy with 44/40 Uberti 1873 Winchester and BPCR ammo
In this video I test the cartridges loaded with a 19th century reloading tool, and then my...
published: 19 Mar 2013
author: capandball
Hole in hole accuracy with 44/40 Uberti 1873 Winchester and BPCR ammo
Hole in hole accuracy with 44/40 Uberti 1873 Winchester and BPCR ammo
In this video I test the cartridges loaded with a 19th century reloading tool, and then my target shooting 44-40s loaded with 3Fg Swiss powder with modern re...- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 4671
- author: capandball

Financial Panic of 1873
the Grandaddy and almost Biblical Meltdown of the crazy US monetary system and a warning f...
published: 17 Oct 2008
author: theGetRealGuy
Financial Panic of 1873
Financial Panic of 1873
the Grandaddy and almost Biblical Meltdown of the crazy US monetary system and a warning from history from the Lakota Souix.- published: 17 Oct 2008
- views: 4650
- author: theGetRealGuy

Scandal (S11 Ep 1873) 22 November 2013
Log On To www.etv.co.za For More Information On This Show And Other e.tv Programming....
published: 15 Nov 2013
Scandal (S11 Ep 1873) 22 November 2013
Scandal (S11 Ep 1873) 22 November 2013
Log On To www.etv.co.za For More Information On This Show And Other e.tv Programming.- published: 15 Nov 2013
- views: 116

Uberti - 1873 Rifle and 1873 Carbine
Visit us: http://bit.ly/CheaperThanDirt Winchesters 1873 rifle was the Rifle that Won the ...
published: 17 Dec 2009
author: Cheaper Than Dirt
Uberti - 1873 Rifle and 1873 Carbine
Uberti - 1873 Rifle and 1873 Carbine
Visit us: http://bit.ly/CheaperThanDirt Winchesters 1873 rifle was the Rifle that Won the West. It was chambered in a new, more powerful cartridge, the .44-4...- published: 17 Dec 2009
- views: 101375
- author: Cheaper Than Dirt

Winchester 1873 Rubberband Gun
Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzh-1hUooik Winchester 1873 carbine Rubberband G...
published: 12 Jan 2013
author: RBguns
Winchester 1873 Rubberband Gun
Winchester 1873 Rubberband Gun
Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzh-1hUooik Winchester 1873 carbine Rubberband Gun made of wood -please subscribe. new rubber band gun videos comin...- published: 12 Jan 2013
- views: 66427
- author: RBguns

The First Winchester Rifle As Well As an 1873 1 of 1000 and an 1876 1 of 1000 At April Auction
From the Volcanic Pistol to the Carbine to the Rifle. Fantastic rare firearms to be auctio...
published: 13 Mar 2012
author: RockIslandAuction
The First Winchester Rifle As Well As an 1873 1 of 1000 and an 1876 1 of 1000 At April Auction
The First Winchester Rifle As Well As an 1873 1 of 1000 and an 1876 1 of 1000 At April Auction
From the Volcanic Pistol to the Carbine to the Rifle. Fantastic rare firearms to be auctioned off April 2012.- published: 13 Mar 2012
- views: 12462
- author: RockIslandAuction
Youtube results:

The Aceh War 1873-1914
The Aceh War, also known as the Dutch War or the Infidel War (1873-1914), was an armed mil...
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: Dutch Docu Channel
The Aceh War 1873-1914
The Aceh War 1873-1914
The Aceh War, also known as the Dutch War or the Infidel War (1873-1914), was an armed military conflict between the Sultanate of Aceh and the Netherlands wh...- published: 28 Feb 2012
- views: 66952
- author: Dutch Docu Channel

Ganz-Mávag mozdonyok 1873-1973 - Take The "A" Train
Képek: a Ganz-Mávag mozdonygyártás 100 éve. Gőz-, diesel-, diesel-villamos és villamos moz...
published: 08 Dec 2009
author: ganzvill
Ganz-Mávag mozdonyok 1873-1973 - Take The "A" Train
Ganz-Mávag mozdonyok 1873-1973 - Take The "A" Train
Képek: a Ganz-Mávag mozdonygyártás 100 éve. Gőz-, diesel-, diesel-villamos és villamos mozdonytípusok egy része 1873-tól 1973-ig. Zene: Egy híres Duke Elling...- published: 08 Dec 2009
- views: 10114
- author: ganzvill

Assista ao documentário 'Trem Republicano 1873' - Parte 1
Documentário resgata história do trem que incentivou a República...
published: 09 Nov 2013
Assista ao documentário 'Trem Republicano 1873' - Parte 1
Assista ao documentário 'Trem Republicano 1873' - Parte 1
Documentário resgata história do trem que incentivou a República- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 708

(Airsoft) Winchester 1873 KTW
My facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/LeKhanSeb
I bought the gun second hand, which...
published: 14 Nov 2013
(Airsoft) Winchester 1873 KTW
(Airsoft) Winchester 1873 KTW
My facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/LeKhanSeb I bought the gun second hand, which explains some of the markings on the gun. You can buy the same on Winchairsoft, a French shop specialised in Winchester replicas, for 269 € : http://winchairsoft.com/product.php?id_product=10 The KTW Winchester is a spring action replica of the lever action 1873 Winchester. A famous "cow boy" carbine. Another original, uncommon replica made by KTW. It's quite fun to shoot and it's nice to have something a bit different in your hands. Plus, the finish is not bad, and the fake wood is really nicely made. That being said, the performances are really bad on my model (I'm not sure to know if that comes from my particular model or if all KTW Winchester have bad performances) and the magazine system is I guess a little awkward, which doesn't make it the best skirmishable replica ever. And it's a bit expensive too. _________________ Ma page facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LeKhanSeb J'ai acheté la réplique d'occasion ce qui explique certaines marques sur la réplique. Vous pouvez acheter la même sur Winchairsoft, a shop français spécialisé dans les répliques de Winchester, pour 269 € : http://winchairsoft.com/product.php?id_product=10 La Winchester KTW est une réplique spring de la fameuse Winchester 1873, une célèbre "carabine de cow boy". Une autre réplique originale et peu commune à ajouter au catalogue KTW. C'est plutôt marrant à utiliser et c'est sympa d'avoir quelque chose d'original dans les mains. En plus, la finition est vraiment sympa, et les faux bois sont franchement bien fichus. Par contre, les performances sont vraiment pas terribles sur mon modèle (je ne suis pas sûr si ça vient de mon modèle en particulier où si toutes les Winchester KTW ont de mauvaises performances) et le système de chargeur est un pas forcément très pratique, ce qui n'en fait pas la réplique la plus jouable du monde. C'est aussi un peu cher.- published: 14 Nov 2013
- views: 19453