
CREE XM-L Thrower Flashlight Showdown
We recently looked at our selection of tactical lights with the CREE XM-L LED. This video ...
published: 06 Apr 2011
Author: goingprepared
CREE XM-L Thrower Flashlight Showdown
We recently looked at our selection of tactical lights with the CREE XM-L LED. This video features the throwers, the big brothers of the smaller tactical lights. We look at how the Fenix TK35, ThruNite Catapult v3, and Olight M3X compare against each other. Fenix TK35: goinggear.com ThruNite Catapult v3: goinggear.com Olight M3X: goinggear.com

New Cree 10-year LED lighting warranty covers industry's broadest range of products
Go to www.cree.com to learn more about products covered under the new warranty. Cree's...
published: 01 Oct 2012
Author: CreeInc
New Cree 10-year LED lighting warranty covers industry's broadest range of products
Go to www.cree.com to learn more about products covered under the new warranty. Cree's new 10-year warranty covers nearly all Cree globally available commercial-grade indoor and outdoor fixtures, which can be installed in restaurants, offices, hospitals, grocery stores, shopping malls, schools and universities, auto dealerships, roadways, parking facilities, gas stations and many other commercial spaces around the world.

Cree- po co więcej mi (pamięci Ryszarda Riedla)
Zbiór fotek i cytatów Ryszarda Riedla z muzyką Cree...
published: 15 Jul 2008
Author: Daria13242
Cree- po co więcej mi (pamięci Ryszarda Riedla)
Zbiór fotek i cytatów Ryszarda Riedla z muzyką Cree

Introducing Cree's 21st Century LED Lamp
This demonstration lamp is Cree's brightest, most efficient LED light. Boasting 152 lu...
published: 29 Jul 2011
Author: CreeInc
Introducing Cree's 21st Century LED Lamp
This demonstration lamp is Cree's brightest, most efficient LED light. Boasting 152 lumens per watt, this 1331 lumen LED lamp surpasses preliminary guidelines established by the US Department of Energy's L Prize 21st Century Lamp competition.

Northern Cree at BlackEagle Powwow Best Footage
Closing Song at Blackeagle Powwow, Santa Ana Star Center, April 2008. This is some good so...
published: 22 Apr 2008
Author: littlesky49
Northern Cree at BlackEagle Powwow Best Footage
Closing Song at Blackeagle Powwow, Santa Ana Star Center, April 2008. This is some good sound quality and video. I'm glad I shot this footage. Please go to www.tv.powwows.com to vote for this video too. tv.powwows.com

Cree Freedom - Canada
July 1996 If Quebec leaves Canada, Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come warns that Cree Indians w...
published: 16 Oct 2007
Author: journeymanpictures
Cree Freedom - Canada
July 1996 If Quebec leaves Canada, Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come warns that Cree Indians will go with the English. Separatists pay heed since an independent Quebec could not survive without the rich resources of Cree lands. A gleaming chain of lakes linked by pine forest have been used as hunting grounds by Cree families for generations. If Canada splits, the Cree believe it will be the greatest threat since the arrival of the Europeans. As a young man, Matthew defied a multi billion project to dam the north west rivers, learning the white man's ways by becoming a lawyer, leading Indian leaders in heated protests to stop the expansion of existing reservoirs. His belief that separatists will revive those plans is confirmed by an interview with the Quebec Ministry of Resources. Even now, 150 ft virgin pines are toppled to the ground like matchsticks as the land is cleared for development. As exploitation of these lands alienate the Cree from the Quebec administration, French officials exacerbate tensions by refusing to acknowledge Cree sovereignty over the north west. The natural abundance of the province makes it a battleground on which Canada's greatest question might be resolved. Produced by ABC Australia Distributed by Journeyman Pictures

Cree Language - Extension Phrases 1
Just some additional sentences you could say using some of the Cree you have already learn...
published: 19 May 2010
Author: want2speakcree
Cree Language - Extension Phrases 1
Just some additional sentences you could say using some of the Cree you have already learned.

Akina Shirt - Cree Anthem singer - Calgary Flames Hockey
Akina Shirt, 13 year old sings Canadian National Anthem in Cree at February 3rd, 2007, CBC...
published: 07 Feb 2007
Author: meyasin
Akina Shirt - Cree Anthem singer - Calgary Flames Hockey
Akina Shirt, 13 year old sings Canadian National Anthem in Cree at February 3rd, 2007, CBC Hockey Night In Canada - NHL Game - Calgary Flames vs Vancouver Canucks

rudy la scala cree
aqui les dejo esta hermosa cancion de mi cantante favorito lo maximo cree en mi amor etern...
published: 11 Feb 2008
Author: donnydvd
rudy la scala cree
aqui les dejo esta hermosa cancion de mi cantante favorito lo maximo cree en mi amor eterno uyyy..

Northern Cree - Red & White (Driving Me Crazy)
Northern Cree- (Red & White)Driving Me Crazy... I Put a little clip of them singing it...
published: 01 Aug 2007
Author: jasonfinley1986
Northern Cree - Red & White (Driving Me Crazy)
Northern Cree- (Red & White)Driving Me Crazy... I Put a little clip of them singing it live, but it's synced with the CD version, so they're drummin' on the clip, but on the CD, they're not... anywayz... one of their best songs

Cree Summer- Savior Self
The music video for the snng 'Savior Self' by Cree Summer. Directed by Mikki Willi...
published: 05 Jun 2007
Author: ADifferentWorldFan
Cree Summer- Savior Self
The music video for the snng 'Savior Self' by Cree Summer. Directed by Mikki Willis for the Elevate Films Fest

Cree Midwives
Cree First Nations along the west coast of James Bay organized to return midwifery to thei...
published: 14 Jan 2008
Author: liquidvisual
Cree Midwives
Cree First Nations along the west coast of James Bay organized to return midwifery to their communities.

CREE XM-L Tactical Flashlight Showdown - Scorpion X7 TD15X XT10
I spent some quality time with the four tactical lights using the CREE XM-L LED that we st...
published: 01 Apr 2011
Author: goingprepared
CREE XM-L Tactical Flashlight Showdown - Scorpion X7 TD15X XT10
I spent some quality time with the four tactical lights using the CREE XM-L LED that we stock. The lights are the ThruNite Scorpion, 4Sevens Maelstrom X7, Lumintop TD15X, and Klarus XT10. Check out our other videos if you want to see the in depth demonstrations.

Lilly Goodman - Si Puedes Creer
Al que cree todo les es posible. Para el hombre son las cosas posibles, pero para Dios LAS...
published: 21 Dec 2006
Author: Javier1203
Lilly Goodman - Si Puedes Creer
Al que cree todo les es posible. Para el hombre son las cosas posibles, pero para Dios LAS IMPOSIBLES!!!!!
Vimeo results:

Alaska Nanooks 2010 Hockey Intro
Produced by Mike Martinez
Directed by Jon Dorfman and Szymon Weglarski
Written by Mike M...
published: 12 Nov 2009
Author: HiFi 3D
Alaska Nanooks 2010 Hockey Intro
Produced by Mike Martinez
Directed by Jon Dorfman and Szymon Weglarski
Written by Mike Martinez, Jon Dorfman and Szymon Weglarski
Visual FX by HiFi 3D
Character Animation by Shayne Ryan, Roger Aasheim, Sam Crees, Jon Dorfman, Szymon Weglarski
Lighting/Compositing by Szymon Weglarski
Modeling by Jon Dorfman
Character Rigging by Steve Mann
Dynamic simulations and FX by Jon Dorfman and Szymon Weglarski
Read about the production at:

Cristina, es por los dolares!!!
Hay argentinos que estamos indignados con este gobierno. pensamos distinto. Sin embargo, s...
published: 02 Jun 2012
Author: gusta testa
Cristina, es por los dolares!!!
Hay argentinos que estamos indignados con este gobierno. pensamos distinto. Sin embargo, se nos acusa de ser ''ricos'' y estar en desacuerdo con que gobiernen para los pobres. Cristina, somos tu clase media, manifestandose por las redes sociales. vos crees en tus jóvenes de la Campora, Bueno, nosotros somos tus otros jóvenes, los que pensamos distinto.
Por suerte las redes sociales son un medio libre con el que podemos difundir nuestros reclamos e ideas.
Sigamos apoyando el reclamo de esta revolucion 2.0 en Argentina, que acaba de llegar.
SOMOS TU OPOSICION:: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2ZztOUwU-g
con el video en crudo que subimos la semana pasada hicieronun remix de este video!!!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFeoSuUImuc
RESPUESTAS PARA MILITANTES K: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8l6EG8GeS0
CANAL CON VIDEOS ANTI-K GRACIOSOS: http://www.youtube.com/user/LaSolanoLima
sigan mas cacerolazos en http://argentinosindignados.com/

Kinfolk Manifesto
We were approached by http://www.kinfolkmag.com to envision and create a short promo captu...
published: 01 Jul 2011
Author: VsTheBrain
Kinfolk Manifesto
We were approached by http://www.kinfolkmag.com to envision and create a short promo capturing the nostalgia of a summer picnic.
Director Andrew Gallo
Producer / Colourist Carissa Gallo
Assistant Producer Amanda Jane Jones
Words Duke Walker
Production Assistant Jacob Campbell
Voiceover Joanne White
Music Zach Laliberte
Sound John Benitez and Dallas Taylor for Defacto Sound
Special Thanks to Nathan Williams, Amanda & Cree Jones, Jenne Woodrow, Caleb & Eliza Lewis and Duke Walker

fraude. por qué la gran recesión (documental oficial)
La producción de este documental se ha llevado a cabo con mucho trabajo y una importante i...
published: 14 Jun 2012
Author: amagifilms
fraude. por qué la gran recesión (documental oficial)
La producción de este documental se ha llevado a cabo con mucho trabajo y una importante inversión de dinero.
Si realmente crees que merece la pena y quieres que sigamos trabajando en cosas similares, por favor, ayúdanos
donando lo que creas oportuno: www.fraudedocumental.com
Youtube results:

How to install Cree's CR6 LED downlight
Watch as we walk you through how to install Cree's CR6 LED downlight....
published: 16 Aug 2010
Author: CreeInc
How to install Cree's CR6 LED downlight
Watch as we walk you through how to install Cree's CR6 LED downlight.

EEVblog #50 - Solid State Cree LED Lighting, and How Thermal Design Sucks.
Dave lights up his new backyard deck with Cree XPG LEDs, and then winds up measuring the w...
published: 18 Dec 2009
Author: EEVblog
EEVblog #50 - Solid State Cree LED Lighting, and How Thermal Design Sucks.
Dave lights up his new backyard deck with Cree XPG LEDs, and then winds up measuring the wind from a storm instead. And do you know the difference between efficiency and efficacy?

Cree Recruiting and the Relentless Pursuit of Innovation
At Cree, we are focused on leading the LED lighting revolution....
published: 28 Jun 2012
Author: CreeInc
Cree Recruiting and the Relentless Pursuit of Innovation
At Cree, we are focused on leading the LED lighting revolution.

Northern Cree - Smilin
Round Dance Singing From Northern Cree Singers Volume 6 Calling All Dancers - Smilin...
published: 20 Jul 2007
Author: BigBear3d
Northern Cree - Smilin
Round Dance Singing From Northern Cree Singers Volume 6 Calling All Dancers - Smilin