Page Rank
Page Rank
Another SEO Rapper video....talking about links and how they increase your page rank. lyrics: Chuck back again so tell me what you thank, new song new dance I call it the Page Rank, so you want to get the listing, in the top position, if you pay attention I can show you how to get it, start with your content, I done said it before, 250 words per page and you good to go, add headers and titles, cross links are vital, make it easy to read use list items, keyword rich is how its meant to be, make sure you have good keyword density, double check your navigation make sure your links function, by order of importance I call it link sculpting, unique meta information for all the pages, trying to make sure you cover all the bases, all text links should include keyphrases, make sure you put the links in the right places, inbound links are what you should be chasing, great content and good link baiting, make people link to the site you created, to do that you gotta have great information, I'm a tell you something else that works wonders, Yahoo directory it cost 300 if you a dealer get links from distributors, if you provide a service get content contributors, it always helps to get links from manufacturers, your links should always be adding not subtracting, link quality is better than link quantity, get valuable links thats a good link policy, some people swap links I don't recommend it, others buy links well I wouldn't spend it, keyword stuffing is not a good practice, if you <b>...</b>
What is Pagerank
What is Pagerank
The concept of Page Rank is explained and you will learn what it means, what I can do and what it can't. You will also be shown where you can check your pagerank or other site's pageranks.
How do PageRank updates work?
How do PageRank updates work?
On what basis you are increasing the PR for each PR update? Made, London
Google Toolbar - Page Rank Basics
Google Toolbar - Page Rank Basics
toolbar.google.com This video tutorial is on the Google Page Rank Tool. The Page Rank tool displays a number 0 through 10 to let you know how Google assesses the importance of the page that you are viewing. This short video includes the following What is Page Rank How to View Page Rank Benefits of Page Rank How to Download the toolbar Features of the toolbar How to Increase Your Page Rank Posted by: Christine McIvor www.christinemcivor.com
Google page rank: What is it?
Google page rank: What is it?
backlinksuniversity.com Page Rank is an algorithm that Google assigns to your pages, plenty of people call it the "Authority" that Google gives your website. This short video explains Page Rank.
Does the PageRank of Twitter profiles matter?
Does the PageRank of Twitter profiles matter?
Mani in Delhi asks: "I'm seeing Google PR for some Twitter profiles, even a PR of 4 for someone with less than 50 followers and 100 tweets, whereas for some more meaningful profiles there is no PR. Does PR of Twitter profile pages matter?"
Is PageRank calculated differently for domains registered before 2004?
Is PageRank calculated differently for domains registered before 2004?
Is it true that domains registered before 2004 have a totally different way of getting PageRank? ie that "Pre-2004 domains" are highly desirable to buy because they still get PageRank based on old/easier criteria from back then? Land Lubber, Colorado
Improve Page Rank In 9 Easy Steps
Improve Page Rank In 9 Easy Steps
www.igorhelpsyousucceed.com Although I have already covered how to improve page rank in one of my previous posts, I believe that it's a good idea to share some simple strategies you can implement right now to drastically improve your page rank within the next 14-21 days. To make it clear, I don't want you to rely solely on page rank to rank high in the SERPs, because page rank is not the only thing that determines your rankings. It also depends on how well you chose your headline, title tag, meta tags, keywords and a whole bunch of other factors. Trust me when I say this: page rank is important but it's not SUPER important, because you can (and there are case studies to support this) rank on the first page of Google with low page rank. Just as the world we live in, SEO is a pretty messed u,.but when you get to the bottom of it, you realize that page rank is just a small piece of the SEO puzzle that you need to assemble when shooting for higher placements in the SERPs. To get a detailed breakdown of all 9 steps, visit: www.igorhelpsyousucceed.com
What are your views on PageRank sculpting?
What are your views on PageRank sculpting?
Rand from Brighton asks: "What are your views on 'PageRank sculpting'? Useful and recommended if implemented right, or unethical?" Recorded on April 23, 2009.
Why aren't the Google Toolbar PageRank values updated more often?
Why aren't the Google Toolbar PageRank values updated more often?
From last few months there are no PR updates from Google. Is Google removing the Page Rank feature to avoid Link Trade that is very popular currently in the industry? Please guide us through the next Google's move regarding Page Rank in future. Rajeesh, Vadodara, Gujarat, India Learn more about metrics beyond PageRank on the Webmaster Central Blog: googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: www.google.com Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and look for an announcement when we take new questions: twitter.com More videos: www.youtube.com Webmaster Central Blog: googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com Webmaster Central: www.google.com
Does Google remove the PageRank coming from links on pages that no longer exist?
Does Google remove the PageRank coming from links on pages that no longer exist?
Robert Enriquez from Charlotte asks: "Websites lose back links due to other websites going out of business or closing (Geocities, AOL, member pages). Does Google remove the back link juice that once came from these pages?"
Why do porn sites have lower PageRank?
Why do porn sites have lower PageRank?
What are the technical reasons porn sites have such low PageRank? None go over PR6. A lack of links from trusted sites? Rampant link exchanges with low quality sites? Penalties for affiliate links? Or is there a general penalty on the industry? Studio 3X, New York Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: www.google.com Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and look for an announcement when we take new questions: twitter.com More videos: www.youtube.com Webmaster Central Blog: googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com Webmaster Central: www.google.com
How can I identify causes of a PageRank drop?
How can I identify causes of a PageRank drop?
I use the Google Toolbar to monitor PageRank. I read on the Internet that it gives old and quite unreliable data. Can I have reliable realtime PageRank information about the sites I administer? And how can I identify causes of a PageRank drop? silviot, Torino, Italy Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: www.google.com Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and look for an announcement when we take new questions: twitter.com More videos: www.youtube.com Webmaster Central Blog: googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com Webmaster Central: www.google.com
Does PageRank flow through image links?
Does PageRank flow through image links?
Does PageRank flow through image links? Watch the video for an in-depth answer from Matt Cutts. Have a question? Ask it in our Webmaster Help Forum: groups.google.com Want your question to be answered on a video like this? Follow us on Twitter and look for an announcement when we take new questions: twitter.com More videos: www.youtube.com Webmaster Central Blog: googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com Webmaster Central: www.google.com
Stop The Alexa and PageRank Obsession!
Stop The Alexa and PageRank Obsession!
A fix for PageRank and Alexa junkies. Read Chris G's article on Google rankings. www.chrisg.com
Google Pagerank is Directly Related to the Quantity & Quality of Backlinks
Google Pagerank is Directly Related to the Quantity & Quality of Backlinks
www.ferreemoney.com shows how to use the Market Samurai to find high PR (5-6-7) backlinks in your niche market. In this example, I will show you how I use Market Samurai in the Social Media Marketing space and how I use anchor text in my Comment vs. normal http coding approach. Your website page rank is directly related to the quantity and quality of backlinks you have. Page rank can be improved with the search engine ranking bots by using the Market Samurai Google SEO research tool. The good news is, you can do use this SEO tool for any niche market in a matter of minutes. In order to get a high Google rank and improve your page ranking with Google is a matter of identifying the right keywords, relevant to your site and finding those websites with a high Google page rank and then visiting that site with a high link popularity and leaving a relevant comment.
How does URL structure affect PageRank?
How does URL structure affect PageRank?
Chris. F. Masse from the World-Wide World asks: "On your WordPress.org blog (mattcutts.com), why did you switch from domainname.com/year/month/day/sample-post/ to domainname.com/postname/ ? Has this to do with how PageRank flows within a site?"
SEO Q&A; 02: The Truth about High-PR Backlinks
SEO Q&A; 02: The Truth about High-PR Backlinks
imimpact.com When it comes to search engine optimization, backlinks are among the most important ranking factors. And with backlinks, high-PageRank backlinks are better than low-PR backlinks. So far so good. Unfortunately, High-PR backlinks are often not as advertised and theres a big difference between domain pagerank and page-pagerank. In this video, you'll see exactly what that's all about.
What signals are used in ranking other than PageRank?
What signals are used in ranking other than PageRank?
I see so many people asking "Will this increase my PageRank?". Could you tell them *once again* that ranking is not just about "PageRank" but also 200 different signals? And while being there, why don't you tell us about those 200 different signals? Guillaume, Quebec
PageRank Checker - Check Bulk SItes Number for PR
PageRank Checker - Check Bulk SItes Number for PR
www.bestseosuite.com PageRank Checker will let you check bulk number of sites for PageRank with usage of proxies and threads.
Page Rank vs SERP
Page Rank vs SERP
A lot of people including reputable webmasters have been down playing Page Rank and aim over to SERP. Is SERP really more important? Is Google giving more weights to SERP now? I will tell you my opinion about it and why they're still fundamentally equal. Swapw Swapw - Making money smart swapw.blogspot.com
Apple iAds vs. AdSense, Google PageRank Update & Images In Sitemaps
Apple iAds vs. AdSense, Google PageRank Update & Images In Sitemaps
www.SERoundtable.com - We are back to our video recaps, despite barely being able to talk. This week I covered that more people are seeing the Google Jazzy blue interface. Also, there was a Google PageRank update and we covered the main changes at Google over the past month. Google Sitemaps is now accepting images. Google graduated malware from Webmaster Tools Labs and made is faster and better. Google AdWords is unbanning some banned AdWords advertisers. Apple is set to compete against Google AdSense for Mobile Apps with Apple iAd. Google Maps dropped the 3D street views, was it a bug or a joke? Yelp is changing their reviews policies in light of all the lawsuits. Finally, Google didn't show an Easter logo this year again, and people were upset. That was this week at the Search Engine Roundtable. More & More Seeing Google's Blue Jazz Interface : www.seroundtable.com Google April 2010 PageRank Update : www.seroundtable.com April 2010 Google Webmaster Report : www.seroundtable.com Google Sitemaps Now Accepting Images : www.seroundtable.com Malware Details Graduates In Google Webmaster Tools : www.seroundtable.com Google Malware Detection Gets Faster & Better : www.seroundtable.com Google AdWords Removing Account Bans? : www.seroundtable.com Apple's iAd to Compete With Google AdSense Mobile Ads : www.seroundtable.com Google Maps Drops 3D Street Views, Was It a Prank? : www.seroundtable.com Yelp To Change Review Policies : www.seroundtable.com No Easter Logo At Google Again <b>...</b>