
Beatboxing flute inspector gadget remix
Twitter: @thePROJECTTrio twitter.com Facebook page: www.facebook.com Check out all our alb...
published: 19 Jan 2007
Author: freedomworksfilms
Beatboxing flute inspector gadget remix
Twitter: @thePROJECTTrio twitter.com Facebook page: www.facebook.com Check out all our albums at: www.cdbaby.com www.cdbaby.com www.cdbaby.com www.cdbaby.com www.cdbaby.com itunes.apple.com itunes.apple.com Check out all of our upcoming concerts at: whatisproject.org www.projecttrio.com www.whatisproject.org www.pattillostyle.com PROJECT Trio is: Greg Pattillo - Flute Eric Stephenson - Cello Peter Seymour - Bass

Chaminade Concertino for Flute and Piano
7 yo flutist Emma Resmini plays at an April 20, 2008 recital....
published: 23 Apr 2008
Author: GeoRockMin
Chaminade Concertino for Flute and Piano
7 yo flutist Emma Resmini plays at an April 20, 2008 recital.

beatboxing flute super mario brothers theme
Twitter: @thePROJECTTrio twitter.com Facebook page: www.facebook.com Check out all our alb...
published: 18 Dec 2006
Author: freedomworksfilms
beatboxing flute super mario brothers theme
Twitter: @thePROJECTTrio twitter.com Facebook page: www.facebook.com Check out all our albums at: www.cdbaby.com www.cdbaby.com www.cdbaby.com www.cdbaby.com www.cdbaby.com itunes.apple.com itunes.apple.com Check out all of our upcoming concerts at: whatisproject.org www.projecttrio.com www.whatisproject.org www.pattillostyle.com PROJECT Trio is: Greg Pattillo - Flute Eric Stephenson - Cello Peter Seymour - Bass

JSBach. Partita for flute solo
Alexandra Grot /flute/ performs Bach Partita. Recorded in Munich, 18.02.2008...
published: 01 Mar 2008
Author: grotsasha
JSBach. Partita for flute solo
Alexandra Grot /flute/ performs Bach Partita. Recorded in Munich, 18.02.2008

Raga Shivranjani on Bansuri (Indian Bamboo Flute)
www.bansuriflute.com http Dhun in Raga Shivranjani Prasad Bhandarkar (Bansuri) Sudarshan S...
published: 22 Nov 2006
Author: bansuriflute
Raga Shivranjani on Bansuri (Indian Bamboo Flute)
www.bansuriflute.com http Dhun in Raga Shivranjani Prasad Bhandarkar (Bansuri) Sudarshan Siddhaye (Tabla)

The Flight of the Bumble Bee - Flute, James Galway
Rimsky Korsakov - The Flight of the Bumble Bee Played by James Galway on the flute Pianist...
published: 15 Feb 2009
Author: lolcow
The Flight of the Bumble Bee - Flute, James Galway
Rimsky Korsakov - The Flight of the Bumble Bee Played by James Galway on the flute Pianist-Phillip Moll James Galway's recital in Belfast, Waterfront Hall

Flute Assembly, Disassembly and Daily Maintenance
How to of proper assembly, disassembly and daily maintenance of a flute....
published: 26 Jul 2009
Author: hornsmasher
Flute Assembly, Disassembly and Daily Maintenance
How to of proper assembly, disassembly and daily maintenance of a flute.

Telemann Flute Fantasy in b minor, Nina Perlove
Flutist Nina Perlove is available for web lessons. www.ashburymusichall.com also visit me ...
published: 27 Feb 2007
Author: ninaflute
Telemann Flute Fantasy in b minor, Nina Perlove
Flutist Nina Perlove is available for web lessons. www.ashburymusichall.com also visit me at www.REALFLUTEproject.com. You can buy this sheet music here: www.sheetmusicplus.com The Telemann Fantasies are among my favorite pieces for solo flute. I have my students learn them as etudes because they encompass a wide variety of keys, meters, tempi, articulations, and technical demands of sound and embouchure (especially in the wide leaps). I personally enjoy experimenting with ornamentation, especially on repeats. I require my students to write their own ornamental variations which is a great exercise for understanding phrase structure and Baroque style. My favorite flute recording of all time is Jean-Pierre Rampal's version of these pieces. There are many, many ways to interpret these pieces including playing them with or without vibrato, so I never get tired of playing them. The performances here are my interpretations at that moment. I will probably play them differently the next time!

How to play the flute
Tutorial Tuesday 2 - How to produce a sound on the flute Elizabeth Velez Urie on flute (Fl...
published: 27 Apr 2011
Author: inspirationalflute
How to play the flute
Tutorial Tuesday 2 - How to produce a sound on the flute Elizabeth Velez Urie on flute (Flute for beginners series) I am now available for virtual online flute lessons: elizabethvelezurie.com

How It's Made - Flute
How a flute is made from start to finish...
published: 29 Dec 2006
Author: elbobo1979
How It's Made - Flute
How a flute is made from start to finish

2 Guys 1 Flute | JS Bach Badineri
Ariel Zuckermann - Fingers Eyal Ein-Habar - Embouchure JSBach | Badineri National Flute Da...
published: 26 Apr 2008
Author: layoram
2 Guys 1 Flute | JS Bach Badineri
Ariel Zuckermann - Fingers Eyal Ein-Habar - Embouchure JSBach | Badineri National Flute Day Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Mann Auditorium, Tel Aviv, 2005 A KeyNote activity. KeyNote - IPO's program for musical education and community outreach www.ipo-kids.org

Irish song flute music
Flute music...
published: 15 Aug 2008
Author: ramroy007
Irish song flute music
Flute music

Nina Perlove on flute sound production
www.REALFLUTEproject.com Flute lesson on resonating the flute for a beautiful sound. 1. pu...
published: 23 May 2007
Author: ninaflute
Nina Perlove on flute sound production
www.REALFLUTEproject.com Flute lesson on resonating the flute for a beautiful sound. 1. put the flute lower on the chin 2. roll out 3. resonate the ENTIRE flute by angling air into the tube. Many young players have a too tight, smile embouchure -- with the flute high on their lip and the hole almost entirely covered! Some were initially taught the coke-bottle methd of blowing straight across the hole. This video addresses these problems. This method is essentially what I learned from my studies with Bradley Garner, who teaches the lower-roll out-into the flute technique. The angling the air toward the crown idea was taught to me by Alain Marion. I remember several students in Marion's class discussing how strange this seemed to us, and yet how pleased we were with the results.

The Flute - Line Dance (Dance & Teach in English & 中文)
Choreographed by: Maggie Gallagher (May 2011) 64 count - 3 wall - Intermediate level line ...
published: 25 May 2011
Author: LineDanceDallas2
The Flute - Line Dance (Dance & Teach in English & 中文)
Choreographed by: Maggie Gallagher (May 2011) 64 count - 3 wall - Intermediate level line dance
Vimeo results:

Birds on the Wires
Winner of the YouTube Play Guggenheim Biennial Festival.
Soundtrack available here: http:/...
published: 04 Sep 2009
Author: Jarbas Agnelli
Birds on the Wires
Winner of the YouTube Play Guggenheim Biennial Festival.
Soundtrack available here: http://tinyurl.com/7xj6net
Reading a newspaper, I saw a picture of birds on the electric wires. I cut out the photo and decided to make a song, using the exact location of the birds as notes (no Photoshop edit). I knew it wasn't the most original idea in the universe. I was just curious to hear what melody the birds were creating.
I sent the music to the photographer, Paulo Pinto, who I Googled on the internet. He told his editor, who told a reporter and the story ended up as an interview in the very same newspaper.
Here I've posted a short video made with the photo, the music and the score (composed by the birds).
Also check my live presentation of Birds on the Wires at TEDx São Paulo: http://www.tedxsaopaulo.com.br/jarbas-agnelli/
Music made with Logic.
Video made with After Effects.
An interview about this and other works: http://biginterview.org/

Gotye- Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra)- official film clip
Film clip for the Gotye song Somebody That I Used To Know
Featuring Kimbra from the album ...
published: 05 Jul 2011
Author: Gotye
Gotye- Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra)- official film clip
Film clip for the Gotye song Somebody That I Used To Know
Featuring Kimbra from the album Making Mirrors
Buy Somebody That I Used To Know here: http://www.smarturl.it/gotyesomebody
Buy Making Mirrors here http://www.smarturl.it/gotye
Directed, produced and edited by Natasha Pincus
Body art by Emma Hack
Cinematographer and colourist: Warwick Field
Scenic artist: Howard Clark
Key grip: Rob Hansford
Assistants: Rose Cidoni, Claire Leighton, Rob Murray
Original artwork by Frank De Backer
Music credits:
Produced by Wally De Backer
Mixed by Francois Tetaz, assisted by Wally at Moose Mastering, Richmond, VIC
Bass recorded by Wally in Lucas Taranto's loungeroom, Melbourne, VIC
All other sounds put together by Wally in The Barn, Merricks, VIC
Bass guitar: Lucas Taranto
Lead and backing vocals: Kimbra
Guitar, flutes, percussion and synth samples, lead and backing vocals: Wally
Contains a sample of the recording “Seville” as performed by Luiz Bonfa.
Courtesy of Geffen Records, under license from Universal Music Enterprises.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Now and then I think of when we were together
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
Told myself that you were right for me
But felt so lonely in your company
But that was love and it's an ache I still remember
You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
Like resignation to the end
Always the end
So when we found that we could not make sense
Well you said that we would still be friends
But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over
But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened
And that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger
And that feels so rough
You didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records
And then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
Now and then I think of all the times you screwed me over
But had me believing it was always something that I'd done
And I don't wanna live that way
Reading into every word you say
You said that you could let it go
And I wouldn't catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know...
But you didn't have to cut me off
Make out like it never happened
And that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger
And that feels so rough
You didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records
And then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know
I used to know
That I used to know
Somebody That I Used To Know is from the Gotye album Making Mirrors
Single and film clip released by Eleven: A Music Company
Release/catalogue number: ELEVENDIG100
Release date: Jul 11, 2011

Percebeiros (Sea Bites) 1920x1080
(12 min) Corto documental dirigido por David Ber...
published: 03 Dec 2011
Author: enpiedeguerra
Percebeiros (Sea Bites) 1920x1080
(12 min) Corto documental dirigido por David Beriain sobre la historia de Serxio Ces, percebeiro de Cedeira, Galicia.
Preseleccionado para los Premios Goya 2012.
Ruge el viento. El mar golpea los acantilados. Dos metros de roca, ésa es la franja de agua y oxígeno en la que crece el percebe. Dos metros donde el mar se ensaña, donde bate con fuerza milenaria. Una frontera de olas y espuma en la que Serxo y sus compañeros luchan por un bocado de mar.
Una frontera de valor y miedo. De temeridad y sentido común. Dos metros sin margen de error. Ahí vive el percebe. Ahí vive Serxo.
Percebeiros es la batalla contra el mar de unos guerreros que no se consideran héroes.
David Beriain is a Spanish war correspondent that has covered conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo, Colombia and Kashmir, among others. He is currently in charge of coordinating the fea- ture section at Medina Media, a production com- pany based out of Spain.
Beriain is one of the few reporters in the world that has managed to infiltrate the FARC guerrilla camps in Colombia. His work there made him a finalist for the Bayeux-Calvados, the most pres- tigious international award for war correspon- dents. He has interviewed the Taliban command- ers who killed Spanish soldiers, met with the twelve-year-old hitmen that Colombian druglords exploit as child soldiers, and even accompanied the American Army on some of their most danger- ous military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. His latest TV documentary took him to Eastern Congo, where he covered the conflict between the Congolese Army and the rebels who fight, kill and rape in order to gain the control of the Coltan and Cassiterite mines.
During his time at Sea Bites, Beriain was in charge of producing the story and coordinating all the members in the team. He was the one who convinced everyone to get on board and as a true leader, he turned a group of people who did not know each other into a real team.
(+34) 609 72 71 61 beriain.david@gmail.com enpiedeguerra.tv/

Fernando Ureña is a Spanish editor and script writer. For the past three years, he has worked as a script analyst for Cuatro’s national fiction shows. He has also supervised the scripts for several other Spanish networks such as Canal+, Digital+, TVE or Audiovisual Sport. He is currently writing the scripts for various Spanish movies, a work he combines with his editorial tasks at some of Spain’s most prestigious publishing compa- nies.
Ureña gave birth to the idea of Sea Bites.
He conceived the story and was David Beriain’s second hand in the team. They wrote the script together and Ureña followed the entire process of video-editing, post-production and sonorization.
(+34) 655 01 89 80 fmumary@gmail.com
SERGIO CARO Director of photography
Sergio Caro is a Spanish photographer and cam- eraman. He is specialized in international con- flicts and illegal immigration in Europe. His 2005 photographs of Sub-Saharan immigrants being hauled away by bus to be abandoned in the desert won him the Visa D’Or at the International Photo- journalists Awards in Perpignan, one of the most prestigious ceremonies in the world. His photo- graphs have been published in renowned media such as Newsweek, Le Figaro or the Financial Times. As a television cameraman, he has cov- ered Iraq, Afghanistan and Congo together with David Beriain.
Together with Ernesto Villalba, he created Once Upon a Time, a multimedia company that por- trays unique characters from a very artistic point of view.
In Sea Bites, Caro’s ten years of experience al- lowed him to hang himself from the rocks just as the barnacle fishermen did and taking as many risks as they do. He also played the role of direc- tor of photography coordinating all the camera- men at work.
(+34) 656 55 06 57 sergio@sergiocaro.com sergiocaro.com/

Ernesto Villalba is a Spanish multimedia journal- ist. He is a co-founder of Once Upon a Time, a pioneer online production company that makes short films and other multimedia materials for the web. The company’s first work, “Time to Time”, was selected by Innovative Interactivity as one of the fifty best multimedia packages of the year. Since 2008, he has directed all graphic design- and social media-related strategies for REC, the main feature aired by Cuatro, one of Spain’s “Big Five” TV networks.
Villalba is currently focused on his work at Once Upon a Time developing several documentary projects and combines them with his role as a teacher for several innovative seminars.
In Sea Bites, he was the cameraman that followed Serxo, our protagonist, outside the sea. Villalba’s particular sensitivity made our protagonist feel so comfortable with him that he even got the nick- name “Sombra”, shadow in Spanish.
(+34) 667 55 56 10 ernestovillalba.photo@gmail.com e

CAROLINE - A film by Mani Nasry
Director/Producer/Writer -MANI NASRY
published: 03 Dec 2009
CAROLINE - A film by Mani Nasry
Director/Producer/Writer -MANI NASRY
Mani Nasry an exceptionally talented filmmaker, actor and artist with a sophisticated breadth of education, skills, experience, and professional accomplishments. He trained as an actor and director in New York with Salem Ludwig and with Donna DeMatteo for playwriting. For Mani, the decision to work in the film industry guided his academic decisions from an early age. He attended a Toronto high school renowned for excellence in the arts, and was accepted into one of the highly competitive film program at Ryerson university. It is notable that he went to Ryerson with an already well-established career in theatre, film, television and commercial work, and a range of multi-faceted achievements including producing, cinematography, casting, writing, directing, acting, and editing. On his own he added stints in New York and Los Angeles with leading acting teachers, as well as learning the grace and style of many forms of dance and athletics. With courses perceptively, he has also recognized the importance of acquiring an understanding of the business side of the industry, and the varied aspects of technology and production. There are some people clearly born to follow the path they have chosen from the start. Mani Nasry has the passion to succeed, the curiosity and ingenuity required to lead and collaborate in an industry known for its impact and appeal, and the strength of character and work ethic to immerse himself in finding and telling an unforgettable story.
MANI NASRY FILM AND TELEVISION RESUME Performer Profile Gender: Male Height: 5 feet 7 in Weight: 140 Age Range: 21 - 29 Physique: Athletic Hair Color: Brown Eyes: Brown Film Family Curse (2003 TV movie) Cast-Apr 01, 2003 SHADOW WALKERS PRODUCTIONS LTD Dawn of the Dead (2004) Cast-May 25, 2003/Jul 20, 2003 CORPUS VIVOS PRODUCTIONS INC Beautiful Girl (2003 TV movie) Cast-Aug 31, 2003 NEVER TIME PRODUCTIONS LTD New York Minute (2004/I) Cast-Sep 07, 2003 NY MINUTE FILMS INC Prom Queen: The Marc Hall Story (2004 TV movie) Cast-Oct 18, 2003 ADJUSTMENT BULLOCH Childstar (2004) Cast-Nov 23, 2003/Dec 07, 2003 RHOMBUS MEDIA The Coven (2004 TV movie) Cast-Dec 07, 2003 COVEN PRODUCTIONS CORP Man of the Year (2006) Cast-Feb 14, 2006 AXIUM ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES CANADA HOOKED ON SPEEDMAN Cast-Mar 08, 2006 PLAYING ARMY PRODUCTIONS INC "WHAT DO YOU SEE 1" Cast-Mar 14, 2006 ARNOLD WORLDWIDE CANADA Road to Christmas (2006 TV movie) Cast-Apr 02, 2006/ Apr 23, 2006 LET IT SNOW PRODUCTIONS INC. Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium (2007) Cast-May 14, 2006 STUPID ZEBRA PRODUCTIONS INC Camille (2007) Cast-Jun 25, 2006 CAMILLE PRODUCTIONS INC LOVE BITES Cast-Jun 25, 2006 LOVE BUGS PRODUCTIONS INC Talk to Me (2007) Cast-Jul 02, 2006/Jul 09, 2006 TALK TO ME PRODUCTIONS INC LIPSTICK Cast-Jul 23, 2006 LIPSTICK FILMS INC Late Fragment (2008) Cast-Oct 22, 2006 KATMADHU INC Diary of the Dead (2007) Cast-Nov 05, 2006 DEAD DIARY PRODUCTIONS INC Trapped (2007 TV series documentary) Cast-Feb 28, 2007 NF (TRAPPED) INC Céline (2008 TV movie) Cast-Apr 09, 2007 CHART TOPPING PRODUCTIONS INC Saw IV (2007) Cast-Apr 16, 2007 SAW IV PRODUCTIONS INC The Incredible Hulk (2008) Cast-Jul 09, 2007 MVL INCREDIBLE PRODUCTIONS CANADA, INC. The Echo (2008) Cast-Aug 13, 2007 DCP ECHO PRODUCTIONS INC The Love Guru (2008) Cast-Sep 07, 2007 LOVE GURU PRODUCTIONS INC Traitor (2008) Cast-Sep 10, 2007 CINEBRIDGE PRODUCTIONS INC Murder on Her Mind (2008 TV movie) Cast-Oct 01, 2007 YELLOW NOTEBOOK PROD. INC. Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning (2008 TV movie) Cast-Oct 10, 2007 ANNE PREQUEL PRODUCTIONS INC Repossession Mambo (2009) Cast-Oct 15, 2007 MAMBO FILM PRODUCTIONS INC Toronto Stories (2008) Cast-Oct 15, 2007 TORONTO STORIES Wisegal (2008 TV movie) Cast-Oct 26, 2007 WISEGIRL FILMS INC SMACK Cast SLAVA KOSTYACHENKO THE CURSE OF CHARLIE MARCEL Cast 9 TH LIFE PRODUCTIONS INC THE POCKET WATCH Cast REBECCA ROSE TURN TO NOWHERE Cast ARTMILL CREATIVE GROUP MODERN ART Cast YEUNG ART PRODUCTIONS BLIND ENCOUNTER Cast TOBESCENE PRODUCTION/GUY EARLE OFFICE IMPLOSION Cast JONATHAN WORMAN/NICOLE DORSEY PRODUCT THE BLACK DON Cast TRIPOD PRODUCTION/ EFRAIN GARCIA BEEF Cast THOMAS LIEU/KEVIN C.W.WONG/PROJECT NORI ALBERT LOVES YOU Cast TAD MICHALAK-BEN LICHTY-FRASER BROWN BURDEN Cast Sean Bodden SWITCH Cast Ian Schaiwer GROWING UP A MARCIANO Cast JENNIFER KASSABIAN/ E S B E PRODUCITON THE PLAYERS Cast CRAWLEY PRODUCT GONE FOREVER Cast 14 FILM WORLD APPARTS Cast PAUL MUZZIN THE GLOW Cast GLOW PRODUCTIONS/CRAIG R. BAXLEY Flashback Cast 14 FILM When Bad Things Happen To Good People Cast 14 FILM Television The Call (2004 TV series documentary) Cast-Oct 23, 2003/Nov 13, 2003 Life Network -1536901 ONTARIO INC VIOLENT CRIME Cast-Mar 16, 2003 VC PRODUCTIONS INC UNTITLED HOLLAND FULLER Cast-Mar 23, 2003 MILLENNIUM CANADIAN PRODUCTIONS EAST SHAKESPEARVILLE Cast-May 11, 2003 681417 ONTARIO LIMITED Platinum (2003 TV series) C
Youtube results:

Ian Anderson + Cady Coleman flute duet in space
NASA Astronaut Cady Coleman, Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson Perform First Space-Earth Duet...
published: 08 Apr 2011
Author: tullmanagement
Ian Anderson + Cady Coleman flute duet in space
NASA Astronaut Cady Coleman, Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson Perform First Space-Earth Duet. NASA Astronaut Cady Coleman, circling Earth aboard the International Space Station, and musician Ian Anderson, founder of the rock band Jethro Tull, joined together for the first space-Earth duet.

Sad flute Song
Welcome : ) This music is not for me and her grandmother and brought on my Youtube. * Goog...
published: 18 Jun 2011
Author: badr202020
Sad flute Song
Welcome : ) This music is not for me and her grandmother and brought on my Youtube. * Google Translation

Paul Anthony Adams - Flute Meditations For Dreaming
1.Atmosphere 0:00 2.The Far Sky 6:50 3.The Moon And Stars 14:20...
published: 23 Jan 2012
Author: MrVozdraB
Paul Anthony Adams - Flute Meditations For Dreaming
1.Atmosphere 0:00 2.The Far Sky 6:50 3.The Moon And Stars 14:20

Three Beats for Beatbox Flute Movement I by Greg Pattillo
This is the First Movement to Greg Pattillo's Three Beats for Beatbox Flute that I pla...
published: 04 Jan 2012
Author: jeeminiii
Three Beats for Beatbox Flute Movement I by Greg Pattillo
This is the First Movement to Greg Pattillo's Three Beats for Beatbox Flute that I played at the National Flute Association High School Soloist Competition in Charlotte, NC. Enjoy!