The Wayback Machine -
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Rachel Crow - Audition 1 - THE X FACTOR 2011
Rachel Crow - Mean Girls
Rachel - Teenager (The Netherlands) - Official Video - Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2011
Steven Wright - Rachel
Rachel Crow - Top 12 - THE X FACTOR USA 2011
The Idea of North - Rachel
Rachel's Song - Blade Runner (Widescreen)
Rachel McAdams Audition Tape
Rachel Crow - Survival Song - Top 5 Eliminations - THE X FACTOR USA 2011
Rachel's - Water From the Same Source
Kevin Ayers - Lady Rachel
Rachel Crow - Judges' Houses Performance - THE X FACTOR 2011


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Rachel, Rachel Filmography

Make changes yourself !

Rachel Crow - Audition 1 - THE X FACTOR 2011/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 21 Sep 2011
  • Duration: 7:20
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2012
Author: TheXFactorUSA
On the series premiere, Rachel Crow auditions...Watch to see how she does! (Official Site) ('Like' on Facebook) (Follow on Twitter) Crow - Audition 1 - THE X FACTOR 2011/video details
Rachel Crow - Mean Girls/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 02 Jul 2012
  • Duration: 3:38
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2012
Author: RachelCrowMusicVEVO
Music video by Rachel Crow performing Mean Girls. (C) 2012 Simco Ltd. under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment iTunes: Amazon: Crow - Mean Girls/video details
Rachel - Teenager (The Netherlands) - Official Video - Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2011/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 12 Oct 2011
  • Duration: 2:49
  • Updated: 12 Jul 2012
Author: JuniorEurovision
Rachel will represent The Netherlands at the 2011 Junior Eurovision Song Contest with the song 'Teenager'. The contest will be held in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia on the 3rd of December 2011. - Teenager (The Netherlands) - Official Video - Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2011/video details
Steven Wright - Rachel/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 12 Jan 2008
  • Duration: 3:22
  • Updated: 04 Jul 2012
Author: topfomore
From his "A Steven Wright Special" DVD. & http & & Wright - Rachel/video details
Rachel Crow - Top 12 - THE X FACTOR USA 2011/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 03 Nov 2011
  • Duration: 6:14
  • Updated: 12 Jul 2012
Author: TheXFactorUSA
Rachel Crow performs "Walking On Sunshine" by Kristina and the Waves. Catch an all-new episode of THE X FACTOR WED at 8/7c, on FOX (Official Site) ('Like' on Facebook) (Follow on Twitter) Crow - Top 12 - THE X FACTOR USA 2011/video details
The Idea of North - Rachel/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 03 Jul 2007
  • Duration: 2:48
  • Updated: 26 Jun 2012
Author: ABCClassics
A cappella group The Idea of North perform the heartfelt track Rachel from their new DVD Live at the Powerhouse. Available through ABC Jazz. Also on CD. Idea of North - Rachel/video details
Rachel's Song - Blade Runner (Widescreen)/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 09 Oct 2008
  • Duration: 4:32
  • Updated: 12 Jul 2012
Author: corlackis
"Rachel's song", composed by Vangelis for the Ridley Scott directed film Blade Runner. The song features on the soundtrack album however was never used in the Film. It can be guessed that the song was going to be used to score Rachel's growing doubts about her identity. The track "Memories of Green," was instead used. The vocals are sung by Mary Hopkin. The Future Sound of London sampled the vocals for their 1996 single "My Kingdom". I have edited a few scenes from the film to show what it might of sounded like if used in the film. I hope you enjoy it!'s Song - Blade Runner (Widescreen)/video details
Rachel McAdams Audition Tape/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 25 Jul 2009
  • Duration: 3:37
  • Updated: 12 Jul 2012
Author: lookforalaugh
Rachel McAdams Audition with Ryan Gosling for The Notebook. She received the script the night before, leaving her a few hours to prepare for the job. McAdams Audition Tape/video details
Rachel Crow - Survival Song - Top 5 Eliminations - THE X FACTOR USA 2011/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 09 Dec 2011
  • Duration: 3:35
  • Updated: 12 Jul 2012
Author: TheXFactorUSA
Rachel Crow performs "I'd Rather Go Blind" by Etta James. (Official Site) ('Like' on Facebook) (Follow on Twitter) Crow - Survival Song - Top 5 Eliminations - THE X FACTOR USA 2011/video details
Kevin Ayers - Lady Rachel/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 03 Dec 2008
  • Duration: 5:17
  • Updated: 11 Jul 2012
Author: madkrull
Kevin Ayers - Lady Rachel - from Joy of a Toy Ayers - Lady Rachel/video details
Rachel Crow - Judges' Houses Performance - THE X FACTOR 2011/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 15 Oct 2011
  • Duration: 4:01
  • Updated: 12 Jul 2012
Author: TheXFactorUSA
Rachel Crow performs "I Want It That Way" by Backstreet Boys for Simon Cowell at his house. Watch to see how she does! Catch an all-new episode of THE X FACTOR - TUES at 8/7c, on FOX (Official Site) ('Like' on Facebook) (Follow on Twitter) Crow - Judges' Houses Performance - THE X FACTOR 2011/video details
James McMurtry
  • Order:
  • Published: 20 Mar 2009
  • Duration: 5:57
  • Updated: 22 Jun 2012
Author: MusicFog
James McMurtry performs "Rachel's Song" at the showcase at Threadgill's south. SXSW 2009, Austin. McMurtry "Rachel's Song"/video details
Rachel Crow - Top 11 - THE X FACTOR USA 2011/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 10 Nov 2011
  • Duration: 9:58
  • Updated: 12 Jul 2012
Author: TheXFactorUSA
Rachel Crow performs "I'd Rather Go Blind " by Etta James. (Official Site) ('Like' on Facebook) (Follow on Twitter) Crow - Top 11 - THE X FACTOR USA 2011/video details
On the series premiere, Rachel Crow auditions...Watch to see how she does! (Official Site) ('Like' on Facebook) (Follow on Twitter)
Rachel Crow - Au­di­tion 1 - THE X FAC­TOR 2011
On the se­ries pre­miere, Rachel Crow auditions...​Watch to see how she does! bit.​ly (Of­fi­cia...
pub­lished: 21 Sep 2011
Rachel Crow - Mean Girls
Music video by Rachel Crow per­form­ing Mean Girls. (C) 2012 Simco Ltd. under ex­clu­sive lice...
pub­lished: 02 Jul 2012
Rachel - Teenag­er (The Nether­lands) - Of­fi­cial Video - Ju­nior Eu­ro­vi­sion Song Con­test 2011
Rachel will rep­re­sent The Nether­lands at the 2011 Ju­nior Eu­ro­vi­sion Song Con­test with the ...
pub­lished: 12 Oct 2011
Steven Wright - Rachel
From his "A Steven Wright Spe­cial" DVD. www.​stevenwright.​com & http & tw...
pub­lished: 12 Jan 2008
au­thor: top­fo­more
Rachel Crow - Top 12 - THE X FAC­TOR USA 2011
Rachel Crow per­forms "Walk­ing On Sun­shine" by Kristi­na and the Waves. Catch an a...
pub­lished: 03 Nov 2011
The Idea of North - Rachel
A cap­pel­la group The Idea of North per­form the heart­felt track Rachel from their new DVD L...
pub­lished: 03 Jul 2007
au­thor: ABC­Clas­sics
Rachel's Song - Blade Run­ner (Widescreen)
"Rachel's song", com­posed by Van­ge­lis for the Ri­d­ley Scott di­rect­ed film Bla...
pub­lished: 09 Oct 2008
au­thor: cor­lack­is
Rachel McAdams Au­di­tion Tape
Rachel McAdams Au­di­tion with Ryan Gosling for The Note­book. She re­ceived the script the ni...
pub­lished: 25 Jul 2009
au­thor: look­foralaugh
Rachel Crow - Sur­vival Song - Top 5 Elim­i­na­tions - THE X FAC­TOR USA 2011
Rachel Crow per­forms "I'd Rather Go Blind" by Etta James. bit.​ly (Of­fi­cial S...
pub­lished: 09 Dec 2011
Rachel's - Water From the Same Source
A Rachel's tune set to archival footage...
pub­lished: 10 Nov 2006
au­thor: kkerins
Kevin Ayers - Lady Rachel
Kevin Ayers - Lady Rachel - from Joy of a Toy...
pub­lished: 03 Dec 2008
au­thor: mad­krull
Rachel Crow - Judges' Hous­es Per­for­mance - THE X FAC­TOR 2011
Rachel Crow per­forms "I Want It That Way" by Back­street Boys for Simon Cow­ell at...
pub­lished: 15 Oct 2011
James Mc­Murtry "Rachel's Song"
James Mc­Murtry per­forms "Rachel's Song" at the MusicFog.​com show­case at Thre...
pub­lished: 20 Mar 2009
au­thor: Mu­sic­Fog
Rachel Crow - Top 11 - THE X FAC­TOR USA 2011
Rachel Crow per­forms "I'd Rather Go Blind " by Etta James. www.​thexfac­torusa...
pub­lished: 10 Nov 2011
Rachel Cor­rie - In­ter­view
Footage from Rachel's in­ter­view con­duct­ed by Mid­dle East Broad­cast­ing Com­pa­ny on March...
pub­lished: 06 Jul 2006
Rachel Brice Trib­al Fu­sion Bel­ly­dance
Gor­geous footage of gooor­geous dancer Rachel Brice, taken from Trib­al Fest 05 (I be­lieve) ...
pub­lished: 17 Mar 2006
au­thor: tr­bal­dreams
Rachel Mad­dow's Cam­paign Asy­lum: Val­ues Voter De­bate
Where can you hear the Re­pub­li­can can­di­dates weigh in on im­por­tant is­sues such as...."...;
pub­lished: 21 Sep 2007
Rachel Crow - "l'd Rather Go Blind" - X Fac­tor USA (Sur­vival Song) HQ - Elim­i­na­tion Night
Of­fi­cial X Fac­tor links: bit.​ly (Of­fi­cial Site) bit.​ly ('Like' on Face­book) bit.​ly...
pub­lished: 09 Dec 2011
RACHEL CROW - Boot­camp Au­di­tion - THE X FAC­TOR 2011
Rachel Crow per­forms If I Were A Boy by Be­y­once for the judges at Bootcamp...​watch to see ...
pub­lished: 07 Oct 2011
Rachel's Makeover - Make Me Over Ep. 3
Rachel is being bul­lied at school so her broth­er sub­mit­ted a video to help boost her confi...
pub­lished: 07 Jul 2012
Rachel Bil­son's Delet­ed Sex Scene
Ex­clu­sive sex scene from Rachel Bil­son's up­com­ing film "Hearts of Palm"...​Is...
pub­lished: 15 Dec 2009
au­thor: Fun­ny­orDie
"I Think Ron Paul Just Won Iowa!" Rachel Mad­dow April 23, 2012
April 23, 2012 MSNBC News MOXNews.​com...
pub­lished: 24 Apr 2012
au­thor: MOXNEWS­d0tC0M

  • President Barack Obama helps spell out
    Public Domain / White House (Pete Souza)
  • Rachel Leigh - Fox 29 serves as a judge during the 5th Annual Blues, Brews & BBQ at Seminole Casino Coconut Creek, Coconut Creek, Florida April 21, 2012
    WN / Aaron Gilbert
  • Tiny - 107.9 WIRK, Rachel Leigh - Fox 29, T.A. Walker - KOOL 105.5, Dave Brewster - 97.9 WRMF serve as judges during the 5th Annual Blues, Brews & BBQ at Seminole Casino Coconut Creek, Coconut Creek, Florida April 21, 2012
    WN / Aaron Gilbert
  • Rachel Leigh - Fox 29 serves as a judge during the 5th Annual Blues, Brews & BBQ at Seminole Casino Coconut Creek, Coconut Creek, Florida April 21, 2012
    WN / Aaron Gilbert
  • Rachel Leigh - Fox 29 serves as a judge during the 5th Annual Blues, Brews & BBQ at Seminole Casino Coconut Creek, Coconut Creek, Florida April 21, 2012
    WN / Aaron Gilbert
  • Tiny - 107.9 WIRK, Rachel Leigh - Fox 29, T.A. Walker - KOOL 105.5, Dave Brewster - 97.9 WRMF serve as judges during the 5th Annual Blues, Brews & BBQ at Seminole Casino Coconut Creek, Coconut Creek, Florida April 21, 2012
    WN / Aaron Gilbert
  • Rachel Leigh and Jeff Soler of FOX 29 attend the 5th Annual Blues, Brews & BBQ at Seminole Casino Coconut Creek, Coconut Creek, Florida April 21, 2012
    WN / Aaron Gilbert
  • Rachel Leigh and Jeff Soler of FOX 29 attend the 5th Annual Blues, Brews & BBQ at Seminole Casino Coconut Creek, Coconut Creek, Florida April 21, 2012
    WN / Aaron Gilbert
  • Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum at the Ralph Lauren Romance fragrance sponsored
    AP / PRNewsfoto
  • Australian Commonwealth CA-28 Ceres crop spraying aircraft of the 1950s. Aerial spraying has been controversial since the 1960s, due to environmental concerns about pesticide drift (raised for example by Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring).
    Creative Commons / RuthAS
  • Designer Rachel Zoe poses in front of her Spring 2012 fashion line during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York, Monday, Sept. 12, 2011. (AP Photo/Charles Sykes)
    AP / Charles Sykes
  • Sculpture of Rachel
    Creative Commons
  • Ramat Rachel
    Creative Commons
  • A photographer with the U.S. Army Golden Knight Parachute Team videos Sgt. Alan Farr, a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team, during a tandem jump over Laurinburg, N.C., Oct. 17, 2011. Tandem passengers who jump with the team typically receive a video and photos following the jump. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Rachel Medley)
    US Army / Rachel Medley
  • Evan Rachel Wood at the 2009 Tribeca Film Festival premiere of Woody Allen's Whatever Works, 22 April 2009
    Creative Commons / David Shankbone
  • Rachel Ray show where Renee Zellweger and Harry Connick Jr. rode the Flyscooters Il Bello on stage.
    Creative Commons / Allegrosalsa
  • Ben Affleck at the MSNBC studios on the set of The Rachel Maddow Show,16 April 2009
    Creative Commons / Andy Dallos
  • Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Rachel McMarr photographs U.S. Marine pilots Capt. John Hecker,
    US Marine Corps / Gunnery Sgt. Joe Alley
  • Lt. Meaghan Christopher, left, from Akron, Ohio, and Lt. Rachel Ackerman, from Deerfield Beach, Fla., label medication in the pharmacy aboard the Military Sealift Command hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH 20).
    US Air Force / Staff Sgt. Alesia Goosic
  • From left, Adrien Brody, Owen Wilson, Lea Seydoux, Director Woody Allen, French Culture Minister Frederic Mitterrand, Rachel McAdams, and Michael Sheen stand at the top of the steps as they arrive for the screening of Midnight in Paris and the opening ceremony, at the 64th international film festival, in Cannes, southern France, Wednesday, May 11, 2011.
    AP / Lionel Cironneau
  • KODIAK, Alaska - Coast Guard Petty Officer 1st Class Rachel Brown, a gunner's mate with the North Pacific Regional Fisheries Training Center, pulls garbage from trees on Coast Guard base Kodiak May 6, 2011, during the base's annual Earth Day. Coast Guardsmen from across the base participated in the annual beautification project. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Charly Hengen. (1228111) ( BSU Kodiak Earth Day )
    US Coastguard / Petty Officer 3rd Class Charly Hengen.
  • Rachel Winch, 26, of Washington, holds a sign during a demonstration outside FBI headquarters in Washington, Monday, Jan. 17, 2011, in support of U.S. Army Pfc Bradley Manning, the alleged leaker of documents to WikiLeaks who is currently jailed.
    AP / Jacquelyn Martin
  • Lt. j.g. Rachel McElvenny fires a 9mm pistol aboard USS Gridley (DDG 101)
    US Navy / Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Travis K. Mendoza
  • ELIZABETH CITY, North Carolina (Feb. 2)--Elizabeth City Middle School 8th grader Rachel Sanders, (left) waits with anticipation as Petty Officer 2nd class Shawn Lansing prepares to load her into the hoist basket on the rescue swimmer training tower in the pool at Air Station Elizabeth City, North Carolina. USCG photo by Lt. j.g. Craig Neubecker (79152) ( PEOPLE (FOR RELEASE) )
    US Coastguard / Lt. j.g. Craig Neubecker
  • MIAMI, Fla. (Sept. 20, 2003)--Boatswain Mate 2nd Class Rob Baysden and Yeoman 3rd Class Rachel Washko try to determine exactly just what type of trash they have just found. Working alongside a group of Coast Guard personnel, they are helping to clean up a two-mile stretch of beach at Crandon Park. USCG Photo by PA3 Carleen Drummond. (93069) ( COASTAL CLEANUP (FOR RELEASE) )
    US Coastguard / PA3 Carleen Drummond.
  • GULFPORT, Miss. (Mar. 11, 2004)-- Rachel Sercovich welcomes home her husband, Petty Officer 2nd Class Terry Sercovich, who was deployed February 2003 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. U.S. Coast Guard Port Security Unit 308 returned to their homeport in Gulfport, Miss., March 11. USCG photo by PA3 Nicholas Cangemi (94902) ( HOMECOMING (FOR RELEASE) )
    US Coastguard / PA3 Nicholas Cangemi
  • SAN FRANCISCO (Aug. 25, 2004) Petty Officer Lucas Jacobo inspects a HH-65
    US Coastguard / PA2 Rachel Polish.
  • SAN FRANCISCO (Aug. 25, 2004) Petty Officer Lucas Jacobo inspects a HH-65
    US Coastguard / PA2 Rachel Polish.
  • SAN FRANCISCO (Aug. 26, 2004) A HH-65
    US Coastguard / PA2 Rachel Polish.
  • SAN FRANCISCO (Jan. 8, 2005) Two 47-foot boat crews from Coast Guard Station Golden Gate conduct a heavy weather drill in the shadow of the Golden Bridge in San Francisco Bay. USCG photo by PA2 Rachel Polish. (386275) ( Station Golden Gate Crews Conduct Heavy Weather Drill )
    US Coastguard / PA2 Rachel Polish.

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photo: AP / Jason DeCrow
Actor Ashton Kutcher, of the show "Punk'd," poses backstage during MTV's 'Total Request Live' at the MTV Times Square Studios Monday, April 10, 2006 in New York.
24 Jul 2012

photo: UN file / Martine Perret
File - HIV/AIDS patient lies in bed at the Bairo Pite clinic for comprehensive community health service, Dili, East Timor.
23 Jul 2012
By Michel Sidibé, Special to CNN Michel Sidibé is executive director of the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). He is attending the 19th International AIDS Conference taking place in...

photo: Creative Commons / Ergo Sum
Looking northeast from Lanai lookout (near Koko Head Crater) on Oahu island.
Canberra Times
23 Jul 2012
Hulopoe Beach on Lanai in Hawaii. Oracle CEO Larry Ellison has purchased 98 per cent of the island. Photo: MCT Rich guys have been tied to stories about tropical islands long before Thurston Howell...

photo: AP / Ted S. Warren
Law enforcement officials keep an eye on the crowd from a rooftop, Sunday, July 22, 2012, in Aurora, Colo., at a prayer vigil for the victims of Friday's mass shooting at a movie theater.
Belfast Telegraph
24 Jul 2012
At least three people have been arrested at US showings of the new Batman film amid audience fears following the Colorado cinema massacre. All were accused of making threats during or after watching...

photo: dapd / Axel Schmidt
Jakobshavn Glacier, West Greenland, 6 July, 2012. Greenland's surface ice cover melted this month over a larger area than ever detected in more than 30 years, according to NASA satellite.
Al Jazeera
25 Jul 2012
Greenland's surface ice cover melted this month over a larger area than ever detected in more than 30 years of satellite observations, NASA has said. According to measurements from three separate...

photo: AP / Sang Tan
British Shadow Chancellor, George Osborne speaks to the media as he leaves the HM Treasury after a meeting with the Chancellor, Alistair Darling, on the financial crisis, London, Tuesday, Sept 30, 2008.
The Guardian
25 Jul 2012
GDP figures for second quarter from Office for National Statistics surprise City analysts who had expected a 0.2% drop...

photo: AP / Paul Sakuma
Der Vorstandsvorsitzende des Online-Netzwerks Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, lacht in San Francisco, USA (Foto vom 15.11.10).
The Inquisitr
25 Jul 2012
Posted: July 24, 2012 Six years ago Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg filed his first patent and now the US Patent Trademark Office has approved his request. Filed in July 2006 the patent regards the...

photo: WN / RTayco
Colorful taxis in Bangkok, Thailand
24 Jul 2012
Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 2012-07-24 01:05 Pre hacked bloons tower defense Caballos teniendosexo con mujeres...

The Hollywood Reporter Weisz tells THR that Raimi disguises his "impish creativity" in deceptively proper on-set...(size: 0.7Kb)
The Wrap Print this page Tweet View the discussion thread. 'The Bourne Legacy' Release Pushed Back a Week Jun 22, 2012 Tony Gilroy to Direct Unnecessary 'Bourne 4' With or Without Matt Damon Oct 04, 2010 'The Bourne Legacy' Official Trailer: Jeremy Renner Guns for Glory May 31,...(size: 9.8Kb)
Yahoo Daily News We realize there's only so much time one can spend in a day watching new trailers, viral video clips, and shaky cell phone footage of people arguing on live television. This is why every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention. Today:...(size: 2.1Kb)
The Examiner Advertisement Rachel Waddell has been named Assistant Conductor of the Canton Symphony Orchestra. With this position, she also becomes the Music Director of the Canton Youth Symphony. During the 2011-2012 season Ms. Waddell held posts as Music Director of the Las Vegas Korean Youth Orchestra and...(size: 8.4Kb)
Huffington Post This blog post was co-authored by Viktoria and Scott Harrison. Tekloini Assefa stood in the middle of a huge crowd, surrounded by Ethiopian priests, mothers, and children. Rachel Beckwith's mom, Samantha, Rachel's grandparents, and others in our group sat listening. We had all flown halfway around...(size: 6.2Kb)
BBC News A woman who attacked and robbed a 79-year-old man a day after being released from prison has been jailed again. Rachel Truman, formerly of Ellacombe Road, Torquay, had been freed early for an almost identical attack on an 85-year-old, Exeter...(size: 1.6Kb)
Fashionista Rachel Antonoff, a New York based women’s RTW line, is looking for an...(size: 0.5Kb)
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IMDb Glee exec Ian Brennan has spoken out about the future of Rachel and Finn....(size: 0.5Kb)

News timeline: 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Saint Rachel

Rachel and Jacob by William Dyce
Holy Matriarch
Born Paddan-aram
Died Canaan
Honored in Judaism
Major shrine Rachel's Tomb
Feast Roman Catholicism: 1 November[1]
Orthodox Church: Sunday before Christmas

Rachel (Hebrew: רחל, Modern Raḥel Tiberian Rāḫēl, Rāḥēl ISO 259-3 Raḥel ; meaning "ewe"[2]) as described in the Bible, is a prophet and the favorite wife of Jacob, one of the three Biblical Patriarchs, and mother of Joseph and Benjamin. She was the daughter of Laban and the younger sister of Leah, Jacob's first wife. Jacob was her first cousin, and she was the youngest niece of Rebecca.


Marriage to Jacob[link]

Rachel is first mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 29 when Jacob happens upon her as she is watering her lamb. He had traveled a great distance to find his mother's brother, Laban. Rebekah had sent him there to be safe from his furious twin brother, Esau.

During Jacob's stay, he fell in love with Rachel and agreed to work seven years for Laban in return for her hand in marriage. On the night of the wedding, the bride was veiled and Jacob did not notice that Leah, Rachel's older sister, had been substituted for Rachel. Whereas "Rachel was lovely in form and beautiful," "Leah had tender eyes"[3]. Later Jacob confronted Laban, who excused his own deception by insisting that the older sister should marry first. He assured Jacob that after his wedding week was finished, he could take Rachel as a wife as well, and work another seven years as payment for her.

After Leah had given birth to four sons, Rachel remained unable to conceive. She became jealous of Leah and gave Jacob her maidservant, Bilhah, to be a surrogate mother for her. Bilhah gave birth to two sons that Rachel named and raised (Dan and Naphtali). Leah responds by offering her handmaid Zilpah to Jacob, and names and raises the two sons (Gad and Asher) that Zilpah bears. According to some commentaries, Bilhah and Zilpah, are actually half-sisters of Leah and Rachel.[4]

After Leah conceived again, Rachel was finally blessed with a son, Joseph, who would become Jacob's favorite child.

Death and burial[link]

Fresco by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo of Rachel sitting on the idols.

After Joseph's birth, Jacob decided to return to the land of Canaan with his family. Fearing that Laban would deter him, he fled with his two wives, Leah and Rachel, and twelve children without informing his father-in-law. Laban chased him and accused him of stealing his idols. Indeed, Rachel had taken her father's idols, hidden them inside her camel's seat cushion, and sat upon them. Not knowing that the idols were in his wife's possession, Jacob pronounced a curse on whoever had them: "With whoever you will find your gods, he will not live" (Genesis 31:32). Laban proceeded to search the tents of Jacob and his wives, but when he came to Rachel's tent, she told her father, "Let not my lord be angered that I cannot rise up before you, for the way of women is upon me" (Genesis 31:35). Laban left her alone, but the curse Jacob had pronounced came true shortly thereafter.

Near Ephrath, Rachel went into a difficult labor with her second son, Benjamin. The midwife tells her in the middle of the birth that her child is a boy.[5] Before she died, Rachel named her son Ben Oni ("son of my mourning"), but Jacob called him Ben Yamin (Benjamin). Rashi explains that Ben Yamin either means "son of the right" (i.e., "south"), since Benjamin was the only one of Jacob's sons born in Canaan, which is to the south of Paddan Aram; or it could mean "son of my days," as Benjamin was born in Jacob's old age.

Rachel's Tomb, near Bethlehem, 1891

Rachel was buried by Jacob on the road to Efrat, just outside Bethlehem.[6] Today a site claimed to be Rachel's Tomb, located between Bethlehem and the Israeli settlement of Gilo, is visited by tens of thousands of visitors each year.[7]

Rachel and Jacob by James Tissot.

Rachel's children[link]

Rachel's son, Joseph, is destined to be the leader of Israel's tribes between exile and nationhood. This role is exemplified in the Biblical story of Joseph, who prepared the way in Egypt for his family's exile there,[8] and in the future figure of Mashiach ben Yosef (Messiah, son of Joseph), who will fight the apocalyptic Wars of Gog and Magog, preparing the way for the kingship of Mashiach ben David (Messiah, son of David) and the messianic age.[9][10] She also had a second son named Benjamin; she died during labor with him.

Additional references in the Bible[link]

  • In Jeremiah 31:15, the prophet speaks of 'Rachel weeping for her children' (KJV). This is interpreted in Judaism as Rachel crying for an end to her descendants' sufferings and exiles following the destruction by the Babylonians of the First Temple in ancient Jerusalem. According to the Midrash, Rachel spoke before God: "If I, a mere mortal, was prepared not to humiliate my sister and was willing to take a rival into my home, how could You, the eternal, compassionate God, be jealous of idols, which have no true existence, that were brought into Your home (the Temple in Jerusalem)? Will You cause my children to be exiled on this account?" God accepted her plea and promised that, eventually, the exile would end and the Jews would return to their land.[11]
  • Mordechai, the hero of the Book of Esther, and Queen Esther herself, were descendants of Rachel through her son Benjamin. The Book of Esther details Mordechai's lineage as "Mordechai the son of Yair, the son of Shimi, the son of Kish, a man of the right (ish yemini)" (Esther 2:5). The designation of ish yemini refers to his membership in the Tribe of Benjamin (ben yamin, son of the right). The rabbis comment that Esther's ability to remain silent in the palace of Ahasuerus, resisting the king's pressure to reveal her ancestry, was inherited from her ancestor Rachel, who remained silent even when Laban brought out Leah to marry Jacob.

Islamic view of Rachel[link]

Rachel is revered in Islam, and while not specifically referred to in the Quran, she is known by references to her in the collection of stories known as Qisas Al-Anbiya (Tales of the Prophets or Lives of the Prophets).[12] The story of how Jacob fell in love with Rachel is told in the Qisas Al-Anbiya, and her beauty is described. Her role as mother to Joseph and Benjamin is the central theme of these narratives on her life.[13]


  1. ^ "Rachel the Matriarch". Star Quest Production Network. Retrieved 28 April 2011. 
  2. ^ Campbell, Mike Behind the Name
  3. ^ "Leah had tender eyes" (Hebrew: ועיני לאה רכות‎) (Genesis 29:17). It is debated as to whether the adjective "tender" (רכות) should be taken to mean "delicate and soft" or "weary." Some translations say that it may have meant blue or light colored eyes. Some say that Leah spent most of her time weeping and praying to God to change her destined mate. Thus the Torah describes her eyes as "soft" from weeping.
  4. ^ Ginzberg, Louis (1909) The Legends of the Jews, Volume I, Chapter VI: Jacob, at
  5. ^ Reisenberger, Azila, "Medical history: Biblical texts reveal compelling mysteries," Newsroom and Publications at the University of Cape Town website
  6. ^ "Rachel" at
  7. ^ "Kever Rachel Trip Breaks Barriers" by Israel National News Staff at, Published: 11/14/05
  8. ^ "Joseph" at
  9. ^ Davidiy, Yair, "Moshiach Ben Yoseph," at
  10. ^ "The Messiah of Judaism," at
  11. ^ Weisberg, Chana, "Rachel - Biblical Women" at
  12. ^ Strickert, Fred (2007). Rachel weeping: Jews, Christians, and Muslims at the Fortress Tomb. Liturgical Press. p. 48. 
  13. ^ Strickert, Fred (2007). Rachel weeping: Jews, Christians, and Muslims at the Fortress Tomb. Liturgical Press. pp. 48–53.

Related pages:Рахиль (Bibel)

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Steven Wright

Wright at Tufts University, 1994
Birth name Steven Alexander Wright
Born (1955-12-06) December 6, 1955 (age 56)
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States
Medium stand-up, film, television
Nationality American
Years active 1979–present
Genres surreal humor, one-liners, deadpan, wit/word play, observational comedy, Musical comedy
Influences Woody Allen, George Carlin,[1] Bob Newhart[2]
Influenced Mitch Hedberg, Demetri Martin, Milton Jones, Jimmy Carr, Anthony Jeselnik, Zach Galifianakis, Matt Kopache, Billy Connolly
Notable works and roles I Have a Pony
K-Billy DJ in Reservoir Dogs
Speed in The Swan Princess
Guy on the Couch in Half Baked
I Still Have a Pony
Academy Awards
Best Short Film, Live Action
1988 The Appointments of Dennis Jennings

Steven Alexander Wright (born December 6, 1955) is an American comedian, actor and writer. He is known for his distinctly lethargic voice and slow, deadpan delivery of ironic, philosophical and sometimes nonsensical jokes, paraprosdokians, and one-liners with contrived situations.


Early life and career[link]

Wright was born in Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and grew up in Burlington, Massachusetts,[3][4] one of four children of Lucille “Dolly” (née Lomano) and Alexander K. Wright.[3][5][6] He was raised Catholic.[7] His mother was Italian American and his father was of Scottish descent.[8] Wright's father, an electronics technician who "tested a lot of stuff for the Apollo space program," became a truck driver after that program ended.[3]

Wright spent two years obtaining an associate's degree from Middlesex Community College in Bedford, Massachusetts, before enrolling at Emerson College.[9] He graduated from the latter in 1978[9] and began performing stand-up comedy in 1979[3][10] at the Boston comedy club the Comedy Connection.[3][9] He cites George Carlin and Woody Allen among his influences.[11]

In 1982 Peter Lassally, executive producer of The Tonight Show, noticed Wright performing on a bill with other local comics at the comedy club Ding Ho,[12] in Cambridge's Inman Square,[13] a venue Wright described as "half Chinese restaurant and half comedy club. It was a pretty weird place".[3] Lassally booked Wright on The Tonight Show, where the comic so impressed host Johnny Carson and the studio audience that Wright was brought back less than a week later.[11] In May 2000, Wright and other Ding Ho alumni, including Lenny Clarke, Barry Crimmins, Steve Sweeney, Bill Sohonage, and Jimmy Tingle, appeared at a reunion benefit for comic Bob Lazarus, suffering from leukemia.[13]

Stand-up success[link]

Wright's 1985 comedy album was entitled I Have a Pony. It was released on Warner Bros. Records, received critical acclaim and was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album. The success of this album landed him a much coveted HBO special which he recorded as a live college concert performance, A Steven Wright Special. By now Wright had firmly developed a new brand of obscure, laid-back performing and was rapidly building a cult-like mystique and eclectic following of "hip", savvy fans. His opening act for the HBO concert was fellow "Ding Ho" comedy alumni Bill Sohonage who recounts that Steven's ultra-casual, nearly catatonic demeanor was no act. "He walked into my dressing room, minutes before I was to take the stage, and asked if he could borrow a shirt, as his had a giant pizza stain. You would think it might be normal to be a little nervous going on a college stage in front of 23,000, let alone having HBO out there filming but as I passed by his room while walking on-stage I saw him sound asleep and loudly snoring". The performance would become one of HBO's longest running and most requested comedy specials and propel him to huge success on the college arena concert circuits.

In 1989 he and fellow producer Dean Parisot won an Academy Award for their 30-minute short film "The Appointments of Dennis Jennings", directed by Parisot, written by Mike Armstrong and Wright, and starring Wright and Rowan Atkinson. Upon accepting the Oscar, Wright said, "Now I'm sorry I cut out that last hour-and-a-half." In 1992 Wright had a recurring role on the television sitcom Mad About You. He supplied the voice of the radio DJ in writer-director Quentin Tarantino's film Reservoir Dogs that year. "Dean Parisot's wife Sally Menke is Quentin Tarantino's [film] editor, so when she was editing the movie and it was getting down toward the end where they didn't have the radio DJ yet, she thought of me and told Quentin and he liked the idea", Wright explained in 2009.[3]

Numerous lists of jokes attributed to Wright circulate on the Internet, sometimes of dubious origin. Wright has stated, "Someone showed me a site, and half of it that said I wrote it, I didn't write. Recently, I saw one, and I didn't write any of it. What's disturbing is that with a few of these jokes, I wish I had thought of them. A giant amount of them, I'm embarrassed that people think I thought of them, because some are really bad".[14]

After his 1990 comedy special Wicker Chairs and Gravity, Wright continued to do stand-up performances, but he was largely absent from television, only doing occasional guest spots on late-night talk shows. In 1999 he wrote and directed the 30-minute short "One Soldier", "about a soldier who was in the Civil War, right after the war, with all these existentialist thoughts and wondering if there is a God and all that stuff".[3]

In 2006 Wright produced his first stand-up special in 16 years, Steven Wright: When The Leaves Blow Away, originally airing on Comedy Central on October 21, 2006. Its DVD was released April 23, 2007.[citation needed] On September 25, 2007 Wright released his second album, I Still Have a Pony, a CD release of the material from When The Leaves Blow Away. It was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album but it lost to The Distant Future by Flight of the Conchords.

Awards and honors[link]

Steven Wright was awarded an Oscar in 1989 for Best Short Live-Action Film for The Appointments of Dennis Jennings, which he co-wrote (with Michael Armstrong) and starred in.[15]

On December 15, 2008, Wright became the first inductee to the Boston Comedy Hall of Fame.[12][16]

In a 2005 poll to find The Comedian's Comedian, he was voted amongst the top 50 comedy acts by fellow comedians and comedy insiders. He was named #23 on Comedy Central's list of the 100 greatest stand-up comics.[17]

Other interests[link]

While not well known for works outside of the comedy realm, Steven Wright has also recorded several non-comedy songs with his friend and occasional actor Mark Wuethner.[18][19] Wright also has an apparent interest in painting.[20]

Beginning in 2009, Steven Wright sporadically appears as himself on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson as a visiting celebrity, ostensibly dropping by the show to help out with the fan mail segment. He joins a small cadre of Hollywood celebrities who lend their support to the show in this way.[21][22]




  • Wicker Chairs and Gravity, HBO Stand-up Special (1991)[23]


  1. ^ The Comedy Couch - Steven Wright Interview
  2. ^ Steven Wright | AllMusic
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h Frank Lovece (May 28, 2009). "Comedian Steven Wright plays Westbury Sunday". Newsday. Archived from the original on 2009-05-31.,0,6077734.story. Retrieved 2012-03-22. 
  4. ^ Gail Waterhouse (March 3, 2010). "a famous former Burlington resident". The Boston Globe. 
  5. ^ Obituary
  6. ^ "Cover Story; The (sur)real Steven Wright; He laughs easily, works hard for material". The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 1987-08-01. Retrieved 2010-02-22. 
  7. ^ Steven Wright - Latest
  8. ^ Dana, Rebecca (2009-06-05). "Steven Wright on Letterman, Rembrandt and Being Short". Speakeasy. Retrieved 2010-02-22. 
  9. ^ a b c Crane, Joyce Pellino. "Laugh Track: For more than five decades, Emerson College has been putting comics on the road to success", The Boston Globe, October 7, 2007
  10. ^ Young, Chris. "Behind a new album, comedian Steven Wright plays Pittsburgh for the first time in five years", Pittsburgh City Paper, October 11, 2007
  11. ^ a b Keepnews, Peter. "A Strange Career Takes an Odd Turn", The New York Times, February 10, 2008, Section AR; Column 0; Arts and Leisure Desk; Television; Pg. 11
  12. ^ a b Turbovsky, Rob. "Steven Wright inducted into Hall, a city’s comedy history celebrated", Punchline Magazine, December 22, 2008
  13. ^ a b Baltrusis, Sam. "Steven Wright headlines Ding Ho reunion benefit",, April 8, 2008
  14. ^ "AV Club: Interview with Steven Wright", The Onion, 9 November 2006.
  15. ^ Steven Wright Main | All About Steven Wright - Moviefone
  16. ^ Miller, Jay, N. "The Wright stuff; Boston comedian is first inductee into hall of fame", The Patriot Ledger (Quincy, Massachusetts), December 15, 2008, Features; pg. 23
  17. ^ Comedy Central's 100 Greatest Stand-Ups of all Time,
  18. ^ Steven Wright - Music
  19. ^ Mark Wuerthner at the Internet Movie Database
  20. ^ Steven Wright - Music & Paintings
  22. ^ The Late Late Show - Steven Wright Drops By
  23. ^ Steven Wright - The History

External links[link]

Related pages: Wright Wright

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Rachel McAdams

McAdams at the Berlin premiere of Sherlock Holmes in 2010
Born Rachel Anne McAdams
(1978-11-17) November 17, 1978 (age 33)
London, Ontario, Canada
Occupation Actress
Years active 2001–present
Partner Michael Sheen (2010–present)

Rachel Anne McAdams (born November 17, 1978) is a Canadian actress. After graduating from a four-year theatre program at York University in 2001, McAdams initially worked in Canadian television and film productions such as My Name is Tanino, Perfect Pie (for which she received a Genie Award nomination) and Slings and Arrows (for which she won a Gemini Award). Her first Hollywood movie was the 2002 comedy The Hot Chick. McAdams found fame in 2004 with starring roles in the teen comedy Mean Girls and the romantic drama The Notebook. In 2005, she appeared in the romantic comedy Wedding Crashers, the psychological thriller Red Eye and the family drama The Family Stone. She was hailed by the media as "the new Hollywood it girl"[1][2] and received a BAFTA nomination for Best Rising Star.

However, McAdams withdrew from public life in 2006 and 2007. During this time, she turned down leading roles in high-profile films such as The Devil Wears Prada. She made a low-key return to work in 2008, starring in two limited release films: the film noir Married Life and the road trip movie The Lucky Ones. She returned to prominence in 2009 with appearances in the political thriller State of Play, the science-fiction romance Time Traveler's Wife, TheThe Time Traveler's Wife and the action-adventure film Sherlock Holmes. McAdams's first star vehicle was the 2010 comedy Morning Glory. In 2011, she starred in Woody Allen's romantic comedy Midnight in Paris and made a cameo appearance in the action-adventure sequel Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. McAdams starred in 2012's romantic drama The Vow, and will next appear in Terrence Malick's To the Wonder and Brian De Palma's Passion.

McAdams lives in the Harbord Village neighborhood of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She has dated both Ryan Gosling and Josh Lucas and is in a relationship with Michael Sheen. She is an environmentalist.


Early life[link]

Rachel Anne McAdams was born in London, Ontario[3][4][1][5] and grew up in nearby St. Thomas.[6] Her mother, Sandra (née Gale), is a nurse, and her father, Lance, is a retired truck driver and furniture mover.[7] McAdams has two younger siblings: Kayleen, a celebrity make-up artist, and Daniel.[8] McAdams began figure skating at the age of four[8][9] but turned down an opportunity to move to Toronto at the age of nine for pairs training.[8] Skating then became merely "a hobby".[10] She competed in the sport until the age of 18, winning regional awards.[6][11][12] She has since said that skating prepared her for physical acting, because it trained her to be "in tune" with her body.[13]

McAdams was educated at Myrtle Street Public School and, later, Central Elgin Collegiate Institute.[6][14] She did not enjoy school and, to avoid attending, she often pretended to be sick.[15] Nonetheless, she played an active role in student life. In addition to playing sports, McAdams served on the student council, participated in the Crimestoppers program and was a member of the Peer Helping Team.[6] She worked at a McDonalds restaurant during the summer holidays for three years.[9][16]

McAdams first developed an interest in performing when she was seven and, while her parents didn't discourage her, they didn't "go out and find [her] an agent".[17] She attended both Disney and Shakespeare summer camps as a child.[17] From the age of twelve, McAdams appeared in Original Kids Theatre Company, London productions.[7][18] In her late teens, she directed children's theatre productions.[9] She was also involved in school stage productions, most notably winning a performance award at the Sears Ontario Drama Festival.[6][19] She was inspired by a married couple who taught English and Drama respectively in Grades 11 and 12. They gave her a love for the works of Leonard Cohen and Joni Mitchell and encouraged her to lose her inhibitions when performing.[19] McAdams intended to take Cultural Studies at university before being persuaded by her Drama teacher that a professional acting career was a viable option.[6][19][20] She enrolled in York University's four-year theatre program and graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts honours degree in 2001.[18][21] While at university, McAdams worked with the Toronto-based Necessary Angel Theatre Company.[22]


Rise to fame (2001–2005)[link]

McAdams made her first onscreen appearance in Shotgun Love Dolls, a 2001 MTV pilot filmed during a spring break from York University.[17] McAdams also made her first feature film appearance that year in My Name is Tanino. The Italian-Canadian co-production was filmed in Sicily and it marked the 22-year-old actress's first time on an airplane.[23][24] McAdams later earned a Genie Award nomination in her native Canada for her role as a teenage Wendy Crewson in Perfect Pie.[11] Her first Hollywood movie was 2002's The Hot Chick which McAdams has described as a "huge milestone" in her career.[15] She played a catty high school student who swaps bodies with a small-time criminal.[11] The Los Angeles Times felt she "emerges as a young actress of much promise"[25] while the Daily Mail described McAdams and Anna Faris as "talents to watch, but they are let down by everything around them".[26] The film grossed $54 million worldwide.[27] McAdams then returned to Canada to star in Slings and Arrows, a mini-series about backstage theatre life.[28] She was written out of the second season of the program following her success in the United States.[21] She received two Gemini Award nominations for her work on the program, with one win.[29][30]

Tina Fey
Tina Fey, McAdams' co-star in the teen comedy Mean Girls (2004). Fey has credited McAdams with teaching her to act for a camera rather than an audience.

McAdams' breakout role came in the 2004 teen comedy Mean Girls. The 25-year-old was cast as Regina George, a malicious teenage queen bee, and she looked to Alec Baldwin's performance in Glengarry Glen Ross for character inspiration.[31] USA Today praised her "comic flair"[32] while The Daily Telegraph found her "delightfully hateful".[33] The San Francisco Chronicle felt that "McAdams brings glamour and magnetism to Regina, but also the right hint of comic distance.[34] The film grossed $129 million worldwide[35] and earned McAdams two MTV Movie Awards.[36] Mean Girls later reached number 12 in an Entertainment Weekly list of the Greatest Ever High School Movies.[37] Tina Fey, who wrote the script and co-starred in the film, has credited McAdams with teaching her to act for a camera rather than an audience: "She's a film actor. She's not pushing. And so I kind of learned that lesson from watching her."[38]

McAdams's second role of 2004 was in the romantic drama The Notebook, a film adaptation of Nicholas Sparks's novel. She played a wealthy Southern belle who has a forbidden affair with Ryan Gosling's poor laborer.[11][39] McAdams spent time in Charleston, South Carolina prior to filming to familiarize herself with the accent,[40] and took ballet and etiquette classes.[21] Filming took place in late 2002 and early 2003.[41] Although Gosling and McAdams became romantically involved in 2005, they had a combative relationship on set.[42] "We inspired the worst in each other," Gosling has said. "It was a strange experience, making a love story and not getting along with your co-star in any way."[43] At one point, Gosling asked director Nick Cassavetes to "bring somebody else in for my off-camera shot" because he felt McAdams was being uncooperative.[42] The New York Times praised the "spontaneous and combustible" performances of the two leads[44] while Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times was won over by the "beauty and clarity" of McAdams's performance.[45] The Chicago Tribune declared her "a real discovery" who "infuses young Allie with that radiant, breathlessly winning ingenue grace and charm that breaks hearts".[46] The film grossed over $115 million worldwide.[47] McAdams won an MTV Movie Award and four Teen Choice Awards.[36][48] Entertainment Weekly has said that the movie contains the All-Time Best Movie Kiss[49] while the Los Angeles Times has included a scene from the film in a list of the 50 Classic Movie Kisses.[50] The Notebook has appeared on many Most Romantic Movies lists.[51][52][53][54] "I'm so grateful to have a film that people respond to in that way," McAdams told Elle in 2011. "It was a big deal".[55]

Owen Wilson
McAdams appeared opposite Owen Wilson in the 2005 comedy Wedding Crashers. They later reunited to star in Midnight in Paris (2011).

2005 saw McAdams star in three films. In the comedy Wedding Crashers, McAdams played Claire Cleary, the daughter of an influential politician and a love interest for both Owen Wilson and Bradley Cooper's characters.[56][57] McAdams listened repeatedly to Landslide by Fleetwood Mac to prepare for emotional scenes and Wilson has said the song made her cry immediately: "It was like turning on a faucet".[13] She trained for a sailing certification for a boating sequence because her character was said to be an accomplished sailor.[58] Manohla Dargis of The New York Times felt McAdams "makes the most of her underdeveloped character" and "grows more appealing with every new role".[59] Variety found her "a beguiling presence" who "actually creates a real character – a rarity for females in one of these lad-mag escapades".[60] From a production budget of $40 million, the film grossed over $285 million worldwide.[56]

McAdams next appeared opposite Cillian Murphy in Red Eye, a Wes Craven thriller about a young hotel manager held captive aboard a red-eye flight. Craven has said McAdams was the only actress he considered for the part.[61] She was drawn to the relatable qualities of her character: "She was not some sweaty, tank-top-wearing, Uzi-carrying super woman".[62] Variety found her "increasingly impressive"[63] while Roger Ebert asserted that "she brings more presence and credibility to her role than is really expected; she acts without betraying the slightest awareness that she’s inside a genre. Her performance qualifies her for heavy-duty roles."[64] Upon release, the film, which was made on a budget of $26 million, earned over $95 million at the worldwide box office.[65]

A supporting role in the seasonal family drama The Family Stone was McAdams's final film appearance of 2005. The film, an ensemble with Diane Keaton, Sarah Jessica Parker, Luke Wilson and Claire Danes, gave McAdams an opportunity to play a disheveled, sardonic sister, rather than the usual "obvious" girlfriend or wife roles.[66][67] She was eager to work with Keaton and remarked, "It’s never about line counts for me. It’s about the people I get to work with."[68] Variety noted that "a deglammed but still radiant McAdams proves once again that she's the real deal, delivering a deliciously feisty performance".[69] The New York Times felt that her "engaging screen presence holds your attention and sympathy despite the handicap presented by her character's personality."[70] The film was a commercial success: it cost $18 million to make and grossed over $92 million worldwide.[71]

Career break and low-key return (2006–2008)[link]

At this point in her career, McAdams was hailed as "the next Julia Roberts"[1] and the new "Hollywood it girl".[2] Vanity Fair invited McAdams, along with Scarlett Johannson and Keira Knightley, to appear on their March 2006 cover, the annual Hollywood issue. Upon arrival on the photo set, McAdams discovered it was a nude session and left. She later parted ways with her publicist who had failed to inform her in advance.[72] Knightley later recounted, "Quite early on Rachel just said, 'No, I'm not into that.' She's a lovely girl, and I really respect her for doing that."[73] When asked about the incident in 2008, McAdams had "no regrets”.[74]

McAdams withdrew from public life in 2006 and 2007, taking time off to focus on herself and her family.[2] "It was the right thing for me to do at the time," she later said.[75] "If you want to tell stories as truthfully as possible, you have to have a normal, boring existence."[76] During this period, the actress turned down roles in The Devil Wears Prada, Casino Royale, Mission: Impossible III and Get Smart.[1] In February 2006, she made an once-off stage appearance in The Vagina Monologues at St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, Toronto to raise funds for V-Day.[77] Also that year, McAdams received a Rising Star Award nomination from the British Academy of Film and Television Arts[78] and hosted the Academy Awards for Technical Achievement.[79]

McAdams returned to work in 2008, appearing in two limited release films. In the film noir Married Life, she played Kay, a young 1940s widow who wins the affections of two older men, played by Pierce Brosnan and Chris Cooper. In preparation for the role, McAdams studied old films, particularly those of Kim Novak.[80] She has said the film shoot reenergized and re-inspired her and made her eager to work more often.[75] Entertainment Weekly found McAdams "a particularly delightful vision after her two-year intermission".[81] Variety also bemoaned her break from the big screen but felt that, despite a performance of "tender feeling", "her natural vivaciousness and spontaneity are straightjacketed" by the film noir format.[82] The film was a box-office failure. It grossed just over $2 million worldwide, failing to recoup its production budget of $12 million.[83]

The Lucky Ones, a story about three Iraq War soldiers on a brief road trip back in the U.S., was McAdams's second film of 2008, and she co-starred alongside Tim Robbins and Michael Pena. She trained at a real boot camp, Fort Campbell in Kentucky, prior to filming.[84] McAdams, speaking in 2011, said that the character of Colee was "probably one of my favorite characters I've ever played."[85] The New York Times found her "luminous as always"[86] while Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times hailed the performance as "her coming of age as an actress".[87] "Previously she has been seen mostly as a hot chick or an idealized sweetheart", he wrote. "Here she is feisty, vulnerable, plucky, warm, funny ... Watch the poignance of the scene when she meets her boyfriend's family."[87] Entertainment Weekly found her "feisty, gorgeous, and as mercurial as a mood ring".[88] The Lucky Ones is the least commercially successful film of McAdams's career as of 2012, having grossed just $266,967 worldwide.[89]

Return to prominence (2009–2011)[link]

Robert Downey, Jr. starred opposite McAdams in Sherlock Holmes (2009). The film grossed over $524 million at the worldwide box office.

McAdams starred in three films in 2009. State of Play, a political thriller based on a BBC television series, co-starred Russell Crowe, Helen Mirren and Ben Affleck. McAdams played Della, an online reporter who investigates a possible conspiracy with a veteran print journalist, played by Crowe.[90] As part of her research, McAdams visited The Washington Post's offices and met with politicians on Capitol Hill.[91] Entertainment Weekly felt she was "perfectly cast as an ambitious wonkette"[92] while The Daily Telegraph noted that "McAdams, with her lively eyes and large, expressive forehead, holds her own against Crowe. Mercifully, she avoids any temptation to play girly and demure to his grizzled alpha male."[93] The film grossed over $87 million worldwide.[94]

McAdams's second 2009 project was the science-fiction romance The Time Traveler's Wife, an adaptation of Audrey Niffenegger's bestselling novel.[95][96] McAdams fell "madly in love" with the book[97] but was initially slightly hesitant to accept the film role because Clare, the long-suffering wife, is a "character that people have already cast in their heads."[98] Peter Travers of Rolling Stone said, "I'd watch the vibrant Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana in anything, but The Time Traveler's Wife is pushing it."[99] The Los Angeles Times found her "luminous [yet], sadly, her facility as an actress is mostly wasted."[100] Writing in The Chicago Tribune, Michael Phillips, in an otherwise tepid review, said of her performance: “Every scene she’s in, even the silly ones, becomes better — truer, often against long odds — because she’s in it. Her work feels emotionally spontaneous yet technically precise. She has an unusually easy touch with both comedy and drama, and she never holds a melodramatic moment hostage.”[101] The film was a commercial success, earning over $101 million worldwide.[102]

Sherlock Holmes was McAdams's final movie of the year. She played Irene Adler, a love interest for Robert Downey, Jr.'s Sherlock, and welcomed the opportunity to play a character who is "her own boss and a real free spirit".[103] The elaborate corseted costumes helped her get into character.[91][103] Variety felt her character was "not very well integrated into the rest of the story, a shortcoming the normally resourceful McAdams is unable to do much about".[104] The New York Times stated, "Ms. McAdams is a perfectly charming actress and performs gamely as the third wheel of this action-bromance tricycle. But Irene feels in this movie more like a somewhat cynical commercial contrivance. She offers a little something for the ladies and also something for the lads, who, much as they may dig fights and explosions and guns and chases, also like girls."[105] The film was a major commercial success, earning over $524 million at the worldwide box office.[106]

Diane Keaton
McAdams has worked with Diane Keaton on The Family Stone (2005) and Morning Glory (2010). Keaton recommended McAdams to Woody Allen, who then wrote a part for her in Midnight in Paris (2011).

2010's Morning Glory, a comedy in which McAdams played a television producer attempting to improve the poor ratings of a morning television program, was billed as a starring vehicle for the actress.[107] She initially felt she was unsuited to the role because "I'm not funny. So I said, 'if you need me to be funny, you might want to look somewhere else'".[108] Roger Michell, the film's director, had a number of dinners with McAdams and persuaded her to join the cast.[109][110] It was her second time to work with Diane Keaton, whom she has described as a mentor figure.[111] Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times said McAdams "gives the kind of performance we go to the movies for"[112] while Roger Ebert of the Chicago Sun-Times felt she played "as lovable a lead as anyone since Amy Adams in Junebug" in an otherwise "routine" movie.[113] The New York Post was impressed by "her gift for physical comedy",[114] as was Variety.[115] While The New York Times felt she "plays her role exceptionally well" and is "effortlessly likable", it called on Hollywood to give her parts "worthy" of her talent. "Ms. McAdams has to rely on her dimples to get by. She does, but she could do better."[116] The film was a modest commercial success, grossing $58 million worldwide from a production budget of $40 million.[117] McAdams was disappointed that the film failed to find a larger audience, remarking that "I only hear these businesspeople: 'Well, no one was sure who it was for.'"[55]

McAdams' first film of 2011, Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris, opened the 2011 Cannes Film Festival and saw her reunite with Wedding Crashers's Owen Wilson.[118] Allen wrote the part of the shrewish Inez for McAdams, after hearing "glowing reports" from her former co-star Diane Keaton.[107] He has said that he is "crazy about Rachel"[119] and wanted to give her the opportunity to play something other than "beautiful girls".[120] The film was shot on location in Paris and McAdams has said that the experience "will always have a great place in my heart."[121] The Guardian bemoaned that she "has morphed from the sweet thing in Wedding Crashers to the dream-crushing bitch that, according to American comedies, women become once they ensnare their man".[122] Richard Corliss of Time "felt sorry for McAdams, whose usually winning presence is ground into hostile cliché."[123] However, the Los Angeles Times felt she "deftly handles a part that is less amiable than usual for her"[124] and The New York Times found her "superbly speeded-up".[125] It has become Allen's highest grossing picture ever in North America[126] and was the most commercially successful independent film of 2011.[127] With a production budget of $17 million, the film has grossed over $148 million worldwide.[128] McAdams, along with six other members of the cast, received a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture nomination.[129] Allen won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and the film itself was nominated for three other Academy Awards, including Best Picture.[130]

McAdams's second screen appearance of 2011 was a cameo role in the action-adventure sequel Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.[131] The lead female role was played by Noomi Rapace. Joel Silver, the film's producer, has said that "we always intended to have a different kind of girl for each movie" in the vein of Bond girls.[132] He found it "complicated" to persuade McAdams to return in a supporting role: "She loved being with us, but she hoped to have a bigger role."[132] The Wall Street Journal felt "she vanishes all too soon in this overproduced, self-enchanted sequel, and so does the spirit of bright invention that made the previous film such a pleasant surprise".[133] The Huffington Post remarked that she "exhibits far more personality and roguish charm in her few moments here than she did in all of the previous film. Freed from the constraints of being the de-facto love interest, McAdams relishes the chance to go full-villain."[134] The film has grossed over $534 million worldwide.[135]

[edit] The Vow and upcoming projects (2012)

In 2012, McAdams starred in the romantic drama The Vow.[136] McAdams and Channing Tatum played a newlywed couple who try to rebuild their relationship after a car crash leaves the wife with no recollections of their marriage. McAdams was drawn to the "roller coaster" faced by her character[137] and found it interesting that the story was told "through the guy's eyes".[138] The New York Times stated that "the dimply and adorable Rachel McAdams" brings "enough physical charm and emotional warmth to distract from the threadbare setting and the paper-thin plot".[139] Newsday felt that McAdams, "exuding her usual uncanny warmth on-screen", "is the real draw".[140] However, the Los Angeles Times felt she was "wasted" in the role: "She is such an appealing actress that it's hard not to wish someone could make better use" of her.[141] Time found the film an example of McAdams "coasting" in "unabashedly romantic" movies and asserted that "she’s a much more versatile and clever actress" than such projects would suggest.[142] The film, financed for $30 million, was a major commercial success and became her biggest personal box-office hit - not including the Sherlock Holmes movies and the comedy Wedding Crashers.[143] It topped the US box office and has grossed over $186 million worldwide.[144][145]

In late 2010, McAdams worked on To the Wonder, a romantic drama written and directed by Terrence Malick.[146][147] Her character, believed to be based on Malick's current wife,[148] is a horse ranch worker in Oklahoma who has an affair with Ben Affleck's character.[149] McAdams and Affleck previously worked together in State of Play. McAdams found Malick to be an "incredibly helpful" director; they discussed her character in detail and he took her on a tour of the local town, pointing out which house she would have grown up in and where she would have attended school.[55] She has described it as "a very satisfying, unique way of shooting".[55] The film is due to be released in 2012.[146][150]

In March 2012, McAdams filmed Brian De Palma's Passion, an erotic thriller about a power struggle between two business executives, on location in Berlin.[151] It is an English-language remake of 2010's Crime D'Amour.[152] The film will co-star Karoline Herfurth and Noomi Rapace. Both McAdams and Rapace appeared in Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows but did not share scenes together.[151] There are tentative plans to premiere the completed film at the Berlinale in February 2013.[153]

McAdams will next star in About Time, a romantic comedy written and directed by Richard Curtis.[154] The story follows a young man, played by Domhnall Gleeson, who travels back in time and meets "the girl of his dreams", played by McAdams. Filming will take place in London, England from June to August 2012.[154] In September 2012, McAdams is tentatively scheduled to film an adaptation of John Le Carré's espionage thriller A Most Wanted Man, directed by Anton Corbijn and co-starring Philip Seymour Hoffman.[155][156]

Personal life[link]

McAdams lives in the Harbord Village neighborhood of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.[157] She shares a house with her younger brother, although they have separate living quarters.[158] McAdams also holds a US green card[159] and has remarked, "I never thought I’d say this, but I actually miss L.A. when I’m not there."[160] She practices kundalini yoga daily.[161] She likes to garden and cook in her spare time and has said that she would open a restaurant if she were not an actress.[158][162]

McAdams had a two-year relationship with Canadian actor Ryan Gosling from mid-2005 to mid-2007.[163][164] They also briefly reunited in the summer of 2008.[165][166][167] Following their split, Gosling described her as "one of the great loves of my life".[168] She dated American actor Josh Lucas for a number of months in 2009.[169] McAdams is currently in a relationship with Welsh actor Michael Sheen, whom she met on the set of Midnight in Paris in July 2010.[170]

McAdams is an environmentalist. She ran an eco-friendly lifestyle website with two friends for five years, from 2007 to 2011.[171][172] Her house is powered by Bullfrog renewable energy.[173] She travels around Toronto by bicycle but drives when in Los Angeles because it is "a harder town to cycle in."[173] McAdams sat on a TreeHugger/Live Earth judging panel in 2007.[174] She was involved in Matter of Trust's 'hair boom' efforts following the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill.[175][176] In 2011, McAdams supported Foodstock, a protest against a proposed limestone mega quarry in Melancthon, Ontario.[177][178] She is also a supporter of the Blue Planet's clean drinking water initiative.[179]

McAdams is also involved with other charitable and social causes. She volunteered in Biloxi, Mississippi in 2005, as part of the clean-up effort following Hurricane Katrina.[180] In 2006, she took part in the "Day Without Immigrants" demonstration in Los Angeles, protesting against the federal government’s attempts to further criminalize undocumented aliens living in the United States.[181] She appealed for donations during the Canada for Haiti telethon in 2010.[182] In 2011, McAdams attended the Occupy Toronto demonstration.[177] She has worked with charities including the Sunshine Foundation of Canada,[183][184] the Alzheimer's Association,[185] the READ Campaign,[186] and United Way of Canada.[187]


Year Title Role Notes
2001 Shotgun Love Dolls Beth Swanson TV, 1 episode: "Pilot"
2001 Famous Jett Jackson, TheThe Famous Jett Jackson Hannah Grant TV, 1 episode: "Food for Thought"
2001 My Name is Tanino Sally Garfield
2002 Guilt by Association Danielle Mason Television film
2002 Earth: Final Conflict Christine Bickwell TV, 1 episode: "Atavus High"
2002 Perfect Pie Patsy Grady (age 15)
2002 Hot Chick, TheThe Hot Chick Jessica Spencer/Clive Maxtone
2003 Slings and Arrows Kate McNeil TV, 7 episodes
2004 Mean Girls Regina George
2004 Notebook, TheThe Notebook Allison "Allie" Hamilton
2005 Wedding Crashers Claire Cleary
2005 Red Eye Lisa Reisert
2005 Family Stone, TheThe Family Stone Amy Stone
2007 Married Life Kay Nesbitt
2008 Lucky Ones, TheThe Lucky Ones Colee Dunn
2009 State of Play Della Frye
2009 Time Traveler's Wife, TheThe Time Traveler's Wife Claire Abshire
2009 Sherlock Holmes Irene Adler
2010 Morning Glory Becky Fuller
2011 Midnight in Paris Inez
2011 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Irene Adler
2012 Vow, TheThe Vow Paige Collins
2012 To the Wonder Post-production
2013 Passion Christine Post-production

Awards and nominations[link]

Year Award Category Work Result
2002 Genie Awards Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role Perfect Pie Nominated[188]
2004 Gemini Awards Best Performance by an Actress in a Featured Supporting Role in a Dramatic Series Slings and Arrows

(A Mirror up to Nature - Season 1, Episode 5)

2005 MTV Movie Awards Best Breakthrough Female Performance Mean Girls Won[189]
2005 MTV Movie Awards Best Villain Mean Girls Nominated[189]
2005 MTV Movie Awards Best On-Screen Team (shared with Lindsay Lohan, Lacey Chabert and Amanda Seyfried) Mean Girls Won[36]
2005 MTV Movie Awards Best Female Performance The Notebook Nominated[189]
2005 MTV Movie Awards Best Kiss (shared with Ryan Gosling) The Notebook Won[36]
2005 ShoWest Awards Supporting Actress of the Year Mean Girls and The Notebook Won[190]
2005 Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie Actress – Drama The Notebook Won[48]
2005 Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie Chemistry (shared with Ryan Gosling) The Notebook Won[48]
2005 Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie Liplock (shared with Ryan Gosling) The Notebook Won[48]
2005 Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie Love Scene (shared with Ryan Gosling) The Notebook Won[48]
2006 Gemini Awards Best Performance by an Actress in a Guest Role in a Dramatic Series Slings and Arrows

(Season's End - Season 2, Episode 1)

2006 British Academy Film Awards Rising Star Award N/A Nominated[78]
2006 MTV Movie Awards Best Performance Red Eye Nominated[191]
2006 Satellite Award Satellite Award for Best Supporting Actress  Comedy or Musical The Family Stone Nominated[192]
2006 Saturn Awards Saturn Award for Best Actress Red Eye Nominated[193]
2006 Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie Actress – Comedy Wedding Crashers and The Family Stone Won[194]
2009 Saturn Awards Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actress Sherlock Holmes Nominated[195]
2009 ShoWest Female Star of the Year N/A Won[196]
2010 Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie Actress – Action Adventure Sherlock Holmes Won[197]
2011 Satellite Awards Best Supporting Actress Midnight in Paris Nominated[198]
2011 Screen Actors Guild Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture Midnight in Paris Nominated
2012 MTV Movie Awards Best Kiss (shared with Channing Tatum) The Vow Pending[199]
2012 Teen Choice Awards Choice Movie Actress - Drama The Vow Pending


  1. ^ a b c d Millea, Holly (March 12, 2007), "Next Stop Wonderland", Elle (Hachette Filipacchi Media) (260): 288, 
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  151. ^ a b By NANCY TARTAGLIONE, International Editor. "Brian De Palma Has ‘Passion’ For Rachel McAdams And Noomi Rapace –". Retrieved 2012-01-11. 
  152. ^ Hopewell, John (2011-01-26). "Brian De Palma finds 'Passion' project". Variety. Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  153. ^ Blaney, Martin (2012-03-01). "Ascot Elite secures seven titles at EFM, Splendid Film picks up nine | News | Screen". Retrieved 2012-03-17. 
  154. ^ a b "Rachel McAdams to Star in Working Title's 'About Time' (Exclusive)". The Hollywood Reporter. 2011-11-17. Retrieved 2012-05-23. 
  155. ^ "It's 'About Time' For Rachel McAdams & Richard Curtis; Actress Lines Up Anton Corbijn's 'A Most Wanted Man' | The Playlist". Retrieved 2012-05-23. 
  156. ^ Holdsworth, Nick (2012-05-19). "Senator boards 'Wanted'". Variety. Retrieved 2012-05-23. 
  157. ^ "Celebrity watch: Have you seen this woman?". Toronto Life. 1 January 1 2012. Retrieved 22 February 2012. 
  158. ^ a b Marshall, Alexandra (2012-01-06). "Rachel McAdams: OK, We Love This Girl!: Entertainment". Retrieved 2012-01-11. 
  159. ^ "Rachel McAdams ordered to 'stop making stupid movies' by US immigration official" November 1, 2010, Daily Mail
  160. ^ Schwartz, Missy (September 26, 2008). "The Reluctant Movie Star".,,20228861,00.html. Retrieved December 12, 2011. 
  161. ^ Singer, Sally (2009-12-15). "Rachel McAdams: The Notebook, Part Two - Magazine". Vogue. Retrieved 2012-01-11. 
  162. ^ August 18, 2005 (2005-08-18). "Red Hot Rachel - People - Eye". Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  163. ^ Dagostino, Mark (November 7, 2005). "Insider". People.,,20144788,00.html. Retrieved February 4, 2012. 
  164. ^ "Scoop". People. April 30, 2007.,,20062031,00.html. Retrieved February 4, 2012. 
  165. ^ Jones, Oliver (August 18, 2008). "Scoop". People.,,20221731,00.html. Retrieved February 4, 2012. 
  166. ^ "Star Tracks - Friday, August 22, 2008 - THE HOT SEAT - McAdams and Gosling". People. August 22, 2008.,,20220603_20499150,00.html. Retrieved February 4, 2012. 
  167. ^ Willard, Chris (December 16, 2008). "Source: Ryan Gosling Still Loves Rachel McAdams". People.,,20247055,00.html. Retrieved February 4, 2012. 
  168. ^ Lehner, Marla (October 17, 2007). "Ryan Gosling Consoled Fans After Rachel McAdams Split". People magazine, accessed October 1, 2011.
  169. ^ Hahn, Laura (April 26, 2009). "Josh Lucas: Nothing Like Love in New York City – Josh Lucas". People.,,20274897,00.html. Retrieved December 12, 2011. 
  170. ^ Slonim, Jeffrey. "Michael Sheen & Rachel McAdams Confirm They Are Dating". People.,,20490718,00.html. 
  171. ^ Berman, Liz (March 30, 2009). "Rachel McAdams: I Just Heard About Twitter". People.,,20268785,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines. Retrieved June 15, 2011. 
  172. ^ web site
  173. ^ a b Ellwood, Mark (2009-04-11). "Rachel McAdams: A headliner sees the other side of news coverage in 'State of Play' - Page 2 - New York Daily News". Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  174. ^ Alter, Lloyd (2007-06-05). "MSN & Treehugger Present Green Theatre: A Live Earth Video Contest". TreeHugger. Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  175. ^ "The Trouble With Tresses". Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  176. ^ May 21, 2010  (2010-05-21). "Gulf oil spill: Hair boom effort is cut short -". Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  177. ^ a b Liss, Sarah (2011-12-23). "The 1st annual Menschies!". The Grid TO. Retrieved 2012-01-11. 
  178. ^ Bain, Jennifer (2011-09-17). "Chefs, farmers unite for Foodstock". Toronto: Retrieved 2012-01-11. 
  179. ^ "Books That Made a Difference to Rachel McAdams". Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  180. ^ Post, National (2005-12-08). "Just how special is this pair?". Retrieved 2012-01-11. 
  181. ^ marQy (2011-03-07). "marQ's ish: Marq's Ish #70: A Day Without Immigrants". Retrieved 2012-01-11. 
  182. ^ Szklarski, Cassandra (2010-01-23). "Celebrities issue emotional pleas for Haiti". Winnipeg Free Press. Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  183. ^ "Fashion File". 2010-07-02. Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  184. ^ "Sunshine Foundation of Canada". Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  185. ^ "AuctionPage". Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  186. ^ "Rachel McAdams Poster - I Love Libraries - Other READ Products - Posters - Products for Young Adults - ALA Store". Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  187. ^ "Rachel's all the rage (MacLean's Interview July 14, 2005)". Retrieved 2012-01-14. 
  188. ^ "Rachel McAdams". Moviefone. AOL Inc. Retrieved June 10, 2011. 
  189. ^ a b c Cosgrove, Ben (May 4, 2005). "Vicious Teens And Happy Drunk Lead 2005 MTV Movie Awards Nominees". MTV. Viacom. Retrieved June 10, 2011. 
  190. ^ Kay, Jeremy (March 11, 2005). "ShoWest awards watch: Rachel McAdams". Screen Daily. EMAP Media. Retrieved June 10, 2011. 
  191. ^ Carroll, Larry (April 24, 2006). "Alba, Carell, 'Crashers,' 'Virgin' Big Nominees For MTV Movie Awards". MTV. Viacom. Retrieved June 10, 2011. 
  192. ^ "2005 10th Annual SATELLITE™ Awards". Satellite Awards. Retrieved June 10, 2011. [dead link]
  193. ^ "Nominations for the 33rd Annual Saturn Awards". Saturn Awards. 
  194. ^ Ross, Corey (August 21, 2006). "Britney Introduces K-Fed, Nick Lachey Scores 'Awkward' Award At Teen Choice 2006". MTV. Viacom. Retrieved June 10, 2011. 
  195. ^ "Nominations for the 36th Annual Saturn Awards". Saturn Awards. 
  196. ^ Speier, Michael (March 24, 2009). "ShoWest honors Rachel McAdams". Variety (Reed Business Information). Retrieved June 10, 2011. 
  197. ^ Soll, Lindsay (June 14, 2010). "Teen Choice Awards 2010: First round Of Nominees Announced". MTV. Viacom. Retrieved June 10, 2011. 
  198. ^ "Current Nominees | International Press Academy". Retrieved December 12, 2011. 
  199. ^ "2012 MTV Movie Awards Best Kiss Nominees". MTV. Retrieved May 2, 2012. 

External links[link]

Related pages:Макадамс, Рэйчел McAdams McAdams McAdams

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Kevin Ayers

Hyde Park free concert, 29 June 1974
Background information
Birth name Kevin Ayers
Born (1944-08-16) 16 August 1944 (age 67)
Origin Kent, England
Genres Psychedelia
Experimental music
Instruments Guitar, bass
Years active 1960s–present
Labels LO-MAX

Kevin Ayers (born 16 August 1944 in Herne Bay, Kent[1]) is an English singer-songwriter and was a major influential force in the English psychedelic movement. BBC DJ John Peel wrote in his autobiography that "Kevin Ayers' talent is so acute you could perform major eye surgery with it."[2]

Ayers was a founding member of the pioneering psychedelic band Soft Machine in the late 1960s, and was closely associated with the Canterbury scene.[3] He has recorded a series of albums as a solo artist and over the years has worked with Brian Eno, Syd Barrett, John Cale, Elton John, Robert Wyatt, Andy Summers, Mike Oldfield, Nico and Ollie Halsall, among others. After living for many years in Deià, Majorca, he returned to the United Kingdom in the mid 1990s. He now lives in the south of France. His most recent album was Unfairground, which was recorded in New York City, Tucson, Arizona, and London in 2006.[4]



Early life[link]

Ayers is the son of BBC producer Rowan Ayers,[5] but following his parents' split and his mother's subsequent marriage to a British civil servant, Ayers spent most of his childhood in Malaysia.[6] The tropical atmosphere and unpressured lifestyle had an impact, and one of the frustrating and endearing aspects of Ayers' career is that every time he seemed on the point of success, he would take off for some sunny spot where good wine and food were easily found.[7]

Ayers returned to England at the age of twelve, and in his early college years took up with the burgeoning musicians' scene in the Canterbury area. He was quickly drafted into the Wilde Flowers,[8] a band that featured Robert Wyatt and Hugh Hopper, as well as future members of Caravan. Ayers has stated in interviews that the primary reason he was asked to join was that he probably had the longest hair. However, this prompted him to start writing songs and singing.

Soft Machine[link]

The Wilde Flowers morphed into Soft Machine with the addition of keyboardist Mike Ratledge and guitarist Daevid Allen. Ayers switched to bass (and later both guitar and bass following Allen's departure from the group) and shared vocals with the drummer Robert Wyatt. The contrast between Ayers' baritone and Wyatt's reedy tenor, plus the freewheeling mix of rock and jazz influences, made for a memorable new sound that caught on quickly in the psychedelic 1960s. The band often shared stages (particularly at the UFO Club) with Syd Barrett's Pink Floyd.[9] They released their debut single 'Love Makes Sweet Music' / 'Feelin' Reelin', Squeelin' in February 1967, making it one of the first recordings from the new British psychedelic movement.[6] Their debut album, The Soft Machine, was recorded in the USA for ABC/Probe and released in 1968. It is considered a classic of the genre.[10]

Solo career, 1969-1999[link]

After an extensive tour of the United States opening for Jimi Hendrix, a weary Ayers sold his white Fender Jazz bass to Noel Redding[11] and retreated to the beaches of Ibiza in Spain with Daevid Allen to recuperate. While there, Ayers went on a songwriting binge that resulted in the songs that would make up his first album, Joy of a Toy. The album was one of the first released on the new Harvest label, along with Pink Floyd's releases. Joy of a Toy established Ayers as a unique talent with music that varied from the circus march of the title cut to the pastoral "Girl on a Swing," and the ominous "Oleh Oleh Bandu Bandong", based on a Malaysian folksong. Ayers' colleagues from Soft Machine backed him, with the addition on some cuts of Rob Tait, sometime Gong drummer.

One interesting product of the sessions was the single, "Religious Experience (Singing a Song in the Morning)", early recordings of which featured Syd Barrett on guitar and backing vocals.[11] The lead guitar that appears on the final mix was often thought to have been played by Barrett, even appearing on various Barrett bootlegs, but Ayers has said that he played the solo, emulating Barrett's style. However the 2004 CD reissue of Joy of a Toy includes a mix of this song featuring Barrett's guitar as a bonus track.

A second album, Shooting at the Moon, soon followed. For this, Ayers assembled a band that he called The Whole World, including a young Mike Oldfield on bass and occasionally lead guitar, avant-garde composer David Bedford on keyboards and improvising saxophonist, Lol Coxhill. Again Ayers came up with a batch of engaging songs interspersed with avant-garde instrumentals and a heavy dose of whimsy.

The Whole World was reportedly an erratic band live, and Ayers was not cut out for life on the road touring. The band broke up after a short tour, with no hard feelings, as most of the musicians guested on Ayers' next album, Whatevershebringswesing, which is regarded as one of his best,[12] featuring the mellifluous eight-minute title track that would became Ayers' signature sound for the '70s.

Bananamour is the fourth studio album by Kevin Ayers and it featured some of his most accessible recordings, including "Shouting in a Bucket Blues" and his whimsical tribute to Syd Barrett, "Oh! Wot A Dream". After Whatevershebringswesing, Ayers assembled a new band anchored by drummer Eddie Sparrow and bassist Archie Legget and employed a more direct lyricism. The centrepiece of the album is 'Decadence', his withering portrait of Nico.

1974 was a watershed year for Ayers. In addition to releasing his most compelling music in this year, he was helped provide other artists with access to a wider stage, most notably Lady June (June Campbell Cramer). The recording, titled Lady June's Linguistic Leprosy, made in a front room of Cramer's home in Vale Court, Maida Vale,[13] brought Lady June's spoken word poetry together with the music and voice of Ayers, and also had contributions by Brian Eno and Pip Pyle. It was originally released on Ayers' own Banana Productions label (via Virgin/Caroline).

The Confessions of Dr. Dream and Other Stories marked Ayers' move to the more commercial Island record label and is considered by many to be the most cohesive example of Ayersian philosophy. The production was expensive, with Ayers quoting the recording costs in a 1974 NME interview as exceeding £32,000[14] (a vast figure at the time). On this LP Mike Oldfield returned to the fold and guitarist Ollie Halsall from progressive rock band Patto began a twenty-year partnership with Ayers.

On the 1 June 1974, Ayers headlined a heavily publicised concert at the Rainbow Theatre, London, accompanied by John Cale, Nico, Brian Eno and Mike Oldfield. The performance was released by Island Records just 27 days later on a live LP entitled June 1, 1974. Tensions were somewhat fraught at the event since the night before John Cale had caught Ayers sleeping with his wife[15] prompting him to write the bile-soaked paean 'Guts' that would appear on his 1975 album Slow Dazzle.

In 1976 Ayers returned to his original label Harvest and released Yes We Have No Mañanas (So Get Your Mañanas Today). The album was a more commercial affair and secured Ayers a new American contract with ABC Records. The LP featured contributions from B.J. Cole and Zoot Money. That same year Harvest released a collection entitled Odd Ditties, that assembled a colorful group of songs that Ayers had consigned to single B-Sides or left unreleased.

The late 1970s and 1980s saw Ayers as a self-imposed exile in warmer climes, a fugitive from changing musical fashions, and a hostage to chemical addictions. 1983's Diamond Jack and the Queen of Pain was, perhaps, a low-point for Ayers. He was quoted in a 1992 BBC radio 1 interview as saying he had "virtually no recollection of making those records". The road back was marked with 1988's prophetically titled Falling Up, that received his first unanimously positive press notices in years.[1] In 1988 he also recorded a vocal track for Mike Oldfield's single, "Flying Start". The lyrics of this song contains many references to Ayers' life.

Despite the critical acclaim Falling Up received, Ayers by this point had almost completely withdrawn from any public stage, a state further compounded by the sudden death, by a drugs overdose, of his musical partner Ollie Halsall. An acoustic album Still Life with Guitar recorded with Fairground Attraction surfaced in France on the FNAC label and was subsequently released throughout Europe. Some collaborations with Ayers fanatics Ultramarine and a concert tour with Liverpool's Wizards of Twiddly completed his output in the 1990s.

Solo career, 2000 to present[link]

In the late 1990s, Ayers was living the life of a recluse in the South of France. At the Sculpture Centre, he met American artist Tim Shepard who had been invited to use studio space there, and the two became friends. Ayers started to show up at Shepard's house with a guitar, and by 2005, passed some new recordings onto Shepard, most taped on a cassette recorder at his kitchen table. The songs were by turns "poignant, insightful and honest," and Shepard, "deeply moved" by what he heard,[16] encouraged Ayers to record them properly for a possible new album.

Signing with London's LO-MAX Records, Shepard found equal enthusiasm for the demos and after making some tentative enquiries, discovered a hotbed of interest for Ayers' work amongst the current generation of musicians.[17] New York's Ladybug Transistor set up rehearsals for a possible recording organised by band leader Gary Olson, and Kevin flew out to New York. When the rehearsals gelled, the entourage, which had now swelled to include horn and string players, flew out to Tucson, Arizona where the first sessions were recorded in a dusty hangar known as Wavelab Studios.

With the tapes from the first sessions, Shepard set about getting Ayers to complete the album in the UK, where by now word had spread, and a host of musicians started gravitating to the studio. Shepard recounted meeting Teenage Fanclub at a Go-Betweens party and hearing their passion for Ayers' music,[16] and wrote a letter to singer, guitarist Norman Blake. Mojo magazine reported that, within a couple of weeks, Ayers was in a Glasgow studio with Teenage Fanclub and a host of their like-minded colleagues, who had all assembled to work with their hero.[18] Bill Wells from the Bill Wells Trio rubbed shoulders with Euros Childs from Gorkys Zygotic Mynci and Francis Reader from the Trash Can Sinatras.

Friends and peers from the past also visited the sessions. Robert Wyatt provided his eerie Wyattron in the poignant 'Cold Shoulder', Phil Manzanera contributed to the brooding 'Brainstorm', Hugh Hopper from Soft Machine played bass on the title track and Bridget St. John, a British Folk singer beloved of John Peel, duetted with Ayers on 'Baby Come Home',[19] the first time they had sung together since 1970 on Shooting at the Moon. The Unfairground was released to critical acclaim[20] in September 2007.


Soft Machine[link]

Title Label Date of Release
The Soft Machine ABC/Probe Dec 1968



Title Label Date of Release
Joy of a Toy Harvest Nov 1969
Shooting at the Moon Harvest Oct 1970
Whatevershebringswesing Harvest Nov 1971
Bananamour Harvest May 1973
The Confessions of Dr. Dream and Other Stories Island May 1974
June 1, 1974 (with Nico, John Cale and Brian Eno) Island Jun 1974
Lady June's Linguistic Leprosy (with Lady June and Brian Eno) Caroline/Virgin Nov 1974
Sweet Deceiver Island Mar 1975
Yes We Have No Mañanas (So Get Your Mañanas Today) Harvest Jun 1976
Rainbow Takeaway Harvest Apr 1978
That's What You Get Babe Harvest Feb 1980
Diamond Jack and the Queen of Pain Charly Jun 1983
Deià...Vu Blau Mar 1984
As Close As You Think Illuminated Jun 1986
Falling Up Virgin Feb 1988
Still Life with Guitar FNAC January 1992
The Unfairground LO-MAX September 2007


Title Label Date of Release
Love Makes Sweet Music
(with Soft Machine)
Polydor Feb 1967
Joy of a Toy
(with Soft Machine)
ABC/Probe (USA) Nov 1968
Singing a Song in the Morning Harvest Feb 1970
Butterfly Dance Harvest Oct 1970
Stranger in Blue Suede Shoes Harvest Aug 1971
Oh! Wot A Dream Harvest Nov 1972
Don't Let It Get You Down Harvest (FR) Nov 1972
Caribbean Moon Harvest Apr 1973
The Up Song Island Feb 1974
Day by Day Island (NL) Feb 1974
After The Show Island Jul 1974
Falling in Love Again Island Feb 1976
Stranger in Blue Suede Shoes (reissue) Harvest Feb 1976
Star Harvest Apr 1977
Mr Cool ABC (USA) Apr 1977
Money Money Money Harvest Feb 1980
Animals Columbia (ES) 1980
My Speeding Heart Charly 1983
Who's Still Crazy WEA (ES) 1983
Stop Playing with My Heart Blau (ES) 1984
Stepping Out Illuminated 1986
Am I Really Marcel? Accidentales (ES) 1988
The Best We Have Accidentales (ES) 1988
Thank You Very Much FNAC 1992
Baby Come Home LO-MAX Sep 2008

Compilations & Live Recordings[link]

  • Odd Ditties (Harvest 1976) (a collection of rarities and unreleased tracks)
  • The Kevin Ayers Collection (SFM 1983)
  • Banana Productions: The Best of Kevin Ayers (EMI 1989)
  • BBC Live in Concert (Windsong 1992)
  • Document Series Presents Kevin Ayers (Connoisseur Collection 1992)
  • 1969-80 (Alex 1995)
  • First Show in the Appearance Business: The BBC Sessions 1973-1976 (Strange Fruit 1996)
  • The Garden of Love with Mike Oldfield and Robert Wyatt (Voiceprint 1997)
  • Singing the Bruise: The BBC Sessions, 1970-1972 [live] (Strange Fruit 1998)
  • Too Old to Die Young: BBC Live 1972-1976 (Hux 1998)
  • Banana Follies (Hux 1998)
  • Turn the Lights Down (live) with the Wizards of Twiddly (Market Square 2000)
  • The Best of Kevin Ayers (EMI 2000)
  • Didn't Feel Lonely Till I Thought of You: The Island Records Years (Edsel 2004)
  • Alive In California (Box-O-Plenty Records, November 2004)
  • BBC Sessions 1970-1976 (Hux 2005)
  • Some Kevin Ayers (white label promo 2007)
  • Songs For Insane Times: An Anthology 1969-1980 (EMI, September 2008)
  • The Harvest Years (5 X CD box set,Harvest 2012 )Includes Joy of a toy,Shooting at the Moon,whatevershebringswesing,Bananamour and The Confessions of Dr. Dream and other stories all with bonus tracks,single mixes,B sides,BBC session tracks,etc.No 'Odd ditties' and the 'Confessions'was released on Island,not harvest....You work that one out!
  • Pubic Ayers' (76 minute CD sampler of 'The Harvest Years' box set,Harvest 2012)


  1. ^ a b The Guardian-4 July 2003
  2. ^ Margrave of the Marshes, John Peel & Sheila Ravenscroft, Bantam Press, 2005. ISBN 0-593-05252-8
  3. ^ Turn On Your Mind: Four Decades of Great Psychedelic Rock (Hal Leonard 2003) ISBN 0-634-05548-8
  4. ^ Unfairground liner notes (September 2006)
  5. ^ The Independent-10 September 2007
  6. ^ a b The Sunday Times-2 September 2007
  7. ^ "Is This Man A Dipso?" by Nick Kent (NME 31 August 1974)
  8. ^ Soft Machine: Out-Bloody-Rageous by Graham Bennett (SAF Publishing 2005)
  9. ^ Telegraph-30 August 2007
  10. ^ Allmusic by John Bush
  11. ^ a b Joy of a Toy notes by Martin Wakeling (EMI September 2006)
  12. ^ Sounds, 25 January 1972
  13. ^ NME 18 January 1975
  14. ^ NME 31 August 1974
  15. ^ What's Welsh for Zen by John Cale (Bloomsbury 2003) ISBN 0-7475-4622-3
  16. ^ a b BBC6 Interview September 2006)
  17. ^ Kevin Ayers: Mojo Working by James McNair (Mojo July 2007)
  18. ^ Mojo Working by James McNair (Mojo July 2007)
  19. ^ Pitchfork-31 July 2007
  20. ^ Metacritic 2007

Further reading[link]

  • Gong: The Return of the Banana by Steve Peacock (Sounds Oct 16, 1971)
  • Is This Man A Dipso? by Nick Kent (NME 31 August 1974)
  • Let's Drink some Wine and Have a Good Time by Kenneth Ansell (ZigZag 46, 1974)
  • Ayers and Graces by Nick Kent (NME Dec 7, 1974)
  • Despair and Temperance in Maida Vale by Mike Flood Page (Sounds 25 January 1975)
  • The Confessions of Doctor Amphibious and the Malaysian Headwash by Max Bell (NME 24 May 1975)
  • Golden Ayers by John Ingham (Sounds Mar 6, 1976)
  • Ready to Die by John Ingham (Sounds Jul 3, 1976)
  • Tomorrow Never Knows: Rock and Psychedelics in the 1960s (University Of Chicago Press 2002) ISBN 0-226-07562-1
  • Turn On Your Mind: Four Decades of Great Psychedelic Rock (Hal Leonard 2003) ISBN 0-634-05548-8
  • You Need a Bit Missing Upstairs to Play This Game by Jonathan Glancey (The Guardian 4 July 2003)
  • Soft Machine: Out-Bloody-Rageous by Graham Bennett (SAF Publishing 2005)
  • Whatevershebringswesing sleevenotes by Martin Wakeling (EMI September 2006)
  • Joy of a Toy sleevenotes by Martin Wakeling (EMI September 2006)
  • The Rare Record Price Guide (Diamond Publishing Group Ltd Oct 2006) ISBN 0-9532601-5-1
  • Kevin Ayers: Mojo Working by James McNair (Mojo July 2007)
  • The Unsung Hero of Psychedelia by Lisa Verrico (The Sunday Times September 2, 2007)
  • The Father of the Underground by Garth Cartwright (Daily Telegraph 30 August 2007)
  • Kevin Ayers and Robert Wyatt by Simon Reynolds (Reynoldsretro Dec 14 2007)
  • The New Musical Express Book of Rock, 1975, Star Books, ISBN 0-352-30074-4

External links[link]

Related pages:Эйерс, Кевин Ayers Ayers Ayers

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James McMurtry

American singer/songwriter James McMurtry wields his capoed cobbled-together butterscotch Fender Telecaster during a late-night performance with his backing band, The Heartless Bastards, in 2005 at Dan's Silverleaf in Denton, Texas.
Background information
Born (1962-03-18) March 18, 1962 (age 50)
Origin Leesburg, Virginia
Genres Americana, Folk Rock, Rock
Occupations Singer, songwriter, guitarist & bandleader
Years active 1989–present

James McMurtry (born March 18, 1962 in Fort Worth, Texas[1]) is a Texas rock/Texas Country singer, songwriter, guitarist, bandleader and occasional actor (Daisy Miller, Lonesome Dove). He performs with veteran bandmates and rhythm section The Heartless Bastards (Darren Hess and Ronnie Johnson - not to be confused with the Cincinnati, OH, band of nearly the same name, Heartless Bastards.

His father, novelist Larry McMurtry, gave him his first guitar at age seven. His mother, an English professor, taught him how to play it: "My mother taught me three chords and the rest I just stole as I went along. I learned everything by ear or by watching people."



McMurtry spent the first seven years of his boyhood in Ft. Worth[2] but was raised mostly in Leesburg, Virginia. He attended the Woodberry Forest School, Orange, Virginia. He began performing in his teens, writing bits and pieces. He started performing his own songs at a downtown beer garden while studying English and Spanish at the University of Arizona in Tucson. After traveling to Alaska and playing a few gigs, he returned to Texas and his father's "little bitty ranch house crammed with 10,000 books". After a time, he left for San Antonio, where he worked as a house painter, actor, bartender, and sometimes singer, performing at writer's nights and open mics.

In 1987 McMutry's career entered an upswing. A friend in San Antonio suggested McMurtry enter the New Folk songwriter contest; he became one of six winners that year. Also around this time John Mellencamp was starring in a film based on a script by McMurtry's father, which gave McMurtry the opportunity to get a demo tape to Mellencamp. Mellencamp subsequently served as co-producer on McMurtry's 1989 debut album, Too Long in the Wasteland. McMurtry also appeared on the soundtrack of the film Falling from Grace, working with Mellencamp, John Prine, Joe Ely, and Dwight Yoakam in a "supergroup" called Buzzin' Cousins.

McMurtry released follow-up albums in Candyland (1992) and Where'd You Hide the Body (1995). Walk Between the Raindrops followed in 1998 and 2002 brought St. Mary of the Woods. In April 2004, McMurtry released a tour album called Live In Aught-Three.

In 2005, McMurtry released his first studio album in three years. Childish Things again received high critical praise, winning the song and album of the year at the 5th Annual Americana Awards in Nashville, Tennessee. The album was perhaps McMurtry at his most political, as his working-class anthem "We Can't Make It Here" included direct criticism of George W. Bush, the Iraq War, and Wal-Mart. The music critic Robert Christgau ranked "We Can't Make It Here" as the best song of the 2000s.[3]

McMurtry released his follow-up album to Childish Things in April 2008. Just Us Kids continued with the previous album's political themes and included the song Cheney's Toy, McMurtry's most direct criticism of George W. Bush so far. Like We Can't Make It Here from the previous album, Cheney's Toy was made available as a free Internet download.

McMurtry currently resides in Austin, Texas. When in Austin, McMurtry and The Heartless Bastards play a midnight set at The Continental Club on Wednesday nights. He is usually preceded by another Austin roots rock legend, Jon Dee Graham.[citation needed]



Year Album Chart Positions Label
US US Heat US Indie US Country
1989 Too Long in the Wasteland 125 Columbia
1992 Candyland
1995 Where'd You Hide the Body
1997 It Had to Happen Sugar Hill
1998 Walk Between the Raindrops
2002 Saint Mary of the Woods
2004 Live in Aught-Three Compadre
2005 Childish Things 28 40 47
2007 Best of the Sugar Hill Years Sugar Hill
2008 Just Us Kids 136 2 18 Lightning Rod
2009 Live in Europe 24

Guest singles[link]

Year Single Artist Peak positions Album
US Country
1992 "Sweet Suzanne" Buzzin' Cousins 68 Falling from Grace soundtrack

External links[link]


Preceded by
Buddy Miller
AMA Album of the Year (artist)
Succeeded by
Patty Griffin
Preceded by
Mark Heard
AMA Song of the Year (Songwriter)
Succeeded by
Darrell Scott


Related pages: McMurtry

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The World News (WN) Network, has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to user privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for, as well as e-mail newsletters.

1. Personal Information Collection and Use

We do not collect personally identifiable information about you, except when you provide it to us. For example, if you submit an inquiry to us or sign up for our newsletter, you may be asked to provide certain information such as your contact details (name, e-mail address, mailing address, etc.).

When you submit your personally identifiable information through, you are giving your consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as set forth in this Privacy Policy. If you would prefer that we not collect any personally identifiable information from you, please do not provide us with any such information. We will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to third parties without your consent, except as otherwise disclosed in this Privacy Policy.

Except as otherwise disclosed in this Privacy Policy, we will use the information you provide us only for the purpose of responding to your inquiry or in connection with the service for which you provided such information. We may forward your contact information and inquiry to our affiliates and other divisions of our company that we feel can best address your inquiry or provide you with the requested service. We may also use the information you provide in aggregate form for internal business purposes, such as generating statistics and developing marketing plans. We may share or transfer such non-personally identifiable information with or to our affiliates, licensees, agents and partners.

We may retain other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Such third parties may be provided with access to personally identifiable information needed to perform their functions, but may not use such information for any other purpose.

In addition, we may disclose any information, including personally identifiable information, we deem necessary, in our sole discretion, to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal proceeding or governmental request.

2. E-mail addresses

We do not want you to receive unwanted e-mail from us. We try to make it easy to opt-out of any service you have asked to receive. If you sign-up to our e-mail newsletters we do not sell, exchange or give your e-mail address to a third party.

E-mail addresses are collected via the web site. Users have to physically opt-in to receive the newsletter and a verification e-mail is sent. is clearly and conspicuously named at the point of


If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter and promotional communications, you may opt-out of receiving them by following the instructions included in each newsletter or communication or by e-mailing us at michaelw(at)

The security of your personal information is important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during registration and once we receive it. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100 percent secure, however. Therefore, though we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

If we decide to change our e-mail practices, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, the homepage, and other places we think appropriate so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

If we make material changes to our e-mail practices, we will notify you here, by e-mail, and by means of a notice on our home page.

3. Third Party Advertisers

The advertising banners and other forms of advertising appearing on this Web site are sometimes delivered to you, on our behalf, by a third party. In the course of serving advertisements to this site, the third party may place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser. For more information on cookies, you can visit

4. Business Transfers

As we continue to develop our business, we might sell certain aspects of our entities or assets. In such transactions, user information, including personally identifiable information, generally is one of the transferred business assets, and by submitting your personal information on you agree that your data may be transferred to such parties in these circumstances.