The Wayback Machine -
Thursday, 19 July 2012
U2's Bono & The Edge Perform
U2's Bono 'starstruck' after meeting Aung San Suu Kyi
Make Poverty History - Bono
Bono on the 'Late Late Show' - 1983
Bono welcomes Aung San Suu Kyi to Dublin
Sarah De Bono - Beautiful (Kirk Wu)
Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Bono and others --
U2 - So Cruel (Bono's Solo Performance)
Bono's Hidden Eugenics Agenda
Bono Delivers Penn's Commencement Address


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Bono Filmography

Bono, S. Filmography



Make changes yourself !

U2's Bono & The Edge Perform
  • Order:
  • Published: 19 Jul 2011
  • Duration: 4:30
  • Updated: 17 Jul 2012
Author: CBS
U2's Bono & The Edge perform an acoustic version of "Stuck In a Moment" for David Letterman.'s Bono & The Edge Perform "Stuck In a Moment" on David Letterman/video details
Bono-One/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 26 Nov 2006
  • Duration: 5:00
  • Updated: 14 Jul 2012
Author: sugababesnl
good song details
U2's Bono 'starstruck' after meeting Aung San Suu Kyi/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 18 Jun 2012
  • Duration: 1:51
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2012
Author: telegraphtv
Burma's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi finished the last leg of her trip to the Norwegian capital with a joint appearance with U2 frontman Bono,'s Bono 'starstruck' after meeting Aung San Suu Kyi/video details
Make Poverty History - Bono/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 13 Jul 2006
  • Duration: 2:23
  • Updated: 24 Jun 2012
Author: stephenjudge
Bono explains why 2005 is such an important year to Make Poverty History Poverty History - Bono/video details
Bono on the 'Late Late Show' - 1983/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 12 Jan 2012
  • Duration: 5:59
  • Updated: 16 Jul 2012
Author: BonoVoxRF
Follow us on Facebook: Bono, lead singer of U2, talks to Gay Byrne about making of the video of 'New Year's Day, playing the Dandelion market and why he thinks drugs are boring. He also introduces his wife Ali. © Belongs to Follow us here Thanks 4 Watching on the 'Late Late Show' - 1983/video details
Bono welcomes Aung San Suu Kyi to Dublin/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 18 Jun 2012
  • Duration: 3:40
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2012
Author: RTENewsNow
For more go to: Keep up to date with all the latest Irish and international news and current affairs with Follow us on twitter @rtenewsnow and on Facebook U2's Bono discusses the life and work of Aung San Suu Kyi with Bryan Dobson. welcomes Aung San Suu Kyi to Dublin/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 10 Jul 2012
  • Duration: 2:14
  • Updated: 13 Jul 2012
Author: ArtisanNewsService
At the Songwriters Hall Of Fame Swizz Beatz talked about the person he was inducting, Ne-Yo, but shared details with Artisan News about his collaborations with ASAP Rocky, and U2's Bono & Kanye among others. BEATZ TALKS ASAP ROCKY, KANYE WEST AND BONO COLLABO, NE-YO HALL/video details
Sarah De Bono - Beautiful (Kirk Wu)/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 13 Jul 2012
  • Duration: 2:52
  • Updated: 16 Jul 2012
Author: kirkywu123
Hey guys this is a cover of Sarah De Bono's Beautiful for her contest and gope u guys enjoy it and like it since i have only learnt the song yesterday and recorded it once before i uploaded it :) De Bono - Beautiful (Kirk Wu)/video details
Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Bono and others --
  • Order:
  • Published: 10 Apr 2012
  • Duration: 5:09
  • Updated: 16 Jul 2012
Author: rockhall
Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Bono, Bruce Springsteen, Robbie Robertson, Bonnie Raitt, Billy Joel and others perform "Let It Be" at the 1999 Hall of Fame Inductions. Visit us! Subscribe to RockHall : Facebook: Twitter: Google +: Check out all the inductees: Upcoming events: McCartney, Eric Clapton, Bono and others -- "Let It Be"/video details
U2 - So Cruel (Bono's Solo Performance)/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 09 Dec 2011
  • Duration: 2:43
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2012
Author: U2VEVO
Performance taken from From The Sky Down, a documentary film about the making of U2's Achtung Baby. Available worldwide on Blu-ray and DVD now, and in the US from 24th January 2012. Music video by U2 performing So Cruel. (C) 2011 Universal-Island Records Limited. Film & Artwork under exclusive licence to Mercury Records Limited in the UK, Interscope Records in the USA & Universal Music Group for the Rest of the World - So Cruel (Bono's Solo Performance)/video details
Bono's Hidden Eugenics Agenda/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 30 May 2012
  • Duration: 15:53
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2012
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
The scale of fraud perpetrated by U2′s Bono and the globalist cabal he fronts for is staggering. The likes of Bono, Queen Elizabeth, Al Gore and other top globalist fronts revel in guilting the public all while advancing their semi-covert eugenics and global control operation. [Check out Alex's New Social Network-'Planet Infowars''s Hidden Eugenics Agenda/video details
Bono Delivers Penn's Commencement Address/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 22 Apr 2011
  • Duration: 26:19
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2012
Lead singer of U2 Bono delivers The University of Pennsylvania 248th Commencement Address to the Class of 2004 at historic Franklin Field, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Monday May 17, 2004. The Commencement DVD for this Penn Commencement and all Penn Commencements from 1994 through the present can be purchased at Delivers Penn's Commencement Address/video details
Bono calls senator a
  • Order:
  • Published: 19 May 2012
  • Duration: 1:18
  • Updated: 14 Jul 2012
Author: CNN
Musician Bono praises Sen. Leahy and also responds to reports he's now the richest musician ever. calls senator a "Deadhead."/video details
Bono's Secret: Frontman for Genocide/video details
  • Order:
  • Published: 29 May 2012
  • Duration: 11:51
  • Updated: 15 Jul 2012
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
The scale of fraud perpetrated by U2's Bono and the globalist cabal he fronts for is staggering. Bono's ONE foundation under fire for giving little over 1% of funds to charity Costly Red Campaign Reaps Meager $18 Million Bono, Facebook and the Challenge of Following the Jesus of the Poor FACEBOOK BILLIONAIRE: Bono's investment firm rocks Facebook IPO to the tune of $1.5 billion 20 Steps Ahead, 3 Steps Back: U2's Bono could lose $342 million after Facebook shares plummet Elevation's Investment Partners Queen to make William Knight of the Thistle to mark his 30th birthday [Check out Alex's New Social Network-'Planet Infowars' Bono's Secret part 2's Secret: Frontman for Genocide/video details
  • U2's Bono & The Edge Perform "Stuck In a Moment" on David Letterman...4:30
  • Bono-One...5:00
  • U2's Bono 'starstruck' after meeting Aung San Suu Kyi...1:51
  • Make Poverty History - Bono...2:23
  • Bono on the 'Late Late Show' - 1983...5:59
  • Bono welcomes Aung San Suu Kyi to Dublin...3:40
  • Sarah De Bono - Beautiful (Kirk Wu)...2:52
  • Paul McCartney, Eric Clapton, Bono and others -- "Let It Be"...5:09
  • U2 - So Cruel (Bono's Solo Performance)...2:43
  • Bono's Hidden Eugenics Agenda...15:53
  • Bono Delivers Penn's Commencement Address...26:19
  • Bono calls senator a "Deadhead."...1:18
  • Bono's Secret: Frontman for Genocide...11:51
U2's Bono & The Edge perform an acoustic version of "Stuck In a Moment" for David Letterman.
U2's Bono & The Edge Per­form "Stuck In a Mo­ment" on David Let­ter­man
U2's Bono & The Edge per­form an acous­tic ver­sion of "Stuck In a Mo­ment" ...
pub­lished: 19 Jul 2011
au­thor: CBS
good song...
pub­lished: 26 Nov 2006
au­thor: sug­ababesnl
U2's Bono 'starstruck' after meet­ing Aung San Suu Kyi
Burma's pro-democ­ra­cy lead­er Aung San Suu Kyi fin­ished the last leg of her trip to the...
pub­lished: 18 Jun 2012
au­thor: tele­graphtv
Make Pover­ty His­to­ry - Bono
Bono ex­plains why 2005 is such an im­por­tant year to Make Pover­ty His­to­ry www.​makepover­ty­hi...
pub­lished: 13 Jul 2006
au­thor: stephen­judge
Bono on the 'Late Late Show' - 1983
Fol­low us on Face­book: www.​facebook.​com Bono, lead singer of U2, talks to Gay Byrne about ...
pub­lished: 12 Jan 2012
au­thor: BonoVoxRF
Bono wel­comes Aung San Suu Kyi to Dublin
For more go to: www.​rte.​ie Keep up to date with all the lat­est Irish and in­ter­na­tion­al new...
pub­lished: 18 Jun 2012
au­thor: RTE­News­Now
At the Song­writ­ers Hall Of Fame Swizz Beatz talked about the per­son he was in­duct­ing, Ne-Y...
pub­lished: 10 Jul 2012
Sarah De Bono - Beau­ti­ful (Kirk Wu)
Hey guys this is a cover of Sarah De Bono's Beau­ti­ful for her con­test and gope u guys ...
pub­lished: 13 Jul 2012
au­thor: kirky­wu123
Paul Mc­Cart­ney, Eric Clap­ton, Bono and oth­ers -- "Let It Be"
Paul Mc­Cart­ney, Eric Clap­ton, Bono, Bruce Spring­steen, Rob­bie Robert­son, Bon­nie Raitt, Bil...
pub­lished: 10 Apr 2012
au­thor: rock­hall
U2 - So Cruel (Bono's Solo Per­for­mance)
Per­for­mance taken from From The Sky Down, a doc­u­men­tary film about the mak­ing of U2's ...
pub­lished: 09 Dec 2011
au­thor: U2VE­VO
Bono's Hid­den Eu­gen­ics Agen­da
The scale of fraud per­pe­trat­ed by U2′s Bono and the glob­al­ist cabal he fronts for is...
pub­lished: 30 May 2012
Bono De­liv­ers Penn's Com­mence­ment Ad­dress
Lead singer of U2 Bono de­liv­ers The Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia 248th Com­mence­ment Ad­dress ...
pub­lished: 22 Apr 2011
Bono calls sen­a­tor a "Dead­head."
Mu­si­cian Bono prais­es Sen. Leahy and also re­sponds to re­ports he's now the rich­est mus...
pub­lished: 19 May 2012
au­thor: CNN
Bono's Se­cret: Front­man for Geno­cide
The scale of fraud per­pe­trat­ed by U2's Bono and the glob­al­ist cabal he fronts for is s...
pub­lished: 29 May 2012
Reeve Car­ney - Rise Above 1 ft. Bono, The Edge
Music video by Reeve Car­ney per­form­ing Rise Above 1. © 2011 In­ter­scope Records...
pub­lished: 28 Jul 2011
Whack An Egg Chal­lenge Fea­tur­ing Sarah De Bono
Watch in 1080p for best quality...​well..​durrh...
pub­lished: 01 Jul 2012
au­thor: dare­sun­days
Bono on His Dad's Final Days
"I'd go and usu­al­ly have a pint of Guin­ness and a chas­er to steady my nerves. The...
pub­lished: 09 May 2012
au­thor: blankon­blank
No Shame - Sarah De Bono (Audio)
sarah's new sin­gle, 'no shame' sarah if you see this, you are amaz­ing. fol­low ...
pub­lished: 29 Jun 2012
Bono meets the Queen Royal Acade­my Di­a­mond Ju­bilee re­cep­tion
rish rock star Bono and other well known names from the world of arts meet Queen Eliz­a­beth...
pub­lished: 23 May 2012
au­thor: tele­graphtv
U2 singer Bono took time to head to Nor­way to sup­port and talk about the gret­ness of Burme...
pub­lished: 21 Jun 2012
For the First Time Ever: Bono!
In recog­ni­tion of World AIDS Day, Bono was on the show for the very first time to talk wit...
pub­lished: 01 Dec 2011
Clan­nad and Bono - In a life­time HD 1080p
Sin­gle by Clan­nad fea­tur­ing Bono from the album Macalla "In a Life­time" is a pop...
pub­lished: 27 Feb 2012
au­thor: ver­sus54­GR

  • El presidente Leonel Fernández encabeza la entrega de bonos por un valor de 770 millones de pesos a productores de cacao que fueron afectados por los daños ocasionados por fenómenos atmosféricos entre los años 2003 y 2005.
    WN / A. Akor
  • Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva shakes hands with U2's leader Bono in Brasília, February 2006
    Creative Commons / Ricardo Stuckert/PR Agência Brasil
  • The hearing aid shop, Bonavox, that provided Hewson with the nickname
    Creative Commons / Joho345
  • Bono at the Vanity Fair kickoff party for the 2009 Tribeca Film Festival.
    Creative Commons / David Shankbone
  • Bono and Adam Clayton during a concert in Charlottesville, Virginia. Each concert of the U2 360° Tour contains between 22 and 24 songs.
    Creative Commons / John Athayde
  • Bono and The Edge of U2 at Gillette Stadium, Foxboro, MA 9/21/2009.
    Creative Commons / xrayspx
  • Bono and fans
    Creative Commons / Ikescs
  • Paul McCartney & Bono Live8
    Creative Commons / The_Admiralty
  • Bono and George Ayittey2
    Creative Commons / Erik
  • Bono and Adam Clayton during a performance of
    Creative Commons / Melicans Matkin
  • File:Paul McCartney & Bono Live8.jpg
    Creative Commons / Admiralty
  • DAVOS/SWITZERLAND, 27JAN05 - William J. Clinton, Founder, William Jefferson Clinton Foundation; President of the United States (1993-2001), William H. Gates III, Co-Founder, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Chairman and Chief Software Architect, Microsoft Corporation, USA; Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa; Tony Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Bono, Musician, DATA (Debt, AIDS and Trade in Africa), United Kingdom, and Olusegun Obasanjo, President of Nigeria (FLTR), captured befo
    Creative Commons / File Upload Bot (Magnus Manske)
  • Bono, of the musical group U2
    AP / Mark J. Terrill
  • U2 frontman Bono Vox signs autographs for fans in Brazil.
    Creative Commons / Ikescs
  • San Miguel Beermen basketball team jersey #41 Ken Bono - PBA
  • Bono and Al Gore 2008
    Creative Commons / Pjahr
  • Press conference on Delivering on Aid Promises, Impact of Food Prices on Developing Countries with, from left to right: Bob Geldof, José Manuel Barroso, President of the EC and Bono
    EC / © European Community 2008
  • Press Conference by José Manuel Barroso, President of the EC, on the left, and Bono to discuss Delivering on Aid Promises, Impact of Food Prices on Developing Countries
    EC / © European Community 2008
  • Japan's Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda,with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and Irish musician Bono /Wam2
    AP Photo / Joel Saget
  • Bono
    Creative Commons / Adrienne Wenner
  • U`2 Bono -singer.
    creative commons
  • U2 (Bono) concert.
    Creative Commons
  • President George W. Bush shares a moment with Irish rocker Bono, Sir Bob Geldof, left, and Senegalese singer Youssou N´Dour Wednesday, June 6, 2007, the Kempinski Grand Hotel in Heiligendamm, Germany, site of the 2007 G8 Summit. White House photo b
    White House/Shealah Craighead
  • Die Kanzlerin im Gespräch mit Bono und Bob Geldof (links)
    Foto: REGIERUNGonline / Bergmann
  • Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, a Columbia University Professor, gestures as he speaks at the inaugural Daniel Patrick Moynihan lecture series, Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2005 at New York University in New York. Dr. Sachs was joined by U2´s Bono as they spoke about the
    AP/Stephen Chernin
  • Bono, lead singer of U2 and representative of the “Make Poverty History” campaign . ula1
    European Community, 2007
  • Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel empfängt den Rocksänger Bono (Frontmann der irischen Band U2) zu einem Gespräch im Bundeskanzleramt.
    Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung, Bundesbildstelle
  • Presidente Lula, d. Marisa, o ministro da Cultura, Gilberto Gil, e o vocalista da banda U2, Bono Vox, na Granja do Torto .
    Ricardo Stuckert/PR
  • Brasília - E/D - ministro da Cultura, Gilberto Gil,presidente Lula e o vocalista do Grupo U2, Bono Vox, durante encontro na Granja do Torto.
    Wilson Dias/ABr
  • Presidente Lula e a primeira dama D. Mariza recebem o vocalista do Grupo U2, Bono Vox, na Granja do Torto.
    Wilson Dias/ABr

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photo: WN / Denise Yong
KLdy1 - Feb08 - Neanderthal Museum. (dy1)
18 Jul 2012
Until recently Neanderthals, who disappeared between 30,000 and 24,000 years ago, were thought to be predominantly meat-eaters. However, evidence of dietary breadth is growing as more sophisticated...

photo: AP
In this photo taken June 20, 2012, Indian Bollywood star Rajesh Khanna, right, speaks with son-in-law and Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, left, as his wife actress Dimple Kapadia looks on in Mumbai, India.
DNA India
18 Jul 2012
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Wednesday mourned the death of yesteryear Bollywood superstar Rajesh Khanna....

photo: US Navy / MCS3 Cale Hatch
File - The Military Sealift Command fleet replenishment oiler USNS Rappahannock awaits the U.S. 7th Fleet flagship USS Blue Ridge, not shown, to come alongside for a replenishment at sea.
The Independent
17 Jul 2012
The ship is part of the Fifth Fleet, which has increased its patrols in the Gulf region because of heightened tensions with Iran. Both the US and Iran have warned each other against provocative naval...

photo: AP / Oded Balilty
An Israeli man covers his face with a bandage as others, not seen, block a highway in Tel Aviv on Sunday, July 15, 2012, during a protest against the economic policies of Israel's government and to show solidarity with Moshe Silman, an Israeli protester who set himself on fire on Saturday during a protest.
17 Jul 2012
Article by Guest Writer Gilad Atzmon Israeli Generals expressed dismay yesterday over a violent assault on a senior Air Force officer perpetrated by a gang of soldiers. Ynet reported yesterday...

photo: NASA
The Petermann Glacier grinds and slides toward the sea along the northwestern coast of Greenland, terminating in a giant floating ice tongue.
BBC News
19 Jul 2012
The Petermann Glacier in northern Greenland has calved an iceberg twice the size of Manhattan, scientists say. Images from a Nasa satellite show the island breaking off a tongue of ice that extends at...

photo: AP / Earl Gibson III
Muhammad Ali receives a lifetime achievement award at the 30th Anniversary Celebration of the California African American Museum, CAAM, on Saturday Oct. 18, 2008 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Earl Gibson III)
Boston Herald
05 Jul 2012
PHILADELPHIABoxing great Muhammad Ali, known for his unabashed self-confidence inside and outside the ring as well as his outspokenness on social and humanitarian causes, is the recipient of...

  • Orange News Tweet Jennifer Lopez would love to see top rockers Bono, Jon Bon Jovi and Sir Mick Jagger as judges on American Idol following her departure...
  • New York Post Online Jennifer Lopez may be leaving “American Idol,” but she has some suggestions for the show regarding who should take her judge’s chair. And the pop diva’s thinking big. “I think big. I think Bono, or Bon Jovi or Mick Jagger,” Lopez told ABC...
  • Independent online (SA) London - Jennifer Lopez wants Bono or Jon Bon Jovi to succeed her on 'American Idol'. The singer announced she was leaving the show after two series last week, and thinks they should target a huge rock star, such as U2 frontman Bono, Bon Jovi star Jon Bon Jovi, or The Rolling Stones' Sir Mick...
  • m&c; Jennifer Lopez Jennifer Lopez wants Bono or Jon Bon Jovi to succeed her on 'American Idol'. The singer announced she was leaving the show after two series last week, and thinks they should target a huge rock star, such as the U2 and Bob Jovi star, or The Rolling Stones' Sir...
  • Houston Chronicle PRWeb Published 10:00 p.m., Thursday, July 12, 2012 Larger | Smaller Georgia (default) Verdana Times New Roman ArialFont Printable Version Email This...
  • Seattle Post As part of an ongoing commitment to giving back to the community, Sydney's boutique graphic design agency Attractivo has launched Pro Bono Initiative 2012. Alexandria, NSW (PRWEB) July 13, 2012 As part of an ongoing commitment to giving back to the community,...
  • Yahoo Daily News A junior at Shaw University, Reid has finally found the solution to his hair loss. With the support of Good Look Ink, Reid was able to undergo the permanent CTHR procedure, giving him the full head of hair he’s been longing for. “Ever since I came to GLI, I’ve changed,” said...
  • more news on: Bono

    Bono at the 2009 Tribeca Film Festival
    Background information
    Birth name Paul David Hewson
    Also known as Bono
    Born (1960-05-10) 10 May 1960 (age 52)
    Dublin, Ireland
    Origin Glasnevin, County Dublin, Ireland
    Genres Rock, post-punk, alternative rock
    Occupations Musician, singer-songwriter, activist, philanthropist
    Instruments Vocals, guitar, harmonica
    Years active 1976–present
    Associated acts U2, Passengers
    Notable instruments
    Gretsch Irish Falcon
    Gretsch Country Club

    Paul David Hewson (born 10 May 1960), most commonly known by his stage name Bono (/ˈbɒn/ BON-oh), is an Irish singer, musician, and humanitarian best known for being the main vocalist of the Dublin-based rock band U2. Bono was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, and attended Mount Temple Comprehensive School where he met his future wife, Alison Stewart, and the future members of U2.[1][2][3] Bono writes almost all U2 lyrics, often using political, social, and religious themes.[4][5] During their early years, Bono's lyrics contributed to U2's rebellious and spiritual tone.[4] As the band matured, his lyrics became inspired more by personal experiences shared with members of U2.[2][4]

    Outside the band, he has collaborated and recorded with numerous artists,[6][7][8] is managing director and a managing partner of Elevation Partners,[9] and has refurbished and owns The Clarence Hotel in Dublin with The Edge.[10][11] Bono is also widely known for his activism concerning Africa, for which he co-founded DATA, EDUN, the ONE Campaign and Product Red.[2][12] He has organised and played in several benefit concerts and has met with influential politicians.[12][13][14] Bono has been praised and criticised for his activism and involvement with U2.[15][16][17] He has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, was granted an honorary knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom, and was named as a Person of the Year by Time,[15][18][19] among other awards and nominations.


    Early life[link]

    Bono was born in the Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, on 10 May 1960.[20] He was raised in Northside suburb of Glasnevin with his brother, Norman Robert Hewson (who is eight years older than Bono), by their mother Iris (née Rankin), a Church of Ireland Anglican, and their father Brendan Robert "Bob" Hewson, a Roman Catholic.[1][2] His parents initially agreed that the first child would be raised Anglican and the second Catholic.[21] Although Bono was the second child, he also attended Church of Ireland services with his mother and brother.[21]

    The hearing aid shop, Bonavox, that provided Hewson with the nickname "Bono Vox".

    He went to the local primary Glasnevin National School.[22] Bono was 14 when his mother died on 10 September 1974 after suffering a cerebral aneurysm at her father's funeral.[2] Many U2 songs, including "I Will Follow", "Mofo", "Out of Control", "Lemon", and "Tomorrow", focus on the loss of his mother.[2][23][24] Other songs focus on the theme of childhood vs. maturity, such as "Into the Heart," "Twilight", and "Stories for Boys."[citation needed]

    Bono attended Mount Temple Comprehensive School, a multi denominational school in Clontarf. During his childhood and adolescence, Bono and his friends were part of a surrealist street gang called "Lypton Village". Bono met one of his closest friends, Guggi, in Lypton Village.[citation needed] The gang had a ritual of nickname-giving. Bono had several names: first, he was "Steinvic von Huyseman", then just "Huyseman", followed by "Houseman", "Bon Murray", "Bono Vox of O'Connell Street", and finally just "Bono".[2]

    "Bono Vox" is an alteration of Bonavox, a Latin phrase which translates to "good voice." It is said he was nicknamed "Bono Vox" by his friend Gavin Friday. Initially, Bono disliked the name. However, when he learned it loosely translated to "good voice", he accepted it. Hewson has been known as "Bono" since the late 1970s. Although he uses Bono as his stage name, close family and friends also refer to him as Bono, including his wife and fellow band members.[2]

    Personal life[link]

    Bono is married to Alison Hewson (née Stewart). Their relationship began in 1975 and the couple were married on 21 August 1982 in a Church of Ireland (Anglican) ceremony at All Saints Church, Raheny (built by the Guinness family), with Adam Clayton acting as Bono's best man.[3] The couple have four children: daughters Jordan (b. 10 May 1989) and Memphis Eve (b. 7 July 1991) and sons Elijah Bob Patricius Guggi Q (b. 18 August 1999) and John Abraham (b. 21 May 2001);[25] Memphis Eve portrayed the character Stella in the 2008 film The 27 Club.[26][27] Bono lives in Killiney in south County Dublin with his family and shares a villa in Èze in the Alpes-Maritimes in the south of France with The Edge.[28]

    Bono is almost never seen in public without sunglasses. During a Rolling Stone interview he stated:

    [I have] very sensitive eyes to light. If somebody takes my photograph, I will see the flash for the rest of the day. My right eye swells up. I've a blockage there, so that my eyes go red a lot. So it's part vanity, it's part privacy and part sensitivity.[29]

    In 2002, he was listed as one of the 100 Greatest Britons in a poll conducted among the general public,[30] despite the fact that he is Irish.

    In May 2010, Bono suffered a spinal injury while preparing for the forthcoming U2 tour, and was taken to a German clinic in Munich for emergency neurosurgery.[31][32] The entire North American leg was postponed and rescheduled into 2011.[33][34]

    Musical career[link]


    A black and white image of a light-skinned man singing into a microphone. He is visible from the chest up and wears a sleeveless black shirt with an opened sleeveless white vest overtop. A small cross is worn around his neck. His black hair is styled into a mullet. The man looks past the camera to the left. A mixture of trees and sky are visible in the background.
    Bono on stage in 1983

    On 25 September 1976, Bono, David Evans ("The Edge"), his brother Dik, and Adam Clayton responded to an advertisement on a bulletin board at Mount Temple posted by fellow student Larry Mullen Jr. to form a rock band. The band had occasional jam sessions in which they did covers of other bands. Tired of long guitar solos and hard rock, Bono wanted to play Rolling Stones and The Beach Boys songs. Unfortunately the band could not play covers very well, so they started writing their own songs.

    The band went by the name "Feedback" for a few months, before changing to "The Hype" later on. After Dik Evans left the group to join another local band, the Virgin Prunes, the remaining four officially changed the name from "The Hype" to "U2". Initially Bono sang, played guitar, and wrote the band's songs. He said of his early guitar playing in a 1982 interview, "When we started out I was the guitar player, along with the Edge—except I couldn't play guitar. I still can't. I was such a lousy guitar player that one day they broke it to me that maybe I should sing instead. I had tried before, but I had no voice at all. I remember the day I found I could sing. I said, 'Oh, that's how you do it.'"[35] When The Edge's guitar playing improved, Bono was relegated mostly to the microphone, although he occasionally still plays rhythm guitar and harmonica. As of 2006, Bono has taken piano lessons from his children's piano teacher as a means to improve his songwriting.[36]

    Bono writes the lyrics for almost all U2 songs, which are often rich in social and political themes.[4] His lyrics frequently allude to a religious connection or meaning, evident in songs such as "Gloria" from the band's album October, and "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" from The Joshua Tree.[5] During the band's early years, Bono was known for his rebellious tone which turned to political anger and rage during the band's War, The Joshua Tree and Rattle and Hum eras.[4] Following the Enniskillen bombing that left 11 dead and 63 injured on 8 November 1987, the Provisional IRA paramilitaries threatened to kidnap Bono.[2] IRA supporters also attacked a vehicle carrying the band members.[2] These acts were in response to his speech condemning the Remembrance Day Bombing during a live performance of "Sunday Bloody Sunday".[2] The singer had been advised to cut his on-stage outburst from the Rattle and Hum film, but it was left in.[37] Also featured in the film is footage of Bono spray-painting a monument during an outdoor performance; Bono was forced to pay a fine.

    Bono as his alter-ego "The Fly" on the Zoo TV Tour in 1992

    U2's sound and focus dramatically changed with their 1991 album, Achtung Baby. Bono's lyrics became more personal, inspired by experiences related to the private lives of the members of the band.[2][4] During the band's Zoo TV Tour several of his stage personas were showcased; these included "The Fly", a stereotypical rock star, the "Mirror Ball Man", a parody of American televangelists, and "Mr. MacPhisto", a combination of a corrupted rock star and the Devil.[2][4]

    During performances he attempts to interact with the crowd as often as possible and is known for pulling audience members onto the stage or moving himself down to the physical level of the audience.[2] This has happened on several occasions including at the Live Aid concert in 1985 where he leapt off the stage and pulled a woman from the crowd to dance with her as the band played "Bad", and in 2005 during U2's Vertigo Tour stop in Chicago, where he pulled a boy onto the stage during the song "An Cat Dubh / Into the Heart".[2][38] Bono has often allowed fans to come on stage and perform songs with the band.

    Bono has won numerous awards with U2, including 22 Grammy awards and the 2003 Golden Globe award for best original song, "The Hands That Built America", for the film Gangs of New York.[16][39] During the live broadcast of the ceremony, Bono called the award "really, really fucking brilliant!"[40] In response, the Parents Television Council condemned Bono for his profanity and started a campaign for its members to file complaints with the FCC.[41] Although Bono's use of "fuck" violated FCC indecency standards, the FCC refused to fine NBC because the network did not receive advance notice of the consequences of broadcasting such profanity and the profanity in question was not used in its literal sexual meaning.[42]

    U2 performing at Madison Square Garden in November 2005.

    In 2005, the U2 band members were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, in their first year of eligibility.[43] In November 2008, Rolling Stone ranked Bono the 32nd greatest singer of all-time.[44]

    Bono and his bandmates were criticised in 2007 for moving part of their multi-million euro song catalogue from Ireland to Amsterdam six months before Ireland ended a tax exemption on musicians' royalties.[17][45] Under Dutch tax law, bands are subject to low to non-existent tax rates.[17] U2's manager, Paul McGuinness, stated that the arrangement is legal and customary and businesses often seek to minimise their tax burdens.[17] The move prompted criticisms in the Irish parliament.[46][47] The band later responded by stating that approximately 95% of their business took place outside Ireland, and that they were taxed globally because of this.[48] Bono was one of several super-rich figures whose tax arrangements were singled out for criticism in a report by the charity Christian Aid in 2008.[49]


    In addition to his work with U2, he has collaborated with Frank Sinatra,[6] Johnny Cash,[7] Willie Nelson,[50] Luciano Pavarotti,[51] Sinéad O'Connor,[52] Green Day, Roy Orbison,[53] Bob Dylan,[8] Tina Turner,[54] B.B. King and Zucchero.[55][56][57] He has recorded with Ray Charles,[58] Quincy Jones, Kirk Franklin,[59] Bruce Springsteen,[60] Tony Bennett,[61] Clannad,[62] The Corrs,[63] Wyclef Jean,[64] Kylie Minogue,[65] Carl Perkins,[66] Jay-Z and Rihanna, as well as reportedly completing an unreleased duet with Jennifer Lopez.[67] On Robbie Robertson's 1987 eponymous album, he plays bass guitar and vocals.[68] On Michael Hutchence's 1999 posthumous eponymous album, Bono completed a recording of "Slide Away" as a duet with Hutchence.[69]

    Bono and The Edge also wrote the music and lyrics for the Broadway musical Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark. On May 25, 2011, a single titled "Rise Above 1: Reeve Carney Featuring Bono and The Edge" was released digitally.[70] The music video was released on 28 July 2011.[71]

    Other endeavours[link]

    Bono performing with U2 in 2011

    In 1992, Bono, along with the Edge, bought and refurbished Dublin's two-star 70-bedroom Clarence Hotel, and converted it into a five-star 49-bedroom hotel.[11]

    The Edge and Bono have also recorded several songs together, exclusive of the band. They have also been working on penning the score for the 2011 rock musical Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark.[72] Bono is a known Celtic F.C. fan,[25] and in 1998 it was rumoured that Bono intended to buy shares in the Scottish club,[73] which Bono denied.[74]

    In May 2007, MTV reported that Bono was writing the foreword for a collection of poetry entitled "Third Rail".[75] The book's foreword gives detail of the meanings of the poetry, saying "The poets who fill the pews here have come to testify, to bear witness to the mysterious power of rock and roll...Rock and roll is truly a broad church, but each lights a candle to their vision of what it is."[75] The collection, which is edited by poet Jonathan Wells, contains titles such as "Punk rock You're My Big Crybaby", "Variation on a Theme by Whitesnake", and "Vince Neil Meets Josh in a Chinese Restaurant in Malibu (After Ezra Pound)."[75]

    Bono is on the board of the Elevation Partners private-equity firm, which attempted to purchase Eidos Interactive in 2005 and has since gone on to invest in other entertainment businesses.[10][76] Bono has invested in the Forbes Media group in the US through Elevation Partners. Elevation Partners became the first outsider to invest in the company, taking a minority stake in Forbes Media LLC, a new company encompassing the 89-year-old business which includes Forbes magazine, the website and other assets. The terms of the deal were not disclosed, but reports said the stake was worth about €194 million ($250m).[77][78][79]

    In film, Bono has played the character of "Dr. Robert", an anti-war shaman, in the musical Across the Universe.[80] Also in this movie, he sang The Beatles songs "I Am the Walrus" and "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". Bono's other acting credits include cameos in 1999's Entropy and 2000's Million Dollar Hotel, the latter of which was based on a story conceived by Bono.[80] In 2000 he acted as himself in the short film Sightings of Bono, adapted from a short story by Irish writer Gerard Beirne.[80]

    Elevation Partners, of which Bono is managing direct, owns a 1.5% stake in social networking site Facebook, originally purchased for $210m.[81] Currently, his stake is valued at approximately US$ 1 billion.[82]

    Humanitarian work[link]

    Bono with then President Lula da Silva of Brazil in 2006

    Bono has become one of the world's best-known philanthropic performers and was named the most politically effective celebrity of all time by the National Journal.[83][84][85] He has been dubbed, "the face of fusion philanthropy",[86] both for his success enlisting powerful allies from a diverse spectrum of leaders in government, religious institutions, philanthropic organisations, popular media, and the business world, as well as for spearheading new organizational networks that bind global humanitarian relief with geopolitical activism and corporate commercial enterprise.[87]

    In a 1986 interview with Rolling Stone magazine, Bono explained that he was motivated to become involved in social and political causes by seeing one of the Secret Policeman's Ball benefit shows, staged by John Cleese and producer Martin Lewis for the human-rights organisation Amnesty International in 1979.[88] "I saw 'The Secret Policeman’s Ball' and it became a part of me. It sowed a seed..." In 2001, Bono arranged for U2 to videotape a special live performance for that year's Amnesty benefit show.

    Bono and U2 performed on Amnesty's Conspiracy Of Hope tour of the United States in 1986 alongside Sting.[13] U2 also performed in the Band Aid and Live Aid projects, organised by Bob Geldof.[89] In 1984, Bono sang on the Band Aid single "Do They Know it's Christmas?/Feed the World" (a role that was reprised on the 2004 Band Aid 20 single of the same name).[90] Geldof and Bono later collaborated to organise the 2005 Live 8 project, where U2 also performed.[14]

    Bono and then U.S. President George W. Bush in 2006

    Since 1999, Bono has become increasingly involved in campaigning for third-world debt relief and raising awareness of the plight of Africa, including the AIDS pandemic. In the past decade Bono has met with several influential politicians, including former United States President George W. Bush and former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin.[91] During a March 2002 visit to the White House, after President Bush unveiled a $5 billion aid package, he accompanied the President for a speech on the White House lawn where he stated, "This is an important first step, and a serious and impressive new level of commitment. ... This must happen urgently, because this is a crisis."[91] In May of that year, Bono took US Treasury Secretary Paul H. O'Neill on a four-country tour of Africa. In contrast, in 2005, Bono spoke on CBC Radio, alleging then Prime Minister Martin was being slow about increasing Canada's foreign aid.[92] He was a nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003, 2005, and 2006 for his philanthropy.[15][93][94]

    In 2004, he was awarded the Pablo Neruda International Presidential Medal of Honour from the Government of Chile.[95] Time Magazine named Bono one of the "100 Most Influential People" in its May 2004 special issue,[96] and again in the 2006 Time 100 special issue.[97] In 2005, Time named Bono a Person of the Year along with Bill and Melinda Gates.[19] Also in 2005, he received the Portuguese Order of Liberty for his humanitarian work.[98] That year Bono was also among the first three recipients of the TED Prize, which grants each winner "A wish to change the world".[99] Bono made three wishes,[100] the first two related to the ONE campaign and the third that every hospital, health clinic and school in Ethiopia should be connected to the Internet. TED rejected the third wish as being a sub-optimal way for TED to help Africa[100] and instead organised a TED conference in Arusha, Tanzania. Bono attended the conference, which was held in June 2007, and attracted headlines[101] with his foul-mouthed heckling of a speech by Andrew Mwenda.

    Bono at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, 2008.

    In 2007, Bono was named in the UK's New Years Honours List as an honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.[18][102] He was formally granted knighthood on 29 March 2007 in a ceremony at the residence of British Ambassador David Reddaway in Dublin, Ireland.[103]

    Bono also received the NAACP Image Award's Chairman's Award in 2007.[104] On 24 May 2007, the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia announced that Bono would receive the Philadelphia Liberty Medal on 27 September 2007 for his work to end world poverty and hunger.[105] On 28 September 2007, in accepting the Liberty Medal, Bono said, "When you are trapped by poverty, you are not free. When trade laws prevent you from selling the food you grew, you are not free, ... When you are a monk in Burma this very week, barred from entering a temple because of your gospel of peace ... well, then none of us are truly free." Bono donated the $100,000 prize to the organisation. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala accepted the award for the Washington-based Debt AIDS Trade Africa.[106]

    In 2005 he recorded a version of Don't Give Up with Alicia Keys, with proceeds going to Keep a Child Alive.[107]

    On 15 December 2005, Paul Theroux published an op-ed in the New York Times called The Rock Star's Burden (cf. Kipling's The White Man's Burden) that criticised stars such as Bono, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie, labelling them as "mythomaniacs, people who wish to convince the world of their worth." Theroux, who lived in Africa as a Peace Corps Volunteer, added that "the impression that Africa is fatally troubled and can be saved only by outside help—not to mention celebrities and charity concerts—is a destructive and misleading conceit."[108] Elsewhere, Bono has been criticised, along with other celebrities, for "[ignoring] the legitimate voices of Africa and [turning] a global movement for justice into a grand orgy of narcissistic philanthropy".[109]

    Bono meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama in 2010.

    On 3 April 2005, Bono paid a personal tribute to John Paul II and called him "a street fighter and a wily campaigner on behalf of the world's poor. We would never have gotten the debts of 23 countries completely cancelled without him."[110] Bono spoke in advance of President Bush at the 54th Annual National Prayer Breakfast, held at the Hilton Washington Hotel on 2 February 2006. In a speech containing biblical references, Bono encouraged the care of the socially and economically depressed. His comments included a call for an extra one percent tithe of the United States' national budget. He brought his Christian views into harmony with other faiths by noting that Christian, Jewish, and Muslim writings all call for the care of the widow, orphan, and stranger. President Bush received praise from the singer-activist for the United States' increase in aid for the African continent. Bono continued by saying much work is left to be done to be a part of God's ongoing purposes.[12]

    The organisation DATA (Debt, AIDS, Trade, Africa) was established in 2002 by Bono and Bobby Shriver, along with activists from the Jubilee 2000 Drop the Debt Campaign.[111] DATA aims to eradicate poverty and HIV/AIDS in Africa.[111] DATA encourages Americans to contact senators and other legislators and elected officials to voice their opinions.[111]

    In early 2005, Bono, his wife Ali Hewson, and New York-based Irish fashion designer Rogan Gregory launched the socially conscious line EDUN in an attempt to shift the focus in Africa from aid to trade.[112] EDUN's goal is to use factories in Africa, South America, and India that provide fair wages to workers and practice good business ethics to create a business model that will encourage investment in developing nations.[113]

    Bono after accepting the Philadelphia Liberty Medal on 27 September 2007.

    Bono was a special guest editor of the July 2007 issue of Vanity Fair magazine. The issue was named "The Africa Issue: Politics & Power" and featured an assortment of 20 different covers, with photographs by Annie Leibovitz of a number of prominent celebrities, political leaders, and philanthropists. Each one showcased in the issue for their contributions to the humanitarian relief in Africa.[114]

    In an article in Bloomberg Markets in March 2007, journalists Richard Tomlinson and Fergal O’Brien noted that Bono used his band's 2006 Vertigo world tour to promote his ONE Campaign while at the same time "U2 was racking up $389 million in gross ticket receipts, making Vertigo the second-most lucrative tour of all time, according to Billboard magazine. . . . Revenue from the Vertigo tour is funnelled through companies that are mostly registered in Ireland and structured to minimise taxes."[115]

    Further criticism came in November 2007, when Bono's various charity campaigns were targeted by Jobs Selasie, head of African Aid Action. Selasie claimed that these charities had increased corruption and dependency in Africa because they failed to work with African entrepreneurs and grassroots organisations, and as a result, Africa has become more dependent on international handouts.[116] Bono responded to his critics in Times Online on 19 February 2006, calling them "cranks carping from the sidelines. A lot of them wouldn’t know what to do if they were on the field. They’re the party who will always be in opposition so they’ll never have to take responsibility for decisions because they know they’ll never be able to implement them."[117]

    In November 2007, Bono was honoured by NBC Nightly News as someone "making a difference" in the world.[118] He and anchor Brian Williams had travelled to Africa in May 2007 to showcase the humanitarian crisis on the continent.[119] On 11 December 2008, Bono was given the annual Man of Peace prize, awarded by several Nobel Peace Prize laureates in Paris, France.[120]

    Product Red is another initiative begun by Bono and Bobby Shriver to raise money for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria.[121] Bobby Shriver has been announced as the CEO of Product Red, whilst Bono is currently an active public spokesperson for the brand. Product Red is a brand that is licensed to partner companies, such as American Express, Apple, Converse, Motorola, Microsoft, Dell, The Gap, and Giorgio Armani.[122] Each company creates a product with the Product Red logo and a percentage of the profits from the sale of these labelled products will go to the Global Fund.[123]

    See also[link]


    1. ^ a b "U2 Biography—Bono". 2006. Retrieved 3 May 2007. 
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    112. ^ EDUN (Unknown last update). About EDUN. Retrieved 24 March 2007
    113. ^ EDUN. (Unknown Last Update) FAQs. Retrieved 14 January 2007
    114. ^ "The Africa Issue: Politics & Power", Vanity Fair July 2007. [3] The concept behind the 20 covers was termed as to represent a "visual chain letter". The covers feature Don Cheadle, Barack Obama, Muhammad Ali, Bono, Queen Rania of Jordan, Condoleezza Rice, George W. Bush, Desmond Tutu, Brad Pitt, Djimon Hounsou, Madonna, Maya Angelou, Chris Rock, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney, Jay-Z, Alicia Keys, and Iman Abdulmajid
    115. ^ Bloomberg Markets, "Bono Inc", March 2007
    116. ^ "Bono and Bob Geldof increase Africa's problems say charity", NME 23 November 2007
    117. ^ Michka Assayas meets Bono, Times Online, 19 February 2006
    118. ^ "Bono thanks you," NBC Nightly News, 3 November 2007
    119. ^ "Brian Williams in Africa,", NBC Nightly News, May 2007
    120. ^ Nobel laureates crown U2's Bono 'man of peace'. (2008-12-12). Retrieved on 2011-02-13.
    121. ^ Persuaders, LLC. (2007). What RED Is, How RED Works. Retrieved 4 July 2007
    122. ^ Persuaders, LLC. (2007). Products. Retrieved 4 July 2007
    123. ^ Smykil, J. (4 November 2006). Update: The Other Red meat "charity". Message posted to; Macintouch Reader Reports. (7 November 2006). Fraud Reports: Jack Campbell. Retrieved 14 January 2007, from

    External links[link]

    Related pages:Боно (músico)

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    This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

    The Edge
    Background information
    Birth name David Howell Evans
    Born (1961-08-08) 8 August 1961 (age 50)
    Barking, Essex, England, United Kingdom
    Origin County Dublin, Ireland
    Genres Rock, post-punk, alternative rock
    Occupations Musician, songwriter, activist
    Instruments Guitar, vocals, keyboards, piano, bass guitar
    Years active 1976–present
    Labels Island, Mercury
    Associated acts U2, Passengers
    Notable instruments
    Gibson Explorer
    Fender Stratocaster
    Gibson Les Paul
    Fender Telecaster
    Gretsch Country Gentleman
    Gretsch White Falcon
    Rickenbacker 330/12

    David Howell Evans (born 8 August 1961), more widely known by his stage name The Edge (or just Edge),[1] is a musician best known as the guitarist, backing vocalist, and keyboardist of the Irish rock band U2. A member of the group since its inception, he has recorded 12 studio albums with the band and has released one solo record. As a guitarist, The Edge has crafted a minimalistic and textural style of playing. His use of a rhythmic delay effect yields a distinctive ambient, chiming sound that has become a signature of U2's music.

    The Edge was born in England to a Welsh family, but was raised in Ireland after moving there as an infant. In 1976, at Mount Temple Comprehensive School, he formed U2 with his fellow students and his older brother Dik. Inspired by the ethos of punk rock and its basic arrangements, the group began to write its own material. They eventually became one of the most popular acts in popular music, with successful albums such as 1987's The Joshua Tree and 1991's Achtung Baby. Over the years, The Edge has experimented with various guitar effects and introduced influences from several genres of music into his own style, including American roots music, industrial music, and alternative rock. With U2, The Edge has also played keyboards, co-produced their 1993 record Zooropa, and occasionally contributed lyrics. The Edge met his second and current wife, Morleigh Steinberg, through her collaborations with the band.

    As a member of U2 and as an individual, The Edge has campaigned for human rights and philanthropic causes. He co-founded Music Rising, a charity to support musicians affected by Hurricane Katrina. He has collaborated with U2 bandmate Bono on several projects, including songs for Roy Orbison and Tina Turner, and the soundtracks to the musical Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark and the Royal Shakespeare Company's London stage adaptation of A Clockwork Orange. In 2011, Rolling Stone magazine placed him at number 38 on its list of "The 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time".


    Personal life[link]

    The Edge at a U2 concert in Anaheim (2005)

    David Howell Evans was born at the Barking Maternity Hospital,[2] Essex, England to Welsh parents Garvin and Gwenda Evans.[1] When he was one, his family moved to County Dublin, Ireland where he attended St Andrew's National School. He received piano and guitar lessons and often performed with his brother Dik Evans before they both answered an advertisement posted by Larry Mullen, Jr. at their school, Mount Temple Comprehensive School, seeking musicians to form a band.[3] The band accepted both of them. This band went through several incarnations before emerging as U2 in March 1978 (Dik Evans left the band just before the name change).[3] U2 began performing in various venues in Ireland and eventually began developing a following. Their debut album, Boy, was released in 1980.

    In 1981, leading up to the October tour, Evans came very close to leaving U2 for religious reasons, but he decided to stay.[3] During this period, he became involved with a group called Shalom Tigers, in which bandmates Bono and Larry Mullen Jr. were also involved.[4] Shortly after deciding to remain with the band, he wrote a piece of music that later became "Sunday Bloody Sunday".[3] The Edge married his high school girlfriend Aislinn O'Sullivan on 12 July 1983.[5] The couple had three daughters together: Hollie in 1984, Arran in 1985 and Blue Angel in 1989.[4] The couple separated in 1990, but were unable to get officially divorced because of Irish laws regarding marriage annulment; divorce was legalised in 1995 and the couple were legally divorced in 1996.[4]

    In 1993, The Edge began dating Morleigh Steinberg, a professional dancer and choreographer employed by the band as a belly dancer during the Zoo TV Tour. They had a daughter, Sian (born 1997), and a son, Levi (born 25 October 1999),[4] before marrying on 22 June 2002.[4] He appeared in the 2009 music documentary film It Might Get Loud.[6] The Edge has been criticized for his efforts to build five luxury mansions on a 156 acre plot of land in Malibu, California.[7] The California Coastal Commission voted 8-4 against the plans, with the project described by the commission's executive director, Peter Douglas, as "In 38 of the three worst projects that I've seen in terms of environmental devastation...It's a contradiction in terms – you can't be serious about being an environmentalist and pick this location."[7] The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy agreed to remain neutral on the issue following a $1 million donation from The Edge and a commitment from The Edge to designate 100 acres of the land as open space for public footpaths.[7]

    Music style[link]

    "Notes actually do mean something. They have power. I think of notes as being expensive. You don't just throw them around. I find the ones that do the best job and that's what I use. I suppose I'm a minimalist instinctively. I don't like to be inefficient if I can get away with it. Like on the end of 'With or Without You'. My instinct was to go with something very simple. Everyone else said, 'Nah, you can't do that.' I won the argument and I still think it's sort of brave, because the end of 'With or Without You' could have been so much bigger, so much more of a climax, but there's this power to it which I think is even more potent because it's held back... ultimately I'm interested in music. I'm a musician. I'm not a gunslinger. That's the difference between what I do and what a lot of guitar heroes do."

    —The Edge in 1991.[8]

    Guitar playing[link]

    As a guitar player, The Edge has a sound typified by a low-key playing style, a chiming, shimmering sound (thanks in part to the sound of VOX AC-30s) that he achieves with extensive use of delay effects and reverb. The feedback delay is often set to a dotted eighth note (3/16 of a measure), and the feedback gain is adjusted until a note played repeats two or three times.[citation needed]

    On 1987's The Joshua Tree, The Edge often contributes just a few simple lead lines given depth and richness by an ever-present delay. For example, the introduction to "Where the Streets Have No Name" is simply a repeated six-note arpeggio, broadened by a modulated delay effect. The Edge has said that he views musical notes as "expensive", in that he prefers to play as few notes as possible. He said in 1982 of his style,

    "I like a nice ringing sound on guitar, and most of my chords I find two strings and make them ring the same note, so it's almost like a 12-string sound. So for E I might play a B, E, E and B and make it ring. It works very well with the Gibson Explorer. It's funny because the bass end of the Explorer was so awful that I used to stay away from the low strings, and a lot of the chords I played were very trebly, on the first four, or even three strings. I discovered that through using this one area of the fretboard I was developing a very stylized way of doing something that someone else would play in a normal way."[9]

    Many different influences have shaped The Edge's guitar technique.[citation needed] His first guitar was an old acoustic guitar that his mother bought him at a local flea market for only a few pounds; he was nine at the time. He and his brother Dik Evans both experimented with this instrument.[9] He said in 1982 of this early experimentation, "I suppose the first link in the chain was a visit to the local jumble sale where I purchased a guitar for a pound. That was my first instrument. It was an acoustic guitar and me and my elder brother Dik both played it, plonking away, all very rudimentary stuff, open chords and all that."[9] The Edge has stated that many of his guitar parts are based around guitar effects. This is especially true from the Achtung Baby era onwards, although much of the band's 1980s material made heavy use of echos.


    The Edge in June 2005

    The Edge also supplies the backing vocals for U2. U2's 1983 live album and video release, Under a Blood Red Sky and Live at Red Rocks: Under a Blood Red Sky are good reference points for his singing (as are the live DVDs from the Elevation Tour, U2 Go Home: Live from Slane Castle and Elevation 2001: Live from Boston). For example, he sings the chorus to "Sunday Bloody Sunday" (Bono harmonizes on the final 'Sunday'). U2 used this tradeoff technique later in "Bullet the Blue Sky" as well. His backing vocals are sometimes in the form of a repeated cry; examples of songs that use this approach include "Beautiful Day", "New Year's Day" and "Stay (Faraway, So Close!)". Another technique he uses in his backing vocals is the falsetto, in songs such as "Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out Of", "Sometimes You Can't Make It on Your Own", "A Man and a Woman", "The Wanderer", live versions of "The Fly", and "Window in the Skies".

    The Edge sings the lead vocal on "Van Diemen's Land" and "Numb", the first half of the song "Seconds", dual vocals with Bono in "Discotheque", and the bridge in the song "Miracle Drug".[4] He also sings the occasional lead vocal in live renditions of other songs (such as "Sunday Bloody Sunday" during the PopMart Tour and "Party Girl" during the Rotterdam Zoo TV show when it was Bono's birthday).[10] He also plays a solo acoustic version of the song "Love is Blindness" that is featured in the documentary film From the Sky Down.

    Other instruments[link]

    He has played piano and keyboards on many of the band's songs, including "I Fall Down", "October", "So Cruel", "New Year's Day", "Running to Stand Still", "Miss Sarajevo", "The Hands that Built America", and "Original of the Species" and others. He plays the organ on "Please". In live versions of "New Year's Day", "The Unforgettable Fire", "Your Blue Room", and "Moment of Surrender", he plays both the piano and guitar parts alternately. In most live versions of "Original of the Species," piano is the only instrument played during the song. Although The Edge is the band's lead guitarist, he occasionally plays bass guitar, including the live performances of the song "40" where The Edge and bassist Adam Clayton switch instruments.

    Solo recordings[link]

    In addition to his regular role within U2, The Edge has also recorded with such artists as Johnny Cash, B. B. King, Tina Turner, Ronnie Wood, Jay-Z, and Rihanna. The Edge connected with Brian Eno and Lanois collaborator Michael Brook (the creator of the infinite guitar, which he regularly uses), working with him on the score to the film Captive (1986). From this soundtrack the song "Heroine", the vocal of which was sung by a young Sinéad O'Connor was released as a single.

    He also created the theme song for season one and two of The Batman. He and fellow U2 member, Bono, wrote the lyrics to the theme of the 1995 James Bond film GoldenEye. The Edge, along with bandmate Bono, recently composed a musical adaptation of Spider-Man. On May 25, 2011, a single titled Rise Above 1: Reeve Carney Featuring Bono and The Edge was released digitally.[11] The music video was released on July 28, 2011.[12]

    Musical equipment[link]

    Edge's 1964 Vox AC30 on stage in Foxborough for the U2 360° Tour.

    The Edge plays electric guitar, acoustic guitar, keyboards, piano, bass guitar (on "40" and "Race Against Time") and lap steel guitar. Compared to many lead guitarists, The Edge is known for using many more guitars during a show. According to his guitar tech Dallas Schoo, a typical lead guitarist uses four or five different guitars in one night, whereas The Edge takes 45 on the road, and uses 17 to 19 in one 2.5-hour concert. He is estimated to have more than 200 guitars in the studio.[citation needed]


    In 2005, The Edge along with Bob Ezrin and Henry Juszkiewicz co-founded Music Rising, a charity that helped provide replacement instruments for those that were lost in Hurricane Katrina. The instruments were originally only replaced for professional musicians but they soon realized the community churches and schools needed instruments as well. The charity's slogan is "Rebuilding the Gulf Region note by note" and has so far helped over a hundred musicians who were affected by Hurricane Katrina. The Edge also serves on the board of the Angiogenesis Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving global health by advancing angiogenesis-based medicine, diets, and lifestyle.[13]

    See also[link]


    1. ^ a b McCormick (2006), p. 21
    2. ^ Dunphy (1988), p. 70
    3. ^ a b c d McCormick (2006), pp. 117–120
    4. ^ a b c d e f "The Edge biography (@U2)". Retrieved 9 September 2007. 
    5. ^ McCormick (2006), p. 144
    6. ^ "It Might Get Loud". Retrieved 20 March 2010. 
    7. ^ a b c "U2 star's plans push Malibu over the edge". The Independent. 18 June 2011. 
    8. ^ Flanagan (1996), p. 43
    9. ^ a b c "On the Edge of Success". U2 Magazine No. 3. 1 May 1982. Retrieved 6 November 2007. 
    10. ^ "U2 Rotterdam, 10 May 1993, Feyenoord Stadion, ZOO TV Tour – U1". 
    11. ^ Rise Above 1 by Reeve Carney feat. Bono and the Edge | Rolling Stone Music | Album Reviews. (2011-05-26). Retrieved on 2011-07-29.
    12. ^ 'Spider-Man' star Reeve Carney in new video with Bono, the Edge (2011-07-28) Retrieved on 2011-07-29.
    13. ^ "The Angiogenesis Foundation: People". Retrieved 12/7/2009. 

    External links[link]

    Related pages:Эдж Edge

    This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia -

    This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

    David Letterman

    Letterman performing on his show in June 2011.
    Pseudonym Earl Hofert
    Born (1947-04-12) April 12, 1947 (age 65)
    Indianapolis, Indiana, United States[1]
    Medium Stand-up, talk show
    Nationality American
    Years active 1974–present
    Genres Observational comedy, surreal humor, deadpan
    Subject(s) Self-deprecation, everyday life
    Influences Steve Allen,[citation needed] Johnny Carson,[2] Jack Paar,[citation needed] Paul Dixon[3]
    Influenced Jimmy Kimmel, Jim Gaffigan, Jon Stewart, Conan O'Brien, Jimmy Fallon
    Spouse Michelle Cook (1969–1977)
    Regina Lasko (2009–present)
    Domestic partner(s) Regina Lasko (1986–2009)
    Notable works and roles Host of The David Letterman Show (NBC)
    Host of Late Night with David Letterman (NBC)
    Host of Late Show with David Letterman (CBS)
    Signature David Letterman Autograph.svg
    Emmy Awards
    Outstanding Host or Hostess in a Variety Series
    1981 The David Letterman Show
    Outstanding Individual Achievement — Writers
    1981 The David Letterman Show
    Outstanding Writing in a Variety or Music Program
    1984 Late Night with David Letterman
    1985 Late Night with David Letterman
    1986 Late Night with David Letterman
    1987 Late Night with David Letterman
    Outstanding Variety, Music or Comedy Series
    1994 Late Show with David Letterman
    American Comedy Awards
    Funniest Male Performer in a TV Special (Leading or Supporting) Network, Cable or Syndication
    1989 Late Night with David Letterman
    1995 Late Show with David Letterman: Video Special
    Funniest Male Performer in a TV Series (Leading Role) Network, Cable or Syndication
    1994 Late Show with David Letterman
    2001 Late Show with David Letterman

    David Michael Letterman (born April 12, 1947) is an American television host and comedian.[1] He hosts the late night television talk show, Late Show with David Letterman, broadcast on CBS. Letterman has been a fixture on late night television since the 1982 debut of Late Night with David Letterman on NBC. Letterman recently surpassed friend and mentor Johnny Carson for having the longest late-night hosting career in the United States of America.[4]

    Letterman is also a television and film producer. His company Worldwide Pants produces his show as well as its network follow-up The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. Worldwide Pants has also produced several prime-time comedies, the most successful of which was Everybody Loves Raymond, currently in syndication.

    In 1996, David Letterman was ranked #45 on TV Guide's 50 Greatest TV Stars of All Time.[5]


    Early life and career[link]

    Letterman was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. His father, Harry Joseph Letterman (April 1915 – February 1973),[6] was a florist of British descent; his mother Dorothy Letterman (née Hofert, now Dorothy Mengering), a Presbyterian church secretary of German descent, is an occasional figure on the show, usually at holidays and birthdays.

    Letterman lived on the north side of Indianapolis (Broad Ripple area), not far from Speedway, IN, and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and he enjoyed collecting model cars, including racers.[7] In 2000, he told an interviewer for Esquire that, while growing up, he admired his father's ability to tell jokes and be the life of the party. Harry Joseph Letterman survived a heart attack at age 36, when David was a young boy. The fear of losing his father was constantly with Letterman as he grew up.[8] The elder Letterman died of a second heart attack[9] at age 57.

    Letterman attended his hometown's Broad Ripple High School at the same time as Marilyn Tucker (future wife of Dan Quayle) and worked as a stock boy at the local Atlas supermarket.[10] According to the Ball State Daily News, he originally had wanted to attend Indiana University, but his grades weren't good enough, so he decided to attend Ball State University, in Muncie, Indiana.[11] He is a member of the Sigma Chi Fraternity, and he graduated from what was then the Department of Radio and Television, in 1969. A self-described average student, Letterman endowed a scholarship for what he called "C students" at Ball State.[12]

    Though he registered for the draft and passed his physical after graduating from college, he was not drafted for service in Vietnam due to receiving a draft lottery number of 352 (out of 365).[13]

    Letterman began his broadcasting career as an announcer and newscaster at the college's student-run radio stationWBST—a 10-watt campus station which now is part of Indiana Public Radio.[14] He was fired for treating classical music with irreverence.[14]

    Letterman then became involved with the founding of another campus station—WAGO-AM 570 (now WWHI, 91.3).[15]

    Letterman credits Paul Dixon—host of the Paul Dixon Show, a Cincinnati-based talk show also shown in Indianapolis while Letterman was growing up—for inspiring his choice of career:[3]

    "I was just out of college [in 1969], and I really didn't know what I wanted to do. And then all of a sudden I saw him doing it [on TV]. And I thought: That's really what I want to do!"


    Letterman began his career as a radio talk show host on WNTS (AM), and on Indianapolis television station WLWI (now called WTHR) as an anchor, and weatherman. He received some attention for his unpredictable on-air behavior, which included congratulating a tropical storm for being upgraded to a hurricane and predicting hail stones "the size of canned hams."[16] He would also occasionally report the weather and the day's very high and low temps for fictitious cities ("Eight inches of snow in Bingree and surrounding areas.") while on another occasion saying that a state border had been erased.[17] ("From space you can see the border between Indiana and Ohio has been erased. I'm not in favor of this.") He also starred in a local kiddie show, made wisecracks as host of a late night TV show called "Freeze-Dried Movies" (he once acted out a scene from "Godzilla" using plastic dinosaurs),[18] and hosted a talk show that aired early on Saturday mornings called "Clover Power,"[19] in which he interviewed 4-H members about their projects.[20]

    In 1971, Letterman appeared as a pit road reporter for ABC Sports' tape-delayed coverage of the Indianapolis 500.[21] David initially is introduced as Chris Economaki in his job as a corner reporter. Letterman interviews Mario Andretti who has just crashed out of the race and asks him a question about traffic on the course.

    Move to Los Angeles[link]

    In 1975, encouraged by his then-wife Michelle and several of his Sigma Chi fraternity brothers, Letterman moved to Los Angeles, California, with hope of becoming a comedy writer.[22] He started off by writing material for comedian Jimmie Walker.[23] He also began performing stand-up comedy at The Comedy Store, a proving ground for unknown comics.

    In the summer of 1977, Letterman was a writer and regular on the six-week summer series The Starland Vocal Band Show, broadcast on CBS.[24] He hosted a 1977 pilot for a game show entitled The Riddlers[25][26] that was never picked up and co-starred in the Barry Levinson-produced comedy special Peeping Times that aired in January 1978. Later that year, Letterman was a cast member on Mary Tyler Moore's variety show, Mary.[27] Letterman made a guest appearance on Mork & Mindy (as a parody of EST leader Werner Erhard[28]) and appearances on game shows such as The $20,000 Pyramid,[29] The Gong Show, Password Plus[30] and Liar's Club, as well as talk shows such as The Mike Douglas Show.[31] He was also screen tested for the lead role in the 1980 film Airplane!, a role that eventually went to Robert Hays.[32]

    His dry, sarcastic humor caught the attention of scouts for The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, and Letterman was soon a regular guest on the show. Letterman became a favorite of Carson's and was a regular guest host for the show beginning in 1978. Letterman credits Carson as the person who influenced his career the most.[2]


    Letterman at the 38th Primetime Emmy Awards in 1986

    Morning show[link]

    On June 23, 1980, Letterman was given his own morning comedy show on NBC, The David Letterman Show. It was originally 90 minutes long, but was shortened to 60 minutes in August 1980.[33] The show was a critical success, winning two Emmy Awards, but was a ratings disappointment and was canceled in October 1980.

    [edit] Late Night with David Letterman

    NBC kept Letterman under contract to try him in a different time slot. Late Night with David Letterman debuted February 1, 1982; the first guest on the first show was Bill Murray.[34] Murray also guested on January 31, 2012 – 30 years later. The show ran Monday through Thursday at 12:30 a.m. Eastern Time, immediately following The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (a Friday night broadcast was added in June 1987). It was seen as being edgy and unpredictable, and soon developed a cult following (particularly among college students). Letterman's reputation as an acerbic interviewer was borne out in verbal sparring matches with Cher[35] (who even called him an asshole on the show), Shirley MacLaine,[36] Charles Grodin, and Madonna. The show also featured comedy segments and running characters, in a style heavily influenced by the 1950s and 1960s programs of Steve Allen.[37] Although Ernie Kovacs is often cited as an influence on the show,[38] Letterman has denied this.[2]

    The show often featured quirky, genre-mocking regular features, including "Stupid Pet Tricks[39] ", dropping various objects off the roof of a five-story building,[40] demonstrations of unorthodox clothing (such as suits made of Alka-Seltzer,[41] Velcro[42] and suet), a recurring Top 10 list, the Monkey-Cam[43] (and the Audience Cam), and a facetious letter-answering segment.[44] The Top 10 list, several "Film[s] by My Dog Bob" in which a camera was mounted on Letterman's own dog[45] (often with comic results), Stupid Human Tricks,[46] Small Town News,[47] and Stupid Pet Tricks[48] (which had its origins on Letterman's morning show) all eventually moved with Letterman to CBS.

    Other memorable moments included Letterman using a bullhorn to interrupt a live interview on The Today Show, announcing that he was the NBC president while not wearing any pants; interrupting Al Roker on WNBC-TV's broadcast of Live at Five by walking into their studio (which occupied the same floor of 30 Rockefeller Plaza as Letterman's studio); and staging "elevator races", complete with commentary by NBC Sports' Bob Costas. In one infamous appearance, in 1982, Andy Kaufman (who was already wearing a neck brace) appeared to be slapped and knocked to the ground by professional wrestler Jerry Lawler (though Lawler and Kaufman's friend Bob Zmuda later revealed that the event was staged.)[49] In another memorable exchange, sex expert Dr. Ruth Westheimer included cucumbers in a list of handy sex objects that women could find at home. The following night, guest Ted Koppel asked Letterman "May I insert something here?" and Dave responded "OK, as long as it's not a cucumber."[citation needed]

    [edit] Late Show with David Letterman

    In 1992, Johnny Carson retired, and many fans believed that Letterman would become host of The Tonight Show. When NBC instead gave the job to Jay Leno, Letterman departed NBC to host his own late-night show on CBS, opposite The Tonight Show at 11:30 p.m., called the Late Show with David Letterman. The new show debuted on August 30, 1993 and was taped at the historic Ed Sullivan Theater, where Ed Sullivan taped his eponymous variety series from 1948 to 1971. For Letterman's arrival, CBS spent $8 million in renovations.[50] In addition to that cost, CBS also signed Letterman to a lucrative three-year, $14 million/year contract,[51] doubling his Late Night salary. The total cost for everything (renovations, negotiation right paid to NBC, signing Letterman, announcer Bill Wendell, Shaffer, the writers and the band) was over $140 million.

    But while the expectation was that Letterman would retain his unique style and sense of humor with the move, Late Show was not an exact replica of his old NBC program. Recognizing the more formal mood (and wider audience) of his new time slot and studio, Letterman eschewed his trademark blazer with khaki pants and white sneakers wardrobe combination in favor of expensive shoes, tailored suits and light-colored socks. The monologue was lengthened and Paul Shaffer and the "World's Most Dangerous Band" followed Letterman to CBS, but they added a brass section and were rebranded the "CBS Orchestra" as a short monologue and a small band were mandated by Carson while Letterman occupied the 12:30 slot. Additionally, because of intellectual property disagreements, Letterman was unable to import many of his Late Night segments verbatim,[52] but he sidestepped this problem by simply renaming them (the "Top Ten List" became the "Late Show Top Ten", "Viewer Mail" became the "CBS Mailbag", etc.)


    The main competitor of The Late Show is NBC's The Tonight Show, which was hosted by Jay Leno for nearly 16 years, but from June 1, 2009, to January 22, 2010, was hosted by Conan O'Brien. In 1993 and 1994, The Late Show consistently gained higher ratings than The Tonight Show. But in 1995, ratings dipped and Leno's show consistently beat Letterman's in the ratings from the time that Hugh Grant came on Leno's show after Grant's arrest for soliciting a prostitute.;[53] Leno typically attracted about 5 million nightly viewers between 1999 and 2009. The Late Show lost nearly half its audience during its competition with Leno, attracting 7.1 million viewers nightly in its 1993–94 season and about 3.8 million per night as of Leno's departure in 2009.[54] In the final months of his first stint as host of The Tonight Show, Leno beat Letterman in the ratings by a 1.3 million viewer margin (5.2 million to 3.9 million), and Nightline and The Late Show were virtually tied.[55] Once O'Brien took over Tonight, however, Letterman closed the gap in the ratings.[56][57][58] O'Brien initially drove the median age of Tonight Show viewers from 55 to 45, with most older viewers opting to watch The Late Show instead.[59]

    Following Leno's return to The Tonight Show, however, Leno has regained his lead.[60]

    Letterman's shows have garnered both critical and industry praise, receiving 67 Emmy Award nominations, winning 12 times in his first 20 years in late night television. From 1993–2009, Letterman ranked higher than Leno in the annual Harris Poll of Nation's Favorite TV Personality 12 times.[61] For example, in 2003 and 2004 Letterman ranked second in that poll, behind only Oprah Winfrey, a year that Leno was ranked fifth.[62] Leno was higher than Letterman on that poll three times during the same period, in 1998, 2007, and 2008.[61]

    Hosting the Academy Awards[link]

    On March 27, 1995, Letterman acted as the host for the 67th Academy Awards ceremony. Critics blasted[63] Letterman for what they deemed a poor hosting of the Oscars, noting that his irreverent style undermined the traditional importance and glamor of the event.[citation needed] In a joke about their unusual names (inspired by a similar joke by Woody Allen), he started off by introducing Uma Thurman to Oprah Winfrey, and then both of them to Keanu Reeves: "Oprah...Uma. Uma...Oprah," "Have you kids met Keanu?"[64] This and many of his other jokes fell flat.[citation needed] Although Letterman attracted the highest ratings to the annual telecast since 1983, many felt that the bad publicity garnered by Letterman's hosting caused a decline in the Late Show's ratings.[65]

    Letterman recycled the apparent debacle into a long-running gag. On his first show after the Oscars, he joked, "Looking back, I had no idea that thing was being televised." He lampooned his stint two years later, during Billy Crystal's opening Oscar skit, which also parodied the plane-crashing scenes from that year's chief nominated film, The English Patient.

    For years afterward, Letterman recounted his hosting the Oscars, although the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences continued to hold Letterman in high regard and they had invited him to host the Oscars again.[66][67] On September 7, 2010, he made an appearance on the premiere of the 14th season of The View, and confirmed that he had been considered for hosting again.

    Heart surgery hiatus[link]

    On January 14, 2000, a routine check-up revealed that an artery in Letterman's heart was severely obstructed. He was rushed to emergency surgery for a quintuple bypass.[68]

    During the initial weeks of his recovery, reruns of the Late Show were shown and introduced by friends of Letterman including Drew Barrymore,[58] Ray Romano, Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt, Megan Mullally, Bill Murray, Regis Philbin, Charles Grodin, Nathan Lane, Julia Roberts,[58] Bruce Willis, Jerry Seinfeld, Martin Short, Steven Seagal, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Danny DeVito, Steve Martin, and Sarah Jessica Parker.

    Subsequently, while still recovering from surgery, Letterman revived the late night tradition that had virtually disappeared on network television during the 1990s of 'guest hosts' by allowing Bill Cosby, Kathie Lee Gifford (recommended by Regis Philbin, who was asked first but had no time in his schedule), Dana Carvey, Janeane Garofalo, and others to host new episodes of The Late Show. Cosby—the show's first guest host—refused to sit at Letterman's desk out of respect, using the couch instead; Garofalo followed suit, utilizing a set of grade-school desks instead.

    Upon his return to the show on February 21, 2000, Letterman brought all of the doctors and nurses on stage who had participated in his surgery and recovery (with extra teasing of a nurse who had given him bed baths—"This woman has seen me naked!"),[69] including Dr. O. Wayne Isom and physician Louis Aronne, who frequently appears on the show. In a show of emotion, Letterman was nearly in tears as he thanked the health care team with the words "These are the people who saved my life!" The episode earned an Emmy nomination. For a number of episodes, Letterman continued to crack jokes about his bypass, including saying, "Bypass surgery: it's when doctors surgically create new blood flow to your heart. A bypass is what happened to me when I didn't get The Tonight Show! It's a whole different thing." In a later running gag he lobbied his home state of Indiana to rename the freeway circling Indianapolis (I-465) "The David Letterman Bypass." He also featured a montage of faux news coverage of his bypass surgery, which included a clip of Dave's heart for sale on the Home Shopping Network. Letterman became friends with his doctors and nurses. In 2008, a Rolling Stone interview stated "he hosted a doctor and nurse who'd helped perform the emergency quintuple-bypass heart surgery that saved his life in 2000. 'These are people who were complete strangers when they opened my chest,' he says. 'And now, eight years later, they're among my best friends.' "[4]

    Additionally, Letterman invited the band Foo Fighters to play "Everlong",[70] introducing them as "my favorite band, playing my favorite song."[71] During a later Foo Fighters appearance, Letterman said that Foo Fighters had been in the middle of a South American tour which they canceled to come play on his comeback episode.

    Letterman again handed over the reins of the show to several guest hosts (including Bill Cosby, Brad Garrett, Elvis Costello, John McEnroe, Vince Vaughn, Will Ferrell, Bonnie Hunt, Luke Wilson and bandleader Paul Shaffer) in February 2003, when he was diagnosed with a severe case of shingles. Later that year, Letterman made regular use of guest hosts—including Tom Arnold and Kelsey Grammer—for new shows broadcast on Fridays. In March 2007, Adam Sandler—who had been scheduled to be the lead guest—served as a guest host while Letterman was ill with a stomach virus.[72]

    Re-signing with CBS[link]

    Letterman hosting President Barack Obama at Late Show with David Letterman, September 2009

    In March 2002, as Letterman's contract with CBS neared expiration, ABC offered him the time slot for long-running news program Nightline with Ted Koppel. Letterman was interested as he believed he could never match Leno's ratings at CBS due to Letterman's complaint of weaker lead-ins from the network's late local news programs, but was reluctant to replace Koppel.[73] Letterman addressed his decision to re-sign on the air, stating that he was content at CBS and that he had great respect for Koppel.

    On December 4, 2006, CBS revealed that Letterman signed a new contract to host The Late Show with David Letterman through the fall of 2010. "I'm thrilled to be continuing on at CBS," said Letterman. "At my age you really don't want to have to learn a new commute."[74] Letterman further joked about the subject by pulling up his right pants leg, revealing a tattoo, presumably temporary, of the ABC logo.

    "Thirteen years ago, David Letterman put CBS late night on the map and in the process became one of the defining icons of our network," said Leslie Moonves, president and CEO of CBS Corporation. "His presence on our air is an ongoing source of pride, and the creativity and imagination that the Late Show puts forth every night is an ongoing display of the highest quality entertainment. We are truly honored that one of the most revered and talented entertainers of our time will continue to call CBS 'home.'"[75]

    According to a 2007 article in Forbes magazine, Letterman earned $40 million a year.[76] A 2009 article in The New York Times, however, said his salary was estimated at $32 million per year.[77] In June 2009, Letterman's Worldwide Pants and CBS reached agreement to continue the Late Show until at least August 2012. The previous contract had been set to expire in 2010, and the two-year extension is shorter than the typical three-year contract period negotiated in the past.[77] Worldwide Pants agreed to lower its fee for the show, though it had remained a "solid moneymaker for CBS" under the previous contract.[77]

    On the February 3, 2011, edition of the Late Show, during an interview with Howard Stern, Letterman said he would continue to do his talk show for "maybe two years, I think."[78]

    2007–2008 writers' strike[link]

    The Late Show went off air for eight weeks during the months of November and December because of the Writers Guild of America strike. Letterman's production company—Worldwide Pants—was the first company to make an individual agreement with the WGA,[79] thus allowing his show to come back on air on January 2, 2008. On his first episode since being off air, he surprised the viewing audience with his newly grown beard, which signified solidarity with the strike.[80] His beard was shaved off during the show on January 7, 2008.

    Controversy over jokes about daughter of Sarah Palin[link]

    On June 8 and June 9, 2009, Letterman told a sexually-themed joke on his show each night about a daughter of Sarah Palin.[81] Palin was in New York City at the time with her fourteen year-old daughter, Willow, and the jokes were said to be aimed at the daughter, never named, who was visiting New York City with her mother.[81] Palin criticized the jokes, saying in a statement posted on the internet that "I doubt he'd ever dare make such comments about anyone else's daughter," and "laughter incited by sexually-perverted comments made by a 62-year-old male celebrity aimed at a 14-year-old girl" is "disgusting."[82] On June 10, Letterman responded to the controversy on his show by stating that the jokes were meant to be about Palin's eighteen year-old daughter, Bristol, whose pregnancy as an unmarried teenager had caused controversy during the 2008 Presidential election, and that "(t)hese are not jokes made about (Palin's) 14-year-old daughter. I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex of any description with a 14-year-old girl."[82] His remarks didn't put an end to the public criticism, however, with the National Organization for Women, who supported Palin in a statement, noting he had given only "something of an apology."[81] With the controversy not subsiding, Letterman addressed the issue again on his June 15 show, faulting himself for the error and apologizing "especially to the two daughters involved, Bristol and Willow, and also to the governor and her family and everybody else who was outraged by the joke."[83]

    Letterman and Carson[link]

    In spite of Johnny Carson's clear intention to pass his title to Letterman, NBC selected Jay Leno to host The Tonight Show after Carson's departure.[84] Letterman maintained a close relationship with Carson through his break with NBC. Three years after he left for CBS, HBO produced a made-for-television movie called The Late Shift, based on a book by New York Times reporter Bill Carter, chronicling the battle between Letterman and Leno for the coveted Tonight Show hosting spot. Letterman would mock the film for months afterward, specifically on how the actor playing him, John Michael Higgins, did not resemble him in the least.[citation needed]

    Carson later made a few cameo appearances as a guest on Letterman's show. Carson's final television appearance came May 13, 1994, on a Late Show episode taped in Los Angeles, when he made a surprise appearance during a 'Top 10 list' segment. The audience went wild as Letterman stood up and proudly invited Carson to sit at his desk. The applause was so protracted that Carson was unable to say anything, and he finally returned backstage as the applause continued (it was later explained that Carson had laryngitis, though Carson can be heard talking to Letterman during his appearance).

    In early 2005, it was revealed that Carson still kept up with current events and late-night TV right up to his death that year, and that he occasionally sent jokes to Letterman, who used these jokes in his monologue; according to CBS senior vice president Peter Lassally (a onetime producer for both men), Carson got "a big kick out of it."[85] Letterman would do a characteristic Johnny Carson golf swing after delivering one of Carson's jokes. In a tribute to Carson, all of the opening monologue jokes during the first show following Carson's death were written by Carson.

    Lassally also claimed that Carson had always believed Letterman, not Leno, to be his "rightful successor."[86] Letterman also frequently employs some of Carson's trademark bits on his show, including "Carnac the Magnificent" (with Paul Shaffer as Carnac), "Stump the Band" and the "Week in Review."

    Letterman and Oprah Winfrey[link]

    Letterman and Oprah had a 16 year feud which according to Letterman started when he and his girlfriend decided to skip out on a bill, tricking the waiter into thinking Oprah agreed to pay it.[87]

    On September 10, 2007, Letterman made his first appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show at Madison Square Garden in New York City. He shared pictures of his son and live-in girlfriend. The so-called feud between Letterman and Winfrey apparently ended in 2005 when Winfrey appeared on CBS's Late Show with David Letterman on December 2, in an event Letterman jokingly referred to as "the Super Bowl of Love".[88] Winfrey had previously appeared on Letterman's show when he was hosting NBC's Late Night on May 2, 1989.

    Winfrey and Letterman also appeared together in a Late Show promo that aired during CBS's coverage of Super Bowl XLI in February 2007, with the two sitting next to each other on the couch watching the game. Since the game was played between the Indianapolis Colts and Chicago Bears, the Indianapolis-born Letterman wears a Peyton Manning jersey, while Winfrey—who tapes her show in Chicago—is in a Brian Urlacher jersey.[89] Three years later, during CBS's coverage of Super Bowl XLIV, the two appeared again, this time with Winfrey sitting on a couch between Letterman and Jay Leno. The appearance was Letterman's idea: Leno flew to New York City in an NBC corporate jet, sneaking into the Ed Sullivan Theater during the Late Show's February 4 taping wearing a disguise, meeting Winfrey and Letterman at a living room set created in the theater's balcony where they taped their promo.[90]

    Response to Internet death threat[link]

    On August 17, 2011, it was reported that a Muslim militant had posted a death threat against Letterman on a website frequented by Al-Qaeda supporters, calling on American Muslims to kill Letterman for making a joke about the death of an Al-Qaeda leader killed in a drone strike in Pakistan in June 2011.[91] In his show on August 22, Letterman joked about the threat, saying "State Department authorities are looking into this. They're not taking this lightly. They're looking into it. They're questioning, they're interrogating, there's an electronic trail—but everybody knows it's Leno."[92]

    Appearances in other media[link]

    Letterman appeared in issue 239 of the Marvel comic book The Avengers, in which the title characters are guests on Late Night.[93] A parody of Letterman, named "David Endochrine," is gassed to death along with his bandleader named "Paul" and their audience in Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns.[94]

    Letterman appeared in the pilot episode of the short-lived 1986 series "Coach Toast", and he appears with a bag over his head as a guest on Bonnie Hunt's ca. 1993 sitcom The Building. He also appears in The Simpsons, as himself in a couch gag when The Simpsons find themselves (and the couch) in "Late Night with David Letterman." He had a cameo in the feature film Cabin Boy, with Chris Elliott, who worked as a writer on Letterman's show. In this and other appearances, Letterman is listed in the credits as "Earl Hofert", the name of Letterman's maternal grandfather. He also appeared as himself in the Howard Stern biopic Private Parts as well as the 1999 Andy Kaufman biopic Man on the Moon, in a few episodes of Garry Shandling's 1990s TV series The Larry Sanders Show and in "The Abstinence", a 1996 episode of the sitcom Seinfeld. Letterman also made an uncredited appearance in the first episode of the third season of the sitcom The Nanny.

    Letterman provided vocals for the Warren Zevon song "Hit Somebody" from My Ride's Here,[95] and provided the voice for Butt-head's father in the 1996 animated film Beavis and Butt-head Do America.

    In 2010, a documentary Dying to Do Letterman was released directed by Joke Fincioen and Biagio Messina featuring Steve Mazan, a stand up comic, who has cancer and wants to appear on the Letterman Show. The film won Best Documentary and Jury Awards at the Cinequest Film Festival.[96] Steve Mazan published a same-titled book (full title, Dying to Do Letterman: Turning Someday into Today) about his own saga.[97]

    Known for rarely giving television interviews, Letterman appeared as an exclusive guest on CNN's Piers Morgan Tonight on May 29, 2012. He was interviewed for one full hour by a long-time friend and fellow television host Regis Philbin, who guest hosted the show during Piers Morgan's leave during that week.

    Other projects[link]

    Worldwide Pants[link]

    Letterman started his own production company—Worldwide Pants Incorporated—which produced his show and several others, including Everybody Loves Raymond, The Late Late Show, and several critically acclaimed, but short-lived television series for Bonnie Hunt. Worldwide Pants also produced the dramedy program Ed, which aired on NBC from 2000–2004. It was Letterman's first association with NBC since he left the network in 1993. During Ed's run, the star, Tom Cavanagh, appeared as a guest on The Late Show several times.

    In 2005, Worldwide Pants produced its first feature film, Strangers with Candy, which was a prequel to the Comedy Central TV series of the same title. In 2007, Worldwide Pants produced the ABC comedy series, Knights of Prosperity.

    Worldwide Pants made significant news in December 2007 when it was announced that Letterman's company had independently negotiated its own contract with the Writers Guild of America, East, thus allowing Letterman, Craig Ferguson, and their writers to return to work, while the union continued its strike against production companies, networks and studios who had not reached an agreement.

    Record company[link]

    In late April 2010, several music industry websites reported that Letterman started a record label named Clear Entertainment/C.E. Music and signed his first artist, Runner Runner.[98][99] Lucy Walsh announced on her MySpace page that she has been signed by Letterman and Clear Entertainment/C.E. Music and is working on her album.

    Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing[link]

    Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing (RLLR) is an auto racing team that currently races in the American Le Mans Series, and part-time in the Indy Racing League. It is co-owned by 1986 Indianapolis 500 winner Bobby Rahal, businessman Mike Lanigan, and Letterman himself, and is based in Hilliard, Ohio. The team won the 2004 Indianapolis 500 with driver Buddy Rice. Letterman was a pit reporter for ABC in the 1971 Indianapolis 500.[21]

    American Foundation for Courtesy and Grooming[link]

    American Foundation for Courtesy and Grooming is Letterman's private foundation. Through it, Letterman has donated millions of dollars to charities and other non-profits in Indiana and Montana, celebrity-affiliated organizations such as Paul Newman's Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, universities such as Ball State, and other organizations such as the American Cancer Society, Salvation Army, and Doctors Without Borders.

    Personal life[link]

    Marriages and long-term relationships[link]

    In 1969, Letterman married Michelle Cook; the marriage ended by divorce in 1977.[100] He also had a long-term relationship with former head writer and producer on Late Night, Merrill Markoe. Markoe was the mind behind several Late Night staples, such as "Stupid Pet/Human Tricks".

    Letterman has a son, Harry Joseph Letterman (born on November 3, 2003), with Regina Lasko. Harry is named after Letterman's father.[101] In 2005, police discovered a plot to kidnap Harry Letterman and ransom him for $5 million. Kelly Frank, a house painter who had worked for Letterman, was charged in the conspiracy.[102]

    Letterman and Lasko, who had been together since 1986, wed on March 19, 2009, during a quiet courthouse civil ceremony in Choteau, Montana, where he purchased a ranch in 1999.[103][104][105] Letterman announced the marriage during the taping of his March 23 show, shortly after congratulating Bruce Willis for getting married the previous week. Letterman told the audience he nearly missed the ceremony because his truck became stuck in mud two miles from their house.[106] The family resides in North Salem, New York, on a 108-acre (44 ha) estate.[107]

    Stalking incident[link]

    Beginning in May 1988, Letterman was stalked by Margaret Mary Ray, a woman suffering from schizophrenia. She once stole his Porsche, repeatedly broke into his house, and camped out on his tennis court. Her exploits drew national attention, and Letterman occasionally joked about her behavior in his show, although never mentioning her name. After she committed suicide in 1998, Letterman told the New York Times that he had had great compassion for her,[108] and publicly expressed sympathy.[109]

    [edit] Extortion attempt and revelation of affairs

    On his October 1, 2009, show, Letterman announced that he had been the victim of an extortion attempt by someone threatening to reveal that he had had sex with several of his female employees, and at the same time, he confirmed that he had had such relationships.[110] He stated that three weeks earlier (on September 9, 2009) someone had left a package in his car with material he said he would write into a screenplay and a book if Letterman did not pay him $2 million. Letterman said that he contacted the Manhattan District Attorney's office, ultimately cooperating with them to conduct a sting operation involving giving the man a phony check.[111] Subsequently, Robert J. "Joe" Halderman, a producer of the CBS true crime journalism series 48 Hours, was arrested after trying to deposit the check. He was indicted by a Manhattan grand jury and pleaded not guilty to a charge of attempted grand larceny on October 2, 2009.[112] Eventually, on March 9, 2010, he pleaded guilty to this same felony and served a 6-month jail sentence, followed by probation and community service.[113]

    A central figure in the case and one of the women Letterman had had a sexual relationship with was his longtime personal assistant Stephanie Birkitt, who often appeared with him on his show. She had also worked for 48 Hours.[114] Until a month prior to the revelations, she had shared a residence with Halderman,[115] who allegedly had copied her personal diary and used it, along with private emails, in the blackmail package.[116]

    On October 3, 2009, a former CBS employee, Holly Hester, announced that she and Letterman had engaged in a year-long "secret" affair in the early 1990s while she was his intern and a student at New York University.[117]

    In the days following the initial announcement of the affairs and the arrest, several prominent women, including Kathie Lee Gifford, co-host of NBC's Today Show, and NBC news anchor Ann Curry questioned whether Letterman's affairs with subordinates created an unfair working environment.[118] A spokesman for Worldwide Pants said that the company's sexual harassment policy did not prohibit sexual relationships between managers and employees.[119] According to business news reporter Eve Tahmincioglu, "CBS suppliers are supposed to follow the company's business conduct policies" and the CBS 2008 Business Conduct Statement states that "If a consenting romantic or sexual relationship between a supervisor and a direct or indirect subordinate should develop, CBS requires the supervisor to disclose this information to his or her Company's Human Resources Department..."[120]

    On October 5, 2009, Letterman devoted a segment of his show to a public apology to his wife and staff.[121][122] Three days later, Worldwide Pants announced that Birkitt had been placed on a "paid leave of absence" from the Late Show.[123] On October 15, CBS News announced that the company's Chief Investigative Correspondent, Armen Keteyian, had been assigned to conduct an "in-depth investigation" into Halderman's blackmail of Letterman.[124]

    Awards and honors[link]


    In his capacities as either a writer, producer, performer, or as part of a writing team, Letterman is among the most nominated people in Emmy Award history with 52 nominations, winning two Daytime Emmys and five Primetime Emmys since 1981. His nomination record is second only to producer Jac Venza, who holds the record for the most Emmy nominations for an individual (57). Letterman has been nominated every year since 1984, when he first appeared on late night television as the host of Late Night with David Letterman. Additionally, he has won four American Comedy Awards. Letterman was the first recipient of the Johnny Carson Award for Comedic Excellence at The Comedy Awards in 2011.

    David Letterman Communication and Media Building.

    David Letterman Communication and Media Building[link]

    On September 7, 2007, Letterman visited his alma mater, Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, for the dedication of a communications facility named in his honor for his dedication to the university throughout his career as a comedian. The $21 million, 75,000-square-foot (7,000 m2) David Letterman Communication and Media Building opened for the 2007 fall semester. It features state-of-the-art recording equipment and facilities. Thousands of Ball State students, faculty, and local residents welcomed Letterman back to Indiana.[125] Letterman's emotional speech touched on his struggles as a college student and his late father, and also included the "top ten good things about having your name on a building", finishing with, "if reasonable people can put my name on a $21 million building, anything is possible."[126]

    At the same time, Letterman also received a Sagamore of the Wabash award given by Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, which recognizes distinguished service to the state of Indiana.[125]


    1. ^ a b "David Letterman Biography". The New York Times. Retrieved 2009-02-03. 
    2. ^ a b c An interview with David Letterman (TV-series). Charlie Rose, WNET. 1996-02-26. Retrieved 2008-11-14. 
    3. ^ a b Kiesewetter, John (1997-02-24). "Local show inspired young Letterman". The Cincinnati Enquirer. Retrieved 2007-05-23. 
    4. ^ a b "Dave at Peace: The Rolling Stone Interview". Archived from the original on 2010-04-07. Retrieved 2011-09-05. 
    5. ^ "Special Collectors' Issue: 50 Greatest TV Stars of All Time". TV Guide (December 14–20). 1996. 
    6. ^ Record of Harry Letterman, Social Security Death Index
    7. ^ Gary Graves. "Letterman Gets Moment in Hot Seat." USA Today, May 23, 2005, p. 1C.
    8. ^ Daveheart, a profile of Letterman by Bill Zehme from the May 2000 issue of Esquire
    9. ^ Mitchell Fink, Eric Mink, Leo Standora, Richard Huff, Bill Hutchinson (January 14, 2000). "Cholesterol high, has family history". New York Daily News. Retrieved November 6, 2011. 
    10. ^ "Atlas Supermarket". Lost Indiana. Retrieved 2010-11-07. 
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    12. ^ "Scholarships | Scholarships for Average Students". FinAid. 1999-01-22. Retrieved 2010-11-07. 
    13. ^ Revealed on air during January 7, 2011 "Late Show with David Letterman" during interview with Regis Philbin.
    14. ^ a b Indiana Public Radio - About Us from the Indiana Public Radio website
    15. ^ "David Letterman, WAGO Muncie Indiana April 1, 1969". "Dave Letterman is heard in this segment edited from the 11PM–12 Midnight hour on April 1, 1969. WAGO was a carrier-current station at Pennsylvania State University. The voice of Lyla Whip is Letterman's former wife, Michelle, whom he calls at their apartment." 
    16. ^ Playboy Interview Playboy Magazine October 1984. Retrieved October 3, 2009.
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    23. ^ Kliph Nesteroff (March 7, 2010). "The Early David Letterman 1967-1980 Beware the Blog". Retrieved November 6, 2011. 
    24. ^ mickstadium (July 15, 2011). "1977 "Afternoon Delight" clip from The Starland Vocal Band show". YouTube. Retrieved November 6, 2011. 
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    33. ^ Peter Kerr. "David Letterman's Off-Center Humor Finds a Home." The New York Times, February 19, 1984, p. H27
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    76. ^ "#17 David Letterman". Forbes. 
    77. ^ a b c Carter, Bill (June 6, 2009). "Letterman Reaches a Deal With CBS to Extend ‘Late Show’". The New York Times. Retrieved 2011-05-15. 
    78. ^ Seth Abramovitch (February 4, 2011). "Is David Letterman Ready to be Done with the Late Show?". Retrieved 2011-06-17. "Dave tried valiantly to change the subject to Stern’s new Sirius deal, rumored to be worth even more than the $500 million contract he signed with them in 2005. But once again, Stern (now 57) turned the tables on Dave (now 63), asking the host, “How much longer are you doing this?” To which Letterman replied: “Maybe two years, I think?”" 
    79. ^ "e-mail 12-28-07". 
    80. ^ Gary Levin (January 3, 2008). "Late-night shows return fully bearded — with and without writers". USA Today. Retrieved 2010-01-17. 
    81. ^ a b c Lisa Bennett (June 11, 2009). "Letterman "Jokes" About Palin's Daughter". NOW. Retrieved 2012-04-27. 
    82. ^ a b Caitlin Taylor (June 11, 2009). "Palin vs. Letterman". ABC News. Retrieved 2012-04-27. 
    83. ^ Paul Farhi (June 16, 2009). "One Pregnant-Teen Joke Too Many? Angry Palin Gets Letterman to Apologize". Retrieved 2012-04-27. 
    84. ^ "The Independent". Johnny Carson, king of late-night chat, dies at 79 (London). January 24, 2005. Retrieved July 6, 2009. 
    85. ^ Pierce, Scott D. (January 24, 2005). "TV critics genuinely fond of Carson". Deseret News. Retrieved February 27, 2012. 
    86. ^ "New York Post". Carson Feeds Letterman Lines. Retrieved December 17, 2006. 
    87. ^ Bauderap, David (2010-10-01). "Free lunch behind 16-year Letterman, Oprah feud". Retrieved 2012-05-15. 
    88. ^ "Letterman to appear on `Oprah'". Yahoo.TV. [dead link]
    89. ^ "Dave and Oprah's Super Bowl of Love". YouTube. 
    90. ^ Bill Carter (February 7, 2010). "How the Letterman-Oprah-Leno Super Bowl Ad Came Together". Media Decoder (The New York Times). Retrieved 2010-02-08. 
    91. ^ "Militant makes death threat against David Letterman". Reuters. August 17, 2011. Retrieved 2011-08-18. 
    92. ^ Carter, Bill (August 22, 2011). "Letterman Responds to Death Threats in Monologue". The New York Times. Retrieved 2011-08-23. 
    93. ^ The Avengers meet David Letterman reviewed at
    94. ^ Review of The Dark Knight Returns at
    95. ^ Warren Zevon : Hit Somebody (The Hockey Song) from Artistdirect
    96. ^ Dying to Do Letterman official website
    97. ^ The Book Tree: Book Review - Dying to Do Letterman
    98. ^ Runner Runner sign to EMI
    99. ^ Vozick, Simon (2010-04-28). "David Letterman starts record label, signs pop-punk band". Retrieved 2010-11-07. 
    100. ^ Biography for David Letterman at the Internet Movie Database
    101. ^ "Letterman: It's A Boy!, 'Late Show' Host, Girlfriend Have 9 Pound, 11 Ounce Son". CBS News. November 4, 2003. 
    102. ^ "Montana man charged with Letterman plot". CNN. March 17, 2005. Retrieved May 1, 2010. 
    103. ^ "David Letterman Weds!". People. March 23, 2009.,,20267367,00.html. Retrieved August 7, 2011. 
    104. ^ Rhein, Jamie (March 25, 2009). "Great American Road Trip: Choteau, Montana, Letterman's Hangout is a Gem of a Town". Gadling. AOL Travel. Retrieved August 7, 2011. 
    105. ^ "Heartfelt Thanks From Letterman". CBS News. February 11, 2009. Retrieved September 3, 2011. 
    106. ^ Snead, Elizabeth (2009-03-23). "David Letterman (finally) gets hitched to Regina Lasko". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2009-03-26. 
    107. ^ Dave's domain from the March 22, 2007 "Gimme Shelter" column in the New York Post
    108. ^ Bruni, Frank (November 22, 1998). "For Letterman Stalker, Mental Illness Was Family Curse and Scarring Legacy". The New York Times. Retrieved May 1, 2010. 
    109. ^ Foster, David; Levinson, Arlene (October 10, 1998). "Suicide on a railroad track ends a celebrity-stalker's inner agony". Associated Press, online Athens. 
    110. ^ Gold, Matea (October 2, 2009). "David Letterman on extortion attempt: 'I felt menaced by this'". Los Angeles Times. 
    111. ^ Martinez, Edecio (October 2, 2009). "Robert Joe Halderman, 48 Hours Producer, Named in David Letterman Sex Extortion Plot". 
    112. ^ Honan, Edith (September 2, 2009). "Suspect in Letterman extortion pleads not guilty". Reuters. Retrieved 2009-10-02. 
    113. ^ Grace, Melissa; Boyle, Christina; McShane, Larry (March 9, 2010). "Ex-CBS producer Robert Halderman pleads guilty to blackmailing David Letterman over intern affairs". NY Daily News (New York). Retrieved 2010-03-10. 
    114. ^ Shea, Danny (October 2, 2009). "Stephanie Birkitt". The Huffington Post. Retrieved 2009-10-02. 
    115. ^ Carter, Bill; Stelter, Brian (October 2, 2009). "Letterman Extortion Raises Questions for CBS". New York Times. 
    116. ^ "Stephanie Birkitt Secret Diary at Center of Letterman Sex Extortion, Say Cops". CBS News/Associated press. October 5, 2009. Retrieved 2009-10-05. 
    117. ^ Cahalan, Sussanah; Karni, Annie; Cohen, Stephanie (October 4, 2009). "'Late Show' staff gals got plenty of 'advances'". New York Post. Retrieved 2009-10-04. 
    118. ^ "Will women viewers turn away from Letterman?". Associated Press. October 4, 2009. Retrieved 2009-10-04. 
    119. ^ Gold, Matea; Collins, Scott (October 3, 2009). "David Letterman affair is no joke". Los Angeles Times.,0,257832,full.story. Retrieved 2009-10-04. "'We have a written policy in our employee manual that covers harassment,' the spokesman said in a statement. 'It is circulated to every employee every year. Dave is not in violation of our policy and no one has ever raised a complaint against him.'" 
    120. ^ Tahmincioglu, Eve (October 4, 2009). "Sleeping with the boss often leads to trouble: Policies on workplace romances aim to limit legal liabilities". MSNBC. Retrieved 2009-10-04. "If a consenting romantic or sexual relationship between a supervisor and a direct or indirect subordinate should develop, CBS requires the supervisor to disclose this information to his or her Company's Human Resources Department to ensure that there are no issues of actual or apparent favoritism, conflict of interest, sexual harassment, or any other negative impact on others in the work environment." 
    121. ^ "Letterman apologizes to wife on Monday's show: Late-night host says Regina Lasko has been 'horribly hurt' by his behavior". Associated Press. MSNBC. October 5, 2009-. Retrieved 2009-10-05. 
    122. ^ Doug Ganley et al (October 5, 2009). "Letterman makes in-studio apology to wife, staffers". CNN. Retrieved 2009-10-05. 
    123. ^ "David Letterman's former mistress Stephanie Birkitt banned from Late Show set". London Telegraph. October 8, 2009. Retrieved 2009-10-12. 
    124. ^ Mangan, Dan (October 15, 2009). "Network's correspondent probing Dave's extortion scandal". New York Post. Retrieved 2009-10-15. 
    125. ^ a b Lloyd, Christopher (September 8, 2007). "It's no joke: Ball State dedicates building in Letterman's honor". 
    126. ^ Ball State University (September 7, 2007). David Letterman Communication and Media Building (videos). 

    External links[link]

    Media offices
    First Host of Late Night
    Feb. 1, 1982 – June 25, 1993
    Succeeded by
    Conan O'Brien
    First Host of The Late Show
    Aug. 30, 1993 – present
    Preceded by
    Whoopi Goldberg
    Host of the Academy Awards
    Succeeded by
    Whoopi Goldberg

    Related pages:Леттерман, Дэвид Letterman

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    Aung San Suu Kyi

    MP AC
    Chairman of the National League for Democracy
    Assumed office
    27 September 1988
    Preceded by Position established
    Member of the Pyithu Hluttaw
    for Kawhmu
    Assumed office
    2 May 2012
    Preceded by Soe Tint
    Majority 46,730 (71.38%)[1]
    Personal details
    Born (1945-06-19) 19 June 1945 (age 67)
    Rangoon, British Burma
    (now Yangon)
    Political party National League for Democracy
    Spouse(s) Michael Aris (1972–1999)
    Relations Aung San (father)
    Khin Kyi (mother)
    Children Alexander
    Alma mater University of Delhi
    St Hugh's College, Oxford
    University of London
    Religion Theravada Buddhism
    Awards Rafto Prize
    Nobel Peace Prize
    Jawaharlal Nehru Award
    International Simón Bolívar Prize
    Olof Palme Prize
    Bhagwan Mahavir World Peace

    Aung San Suu Kyi MP AC (Burmese: AungSanSuuKyi1.png; MLCTS: aung hcan: cu. krany, IPA: [ʔàʊɴ sʰáɴ sṵ tɕì]; born 19 June 1945) is a Burmese opposition politician and General Secretary of the National League for Democracy (NLD) in Burma. In the 1990 general election, the NLD won 59% of the national votes and 81% (392 of 485) of the seats in Parliament.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] She had, however, already been detained under house arrest before the elections. She remained under house arrest in Burma for almost 15 of the 21 years from 20 July 1989 until her most recent release on 13 November 2010,[9] becoming one of the world's most prominent (now former) political prisoners.[10]

    Suu Kyi received the Rafto Prize and the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in 1990 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. In 1992 she was awarded the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding by the government of India and the International Simón Bolívar Prize from the government of Venezuela. In 2007, the Government of Canada made her an honorary citizen of that country;[11] at the time, she was one of only four people ever to receive the honor.[12] In 2011, she was awarded the Wallenberg Medal.[13]

    On 1 April 2012, her opposition party, the National League for Democracy, announced that she was elected to the Pyithu Hluttaw, the lower house of the Burmese parliament, representing the constituency of Kawhmu;[14] her party also won 43 of the 45 vacant seats in the lower house.[15] The election results were confirmed by the official electoral commission the following day.[16]

    Suu Kyi is the third child and only daughter of Aung San, considered to be the father of modern-day Burma.



    A family portrait, with Aung San Suu Kyi (in white) as a toddler, taken in 1947, shortly before her father's assassination.

    Aung San Suu Kyi derives her name from three relatives: "Aung San" from her father, "Suu" from her paternal grandmother and "Kyi" from her mother Khin Kyi.[17] She is frequently called Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Daw is not part of her name, but is an honorific, similar to madame, for older, revered women, literally meaning "aunt."[18] She is also often referred to as Daw Suu by the Burmese (or Amay Suu, lit. "Mother Suu," by some followers),[19][20] or "Aunty Suu", and as Dr. Suu Kyi,[21] Ms. Suu Kyi, or Mrs. Suu Kyi by the foreign media. However, like other Burmese, she has no surname (see Burmese names). The pronunciation of her name is approximated as "Awn Sahn Sue Chee," although the "ch" in "Chee" is unaspirated.[22]

    Personal life[link]

    A portrait of Khin Kyi and her family in 1948. Aung San Suu Kyi is seated on the floor.

    Aung San Suu Kyi was born in Rangoon (now named Yangon).[23] Her father, Aung San, founded the modern Burmese army and negotiated Burma's independence from the British Empire in 1947; he was assassinated by his rivals in the same year. She grew up with her mother, Khin Kyi, and two brothers, Aung San Lin and Aung San Oo, in Rangoon. Aung San Lin died at age eight, when he drowned in an ornamental lake on the grounds of the house.[17] Her elder brother emigrated to San Diego, California, becoming a United States citizen.[17] After Aung San Lin's death, the family moved to a house by Inya Lake where Suu Kyi met people of very different backgrounds, political views and religions.[24] She was educated in Methodist English High School (now Basic Education High School No. 1 Dagon) for much of her childhood in Burma, where she was noted as having a talent for learning languages.[25] She is a Theravada Buddhist.

    Aung San Suu Kyi at the age of six.

    Suu Kyi's mother, Khin Kyi, gained prominence as a political figure in the newly formed Burmese government. She was appointed Burmese ambassador to India and Nepal in 1960, and Aung San Suu Kyi followed her there, she studied in the Convent of Jesus and Mary School, New Delhi and graduated from Lady Shri Ram College in New Delhi with a degree in politics in 1964.[26][27] Suu Kyi continued her education at St Hugh's College, Oxford, obtaining a B.A. degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics in 1969. During her time in Oxford, she fell in love with a Pakistani man but the relationship ended in tears.[28] After graduating, she lived in New York City with a family friend who was once a popular Burmese pop singer.[28] She worked at the UN for three years, primarily on budget matters, writing daily to her future husband, Dr. Michael Aris.[29] In 1972, Aung San Suu Kyi married Aris, a scholar of Tibetan culture, living abroad in Bhutan.[26] The following year she gave birth to their first son, Alexander Aris, in London; their second son, Kim, was born in 1977. Subsequently, she earned a PhD at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London in 1985. She was elected as an Honorary Fellow in 1990.[26] For two years she was a Fellow at the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies (IIAS) in Shimla, India. She also worked for the government of the Union of Burma.

    In 1988 Suu Kyi returned to Burma, at first to tend for her ailing mother but later to lead the pro-democracy movement. Aris' visit in Christmas 1995 turned out to be the last time that he and Suu Kyi met, as Suu Kyi remained in Burma and the Burmese dictatorship denied him any further entry visas.[26] Aris was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 1997 which was later found to be terminal. Despite appeals from prominent figures and organizations, including the United States, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and Pope John Paul II, the Burmese government would not grant Aris a visa, saying that they did not have the facilities to care for him, and instead urged Aung San Suu Kyi to leave the country to visit him. She was at that time temporarily free from house arrest but was unwilling to depart, fearing that she would be refused re-entry if she left, as she did not trust the military junta's assurance that she could return.[30]

    Aris died on his 53rd birthday on 27 March 1999. Since 1989, when his wife was first placed under house arrest, he had seen her only five times, the last of which was for Christmas in 1995. She was also separated from her children, who live in the United Kingdom, but starting in 2011, they have visited her in Burma.[31]

    On 2 May 2008, after Cyclone Nargis hit Burma, Suu Kyi lost the roof of her house and lived in virtual darkness after losing electricity in her dilapidated lakeside residence. She used candles at night as she was not provided any generator set.[32] Plans to renovate and repair the house were announced in August 2009.[33] Suu Kyi was released from house arrest on 13 November 2010.[34]

    Aung San Suu Kyi arrvies to give speech to the supporters during 2012 by-election campaign at her constituency Kawhmu township, Myanmar on 22 March 2012.

    Political beginnings[link]

    Coincident with Aung San Suu Kyi's return to Burma in 1988, the long-time military leader of Burma and head of the ruling party, General Ne Win, stepped down. Mass demonstrations for democracy followed that event on 8 August 1988 (8–8–88, a day seen as auspicious), which were violently suppressed in what came to be known as the 8888 Uprising. On 26 August 1988, she addressed half a million people at a mass rally in front of the Shwedagon Pagoda in the capital, calling for a democratic government.[26] However in September, a new military junta took power.

    Influenced[35] by both Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence[36][37] and more specifically by Buddhist concepts,[38] Aung San Suu Kyi entered politics to work for democratization, helped found the National League for Democracy on 27 September 1988,[39] but was put under house arrest on 20 July 1989. Offered freedom if she left the country, she refused.

    One of her most famous speeches was "Freedom From Fear", which began: "It is not power that corrupts, but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it."

    She also believes fear spurs many world leaders to lose sight of their purpose. "Government leaders are amazing", she once said. "So often it seems they are the last to know what the people want."[40]

    Political career[link]

    1990 general election[link]

    In 1990, the military junta called a general election, in which the National League for Democracy (NLD) received 59% of the votes, guaranteeing NLD 80% of the parliament seats. Some claim that Aung San Suu Kyi would have assumed the office of Prime Minister;[41] in fact, however, as she wasn't permitted, she did not stand as a candidate in the elections (although being a MP isn't a strict prerequisite for becoming PM in most parliamentary systems). Instead, the results were nullified and the military refused to hand over power, resulting in an international outcry. Aung San Suu Kyi was placed under house arrest at her home on University Avenue (16°49′32″N 96°9′1″E / 16.82556°N 96.15028°E / 16.82556; 96.15028) in Rangoon, during which time she was awarded the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in 1990, and the Nobel Peace Prize the year after. Her sons Alexander and Kim accepted the Nobel Peace Prize on her behalf. Aung San Suu Kyi used the Nobel Peace Prize's 1.3 million USD prize money to establish a health and education trust for the Burmese people.[42] Around this time, Suu Kyi chose non-violence as an expedient political tactic, stating in 2007, "I do not hold to non-violence for moral reasons, but for political and practical reasons,"[43] however, nonviolent action as well as civil resistance in lieu of armed conflict are also political tactics in keeping with the overall philosophy of her Theravada Buddhist religion.

    1996 attack[link]

    On 9 November 1996, the motorcade that she was traveling in with other National League for Democracy leaders Tin Oo and U Kyi Maung, was attacked in Yangon. About 200 men swooped down on the motorcade, wielding metal chains, metal batons, stones and other weapons. The car that Aung San Suu Kyi was in had its rear window smashed, and the car with Tin Oo and U Kyi Maung had its rear window and two backdoor windows shattered. It is believed the offenders were members of the Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) who were allegedly paid 500 kyats (@ USD $0.5) each to participate. The NLD lodged an official complaint with the police, and according to reports the government launched an investigation, but no action was taken. (Amnesty International 120297)[44]

    House arrest[link]

    Aung San Suu Kyi has been placed under house arrest for 15 of the past 21 years, on different occasions, since she began her political career,[45] during which time she was prevented from meeting her party supporters and international visitors. In an interview, Suu Kyi said that while under house arrest she spent her time reading philosophy, politics and biographies that her husband had sent her.[46] She also passed the time playing the piano, and was occasionally allowed visits from foreign diplomats as well as from her personal physician.[47]

    The media were also prevented from visiting Suu Kyi, as occurred in 1998 when journalist Maurizio Giuliano, after photographing her, was stopped by customs officials who then confiscated all his films, tapes and some notes.[48] In contrast, Suu Kyi did have visits from government representatives, such as during her autumn 1994 house arrest when she met the leader of Burma, General Than Shwe and General Khin Nyunt on 20 September in the first meeting since she had been placed in detention.[26] On several occasions during Suu Kyi's house arrest, she had periods of poor health and as a result was hospitalized.[49]

    The Burmese government detained and kept Suu Kyi imprisoned because it viewed her as someone "likely to undermine the community peace and stability" of the country, and used both Article 10(a) and 10(b) of the 1975 State Protection Act (granting the government the power to imprison people for up to five years without a trial),[50] and Section 22 of the "Law to Safeguard the State Against the Dangers of Those Desiring to Cause Subversive Acts" as legal tools against her.[51] She continuously appealed her detention,[52] and many nations and figures continued to call for her release and that of 2,100 other political prisoners in the country.[53][54] On 12 November 2010, days after the junta-backed Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) won elections conducted after a gap of almost 20 years, the junta finally agreed to sign orders allowing Suu Kyi's release,[55] and Suu Kyi's house arrest term came to an end on 13 November 2010.

    UN involvement[link]

    The UN has attempted to facilitate dialogue between the junta and Suu Kyi.[56] On 6 May 2002, following secret confidence-building negotiations led by the UN, the government released her; a government spokesman said that she was free to move "because we are confident that we can trust each other". Aung San Suu Kyi proclaimed "a new dawn for the country". However on 30 May 2003 in an incident similar to the 1996 attack on her, a government-sponsored mob attacked her caravan in the northern village of Depayin, murdering and wounding many of her supporters.[57] Aung San Suu Kyi fled the scene with the help of her driver, Ko Kyaw Soe Lin, but was arrested upon reaching Ye-U. The government imprisoned her at Insein Prison in Rangoon. After she underwent a hysterectomy in September 2003,[58] the government again placed her under house arrest in Rangoon.

    The results from the UN facilitation have been mixed; Razali Ismail, UN special envoy to Burma, met with Aung San Suu Kyi. Ismail resigned from his post the following year, partly because he was denied re-entry to Burma on several occasions.[59] Several years later in 2006, Ibrahim Gambari, UN Undersecretary-General (USG) of Department of Political Affairs, met with Aung San Suu Kyi, the first visit by a foreign official since 2004.[60] He also met with Suu Kyi later the same year.[61] On 2 October 2007 Gambari returned to talk to her again after seeing Than Shwe and other members of the senior leadership in Naypyidaw.[62] State television broadcast Suu Kyi with Gambari, stating that they had met twice. This was Suu Kyi's first appearance in state media in the four years since her current detention began.[63]

    The United Nations Working Group for Arbitrary Detention published an Opinion that Aung San Suu Kyi's deprivation of liberty was arbitrary and in contravention of Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948, and requested that the authorities in Burma set her free, but the authorities ignored the request at that time.[64] The U.N. report said that according to the Burmese Government’s reply, "Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has not been arrested, but has only been taken into protective custody, for her own safety", and while "it could have instituted legal action against her under the country’s domestic legislation ... it has preferred to adopt a magnanimous attitude, and is providing her with protection in her own interests."[64]

    Such claims were rejected by Brig-General Khin Yi, Chief of Myanmar Police Force (MPF). On 18 January 2007, the state-run paper New Light of Myanmar accused Suu Kyi of tax evasion for spending her Nobel Prize money outside of the country. The accusation followed the defeat of a US-sponsored United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Burma as a threat to international security; the resolution was defeated because of strong opposition from China, which has strong ties with the military junta (China later voted against the resolution, along with Russia and South Africa).[65]

    In November 2007, it was reported that Suu Kyi would meet her political allies National League for Democracy along with a government minister. The ruling junta made the official announcement on state TV and radio just hours after UN special envoy Ibrahim Gambari ended his second visit to Burma. The NLD confirmed that it had received the invitation to hold talks with Suu Kyi.[66] However, the process delivered few concrete results.

    On 3 July 2009, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon went to Burma to pressure the junta into releasing Suu Kyi and to institute democratic reform. However, on departing from Burma, Ban Ki-moon said he was "disappointed" with the visit after junta leader Than Shwe refused permission for him to visit Suu Kyi, citing her ongoing trial. Ban said he was "deeply disappointed that they have missed a very important opportunity."[67]

    Periods under detention[link]

    • 20 July 1989: Placed under house arrest in Rangoon under martial law that allows for detention without charge or trial for three years.[56]
    • 10 July 1995: Released from house arrest.[17]
    • 23 September 2000: Placed under house arrest.[45]
    • 6 May 2002: Released after 19 months.[45]
    • 30 May 2003: Arrested following the Depayin massacre, she was held in secret detention for more than three months before being returned to house arrest.[68]
    • 25 May 2007: House arrest extended by one year despite a direct appeal from U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan to General Than Shwe.[69]
    • 24 October 2007: Reached 12 years under house arrest, solidarity protests held at 12 cities around the world.[70]
    • 27 May 2008: House arrest extended for another year, which is illegal under both international law and Burma's own law.[71]
    • 11 August 2009: House arrest extended for 18 more months because of "violation" arising from the May 2009 trespass incident.
    • 13 November 2010: Released from house arrest.[72]

    2007 anti-government protests[link]

    Protests led by Buddhist monks began on 19 August 2007 following steep fuel price increases, and continued each day, despite the threat of a crackdown by the military.[73]

    On 22 September 2007, although still under house arrest, Suu Kyi made a brief public appearance at the gate of her residence in Yangon to accept the blessings of Buddhist monks who were marching in support of human rights.[74] It was reported that she had been moved the following day to Insein Prison (where she had been detained in 2003),[75][76][77][78] but meetings with UN envoy Ibrahim Gambari near her Rangoon home on 30 September and 2 October established that she remained under house arrest.[79][80]

    2009 trespass incident[link]

    U.S. Senator Jim Webb visiting Suu Kyi in 2009. Webb negotiated the release of John Yettaw, the man who trespassed in Suu Kyi's home, resulting in her arrest and conviction with three years' hard labour.

    On 3 May 2009, an American man, identified as John Yettaw, swam across Inya Lake to her house uninvited and was arrested when he made his return trip three days later.[81] He had attempted to make a similar trip two years earlier, but for unknown reasons was turned away.[82] He later claimed at trial that he was motivated by a divine vision requiring him to notify her of an impending terrorist assassination attempt.[83] On 13 May, Suu Kyi was arrested for violating the terms of her house arrest because the swimmer, who pleaded exhaustion, was allowed to stay in her house for two days before he attempted the swim back. Suu Kyi was later taken to Insein Prison, where she could have faced up to five years confinement for the intrusion.[84] The trial of Suu Kyi and her two maids began on 18 May and a small number of protesters gathered outside.[85][86] Diplomats and journalists were barred from attending the trial; however, on one occasion, several diplomats from Russia, Thailand and Singapore and journalists were allowed to meet Suu Kyi.[87] The prosecution had originally planned to call 22 witnesses.[88] It also accused John Yettaw of embarrassing the country.[89] During the ongoing defence case, Suu Kyi said she was innocent. The defence was allowed to call only one witness (out of four), while the prosecution was permitted to call 14 witnesses. The court rejected two character witnesses, NLD members Tin Oo and Win Tin, and permitted the defense to call only a legal expert.[90] According to one unconfirmed report, the junta was planning to, once again, place her in detention, this time in a military base outside the city.[91] In a separate trial, Yettaw said he swam to Suu Kyi's house to warn her that her life was "in danger".[92] The national police chief later confirmed that Yettaw was the "main culprit" in the case filed against Suu Kyi.[93] According to aides, Suu Kyi spent her 64th birthday in jail sharing biryani rice and chocolate cake with her guards.[94]

    Her arrest and subsequent trial received worldwide condemnation by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations Security Council,[95] Western governments,[96] South Africa,[97] Japan[98] and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of which Burma is a member.[99] The Burmese government strongly condemned the statement, as it created an "unsound tradition"[100] and criticised Thailand for meddling in its internal affairs.[101] The Burmese Foreign Minister Nyan Win was quoted in the state-run newspaper New Light of Myanmar as saying that the incident "was trumped up to intensify international pressure on Burma by internal and external anti-government elements who do not wish to see the positive changes in those countries' policies toward Burma".[89] Ban responded to an international campaign[102] by flying to Burma to negotiate, but Than Shwe rejected all of his requests.[103]

    On 11 August 2009 the trial concluded with Suu Kyi being sentenced to imprisonment for three years with hard labour. This sentence was commuted by the military rulers to further house arrest of 18 months.[104] On 14 August, U.S. Senator Jim Webb visited Burma, visiting with junta leader Gen. Than Shwe and later with Suu Kyi. During the visit, Webb negotiated Yettaw's release and deportation from Burma.[105] Following the verdict of the trial, lawyers of Suu Kyi said they would appeal against the 18-month sentence.[106] On 18 August, United States President Barack Obama asked the country's military leadership to set free all political prisoners, including Aung San Suu Kyi.[107] In her appeal, Aung San Suu Kyi had argued that the conviction was unwarranted. However, her appeal against the August sentence was rejected by a Burmese court on 2 October 2009. Although the court accepted the argument that the 1974 constitution, under which she had been charged, was null and void, it also said the provisions of the 1975 security law, under which she has been kept under house arrest, remained in force. The verdict effectively meant that she would be unable to participate in the elections scheduled to take place in 2010 – the first in Burma in two decades. Her lawyer stated that her legal team would pursue a new appeal within 60 days.[108]

    2009: International pressure for release, and Burmese general election 2010[link]

    It was announced prior to the Burmese general election that Aung San Suu Kyi may be released "so she can organize her party,"[109] However, Suu Kyi was not allowed to run.[110] On 1 October 2010 the government announced that she would be released on 13 November 2010.[111]

    Burma's relaxing stance, such as releasing political prisoners, was influenced in the wake of successful recent diplomatic visits by the US and other democratic governments, urging or encouraging the Burmese towards democratic reform. U.S. President Barack Obama personally advocated for the release of all political prisoners, especially Aung San Suu Kyi, during the US-ASEAN Summit of 2009.[112]

    Democratic governments[which?] hoped that successful general elections would be an optimistic indicator of the Burmese government's sincerity towards eventual democracy.[113] The Hatoyama government which spent 2.82 billion yen in 2008, has promised more Japanese foreign aid to encourage Burma to release Aung San Suu Kyi in time for the elections; and to continue moving towards democracy and the rule of law.[113][114]

    In a personal letter to Suu Kyi, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown cautioned the Burmese government of the potential consequences of rigging elections as "condemning Burma to more years of diplomatic isolation and economic stagnation".[115]

    The Burmese government has been granting Suu Kyi varying degrees of freedom throughout late 2009, in response to international pressure. She has met with many heads of state, and opened a dialog with the Minister of Labor Aung Kyi (not to be confused with Aung San Suu Kyi).[116]

    Suu Kyi was allowed to meet with senior members of her NLD party at the State House,[117] however these meeting took place under close supervision.

    2010 release[link]

    Aung San Suu Kyi addresses crowds at the NLD headquarters shortly after her release.
    Aung San Suu Kyi meets with US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in Yangon (1 December 2011)

    On the evening of 13 November 2010, Suu Kyi was released from house arrest.[118] This was the date her detention had been set to expire according to a court ruling in August 2009[119] and came six days after a widely criticized general election. She appeared in front of a crowd of her supporters, who rushed to her house in Rangoon when nearby barricades were removed by the security forces. The Nobel Peace Prize laureate had been detained for 15 of the past 21 years.[120] The government newspaper New Light of Myanmar reported the release positively,[121] saying she had been granted a pardon after serving her sentence "in good conduct".[122] The New York Times suggested that the military government may have released Suu Kyi because it felt it was in a confident position to control her supporters after the election.[121] The role that Suu Kyi will play in the future of democracy in Burma remains a subject of much debate.

    Her son Kim Aris was granted a visa in November 2010 to see his mother shortly after her release, for the first time in 10 years.[123] He visited again in 5 July 2011, to accompany her on a trip to Bagan, her first trip outside Yangon since 2003.[124] Her son visited again in 8 August 2011, to accompany her on a trip to Pegu, her second trip.[125]

    Discussions were held between Suu Kyi and the Burmese government during 2011, which led to a number of official gestures to meet her demands. In October, around a tenth of Burma's political prisoners were freed in an amnesty and trade unions were legalised.[126][127]

    In November 2011, following a meeting of its leaders, the NLD announced its intention to re-register as a political party in order contend 48 by-elections necessitated by the promotion of parliamentarians to ministerial rank.[128] Following the decision, Suu Kyi held a telephone conference with U.S. President Barack Obama, in which it was agreed that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would make a visit to Burma, a move received with caution by Burma's ally China.[129] On 1 December 2011, Suu Kyi met with Hillary Clinton at the residence of the top-ranking US diplomat in Yangon.[130]

    On 21 December 2011, Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra met Suu Kyi in Yangoon, becoming Suu Kyi's "first-ever meeting with the leader of a foreign country".[131]

    On 5 January 2012, British Foreign Minister William Hague met Aung San Suu Kyi and his Burmese counterpart. This represented a significant visit for Suu Kyi and Burma. Suu Kyi studied in the UK and maintains many ties there, whilst Britain is Burma's largest bilateral donor.

    2012 by-elections[link]

    In December 2011, there was speculation that Suu Kyi would run in the 2012 national by-elections to fill vacant seats.[132] On 18 January 2012, Suu Kyi formally registered to contest a Pyithu Hluttaw (lower house) seat in the Kawhmu Township constituency in special parliamentary elections to be held on 1 April 2012.[133][134] The seat was previously held by Soe Tint, who vacated it after being appointed Construction Deputy Minister, in the 2010 election.[135] She ran against Union Solidarity and Development Party candidate Soe Min, a retired army physician and native of Twante Township.[136]

    Aung San Suu Kyi (Center) gives speech to the supporters during 2012 by-election campaign at her constituency Kawhmu township, Myanmar on 22 March 2012.

    On 3 March 2012, at a large campaign rally in Mandalay, Suu Kyi unexpectedly left after 15 minutes, because of exhaustion and airsickness.[137]

    In an official campaign speech broadcast on Burmese state television's MRTV on 14 March 2012, Suu Kyi publicly campaigned for reform of the 2008 Constitution, removal of restrictive laws, more adequate protections for people's democratic rights, and establishment of an independent judiciary.[138] The speech was leaked online a day before it was broadcast.[139] A paragraph in the speech, focusing on the Tatmadaw's repression by means of law, was censored by authorities.[140]

    Suu Kyi has also called for international media to monitor the upcoming by-elections, while publicly pointing out irregularities in official voter lists, which include deceased individuals and exclude other eligible voters in the contested constituencies.[141][142] On 21 March 2012, Aung San Suu Kyi was quoted as saying "Fraud and rule violations are continuing and we can even say they are increasing."[143]

    When asked whether she would assume a ministerial post if given the opportunity, she said the following:[144]

    I can tell you one thing – that under the present constitution, if you become a member of the government you have to vacate your seat in the national assembly. And I am not working so hard to get into parliament simply to vacate my seat.

    On 26 March 2012, Suu Kyi suspended her nationwide campaign tour early, after a campaign rally in Myeik (Mergui), a coastal town in the south, citing health problems due to exhaustion and hot weather.[145]

    On 1 April 2012, the NLD announced that Suu Kyi had won the vote for a seat in Parliament.[146] A news broadcast on state-run MRTV, reading the announcements of the Union Election Commission, confirmed her victory, as well as her party's victory in 43 of the 45 contested seats, officially making Suu Kyi the Leader of the Opposition in the lower house.[147]

    Although she and other MP-elects were expected to take office on 23 April when the Hluttaws resume session, National League for Democracy MP-elects, including Suu Kyi, said they might not take their oaths because of its wording; in its present form, parliamentarians must vow to "safeguard" the constitution.[148][149] In an address on Radio Free Asia, she said "We don't mean we will not attend the parliament, we mean we will attend only after taking the oath... Changing that wording in the oath is also in conformity with the Constitution. I don't expect there will be any difficulty in doing it."[150]

    On 2 May 2012, National League for Democracy MP-elects, including Aung San Suu Kyi, took their oaths and took office, though the wording of the oath was not changed. [151] According to the Los Angeles Times, "Suu Kyi and her colleagues decided they could do more by joining as lawmakers than maintaining their boycott on principle." [152]

    International support[link]

    File:Aung san suu kyi libera italy.jpg
    May 2009 demonstration for Aung San Suu Kyi in Rome, Italy
    The 2009 celebration of Aung San Suu Kyi's birthday in Dublin, Ireland

    Aung San Suu Kyi has received vocal support from Western nations in Europe,[153] Australia[153] and North[154] and South America, as well as India,[4] Israel,[155] Japan[156] the Philippines and South Korea.[157] In December 2007, the US House of Representatives voted unanimously 400–0 to award Aung San Suu Kyi the Congressional Gold Medal; the Senate concurred on 25 April 2008.[158] On 6 May 2008, President George Bush signed legislation awarding Suu Kyi the Congressional Gold Medal.[159] She is the first recipient in American history to receive the prize while imprisoned. More recently, there has been growing criticism of her detention by Burma's neighbours in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, particularly from Indonesia,[160] Thailand,[161] the Philippines[162][163] and Singapore.[164] At one point Malaysia warned Burma that it faced expulsion from ASEAN as a result of the detention of Suu Kyi.[165] Other nations including South Africa,[166] Bangladesh[167] and the Maldives[168] also called for her release. The United Nations has urged the country to move towards inclusive national reconciliation, the restoration of democracy, and full respect for human rights.[169] In December 2008, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution condemning the human rights situation in Burma and calling for Suu Kyi's release—80 countries voting for the resolution, 25 against and 45 abstentions.[170] Other nations, such as China and Russia, are less critical of the regime and prefer to cooperate only on economic matters.[171] Indonesia has urged China to push Burma for reforms.[172] However, Samak Sundaravej, former Prime Minister of Thailand, criticised the amount of support for Suu Kyi, saying that "Europe uses Aung San Suu Kyi as a tool. If it's not related to Aung San Suu Kyi, you can have deeper discussions with Myanmar."[173]

    Aung San Suu Kyi greeting supporters from Bago State in 2011.

    Vietnam, however, did not support calls by other ASEAN member states for Myanmar to free Aung San Suu Kyi, state media reported Friday, 14 August 2009.[174] The state-run Việt Nam News said Vietnam had no criticism of Myanmar's decision 11 August 2009 to place Suu Kyi under house arrest for the next 18 months, effectively barring her from elections scheduled for 2010. "It is our view that the Aung San Suu Kyi trial is an internal affair of Myanmar", Vietnamese government spokesman Le Dung stated on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In contrast with other ASEAN member states, Dung said Vietnam has always supported Myanmar and hopes it will continue to implement the "roadmap to democracy" outlined by its government.[175]

    Nobel Peace Prize[link]

    Aung San Suu Kyi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. The decision of the Nobel Committee mentions:[176]

    The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 1991 to Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar (Burma) for her non-violent struggle for democracy and human rights.

    ...Suu Kyi's struggle is one of the most extraordinary examples of civil courage in Asia in recent decades. She has become an important symbol in the struggle against oppression...

    ...In awarding the Nobel Peace Prize for 1991 to Aung San Suu Kyi, the Norwegian Nobel Committee wishes to honour this woman for her unflagging efforts and to show its support for the many people throughout the world who are striving to attain democracy, human rights and ethnic conciliation by peaceful means.
    —Oslo, 14 October 1991

    Nobel Peace Prize winners (Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama, Shirin Ebadi, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Mairead Corrigan, Rigoberta Menchú, Prof. Elie Wiesel, U.S. President Barack Obama, Betty Williams, Jody Williams and former U.S. President Jimmy Carter) called for the rulers of Burma to release Suu Kyi in order to "create the necessary conditions for a genuine dialogue with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all concerned parties and ethnic groups in order to achieve an inclusive national reconciliation with the direct support of the United Nations."[56] Some of the money she received as part of the award helps fund London-based charity Prospect Burma, which provides higher education grants to Burmese students.[177]

    On May 21, 2012, it was announced that Aung San Suu Kyi would finally deliver her traditional Nobel lecture at Oslo's City Hall, two decades after receiving the peace prize.[178]


    • Freedom Now, a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization, was retained in 2006 by a member of her family to help secure Aung San Suu Kyi's release from house arrest. The organization secured several opinions from the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention that her detention was in violation of international law; engaged in political advocacy such as spearheading a letter from 112 former Presidents and Prime Ministers to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urging him to go to Burma to seek her release, which he did six weeks later; and published numerous opeds and spoke widely to the media about her ongoing detention. Its representation of her ended when she was released from house arrest on 13 November 2010.[179]
    • Aung San Suu Kyi has been an honorary board member of International IDEA and ARTICLE 19 since her detention, and has received support from these organisations.
    • The Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the Université catholique de Louvain, both located in Belgium, granted her the title of Doctor Honoris Causa.[180]
    • In 2003, the Freedom Forum recognized Suu Kyi's efforts to promote democracy peacefully with the Al Neuharth Free Spirit of the Year Award, in which she was presented over satellite because she was under house arrest. She was awarded one million dollars.[181]
    • In June of each year, the U.S. Campaign for Burma organizes hundreds of "Arrest Yourself" house parties around the world in support of Aung San Suu Kyi. At these parties, the organizers keep themselves under house arrest for 24 hours, invite their friends, and learn more about Burma and Aung San Suu Kyi.[182]
    • The Freedom Campaign, a joint effort between the Human Rights Action Center and US Campaign for Burma, looks to raise worldwide attention to the struggles of Aung San Suu Kyi and the people of Burma.
    • The Burma Campaign UK is a UK based NGO (Non Governmental Organisation) that aims to raise awareness of Burma's struggles and follow the guidelines established by the NLD and Aung San Suu Kyi.
    • St. Hugh's College, Oxford, where she studied, had a Burmese theme for their annual ball in support of her in 2006.[183]
    • Aung San Suu Kyi is the official patron of The Rafto Human Rights House in Bergen, Norway. She received the Thorolf Rafto Memorial Prize in 1990.
    • She was made an honorary free person of the City of Dublin, Ireland in November 1999, although a space had been left on the roll of signatures to symbolize her continued detention.
    • In November 2005 the human rights group Equality Now proposed Aung Sun Suu Kyi as a potential candidate, among other qualifying women, for the position of U.N. Secretary General.[184] In the proposed list of qualified women Suu Kyi is recognised by Equality Now as the Prime Minister-Elect of Burma.[3]
    • The UN' special envoy to Myanmar, Ibrahim Gambari, met Aung San Suu Kyi on 10 March 2008 before wrapping up his trip to the military-ruled country.[185]
    • Aung San Suu Kyi is an honorary member of The Elders, a group of eminent global leaders brought together by Nelson Mandela.[186] Her ongoing detention means that she is unable to take an active role in the group, so The Elders place an empty chair for her at their meetings.[187] The Elders have consistently called for the release of all political prisoners in Burma.[188]
    • In 2008, Burma’s devoted human rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize, was welcomed as Club of Madrid Honorary Member.
    • In 2011, Aung San Suu Kyi was named the Guest Director of the 45th Brighton Festival.[citation needed]
    • In June 2011, the BBC announced that Aung San Suu Kyi was to deliver the 2011 Reith Lectures. The BBC covertly recorded two lectures with Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma, which were then smuggled out of the country and brought back to London.[189] The lectures were broadcast on BBC Radio 4 and the BBC World Service on 28 June 2011 and 5 July 2011.
    • In November 2011, Suu Kyi received Francois Zimeray, France's Ambassador for Human Rights.
    • March 8, 2012, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird presented Aung San Suu Kyi a certificate of honorary Canadian citizenship and an informal invitation to visit Canada.
    • In April 2012, British Prime Minister David Cameron became the first leader of a major world power to visit Aung San Su Kyi and the first of a British prime minister since the 1950s. In his visit, Cameron invited San Su Kyi to Britain where she would be able to visit her 'beloved' Oxford, an invitation which she later accepted; no specifec date has been confirmed but the month is thought to be June 2012.
    • In May 2012, Suu Kyi received the inaugural Václav Havel Prize for Creative Dissent of the Human Rights Foundation.[190]
    • 29 May 2012 PM Manmohan Singh of India visited Aung San Suu Kyi. In his visit, PM invited San Suu Kyi to India as well.


    1. ^ "Myanmar election commission announces NLD wins overwhelmingly in by-elections". Xinhua. 2 April 2012. Retrieved 2 April 2012. 
    2. ^ Aung San Suu Kyi should lead Burma, Pravda Online. 25 September 2007
    3. ^ a b The Next United Nations Secretary-General: Time for a Woman. Equality November 2005.
    4. ^ a b MPs to Suu Kyi: You are the real PM of Burma. The Times of India. 13 June 2007
    5. ^ Walsh, John. (February 2006). Letters from Burma. Shinawatra International University.
    6. ^ Deutsche Welle Article: Sentence for Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi sparks outrage and cautious hope Quote: The NLD won a convincing majority in elections in 1990, the last remotely fair vote in Burma. That would have made Suu Kyi the prime minister, but the military leadership immediately nullified the result. Now her party must decide whether to take part in a poll that shows little prospect of being just.
    7. ^ The Hon. PENNY SHARPE Speech: In 1990, Suu Kyi stood as the National League for Democracy's candidate for Prime Minister in the Burmese general election. The NLD won in a landslide but the military junta refused to hand over power. Page: 52
    8. ^ twist in Aung San Suu Kyi's fate Article: How a Missouri Mormon may have thwarted democracy in Myanmar. By Patrick Winn — GlobalPost Quote: "Suu Kyi has mostly lived under house arrest since 1990, when the country's military junta refused her election to the prime minister's seat. The Nobel Peace Laureate remains backed by a pro-democracy movement-in-exile, many of them also voted into a Myanmar parliament that never was." Published: 21 May 2009 00:48 ETBANGKOK, Thailand
    9. ^ Burma releases Aung San Suu Kyi. BBC News, 13 November 2010.
    10. ^ Aye Aye Win, Myanmar's Suu Kyi Released From Hospital, Associated Press (via the Washington Post, 10 June 2006.
    11. ^ "Canada makes Myanmar's Suu Kyi an honorary citizen". Reuters. 17 October 2007. Retrieved 28 December 2010. 
    12. ^ "Update: Mawlana Hazar Imam is made an honorary citizen of Canada". The Ismaili. 19 June 2009. Retrieved 28 December 2010. 
    13. ^ Recipients of the Wallenberg Medal. Retrieved on 2 April 2012.
    14. ^ Fuller, Thomas, Democracy Advocate Elected to Myanmar’s Parliament, Her Party Says, The New York Times, 1 April 2012.
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    16. ^ NLD Claims Suu Kyi Victory, The Irrawaddy, 4 April 2012.
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    18. ^ "Myanmar Family Roles and Social Relationships". Government of Myanmar. Retrieved 24 September 2007. 
    19. ^ Min Lwin (28 May 2009). "Suu Kyi Protester Arrested". The Irrawaddy. Retrieved 7 August 2011. 
    20. ^ "ဒေါ်အောင်ဆန်းစုကြည်ကို "အမေစု"ဟု အော်ဟစ် နှုတ်ဆက်" (in Burmese). ဧရာဝတီ. 13 November 2010. Retrieved 7 August 2011. 
    21. ^ "City honours democracy campaigner". BBC. 4 March 2009. Retrieved 7 July 2010. 
    22. ^ Beech, Hannah (29 November 2010). "The Lady Walks Free Again". Time.,9171,2031990,00.html. 
    23. ^ A biography of Aung San Suu Kyi. Burma Retrieved 7 May 2009.
    24. ^ Stewart (1997), p. 31
    25. ^ Stewart (1997), p. 32
    26. ^ a b c d e f A biography of Aung San Suu Kyi. Burma Retrieved 7 May 2009.
    27. ^ "Aung San Suu Kyi — Biography". Nobel Foundation. Retrieved 4 May 2006. 
    28. ^ a b Phadnis, Aditi. "Much warmth, some restraint at Manmohan's meeting with Suu Kyi". Business Standard. Retrieved 30 May 2012. 
    29. ^ Staff reporter (18 June 2009). Before the storm: Aung San Suu Kyi photograph peels back the years. The Guardian.
    30. ^ Suu Kyi rejects UK visit offer. BBC News. 26 March 1999.
    31. ^ "Obituary: A courageous and patient man". London: BBC News. 27 March 1999. Retrieved 4 July 2006. 
    32. ^ Official: UN plane lands in Myanmar with aid after cyclone[dead link], Associated Press. 2 May 2008.
    33. ^ Aung San Suu Kyi’s home to be renovated. Mizzima. 10 August 2009.
    34. ^ Ba Kaung (13 November 2010). "Suu Kyi Freed at Last". The Irrawaddy. Retrieved 14 November 2010. 
    35. ^ Silverstein, Josef. "The idea of freedom in Burma and the political thought of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi." Pacific Affairs 69, no. 2 (Summer96 1996): 152. Historical Abstracts, EBSCOhost . Retrieved 2 July 2010.
    36. ^ "Profile: Aung San Suu Kyi". London: BBC News. 25 May 2006. Retrieved 26 May 2007. [dead link]
    37. ^ "The Nobel Peace Prize 1991 Presentation Speech". Nobel Foundation. Retrieved 26 May 2007. 
    38. ^ Houtman, Gustaaf, Mental culture in Burmese crisis politics: Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy (ILCAA Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa Monograph Series), 1999. ISBN 978-4-87297-748-6. See also Buddhism in Burma.
    39. ^ "National League for Democracy". National League for Democracy. Retrieved 26 September 2011.  (Note: The date is in the "description" meta element of the web page and can be verified by viewing the page HTML code)
    40. ^ "The Voice of Her People: Aung San Suu Kyi". Parade Magazine. 19 January 1997. 
    41. ^ "Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma's Icon of Democracy, Hope and Grace Under Pressure". Amnesty International Women's Action Council Stop Violence Against Women Campaign. Archived from the original on 21 August 2006. 
    42. ^ Miller (2001), p. 21
    43. ^ Simpson, John (27 June 2011). "Is Aung San Suu Kyi rethinking her tactics?". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 27 June 2011. 
    44. ^ "Aung San Suu Kyi profile". Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma). Retrieved 5 November 2010. 
    45. ^ a b c Moe, Wait (3 August 2009). Suu Kyi Questions Burma’s Judiciary, Constitution. The Irrawaddy.
    46. ^ Aung San Suu Kyi interview (video). YouTube.
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    120. ^ "Aung San Suu Kyi Freed From House Arrest". Sky News. Retrieved 13 November 2010. 
    121. ^ a b "Freed Myanmar Dissident Urges Reconciliation and Change". The New York Times. 14 November 2010. 
    122. ^ "New Light of Myanmar". 7 November 2010. Retrieved 15 November 2010. 
    123. ^ Kennedy, Phoebe (24 November 2010). "Suu Kyi and son reunited after 10-year separation". The Independent (London). Retrieved 13 July 2011. 
    124. ^ Moe, Wai (30 June 2011). "Suu Kyi to Visit Pagan Next Week". The Irrawaddy. Retrieved 13 July 2011. 
    125. ^ Moe, Wai (8 August 2011). "Suu Kyi to Visit Pegu Next Week". The Irrawaddy. Retrieved 8 August 2011. 
    126. ^ "Burma frees dozens of political prisoners". BBC News. 12 October 2011. Retrieved 19 November 2011. 
    127. ^ "Burma law to allow labour unions and strikes". BBC News. 14 October 2011. Retrieved 19 November 2011. 
    128. ^ "Suu Kyi's NLD democracy party to rejoin Burma politics". BBC News. 18 November 2011. Retrieved 19 November 2011. 
    129. ^ Sly, Liz (19 November 2011). "U.S. sees Burma reforms as strategic opening to support democracy". Washington Post. Retrieved 19 November 2011. 
    130. ^ "Clinton Says U.S. Will Relax Some Curbs on Aid to Myanmar". The New York Times. 1 December 2011. 
    131. ^ "PM Yingluck backs Suu Kyi in landmark Myanmar talks". WBDJ7. 21 December 2011. 
    132. ^ Kyaw Hsu Mon (12 December 2011). "Daw Aung San Suu Kyi eyes Kawhmu seat". The Myanmar Times. Retrieved 19 January 2012. 
    133. ^ Aye Aye Win (19 January 2012). "Suu Kyi Registers for By-Election". The Irrawaddy. Retrieved 19 January 2012. 
    134. ^ "Aung San Suu Kyi registers for Burma election run". BBC News. 18 January 2012. Retrieved 19 January 2012. 
    135. ^ "By-elections Special". Alternative Asean Network on Burma. Retrieved 7 March 2012. 
    136. ^ Marshall, Andrew (24 March 2012). "In Myanmar, old soldier fights losing war against Suu Kyi". Reuters. Retrieved 26 March 2012. 
    137. ^ "Myanmar's opposition leader Suu Kyi falls ill at election rally, recovers". China Post. Associated Press (Taiwan (ROC)). 4 March 2012. Retrieved 15 March 2012. 
    138. ^ "Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi makes landmark campaign speech". BBC News. 14 March 2012. Retrieved 15 March 2012. 
    139. ^ "Suu Kyi's Speech Leaked on Internet Before Broadcast". Associated Press. The Irrawaddy. 13 March 2012. Retrieved 15 March 2012. 
    140. ^ "Burmese gov’t censors Suu Kyi’s campaign speech". Mizzima. 11 March 2012. Retrieved 15 March 2012. 
    141. ^ "Suu Kyi Warns Canadian FM of Voter List Problems". Associated Press. The Irrawaddy. 9 March 2012. Retrieved 15 March 2012. 
    142. ^ "Suu Kyi: media must monitor Burma". UK Press Association. 11 March 2012. Retrieved 15 March 2012. 
    143. ^ "Western Election Observers Invited". Radio Free Asia. 21 March 2012. Retrieved 22 March 2012. 
    144. ^ Ljunggren, David (29 February 2012). "Myanmar's Suu Kyi says reforms could be reversed". Reuters (Ottowa). Retrieved 15 March 2012. 
    145. ^ "Aung San Suu Kyi suspends Burma election tour after falling ill". The Guardian. Associated Press. 26 March 2012. Retrieved 26 March 2012. 
    146. ^ [Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi wins by-election: NLD party "Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi wins by-election: NLD party"]. BBC News. 1 April 2012. Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi wins by-election: NLD party. Retrieved 31 March 2012. 
    147. ^ Kyaw Myo Win (2 April 2012). "Winning NLD candidate list announced in state tv". MRTV. Retrieved 2 April 2012. 
    148. ^ Aung Hla Tun (20 April 2012). "Suu Kyi Myanmar parliament debut in doubt over oath stalemate". Reuters. Retrieved 21 April 2012. 
    149. ^ The line in question is Schedule Four of the 2008 Constitution (Form of Oaths or Affirmation), which states: "After being elected as an MP, I do solemnly swear to preserve, protect, and nurture the Constitution while following the nation's laws." (ကျွန်ုပ်...သည် လွှတ်တော်ကိုယ်စားလှယ်အဖြစ်ရွေးချယ်ခံရပြီးဖြစ်သဖြင့် နိုင်ငံတော်ဖွဲ့စည်းပုံအခြေခံဥပဒေကို ထိန်းသိမ်းကာကွယ် စောင့်ရှောက်ပြီး နိုင်ငံတော်၏ ဥပဒေများကိုလည်း လိုက်နာပါမည်။), officially translated as: "I do solemnly and sincerely promise that as an elected representative of the Hluttaw, I will uphold and abide by the Constitution of the Union."
    150. ^ Aung Hla Tun (19 April 2012). "Myanmar oath standoff puts Suu Kyi's MP debut in doubt". Reuters. Retrieved 21 April 2012. 
    151. ^
    152. ^
    153. ^ a b Myanmar offer is a 'sop' to the West. IOL. 7 October 2007
    154. ^ US House honours Burma's Suu Kyi BBC News, 18 December 2007.
    155. ^ "Israel calls on Myanmar government to release Suu Kyi". Retrieved 8 November 2011. 
    156. ^ "Japan calls for Suu Kyi release". BBC News. 24 June 2003. Retrieved 28 December 2010. 
    157. ^ "Leaders demand Suu Kyi's release". 15 May 2007. Archived from the original on 11 January 2007. 
    158. ^ Schor, Elana (25 April 2008). Burmese detainee receives US honour. The Guardian.
    159. ^ Burma's cyclone death toll soars. BBC News Online. 6 May 2008.
    160. ^ U.S., Indonesia call for Suu Kyi's release. Mizzima. 9 June 2009
    161. ^ Burma lashes out at Thailand over Suu Kyi. Bangkok Post. 25 May 2009
    162. ^ Philippine Daily Inquirer. 27 January 2008.
    163. ^ Myanmar urged to release peace activist Suu Kyi. Gulfnews. 30 May 2007.
    164. ^ S'pore disappointed with extension of Aung San Suu Kyi's detention. Channel News Asia. 27 May 2009
    165. ^ Burma 'faces ASEAN expulsion'. BBC News Online. 20 July 2003
    166. ^ SA calls for immediate release of Aung San Suu Kyi. Mail & Guardian. 22 May 2009
    167. ^ 432 eminent citizens call for Suu Kyi's freedom. Daily Star. 19 June 2006
    168. ^ "President Nasheed calls for immediate release of Aung San Suu Ky". 12 February 2009. Retrieved 10 June 2009. [dead link]
    169. ^ UN Secretary Repeats Call for Release of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi 27 May 2007.
    170. ^ UN General Assembly condemns Myanmar. Taipei Times. 26 December 2008
    171. ^ Myanmar breaks own law holding Suu Kyi: UN panel. Daily Times of Pakistan. 25 March 2009
    172. ^ RI woos India, China over Suu Kyi. Jakarta Post. 13 June 2009
    173. ^ Thai PM says West uses Mynamar. 25 August 2008
    174. ^ dT; (14 August 2009). "Vietnam supports Myanmar's efforts for reconciliation". Retrieved 30 September 2010. 
    175. ^ "Vietnam: Suu Kyi verdict ‘internal’ matter for Myanmar". 13 August 2009. Retrieved 30 September 2010. 
    176. ^ Nobel Committee press release.
    177. ^ "Home". Prospect Burma. Retrieved 10 June 2009. 
    178. ^ "Aung San Suu Kyi to give Nobel acceptance speech in Norway 2 decades after winning peace prize". Associated Press. Retrieved 21 May 2012. 
    179. ^ Retrieved on 2 April 2012.
    180. ^ "Overzicht Eredoctoraten Vrije Universiteit Brussel" (in Dutch). Vrije Univeriteit Brussel. Retrieved 4 July 2006. 
    181. ^
    182. ^ "Arrest Yourself". US Campaign for Burma. Archived from the original on 15 July 2006. Retrieved 4 July 2006. 
    183. ^ "St. Hugh's Full Moon Ball". The Burma Campaign UK. Retrieved 4 July 2006. 
    184. ^ The Next United Nations Secretary-General: Time for a Woman. Qualified women; Quote: ...Aung San Suu Kyi (Burma) Prime Minister-Elect...Equality November 2005.
    185. ^ "Arrest Yourself". CNN. Archived from the original on 15 March 2008. Retrieved 11 March 2008. 
    186. ^ " ''Aung San Suu Kyi''". Retrieved 30 September 2010. 
    187. ^ Photo: Jeff Moore / AP (26 May 2009). "San Francisco Chronicle ''Absent but not forgotten''". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 30 September 2010. 
    188. ^ " ''The Elders demand release of Aung San Suu Kyi''". 26 May 2009. Retrieved 30 September 2010. 
    189. ^ BBC News – Aung San Suu Kyi to present the BBC's Reith Lectures. (10 June 2011). Retrieved on 10 August 2011.
    190. ^ "A Prize for Creative Dissent". The Wall Street Journal. 13 May 2012. Retrieved 16 May 2012. 


    • Miller, J. E. (2001). Who's who in contemporary women's writing. Routledge.
    • Reid, R., Grosberg, M. (2005). Myanmar (Burma). Lonely Planet. ISBN 978-1-74059-695-4.
    • Stewart, Whitney (1997). Aung San Suu Kyi: fearless voice of Burma. Twenty-First Century Books. ISBN 978-0-8225-4931-4.

    Further reading[link]

    External links[link]

    Party political offices
    New political party Leader of the National League for Democracy
    Assembly seats
    Preceded by
    Soe Tint
    Member of the Burmese House of Representatives
    for Kawhmu

    Awards and achievements
    Preceded by
    Mikhail Gorbachev
    Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
    Succeeded by
    Rigoberta Menchú

    Related pages:Аун Сан Су Чжи San Suu Kyi

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    Kanye West

    West at the SWU Music & Arts Festival, 2011
    Background information
    Birth name Kanye Omari West
    Born (1977-06-08) June 8, 1977 (age 35)
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    Origin Chicago, Illinois, United States
    Genres Hip hop
    Occupations rapper, singer, songwriter, record producer, music video director, film director, fashion designer
    Instruments Vocals, keyboards, sampler, percussion, synthesizer
    Years active 1996–present
    Labels GOOD Music, Roc-A-Fella, Def Jam
    Associated acts Go Getters, Child Rebel Soldier, Jay-Z, The Throne, Common, John Legend, Kid Cudi, Rihanna, Jeff Bhasker, Pusha T, Mos Def, Mr Hudson, Talib Kweli, Big Sean, A-Trak, Pharrell, Lupe Fiasco, RZA

    Kanye Omari West (play /ˈkɑːnj/; born June 8, 1977)[1] is an American musician, film director and fashion designer. West first rose to fame as a producer for Roc-A-Fella Records, where he eventually achieved recognition for his work on Jay-Z's album The Blueprint, as well as hit singles for musical artists including Alicia Keys, Ludacris, and Janet Jackson. His style of production originally used pitched-up vocal samples from soul songs incorporated with his own drums and instruments. However, subsequent productions saw him broadening his musical palette and expressing influences encompassing '70s R&B, baroque pop, trip hop, arena rock, folk, alternative, electronica, synthpop, and classical music.[2]

    West released his debut album The College Dropout in 2004, his second album Late Registration in 2005, his third album Graduation in 2007, his fourth album 808s & Heartbreak in 2008, and his fifth album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy in 2010. West released a collaborative album, Watch the Throne with Jay-Z in 2011, which is the duo's first collaborative album. His five solo albums, all of which have gone platinum, have received numerous awards and critical acclaim.[3] As of 2012, West has won a total of eighteen Grammy Awards, making him one of the most awarded artists of all-time.[4] All albums have been very commercially successful, with My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy becoming his fourth consecutive No. 1 album in the U.S. upon release.[5] West has had 5 songs exceed 3 million in digital sales as of July 2011, with "Gold Digger" selling 3,086,000, "Stronger" selling 4,402,000, "Heartless" selling 3,742,000, "E.T." selling over 4,000,000 and "Love Lockdown" selling over 3,000,000[6][7] placing him third in overall digital sales of the past decade.[8][9] He has sold over 30 million digital songs in the United States making him one of the best-selling digital artists of all-time.[10]

    West also runs his own record label GOOD Music, home to artists such as John Legend, Common and Kid Cudi.[11] West's mascot and trademark is "Dropout Bear," a teddy bear which has appeared on the covers of three of his five solo albums as well as various single covers and in his music videos.[12] ranked Kanye West No. 8 on their "Top 50 Hip-Hop Producers" list.[13] On May 16, 2008, Kanye West was crowned by MTV as the year's No. 1 "Hottest MC in the Game."[14] On December 17, 2010, Kanye West was voted as the MTV Man of the Year by MTV.[15] Billboard ranked Kanye West No. 3 on their list of Top 10 Producers of the Decade.[16] West has also been included in the Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world as well as being listed in a number of Forbes' annual lists.[17]

    Kanye will release the full-length album entitled Cruel Summer with GOOD Music signed artists sometime in 2012.


    Early life[link]

    Kanye West was born in Atlanta, Georgia,[18] where he lived with his parents. When he was three years old, his parents divorced, and he and his mother moved to Chicago, Illinois.[19] His father was Ray West, a former Black Panther who was one of the first black photojournalists at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and is now a Christian counselor.[19] West's mother, Dr. Donda West, was a Professor of English at Clark Atlanta University, and the Chair of the English Department at Chicago State University before retiring to serve as West's manager. He was raised in a middle-class background, attending Polaris High School[20] in suburban Oak Lawn, Illinois after living in Chicago.[21] When asked about his grades in high school, West replied, "I got A's and B's. And I'm not even frontin'".[22]

    West attended art classes at the American Academy of Art in Chicago, and also enrolled at Chicago State University, but dropped out to focus on his music career.[23] While attending school, West produced for local artists. He later gained fame by producing hit singles for major hip hop/R&B artists, including Jay-Z, Talib Kweli, Cam'ron, Paul Wall, Common, Mobb Deep, Jermaine Dupri, Scarface, The Game, Alicia Keys, Janet Jackson, John Legend among others. He also "ghost-produced" for his mentor Deric Angelettie, according to his song "Last Call" and the credits of Nas' "Poppa Was a Playa".[23]

    Music career[link]

    1996–2003: Career beginnings[link]

    Kanye West's first career productions came on Chicago rapper Grav's 1996 debut album Down to Earth. West produced eight tracks on the album. While the album did not attract much attention and would be the only album released by Grav, West would soon be producing for higher profile artists. In 1998–1999 he produced for well-known artists such as Jermaine Dupri, Foxy Brown, Goodie Mob, and the group Harlem World.

    West got his big break in the year 2000, when he began to produce for artists on Roc-a-Fella Records. He produced the well-received Jay-Z song "This Can't Be Life" off of the album The Dynasty: Roc La Familia. West would later state that to create the beat for "This Can't Be Life", he sped up the drum beat from Dr. Dre's song "Xxplosive".[24]

    After producing for Jay-Z earlier, West’s sound was featured heavily on Jay-Z's critically acclaimed album The Blueprint, released September 11, 2001.[25] His work was featured on the lead single "Izzo (H.O.V.A.)", "Heart of the City (Ain't No Love)" and a diss track against Nas and Mobb Deep named "Takeover"; West has worked with Mobb Deep and Nas since the track's release.[25]

    After meeting great commercial success and critical acclaim for his productions on The Blueprint, West became a sought after producer in the hip-hop industry, even before he became known as a rapper and solo artist. In the years 2002–2003 he would produce for artists such as Nas, Scarface, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, T.I., Ludacris, DMX, and Monica. He also continued producing for Roc-a-Fella Records artists and contribued four tracks to Jay-Z's follow up album to The Blueprint, The Blueprint²: The Gift & the Curse.

    After great successes as a producer, West now looked to pursue a career as a rapper and solo artist, but struggled to get a record deal. Chris Anokute, then A&R at Def Jam, said that when West regularly dropped by the office to pick up his producer checks he would play demos of solo material to Anokute in his cubicle and bemoan the fact that no one was taking him seriously as a rapper.[26] Jay-Z admitted that Roc-A-Fella was initially reluctant to support West as a rapper, claiming that he saw him as a producer first and foremost.[27] Multiple record companies felt he was not as marketable as rappers who portray the "street image" prominent in hip hop culture.[24] Beginning his career as a rapper, Kanye West recorded the third verse on the song "The Bounce" off of Jay-Z's The Blueprint²: The Gift & the Curse, an album he produced for, from the same label he was signed to as a rapper.

    [edit] 2004–05: The College Dropout and Late Registration

    On October 23, 2002, West was involved in a near fatal car crash while driving home from the recording studio.[28] The crash provided inspiration for West's first single, "Through the Wire".[29] West's faith is apparent in many of his songs, such as "Jesus Walks", which became a staple at his benefit performances, such as the Live 8 concert. These songs were featured on West's debut album, The College Dropout, which was released on Roc-A-Fella Records in February 2004, and went on to receive critical acclaim. The album also defined the style for which West would become known, including wordplay and sampling.[29] The album was eventually certified triple platinum. Guest appearances included Jay-Z, Ludacris, GLC, Consequence, Talib Kweli, Mos Def, Common, and Syleena Johnson. The album also featured the singles, "All Falls Down" and "The New Workout Plan", as well as Twista's number one single, "Slow Jamz".[30] During 2003 West also co-produced songs for British singer Javine Hylton, even appearing in the music video to Real Things playing the love interest of Javine.

    West was involved in a financial dispute over Royce Da 5'9"'s song "Heartbeat", produced by West and released on Build & Destroy: The Lost Sessions. West maintains that Royce never paid for the beat, but recorded to it and released it; hearing him on the beat, the original customers decided not to buy it from West. After the disagreement, West vowed to never work with Royce again.[31] Other Kanye West-produced hit singles during the period The College Dropout was released included "I Changed My Mind" by Keyshia Cole, "Overnight Celebrity" by Twista and "Talk About Our Love" by Brandy.[29]

    West and Jamie Foxx performing "Gold Digger" at the Democratic Convention in Denver, Colorado

    Taking a more eclectic route, West collaborated with American film score composer Jon Brion to construct his second album, Late Registration, which was released on August 30, 2005.[32] Like its predecessor, the sophomore effort garnered universal acclaim from music critics.[33] Late Registration topped countless critic polls and was revered as the best album of the year by numerous publications, including USA Today, Spin, and Time.[34][35] Rolling Stone awarded the album the highest position on their end of the year record list and hailed it as a "sweepingly generous, absurdly virtuosic hip-hop classic."[36] The record earned the number one spot on the Village Voice's Pazz & Jop critics' poll of 2005 for the second consecutive year.[37] Late Registration was also a commercial success, selling over 860,000 copies in its first week alone and topping the Billboard 200.[38] Grossing over 2.3 million units sold in the United States alone by year's end, Late Registration was considered by industry observers as the sole majorly successful album release of the fall of 2005, a season that was plagued by steadily declining CD sales.[39] The second album earned eight Grammy Award nominations including Album of the Year and Record of the Year for the song "Gold Digger".[40] The album is certified triple platinum.[41]

    On August 22, 2005, the MTV special All Eyes On Kanye West aired, in which West spoke out against homophobia in hip-hop. He claimed that hip-hop has always been about "speaking your mind and about breaking down barriers, but everyone in hip-hop discriminates against gay people."[42] He then reflected on a personal experience. He said that he had a "turning point" when he realized one of his cousins was gay. He said regarding this experience: "This is my cousin. I love him and I've been discriminating against gays." He drew comparison between African Americans' struggle for civil rights and today's gay rights movement. The following year, in an interview with Entertainment Weekly, West further expounded his experiences with and views on the relationship between the black and gay communities.[43]

    In September 2005, West announced that he would release his Pastelle Clothing line in spring 2006:[44] "Now that I have a Grammy under my belt and Late Registration is finished, I am ready to launch my clothing line next spring." In that year, West produced the hit singles "Go" by Common and "Dreams" by The Game.[45]

    [edit] 2007–09: Graduation and 808s & Heartbreak

    West performing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 2007.

    In 2007, it was announced that West would be starring in a series directed by Larry Charles. He has been working on the pilot episode for the past two years with Larry Charles and Rick Rubin. He also had this to say on January 14: "I wouldn't do something as cliché as a reality show. At least give me the credit for being more creative than that. It's a situational half-hour comedy. It's fictional, and loosely based on my life.[46] " West also collaborated with Japanese hip-hop group Teriyaki Boyz to produce the single "I Still Love H.E.R.", a reference to Common's 1994 single "I Used to Love H.E.R.". Further to this, during a radio appearance in early 2007, West, like many of his peers, recorded an impromptu freestyle to the popular song "Throw Some D's." The song that to all other rappers was about automobile rims, was used by West to comically refer to D-cup breasts. Because of the unexpected success of the song, West went on to make a video for the freestyle, in which he is seen playing his 'Old Ass Cousin'.[47]

    West was also featured in a new song called "Classic (Better Than I've Ever Been)". It was believed to be a single for, Graduation, because he is featured on the track, but Nike quickly explained that it was for the Nike Air Force 1's anniversary. It was meant only to be an exclusive track for the company.[48]

    On March 25, 2007, he and his father Ray West supported World Water Day by having a "Walk for Water" rally.[49] After a two-year break, West has returned to being a fashion columnist in lifestyle magazine Complex.[50] On July 7, 2007, West performed with The Police and John Mayer at the American leg of Live Earth.[51] West hosted the August 17 edition of British comedy- variety show The Friday Night Project.[52]

    In July 2007, West changed the release date of Graduation, his third album, from September 18, 2007, to the same release date as 50 Cent's album Curtis, September 11, 2007.[53] 50 Cent later claimed that if Graduation were to sell more records than Curtis, he would stop releasing solo albums. However, 50 Cent would later dispel his comments.[54] The album has been certified double platinum. Guest appearances included T-Pain, Mos Def, and Lil Wayne.[55]

    When I heard that thing about the debate, I thought that was the stupidest thing. When my albums drops and 50's album drops, you're gonna get a lot of good music at the same time.[56]

    On August 26, 2007, West appeared as himself on the HBO television show Entourage which he used as a platform to premier his new single "Good Life" during the end credits. On September 9, 2007, West performed at the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards, losing in every category he was nominated for; he gave an angry speech immediately afterward. (see "Controversies" section)

    Following the MTV stint, West was nominated in eight Grammy Award categories for the 50th annual Grammy Awards.[57] He won four of them,[58] including Best Rap Album for Graduation and Best Rap Solo Performance for "Stronger" from Graduation. During the four-hour televised Grammy Awards ceremony, West also performed two songs: "Stronger" (with Daft Punk) and "Hey Mama" (in honor of his recently deceased mother).[59]

    File:Kanye West Chicago Tour 2008.jpg
    West performing at the United Center in Chicago

    West kicked off the Glow in the Dark Tour in Seattle at the Key Arena on April 16. The tour was originally scheduled to end in June in Cincinnati but was extended into August. Over the course of the tour West was joined by a varying group of opening acts, including Lupe Fiasco, Rihanna, N.E.R.D., DJ Craze, and Gnarls Barkley. On June 15, West was scheduled to perform a late night set at the Bonnaroo Music Festival. His performance started almost two hours late and ran for half of its alloted time, angering many fans in the audience. West later wrote an outraged entry on his blog, blaming the festival organizers as well as Pearl Jam's preceding set, which ran longer than expected.

    On September 7, West debuted a new song "Love Lockdown" at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards. "Love Lockdown" features no rapping and only singing using an auto-tune device. This song appears on West's fourth studio album, 808s & Heartbreak. The new album was expected to be released on December 16, but West announced on his blog on September 24, 2008, that he had finished the album and would be releasing it sometime in November, earlier than previously scheduled. In early October, West made a surprise appearance at a T.I. concert in Los Angeles, where he stated that 808s & Heartbreak was scheduled to be released on November 25, though it was actually released on the 24th, and that the second single is "Heartless". The album was another number one album for West, even though the first week numbers fell well short of Graduation with 450,145 sold.[60]

    West performing in 2008

    West performed at the American Music Awards ceremony on November 23.[61] That same night he won two AMA awards, including Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Album for Graduation and Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Male Artist. West performed at the Democratic National Convention in Denver in August 2008, along with Wyclef Jean and N.E.R.D. in support of Barack Obama. On January 20, 2009, Kanye West performed at the Youth Inaugural Ball hosted by MTV for Obama's inauguration.

    On February 17, 2009, West was named one of Top 10 Most Stylish Men in America by GQ.[62] The next day, February 18, 2009, West won International Male Solo Artist at The Brit Awards 2009. West was not in attendance but accepted his award with a video speech, saying "Barack is the 'Best Interracial Male' but I'm proud to be the Best International Male in the world.[63]

    In April 2009, Kanye West recorded a song called "Hurricane" with 30 Seconds to Mars to appear on their album This Is War, but was not released due to legal issues with both record companies. The song was eventually released on the deluxe version of This Is War, titled "Hurricane 2.0".[64][65][66]

    [edit] 2010–present: My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy and Watch the Throne

    West performing at The Big Chill

    In May 2010, West made an animated television guest appearance on Fox's animated television series The Cleveland Show (a spin-off of Family Guy) as the voice behind "Kenny West", a rival of Cleveland Brown's son.[67] In his first episode he performed in a rap battle with Cleveland's son. The producers stated working with West was a very good experience and a reason they chose him was because they knew he was a fan of Family Guy.[68] Kenny West re-appeared in the season 2 premiere of The Cleveland Show.

    West spent the first half of 2010 in Honolulu, Hawaii, working on his new album with the working title "Good Ass Job", later named My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, released on November 22, 2010.[69] West has cited Maya Angelou, Gil Scott-Heron and Nina Simone as his musical inspirations for this album. Outside production is said to come from RZA, Q-Tip, Pete Rock, and DJ Premier.[70][71] West also had Justin Vernon flown into his studio on Oahu after seemingly expressing interest in sampling one of Bon Iver's songs; Vernon proceeded to feature on a number of new tracks, including "Lost In The World," which features Vernon's vocal line from Woods.[72]

    On May 28, the Dwele-assisted first single from the album, entitled "Power", leaked to the Internet. On June 30, the track was officially released via iTunes. The upcoming music video was quoted as being "apocalyptic, in a very personal way" by the director Marco Brambilla.[73]

    On September 12, 2010, West performed a new song, "Runaway" featuring Pusha T, at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards.[74] Shortly after the performance, Kanye revealed he was working on a 35 minute short film based around the song. The movie is said to be influenced by film noir and concerns a fallen phoenix whom Kanye falls in love with.[75] On October 15, 2010, Kanye West was ranked 3rd in BET's "Top Ten Rappers of the 21st Century" list.[76]

    West performing at a benefit at the Museum of Modern Art in 2011

    Watch the Throne, a collaborative studio album by West and Jay-Z,[77] was released by Def Jam Recordings on August 8, 2011.[78] It has been under production since August 2010 as part of West's GOOD Friday initiative of releasing new songs every Friday between August 20 and Christmas 2010.[79] West said through a recent interview with MTV that the album is "going to be very dark and sexy, like couture hip hop."[79][80][81] He appeared at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, performing the track "Lost in the World" from My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.[82] On January 6, 2011, Kanye announced via Twitter that the first official single from Watch the Throne would be a song called "H•A•M" produced by Lex Luger. The song was released on January 11, 2011.[83]

    On April 17, 2011, West closed the Coachella Festival with a headlining set that received glowing praise from fans and critics alike.[84][85] On July 20, a track titled "Otis" from the album was released in the iTunes Store. It samples "Try a Little Tenderness" by Otis Redding.[86] On October 19, 2011, via his Twitter, West announced plans for a Spring 2012 GOOD Music album release.[87] On April 6, 2012, "Mercy", the lead single from the GOOD Music compilation album, Cruel Summer, was released.[88] The song, produced by newly signed in-house producer Lifted, features West along with Big Sean, Pusha T and southern rapper 2 Chainz.[89]

    Other ventures[link]

    Business ventures[link]

    In August 2008, West revealed plans to open 10 Fatburger restaurants in the Chicago area; the first was set to open in September 2008 in Orland Park. The second followed in January 2009, while a third location is yet to be revealed, although the process is being finalized. His company, KW Foods LLC, bought the rights to the chain in Chicago.[90] Additionally, West planned to launch his fashion career, and applied for internships with major European fashion houses.[91] He was due to release his own clothing line called Past Tell in 2009. He also collaborated with Nike to release his own shoe, Air Yeezys.

    On January 22, 2009, during Paris Fashion Week, West introduced his first shoe line designed for Louis Vuitton. The line was released in summer 2009.

    On October 1, 2011, Kanye West premiered his women's fashion label, DW Kanye West[92] at Paris Fashion Week. He received support from DSquared2 duo Dean and Dan Caten, Olivier Theyskens, Jeremy Scott, Azzedine Alaïa, and the Olsen twins, who were also in attendance during his show. His debut fashion show received mixed-to-negative reviews,[93][94] ranging from reserved observations by[95] to excoriating commentary by The Wall Street Journal,[96] the New York Times,[97] the International Herald Tribune,, The Daily Telegraph, Harper's Bazaar and many others.[98][99][100]


    West started the "Kanye West Foundation" in Chicago in 2003. On August 24, 2007, West hosted the inaugural benefit concert to launch the foundation's partnership with Strong American Schools. It is focused on helping Latino and African American children stay in school and continue education through grade school, high school, and college. The foundation also helps children pursue music in school. West has contributed over $500,000 to his foundation. The foundation has also been called the "Donda West Foundation".

    Kanye West has appeared and participated in many fundraisers, benefit concerts, and has done community work for Hurricane Katrina relief, the Kanye West Foundation, the Millions More Movement, 100 Black Men of America, a Live Earth concert benefit, World Water Day rally and march, Nike runs, and a MTV special helping young Iraq War veterans who struggle through debt and PTSD a second chance after returning home.[101]

    Musical style and influences[link]

    West working in the studio with his mentor No I.D. (left)

    At the start of his career, Kanye West's production style often used pitched-up vocal samples, usually from soul songs, with his own drums and instruments.[25] His first major release featuring his trademark vocal sampling style was "This Can't Be Life", a track from Jay-Z’s The Dynasty: Roc La Familia. West said he sped up the drum beat of Dr. Dre's "Xxplosive" to use as a replacement for his drums on "This Can't Be Life".[24]

    West has said that Wu-Tang Clan producer RZA influenced him in his style,[21][102] and has said on numerous occasions that Wu-Tang rappers Ghostface Killah and Ol' Dirty Bastard were some of his all-time favorites, "Wu-Tang? Me and my friends talk about this all the time... We think Wu-Tang had one of the biggest impacts as far as a movement. From slang to style of dress, skits, the samples. Similar to the [production] style I use, RZA has been doing that."[103] RZA himself has spoken quite positively of the comparisons, stating in an interview for Rolling Stone, "All good. I got super respect for Kanye. He came up to me about a year or two ago. He gave me mad praising and blessings... For people to say Wu-Tang inspire Kanye, Kanye is one of the biggest artists in the world. That goes back to what we say: 'Wu-Tang is forever.' Kanye is going to inspire people to be like him."[104] After hearing his work on The Blueprint, RZA claimed that a torch-passing had occurred between him and West, saying, "The shoes gotta be filled. If you ain't gonna do it, somebody else is gonna do it. That's how I feel about rap today."[104]

    West accompanied by an eleven-piece chamber orchestra

    While his use of sampling has lessened over time, West's production continues to feature distinctive and intricate string arrangements. This characteristic arose from him listening to the English trip hop group Portishead, whose 1998 live album Roseland NYC Live, with the New York Philharmonic Orchestra inspired him to incorporate string sections into his hip hop production.[2] Though he was unable to afford live instruments beyond violin riffs provided by Israeli violinist Miri Ben-Ari around the time of his debut album, its subsequent commercial success allowed him to hire his very own eleven-piece string orchestra. For a time, West stood as the sole current pop star to tour with a string section.[2]

    West has stated on several occasions that outside of work, he favors listening to rock music over hip-hop. He cites Franz Ferdinand, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and The Killers as some of his favorite musical groups. Additionally, on Graduation, West drew inspiration from arena rock bands such as U2, The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin for melody and chord progression.[105] Both a fan and supporter of indie culture, West uses his official website to promote obscure indie rock bands, posting up music videos and mp3s on a daily basis.[106] This musical affinity is mutual, as West has collaborated with indie artists such as Santigold, Peter Bjorn and John, and Lykke Li while his songs have gone on to be covered countless times by myriad rock bands.[107]

    Personal life[link]


    Kanye West and designer Alexis Phifer ended their 18-month engagement in 2008. The couple had been dating on and off since 2002, with West eventually proposing in August 2006. According to a friend, the couple's relationship had become increasingly strained, burdened by the sheer amount of time and attention West was dedicating to his current concert tour. "It's always sad when things like this end, and we remain friends," Phifer told People.[108]

    West was also in a high profile on/off relationship with Amber Rose from 2008 until the summer of 2010. He is now reportedly dating reality star Kim Kardashian.[109]

    Mother's death[link]

    Donda West in August 2007

    On November 10, 2007, West's mother, Donda West, died of complications from cosmetic surgery involving abdominoplasty and breast reduction.[110] TMZ reported that Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Andre Aboolian refused to do the surgery because Donda West had a health condition that placed her at risk for a heart attack.[110] Aboolian referred her to an internist to investigate her cardiac issue.[110] Donda never met with the doctor recommended by Aboolian and had the procedures performed by a third doctor, Jan Adams.[110] She was 58 years old (1949–2007).

    Adams sent condolences to Donda West's family but declined to publicly discuss the procedure because of confidentiality.[111] He had previously been under scrutiny by the medical board.[112][113][114] Adams appeared on Larry King Live on November 20, 2007 but left before speaking. Two days later, he appeared again, with his attorney, stating he was there to "defend himself." He said that the recently released autopsy results "spoke for themselves".[115] The final coroner's report January 10, 2008 concluded that Donda West died of "coronary artery disease and multiple post-operative factors due to or as a consequence of liposuction and mammoplasty."[116]

    The funeral and burial for Donda West was held in Oklahoma City on November 20, 2007.[117] West held his first concert following the funeral at The O2 in London on November 22. He dedicated a performance of "Hey Mama", as well as a cover of Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'", to his mother, and did so on all other dates of his Glow in the Dark tour.[118]

    At a December 2008 press conference in New Zealand, West spoke about his mother's death for the first time. "It was like losing an arm and a leg and trying to walk through that," he told reporters.[119]

    California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger passed the "Donda West Law," a legislation which makes it mandatory for patients to provide medical clearance for elective cosmetic surgery.[120]

    Legal issues[link]

    In December 2006, Robert "Evel" Knievel sued West for trademark infringement in West's video for "Touch the Sky." Knievel took issue with a "sexually charged video" in which West takes on the persona of "Evel Kanyevel" and attempts flying a rocket over a canyon. The suit filed in federal court claims infringement on his trademarked name and likeness. Knievel also claims the "vulgar and offensive" images depicted in the video damage his reputation. The suit seeks damages and to stop distribution of the video.[121] West's attorneys argued that the music video amounted to satire and therefore was covered under the First Amendment. Just days before his death in November 2007, Knievel amicably settled the suit after being paid a visit from West, saying, "I thought he was a wonderful guy and quite a gentleman."[122]

    On September 11, 2008, West and his road manager/bodyguard Don "Don C." Crowley were arrested at Los Angeles International Airport and booked on charges of felony vandalism after an altercation with the paparazzi in which West and Crowley broke the photographers' cameras.[123][124] West was later released from the Los Angeles Police Department's Pacific Division station in Culver City on $20,000 bail bond. On September 26, 2008 the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office said it would not file felony counts against West over the incident. Instead the case file was forwarded to the city attorney's office, which charged West with one count of misdemeanor vandalism, one count of grand theft and one count of battery and his manager with three counts of each on March 18, 2009.[125] West's and Crowley's arraignment was delayed from an original date of April 14, 2009.[126]

    West was arrested again on November 14, 2008 at the Hilton hotel near Gateshead after another scuffle involving a photographer outside the famous Tup Tup Palace nightclub in Newcastle Upon Tyne. He was later released "with no further action", according to a police spokesperson.[127]


    General media[link]

    West has had several controversies throughout his career. On September 2, 2005, during a benefit concert for Hurricane Katrina relief on NBC, A Concert for Hurricane Relief, West was a featured speaker. When West was presenting alongside actor Mike Myers, he deviated from the prepared script. Myers spoke next and continued to read the script. Once it was West's turn to speak again, he said "George Bush doesn't care about black people." At this point, telethon producer Rick Kaplan cut off the microphone and then cut away to Chris Tucker, who was unaware of the cut for a few seconds. Still, West's comment reached much of the United States.[128][129] Bush stated in an interview that the comment was "one of the most disgusting moments” of his presidency.[130]

    In January 2006, West again sparked controversy when he appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone in the image of Jesus wearing a crown of thorns.[131]

    In November, 2010, in a taped interview with Matt Lauer for the Today Show, West expressed regret for his criticism of Bush. "I would tell George Bush in my moment of frustration, I didn't have the grounds to call him a racist," he told Lauer. "I believe that in a situation of high emotion like that we as human beings don't always choose the right words." The following day, Bush reacted to the apology in a live interview with Lauer saying he appreciated the rapper's remorse. "I'm not a hater," Bush said. "I don't hate Kanye West. I was talking about an environment in which people were willing to say things that hurt. Nobody wants to be called a racist if in your heart you believe in equality of races."

    Reactions were mixed, but some felt that West had no need to apologize. "It was not the particulars of your words that mattered, it was the essence of a feeling of the insensitivity towards our communities that many of us have felt for far too long," noted Def Jam co-founder Russell Simmons.[132] Dr. Boyce Watkins said that West was, "now part of the establishment, where waffling on your principles is fully expected. Bush deserved no apology, for you don’t apologize to a criminal after repudiating him for an egregious crime.[133] " Bush himself was receptive to the apology, saying, "I appreciate that. It wasn't just Kanye West who was talking like that during Katrina, I cited him as an example, I cited others as an example as well. You know, I appreciate that."[134]

    Award shows[link]

    In 2004, West had his first of a number of incidents involving music award events. At the American Music Awards of 2004, West stormed out of the auditorium after losing Best New Artist to country singer Gretchen Wilson. He later commented, "I felt like I was definitely robbed [...] I was the best new artist this year."[135] After the 2006 Grammy nominations were released, West said he would "really have a problem" if he did not win the Album of the Year, saying, "I don't care what I do, I don't care how much I stunt – you can never take away from the amount of work I put into it. I don't want to hear all of that politically correct stuff."[136] On November 2, 2006, when his "Touch the Sky" failed to win Best Video at the MTV Europe Music Awards, West went onto the stage as the award was being presented to Justice and Simian for "We Are Your Friends" and argued that he should have won the award instead.[137][138] Hundreds of news outlets worldwide criticized the outburst. On November 7, 2006, West apologized for this outburst publicly during his performance as support act for U2 for their Vertigo concert in Brisbane.[139] He later spoofed the incident in the season premiere of Saturday Night Live.

    On September 9, 2007, West suggested that his race had to do with his being overlooked for opening the 2007 MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) in favor of Britney Spears; he claimed, "Maybe my skin’s not right."[140] West was performing at the event; that night, he lost all 5 awards that he was nominated for, including Best Male Artist and Video of the Year. After the show, he was visibly upset that he had lost at the VMAs two years in a row, stating that he would not come back to MTV ever again. He also appeared on several radio stations saying that when he made the song "Stronger" that it was his dream to open the VMAs with it. He has also stated that Spears has not had a hit in a long period of time and that MTV exploited her for ratings.[141]

    On September 13, 2009, during the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards while Taylor Swift was accepting her award for Best Female Video for "You Belong with Me", West went on stage and grabbed the microphone to proclaim that Beyoncé's video for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", nominated for the same award, was "one of the best videos of all time". He was subsequently removed from the remainder of the show for his actions.[142][143][144] When Beyoncé later won the award for Best Video of the Year for "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)", she called Swift up on stage so that she could finish her acceptance speech.[142] West was criticized by various celebrities for the outburst,[143][145][146][147][148] and by President Barack Obama, who called West a "jackass".[149][150][151][152][153] In addition, West's VMA disruption sparked a large influx of Internet photo memes with blogs, forums and "tweets" with the "Let you finish" photo-jokes.[154] Subsequently, West posted two apologies for the outburst on his personal blog; one on the night of the incident and the other the same day he appeared on The Jay Leno Show, on September 14, 2009, where he apologized again.[146][155] After Swift appeared on The View two days after the outburst, partly to discuss the matter, West called her to apologize personally. Swift said she accepted his apology.[156][157][158] In September 2010, West wrote a series of apologetic tweets addressed to Swift including "Beyonce didn't need that. MTV didn't need that and Taylor and her family friends and fans definitely didn't want or need that" and concluding with "I'm sorry Taylor." West also revealed he had written a song for Swift and if she did not accept the song, he would perform it himself.[159] However, on November 8, 2010, in an interview with a Minnesota radio station, West seemed to recant a bit of his past apologies by attempting to describe the act at the 2009 awards show as "selfless" and downgrade the perception of disrespect it created.[160][161]


    Solo Albums



    Awards and nominations[link]


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