
Giannis Vardis-Isos
Photos-Video By Stavros Mouzakis www.facebook.com/stavros.dmouzakis...
published: 10 Aug 2009
author: Grlupus
Giannis Vardis-Isos
Photos-Video By Stavros Mouzakis www.facebook.com/stavros.dmouzakis

Imogen Heap DJ Tiesto - Hide Seek (Tiesto's ISOS Remix)
Imogen Heap DJ Tiesto - Hide Seek (Tiesto's ISOS Remix) www.djchupy.com...
published: 04 Jun 2008
author: DjChupy
Imogen Heap DJ Tiesto - Hide Seek (Tiesto's ISOS Remix)
Imogen Heap DJ Tiesto - Hide Seek (Tiesto's ISOS Remix) www.djchupy.com

Rallia Xristidou - To Isos
Video de Grecia con la canción de Rallia Xristidou "To isos"...
published: 04 Jan 2008
author: Miwel1990
Rallia Xristidou - To Isos
Video de Grecia con la canción de Rallia Xristidou "To isos"

Photography Tutorial for Beginners: Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO
Photography Tutorial for Beginners: APERTURE Tutorial SHUTTER SPEED Tutorial ISO Tutorial ...
published: 09 Dec 2011
author: CamCrunch
Photography Tutorial for Beginners: Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO
Photography Tutorial for Beginners: APERTURE Tutorial SHUTTER SPEED Tutorial ISO Tutorial There three things that affect the exposure of an image: The APERTURe, SHUTTER SPEED and ISO. You need to find the perfect balance between these three elements to get the right look that you want, as well as the right exposure. The aperture affects the amount of light that comes into the sensor and the depth of field. The depth of field will determine how much of the image is in focus. The shutter speed will determine the length of the exposure. The longer the shutter speed, the more light comes in, and the shorter the shutter speed, the less light comes into the image. It also determines the amount of blur that appears in the photo. A longer exposure is more susceptible to blur and camera shake. The ISO is the sensitivity of the sensor to light. Lower ISOs mean that the sensor is less sensitive and therefore going to need more light to expose an image. Higher ISO requires less light to expose and image, but adds noise the the image. Noise will saturate color, making them look unrealistic. Getting the right exposure is all about balancing these three elements. It will take time, but if you learn the basics, it gets easier! Leave comments and questions in the comment section! I'm always happy to help! Thanks! LINKS! FLICKR: www.flickr.com TWITTER: www.twitter.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com CAMCRUNCH: www.camcrunch.com Photography Tutorial Aperture, Shutter Speed, ISO Photography <b>...</b>

Γιάννης Βαρδής - Ίσως - Giannis Vardis - Isos
Στίχοι : Αντώνης Α&n...;
published: 18 Feb 2008
author: ClipMan2008
Γιάννης Βαρδής - Ίσως - Giannis Vardis - Isos
Στίχοι : Αντώνης Ανδρικάκης Μουσική : Αντώνης Βαρδής Πρώτη εκτέλεση : Γιάννης Βαρδής Ίσως, ίσως μια μέρα, να ξεφύγεις απ' το μέλλον που σου φτιάξανε Ίσως, ίσως μια μέρα, πλησιάσεις τον κρυμμένο σου εαυτό ... Ίσως, ίσως μια μέρα, να ζητήσεις τη ζωή που σου αρπάξανε Ίσως, ίσως μια μέρα, να υπάρχεις μόνο για να σ' αγαπώ ... Αχ, αγάπη μου εγώ, το ξέρω πως θα 'ρθεις, εκεί θα τρελαθείς Αχ, ας φύγουμε εμείς, πριν χάσουμε το τρένο της γραμμής Αχ, αγάπη μου εγώ, το ξέρω πως θα 'ρθεις, εκεί θα τρελαθείς Αχ, ας φύγουμε εμείς, πριν χάσουμε το τρένο της γραμμής Ίσως, ίσως μια μέρα, όταν βγεις απ' την εικόνα που σε κλείσανε ίσως, ίσως μια μέρα, για τους δυο μας να μπορώ να ονειρευτώ Αχ, αγάπη μου εγώ, το ξέρω πως θα 'ρθεις, εκεί θα τρελαθείς Αχ, ας φύγουμε εμείς, πριν χάσουμε το τρένο της γραμμής Αχ, αγάπη μου εγώ, το ξέρω πως θα 'ρθεις, εκεί θα τρελαθείς Αχ, ας φύγουμε εμείς, πριν χάσουμε το τρένο της γραμμής

Hack ANY PSP 6.60 PRO-B9, ISO's, PSX, and Emulators! LCFW
published: 27 Aug 2011
author: Roxas6662
Hack ANY PSP 6.60 PRO-B9, ISO's, PSX, and Emulators! LCFW
vvvREAD THE DESCRIPTION PLEASE! IT'LL ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS!!!vvv Today I, Cooper, show you how to hack ANY PSP version 6.60. When I say any, I REALLY mean ANY. Every single model can be hacked with this hack. Watch the whole damn video before you comment or message me with questions, I am pretty sure I answer any question you may have right here in the video. LINKS::::: 6.60 PRO-B9 Custom Firmware - www.mediafire.com If you watched the entire video 3 times and still have a question I seem to have forgotten, message or comment. Comments are better as everyone can see the question and answer.

[TUTORIAL] Hack PSP 3000 with 6.35 HEN + Iso Loader (free from me to you :)).flv
Download: tinyurl.com Hello Hen on 6.35 and 6.31 is available. This move presents instalat...
published: 16 Jan 2011
author: Gwarend18
[TUTORIAL] Hack PSP 3000 with 6.35 HEN + Iso Loader (free from me to you :)).flv
Download: tinyurl.com Hello Hen on 6.35 and 6.31 is available. This move presents instalation Hen on my psp from 6.20 Tn-b to 6.35 PRO. You can download this hen from here on two options: (you must complete short survey you can enter fake personal information) 1.All the files needed to run -theMinna no sukkiri Demo -Sony 6.35 Update -theMinna no sukkiri save -Half-Byte Loader r109 for theMinna no sukkiri Demo -Hen for 6.31 and 6.35 "PSP 6.31 6.35 HEN Instalation and Download link! " _________________________________________________ TAGS: Xbox Live Generator HALO 3 General Instantly Easy 50 boosting Service free money Recon Armor PS3 Microsoft ELITE Master Chief machinima THE NEW XBOX DASHBOARD COMING END OF SEPTEMBER. DEMO BY MAJOR NELSON. Call Xbox LIVE sims 2 Dash Board came early beta version cheatsboring program software demo major nelson blog free xbox live codes everydat prizerebel rewards1 hack generated generate online google virus unblock WII E3 2008 New Xbox 360 Dashboard Walkthrough Gametrailers posted penguin a Xbox 360 points coins change Dashboard armor halo 3 skulls Walkthrough Hacking Club GamerTag Suspened PayPal reconFree Xbox Live Generator HALO 3 General mrwaterfalls Instantly Easy 50 oosting Service GWA Gator360 Supposed cp 1 Wwe Adam free money Recon Armor Master Chief PS3 Microsoft ELITE Master Chief machinima As Xbox 360® readies What is machinima for the next wave of audience gamertag change expansion, Microsoft today announced usa a new Xbox free <b>...</b>

How to Color Correct High ISO Images - Lightroom Video Tutorial
Full article and exercise files at - www.slrlounge.com See the before and after images in ...
published: 29 Jun 2011
author: SLRlounge
How to Color Correct High ISO Images - Lightroom Video Tutorial
Full article and exercise files at - www.slrlounge.com See the before and after images in the SLR Lounge Facebook Photo Album at - www.facebook.com Today's line up of digital cameras, in particular the Canon 5D Mark II+ and the Nikon D700+ series cameras, has allowed us to shoot images that were otherwise extremely difficult if not impossible to pull off. However, shooting at high ISO settings does present some unique challenges in post production. Shooting at high ISOs requires very accurate color correction, in addition to special attention to the overall detail and noise in the image. In this Lightroom video tutorial, we are going to work through two example images showing you what we typically do with high ISO images in regards to color correction, noise reduction, and sharpening. Enjoy!

Hak5 - Boot multiple ISOs from one USB with these free tools
Hak5 episode 920 Part 2 of 3 This time on the show, an Ubertooth One Primer - Setup with B...
published: 07 Jul 2011
author: Hak5Darren
Hak5 - Boot multiple ISOs from one USB with these free tools
Hak5 episode 920 Part 2 of 3 This time on the show, an Ubertooth One Primer - Setup with BackTrack 5. Booting multiple ISOs from a single USB drive, we've got plenty of options. And answers to your questions on A+ certs, programming languages, network scanning and more.

How to play ISOs on your PSP or PSP GO 6.35 or 6.20 official firmwares!!!!
READ THIS FOR THE SAKE OF SUCCESS: Please click an ad in this video so youtube can support...
published: 09 Jan 2011
author: elphaphoenix
How to play ISOs on your PSP or PSP GO 6.35 or 6.20 official firmwares!!!!
READ THIS FOR THE SAKE OF SUCCESS: Please click an ad in this video so youtube can support me. Just 1 click please. !!!NEW AND IMPROVED VIDEO, WORKS ON 6.60, 6.35, 6.39, and 6.20 official firmwares!!!!(video might be still uploading): www.youtube.com This will work on PSP GO, PSP 1000, PSP 2000, PSP 3000 This is 6.35 TN-A (hen) or 6.20 TN-A (hen) or commonly called pro. This will only work for official firmware 6.20 or 6.35. If you have anything higher, THEN WATCH THIS VIDEO: www.youtube.com to downgrade YOUR PSP to 6.20, if you have anything lower then 6.20, the 6.20 update is already included in the 6.20 download link, all you need to do is to install it from your PSP GO by turning it on, going to the games, and selecting it. IF you have firmwares between 6.20 and 6.35, upgrade to 6.35 by downloading it from some website (a simple google search will do). If you have 6.35 official firmware make sure to download the files for 6.35, there should be only one link needed for the 6.35 firmware version of this hack. Both hacks, 6.20 or 6.35 follow the same video instructions for putting it on your psp. Not only will this play ISO, but this can also load up any homebrew like GPsp Kai or GoTube. Just follow the directions on how to use it, and once you get to the XMB after booting the (hen) up just run the homebrew by going to the game directory on your PSP. NOTE: the only way you can run ISOs is if you run the prometheus iso loader which is already included. Download Link for <b>...</b>

Poreotix - an Iso is NOT a style! and other answers!
What would YOU ask the crews? In part 2 of our interview with Poreotix at the America'...
published: 25 Feb 2010
author: BloggingABDC
Poreotix - an Iso is NOT a style! and other answers!
What would YOU ask the crews? In part 2 of our interview with Poreotix at the America's Best Dance Crew Music Video Challenge, the guys talk about whether they plan to get serious, how isos are not a style but a technique, how they felt about the judge's critique of their style, how they pick their shades, and how they interacting with their fans. For more on Poretix and to leave questions for Poreotix, visit BloggingBestDanceCrew.com.

Dj Tiesto (ISOS 5)- Let Me Be/ Novocaine [2 in 1]
Dj Tiesto- In Search of Sunrise vol. 5 Parker and Hanson- Let Me Be (Original Extended) Ka...
published: 19 Sep 2008
author: LmTzz
Dj Tiesto (ISOS 5)- Let Me Be/ Novocaine [2 in 1]
Dj Tiesto- In Search of Sunrise vol. 5 Parker and Hanson- Let Me Be (Original Extended) Kalafut and Fygle- Novocaine (Mark Otten Remix) (I used Sony Vegas Movie Studio 8.0 for this video.)

Delerium feat_ Sarah Mclachlan - Silence (Tiesto ISOS remix)
Delerium feat Sarah Mclachlan - Silence (Tiesto remix)...
published: 10 Jun 2008
author: djtigger0510
Delerium feat_ Sarah Mclachlan - Silence (Tiesto ISOS remix)
Delerium feat Sarah Mclachlan - Silence (Tiesto remix)

Last of the ISOs .:. Quorra's Past || Tron: Legacy
WARNING: SPOILERS for Tron: Legacy! :P HORRAY to Tron: Legacy HD quality! XD I made this s...
published: 03 Mar 2011
author: lighthopelove
Last of the ISOs .:. Quorra's Past || Tron: Legacy
WARNING: SPOILERS for Tron: Legacy! :P HORRAY to Tron: Legacy HD quality! XD I made this simple video (kind of like a re-edit with flashback scenes?) of Quorra talking to Sam on how she was rescued by Kevin Flynn! :P Sorry about the sound, FCP's going all wonkers with the audio lately! xP + I have a few other video ideas for Tron: Legacy that I'll probably vid when I get a chance! :P Squee, I'm just so happy about this quality! YAY! XD | | | CREDIT Tron: Evolution clips DISCLAIMER: I OWN NOTHING!

ePSXe tutorial+Download ISO games+Duplicating memory cards [HD]
This is tutorial how to play PS1 games in ePSXe emulator. It seems laggy in this video, bu...
published: 31 May 2010
author: NdPrime
ePSXe tutorial+Download ISO games+Duplicating memory cards [HD]
This is tutorial how to play PS1 games in ePSXe emulator. It seems laggy in this video, but it's actually run smoothly. It's probably because I record it in Full Screen Mode :D Links Download Bios: www.mediafire.com Download Memory Card: www.mediafire.com Download Plugins gpuPeteOpenGL2.dll : www.mediafire.com Download zlib1.dll : www.mediafire.com Download ISO games: www.emuparadise.org www.romulation.net www.snesorama.us www.coolrom.com

[Walkthrough] How To Play Wii ISO's on Wii Version 4.3
A walkthrough on how to install a Wii Image file (ISO) on your UBS device or SD card and p...
published: 04 Jan 2011
author: chavito9999vr
[Walkthrough] How To Play Wii ISO's on Wii Version 4.3
A walkthrough on how to install a Wii Image file (ISO) on your UBS device or SD card and play it on your wii. NOTE: You will need a USB device (flashdrive etc.) of 4GB or more. I recommend one of 16GB + to install multiple games. If using an SD card, be sure to connect it in the USB ports of your Wii. Downloads: Utorrent: www.utorrent.com WBFS Manager 2.5: wbfsmanager.codeplex.com ISO Games: Use: www.google.com I'm sure PirateBay, KickAssTorrents, Demonoid [and any other torrent sharing sites] will help. Song name: Abdc (Arthur Baker & Dave Clarke) This Feeling

How to Play ISO on PSP Go 6.20
Here are the Files that you'll be needing to Play ISO and CSO on your PSPGo. Download ...
published: 27 Dec 2010
author: mark040477
How to Play ISO on PSP Go 6.20
Here are the Files that you'll be needing to Play ISO and CSO on your PSPGo. Download & Extract them in a location you can easily remember for easy copying later. 6.20 TN-A (HEN) www.psp-hacks.com Half Byte Loader R109 for Patapon 2 www.psp-hacks.com Patapon 2 SAVEDATA Exploit www.psp-hacks.com Patapon 2 Demo www.psp-hacks.com Prometheus ISO Loader for 6.20 TN-A (HEN) www.psp-hacks.com Credits goes out to www.psp-hacks.com , Wololo, Total_Noob, PSPGEN, and everyone who worked long hours to bring all this files to you.

How to stealth patch Xbox 360 iso's using abgx360
You need a Flashed 360 for this to work! Thatsexymotherfucker (Moderator) Shows us how to ...
published: 06 Jan 2009
author: IVIUPPETwebsite
How to stealth patch Xbox 360 iso's using abgx360
You need a Flashed 360 for this to work! Thatsexymotherfucker (Moderator) Shows us how to stealth Patch Your xbox 360 ISO. Download the program here: abgx360.net Disclaimer: iviuppet.blogspot.com does not support the illegal downloading of games. This program is for use on game that you own and have ripped for backup. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!

How to Burn Game ISO's for the xbox 360
published: 18 Nov 2008
author: IVIUPPETwebsite
How to Burn Game ISO's for the xbox 360
READ*THE SOUND IS QUIET SO TURN UP YOUR SPEAKERS. SORRY ABOUT THAT. YES YOUR XBOX DOES HAVE TO BE MODDED. READ FIRST: This tutorial is for ISO's that are patched. Don't burn an ISO if you don't know if it's stealth patched or not. I will be making a tutorial on how to stealth patch it later. H0LY.J3SUS (webmaster) shows us how to take existing game ISO's and burn them to run on a modified console. ----------------------------------------------------- IF YOU DONT HAVE A .DVD FILE: - You can create a .dvd file by simply opening notepad and typing 2 lines. HERE IS AN EXAMPLE: gamename.iso Layerbreak= 1913760 *replace "gamename" with the name of your ISO. then just save it as a .dvd instead of txt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ImgBurn -- www.imgburn.com Our wesbite - iviuppet.blogspot.com abgx (to patch) -www.abgx360.net

How to Reinstall Windows XP (XP ISOs in description!)
Has computer gotten really slow after the past few years? Want it to be nice and snappy li...
published: 07 Oct 2010
author: morbidlyobesecatband
How to Reinstall Windows XP (XP ISOs in description!)
Has computer gotten really slow after the past few years? Want it to be nice and snappy like the day you took it out of the box? Well here's how, including saving your data and reinstalling your programs. You can download ISO images of XP here: skydrive.live.com These can be used to reinstall without bloatware, for example, or if you lost your original install disc. These do NOT include a license key - get your own! On big box machines, the license key is on the side for a desktop or the bottom for a laptop. In that case, you need to use the OEM ISO. If you purchased Windows yourself, it might be OEM or Retail, check to be sure. You can recover the key using a tool like Speecy or SIW if necessary (note: on big box machines, it seems that you MUST use the key on the side of the machine - the one that Recuva finds doesn't work. If you purchased the copy yourself, the key that those tools find is right one.). I have the ISOs for XP Home and Pro (both with SP3), in Retail and OEM variants. You need to use a tool like ImgBurn to burn the ISO to a CD for use (on Win7 machines or Macs, you already have one built in). NOTE: These instructions involve a regular Windows XP install disc. (the install steps aren't the same with a recovery disc or partition) You can also use one of the OEM ISOs from the above link with the license key on the side of your big box PC to reinstall. Also, note that when installing Windows, this was all done in virtualbox, so that's why there was a picture <b>...</b>

How To Make ISO Image with ProShow Producer
How to create a .ISO image using ProShow Producer. Small tutorial to help out those that d...
published: 13 Aug 2009
author: NaturaTek
How To Make ISO Image with ProShow Producer
How to create a .ISO image using ProShow Producer. Small tutorial to help out those that don't know. Why a ISO image file? Well those of you who created a hefty Movie/show on ProShow, will know the time consuming task of RENDERING! to burn a DVD. An Image will hold all your rendering, etc in a DVD format. Ready to go. How will this help you? Hmm let's say you're a business..a travel agency for this example. You just created a ProShow DVD of your 100 clients that attended your cruise to tahiti and you want to hand out DVDs to each of them as a keepsakes, to establish your goodies of your business and perhaps promote your next cruise. It's not gonna be worthwhile that you sit thru the rendering process EACH time to burn 1 dvd. Some computers can take 1hr some can take 30 mins..some shorter, etc. All depends the type of equipment you have. You simply create a ISO file. Does the rendering one time, but you captured everything in one ISO file. You can take that ISO file and burn it anytime without any rendering. You have your client come in and ask for a copy. Simpy open the image, and burn it (Can take 2-5+minutes..depending at the speed youre burning and the length) and they'll have a copy in minutes. You can burn the ISO with any burning app. I use 3 programs to burn ISOs. Roxio (very rarely), Nero (ocassionally) and PowerISO (almost every time). You can then store this image file in your mydocuments and delete the original shows/files from ProShow if you're never need to <b>...</b>

Virtual CDs and ISOs - Run DVDs without a DVD Drive
youtube.jimmyr.com to request tutorials vernong1992 let me know daemon tools now comes wit...
published: 18 Apr 2007
author: jimmyrcom
Virtual CDs and ISOs - Run DVDs without a DVD Drive
youtube.jimmyr.com to request tutorials vernong1992 let me know daemon tools now comes with adware, but you can uncheck the box during the installation. Learn how to copy your CDs to your hard drive so you'll never have to find them again or be prompted to put in disk. No trainers don't work for online games =P. Alcohol www.free-downloads.net Daemon Tools www.disc-tools.com %%software