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October 17, 2012
Dominique de Villepin

Dominique de Villepin: Middle East, Three Mistakes and One Collective Solution

Fmr. Prime Minster of France

It's time for the United States to face the legacy of a half century of policies in the Middle East, the legacies of the Cold War as well as of the last decade's neoconservatism. Yes, mistakes have been made. Changes are needed, now. And they can be.

Suicide Bomber Attacks Afghan-U.S. Base

Afghanistan Suicide Bombing

U.S. Servicemen Arrested For Allegedly Raping Japanese Woman

Okinawa Rape Arrests John Roos

Mitt Romney Gets Smacked On Libya Attack

Mitt Romney Libya Terror Attack

Fake 'Relatives' Raise Security Concerns For Pakistani Teen

Malala Yousufzai Shooting

Taliban Vows To 'Finish Job'

Baby Girl In Critical Condition After Being Set On Fire

Pravartika Gupta Baby Burned Died

Top Official: U.S. Troops May Stay In Afghanistan Beyond 2014

Afghanistan Troop Withdrawl

Accused War Criminal: 'I Should Be Rewarded'

Radovan Karadzic Trial

Popular Anti-Semitic Hashtag Sparks Outrage

Unbonjuif Twitter

TOP SECRET! Gitmo Prisoner's Opinion On LeBron James

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Teenage Girl Publicly Whipped For Speaking To Men

Mali Girl Whipped

No, You Can't Read Prince Charles' Letters

Prince Charles Letters

Iran: Our Drones Reach Israel All The Time

Iran Drones Israel

Chinese Warships Put Japan On Edge

Chinese Warships Yonaguni

Rapper Convicted Of Killing Schoolchildren

Molemo Maarohanye Murder Conviction

Clinton Takes Responsibility For Libya Security Lapse

Libya Attack Clinton

U.S. Arrests Daughter Of Notorious Mexican Drug Lord

Alejandrina Gisselle Guzman Salazar Arrested

The Moving Story Of China's 'Basketball Grandma'

Basketball Grandma

Thousands Of Bottles Of Deadly Bootleg Booze Confiscated

Czech Alcohol Ban

White House Mulls Hitting Militants Over Libya Attack

Libya Consulate Attack

Observers: Russian Local Elections RIGGED

Russia Local Elections

Syrian Regime Hits Rebels With Worst Airstrikes In Months

Syria Crisis Airstrikes
1 of 9

Venice Flooded!

Acqua Alta

Vandals Desecrate Grave Of Israeli War Hero

Moshe Dayan Grave

U.S. Navy: D'Oh

Uss Montpelier Uss San Jacinto Crash

Incredible World-Record Skydive

Felix Baumgartner Jump

60,000 Dead In Drug War Considered 'Progress'

Mexico Drug War

Local Leader Blames Chowmein For Rapes

Chowmein Rape

Buenos Aires's Dog Poop Problem

Argentina Dog Poop

New Secrets Of The Cuban Missile Crisis Emerge On 50th Anniversary

Cuban Missile Crisis

Man Kicked Out Of Bar For His Mullet

David Hoogland Mullet

To No One's Surprise, Corruption Is A Problem In Italy

Italy Corruption

Amazing Images Of The Afghan-Pakistani Border

Suchitra Vijayan

How To Rig A Russian Election

Russia Elections Rigged