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Make Sure You Don't Define Yourself Via Feedback

In our lives, we get feedback from others. Positive, negative and befuddling. It's too easy to let that feedback become part of our self-image, personally or even as an organization… Read more »

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Stop Making Excuses

Last week I was 10 minutes late for an important meeting across town. Rather than offering up an explanation (LA traffic), I simply said, "I'm sorry for being late." Then… Read more »

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Weekly Eurozone Watch – Puff the Magic Draghi

Key Data Points German 10-year bund 23 bps higher; Italy 80 bps tighter; Spain 75 bps tighter; Portugal 54 tighter wider; Ireland 24 bps tighter; Greece 91 bps wider; French… Read more »

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With cat out of the bag, to sterilize or not to sterilize?

While the WSJ is now reporting that “many ECB members were surprised by Draghi’s comments suggesting new bond buys,” the cat’s out of the bag so now there is just… Read more »

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3 Ways to Be a Success on Kickstarter

A blogger's new analysis sheds light on what may contribute to a funding project's success or failure.Amid a blogosphere debate over Kickstarter's success rate and failure visibility, blogger Jeanne Pi… Read more »

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Venture Capital Hits Highest Level Since Dot-Com Bubble

A new report finds a surge in mobile deals, a drop in health care, and a shift from Massachusetts to New York.Apparently the string of recent tech IPO disappointments hasn't… Read more »

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WSJ: Why Capitalism Has an Image Problem

There is a great essay by Charles Murray in this weekend’s WSJ titled Why Capitalism Has an Image Problem. He mentions two several reasons for the demise of capitalism in… Read more »

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Ten Pieces of Inspiration #84

Each week, I highlight ten things each week that inspired me to greater financial, personal, and professional success. Hopefully, they will inspire you as well. 1. George Orwell on those… Read more »

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