Ancient Macedonian words in Homer's Iliad
published: 23 Sep 2009
Author: sunfromGovrlevo
Ancient Macedonian words in Homer's Iliad
I USE www.kypros.org FOR SEARCH OF ANCIENT GREEK WORDS AND GREEK WORDS GO AND CHANGE THIS LEXICON Ancient Macedonian words in Homer's Iliad In the Iliad and Odyssey, attributed to Homer, the great multitude of non-Greek people living around Olympus and further north in Europe were described as being as, Numerous as the leaves in the forests with chariots and weapons decorated with gleaming gold and silverlike gods. The Pelazgian people are clearly described in Homeric poems as non-Greek, with their own language and traditions totally different from Greek. They inhabited the Balkan Peninsula (known by the names Macedonians, Thracians, Illyrians, etc.) and they spread throughout south-eastern Europe (under the common name Scythians). What is most interesting about Homers stories, especially the Iliad, is that they were originally written in the prehistoric Macedonian language The Ancient Macedonian language (provisional ISO-DIS 639-1,2 I 3 3.5 XMK) was the tongue of the ancient Macedonians. It was spoken especially in the inland regions of Macedon, away from the coast, during the 1st millennium BC, surviving into the early centuries of the Common Era * "Who is Homer?"[1] * "multiple or single authorship?"[2] * "By whom, when, where, and under what circumstances were the poems composed?"[3] To these questions the possibility of archaeological answers have added a few more: * "How reliable is the tradition embodied in the Homeric poems?"[4] * "How old are the oldest elements <b>...</b>
Ancient Macedonian words in Homer's Iliad PART 3
What is most interesting about Homers stories, especially the Iliad, is that they were ori...
published: 21 Oct 2009
Author: sunfromGovrlevo
Ancient Macedonian words in Homer's Iliad PART 3
What is most interesting about Homers stories, especially the Iliad, is that they were originally written in the prehistoric Macedonian language. The first paleolinguist to openly proclaim the similarities between the words of the Iliad and those of the modern Slavic languages was the German Homerologist Pasov. NOW SEE SIMMILAR BETWEEN ANCIENT AND MODERN MACEDONIAN. WE ARE LINK BETWEEN ANCIENT MACEDONIAN LANGUAGE AND OTHER LANGUAGE IN EUROPE. The Ancient Macedonian language (provisional ISO-DIS 639-1,2 I 3 3.5 XMK) was the tongue of the ancient Macedonians. It was spoken especially in the inland regions of Macedon, away from the coast, during the 1st millennium BC, surviving into the early centuries of the Common Era
Android Programming Tutorial: 08 - Localization
A video tutorial that demostrates how to make an android application mutil-lingual, a proc...
published: 13 Aug 2012
Author: CISProfessorLLC
Android Programming Tutorial: 08 - Localization
A video tutorial that demostrates how to make an android application mutil-lingual, a process known as localization www.professorandroid.com