
A royal tour of Westminster Abbey
A royal tour of Westminster Abbey
Westminster Abbey, the church where Prince William and Kate Middleton are set to marry, has been at the heart of British history for more than a thousand years. Erica Hill takes a royal tour of the legendary cathedral.

The Royal Wedding Ceremony at Westminster Abbey
The Royal Wedding Ceremony at Westminster Abbey
The Royal Wedding Ceremony of Prince William and Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey on April 29, 2011

The history of Westminster Abbey
The history of Westminster Abbey
Erica Hill takes a tour inside the historic Westminster Abbey in London where Prince William will marry Kate Middleton.

London, England travel: Westminster Abbey
London, England travel: Westminster Abbey
London, England travel: Westminster Abbey. This is the traditional location for coronations and burials of English Monarchs. The official name is "The Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster" but it is almost always referred to as Westminster Abbey. They don't encourage photography so it's not the best video, but you can get the flavor of the place. More than a day trip from Thornbury Castle, and certainly worth the travel! (You can view this video, and other travel videos in full-size and near-DVD quality, travel stills and more at www.jpmeyer.com). Thornbury Castle is part of the von Essen Group of hotels, "a private collection of individual country house hotels in the UK, each with a distinctive style and character of its own" according to www.vonessenhotels.co.uk, but we think of it as Real People having Real Fun!

Westminster Abbey - London - England
Westminster Abbey - London - England
Westminster is an area of Central London, within the City of Westminster, England. It lies on the north bank of the River Thames, southwest of the City of London and 0.5 miles (0.8 km) southwest of Charing Cross. It has a large concentration of London's historic and prestigious landmarks and visitor attractions, including Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey. Historically a part of Middlesex, the name Westminster was the ancient description for the area around Westminster Abbey -- the West Minster, or monastery church, that gave the area its name -- which has been the seat of the government of England (and later the British government) for almost a thousand years. Westminster is the location of the Palace of Westminster, a UNESCO World Heritage Site which houses the Parliament of the United Kingdom. ( source Wikipedia )

Make Me a Channel Westminster Abbey Choir
Make Me a Channel Westminster Abbey Choir
From Princess Diana's funeral in 1997. What makes this special is the unexpected descant on the last verse. Earl Spencer had just finished his amazing eulogy and I wasn't watching when Make Me a Channel came on, but had it on in the background.... then that descant broke into the last verse and I had to rush back to the TV!

Westminster Abbey Bell Ringers
Westminster Abbey Bell Ringers
The Westminster Abbey BellRingers demonstrate their technique for us.

Catherine Middleton arrives at Westminster Abbey
Catherine Middleton arrives at Westminster Abbey
Catherine Middleton enters Westminster Abbey through the Great West door with her father Michael Middleton, Maid of Honour Philippa Middleton, bridesmaids and pageboys

Time Team: The secrets of Westminister Abbey 1
Time Team: The secrets of Westminister Abbey 1
Tony and the Team go behind the scenes at Westminster Abbey to explore the story of the Cosmati pavement: the mosaic floor being uncovered for the first time in 100 years. Also known as 'The House of Kings', Westminster Abbey has stood at the heart of the nation for nearly 1000 years, surviving the Civil War and Reformation. While visitors marvel at the royal paraphernalia and the majesty of the architecture, it remains at the core of the Establishment, and still plays host to the Coronation. For a century, the Cosmati pavement - a huge, mystical mosaic floor in front of the altar at the centre of which the Coronation Chair is placed - has been covered by carpet. Now Time Team cameras are allowed unprecedented access behind the scenes at the Abbey as this extraordinary piece of living history is revealed. As well as exploring the story of the Cosmati pavement, the Team also have access to a night-time search under the floors for lost tombs and graves, a shrine that still attracts pilgrims after 800 years and the 1000-year-old faked documents that gave the Abbey the right to host the Coronation in the first place.

Westminster Abbey I Vow to Thee My Country
Westminster Abbey I Vow to Thee My Country
From Princess Diana's funeral, the choir and congregation of Westminster Abbey singing "I Vow to Thee My Country". The commentator said it was chosen by Prince William because he knew it to be one of his mother's favourite hymns from school

Westminster Abbey - Oh God Our Help in Ages Past
Westminster Abbey - Oh God Our Help in Ages Past
Sorry for the editing glitch at the beginning, must re-upload! Choir and congregation sing this classic. Men and boys of the choir do a verse on their own, then all join in for the last verse with a soaring descant from the trebles.

The Dean of Westminster Abbey gives an introduction to Westminster Abbey
The Dean of Westminster Abbey gives an introduction to Westminster Abbey
The Very Reverend Dr John Hall, The Dean of Westminster Abbey, introduces the Abbey, its history and connections to the Royal Family. Dr Hall also talks about his role during the wedding service on 29th April. Visit www.officialroyalwedding2011.org for all the latest wedding updates or visit http

The Lord Bless You And Keep You - Westminster Abbey Choir
The Lord Bless You And Keep You - Westminster Abbey Choir
The choir of Westminster Abbey sing John Rutter's wonderful The Lord Bless You And Keep You during a service to celebrate the 60th wedding anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip. The Lord bless you and keep you The Lord make His face to shine upon you To shine upon you and be gracious And be gracious unto you The Lord bless you and keep you The Lord make His face to shine upon you To shine upon you and be gracious And be gracious unto you The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you The Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you And give you peace, and give you peace And give you peace, and give you peace Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen, Amen

Song for Athene - Westminster Abbey Choir
Song for Athene - Westminster Abbey Choir
Song for Athene, by John Tavener, Westminster Abbey Choir "Song for Athene is another elegiac tribute, not, as one might suppose, to the mythological goddess Athene, but to a young family friend, Athene Hariades, half Greek, a talented actress who was tragically killed in a cycling accident. "Her beauty," write Tavener, "both outward and inner, was reflected in her love of acting, poetry, music and of the Orthodox Church." Tavener had heard Athene reading Shakespeare in Westminster Abbey and, rather as in the case of the Little Requiem, conceived the piece after her funeral, lighting on the effective ideas, so touchingly realized, of combining words from the Orthodox liturgy with lines from Hamlet. Between each is a monodic "Alleluia", and, following the example of traditional Byzantine music, the whole piece unfolds over a continuous "ison" or drone. Song for Athene perfectly exemplifies that inner serenity, purity and radiance which gives Tavener's music its consolatory attraction in troubled times. " Richard Steinitz The song in this video was recordered at Westminster Abbey in July of 1994, as is why I chose various photographs surrounding London's Westminster Abbey. Song for Athene was cast heavily into the spotlight on September 6th, 1997. Millions of people, the world over, would hear this piece for the first time as the flag-draped casket of the late Diana, Princess of Wales, was carried out of Westminster Abbey, destined to its final resting place at Althorp <b>...</b>

Westminster Abbey Choir - This is the day (John Rutter)
Westminster Abbey Choir - This is the day (John Rutter)
Royal union of Prince William and Princess Kate : April 29th 2011 Westminster Abbey Choir and The Chapel Royal Choir : This is the day (John Rutter) BBC (All Rights Reserved)

For The Fallen : Choir of Westminster Abbey
For The Fallen : Choir of Westminster Abbey
The Choir of Westminster Abbey sing the words of the Remembrance Day poem by Laurence Binyon, For The Fallen, to a setting by Douglas Guest. Taken from a service in Westminster Abbey to commemorate the passing of the last British veterans of World War One. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.

Royal Wedding cartwheel in Westminster Abbey
Royal Wedding cartwheel in Westminster Abbey
The joy of the occasion gets to this clergyman who performs a Royal Wedding cartwheel in Westminster Abbey following Kate and William's wedding.

Westminster Abbey Choir - psalm 67
Westminster Abbey Choir - psalm 67
Westminster Abbey Choir Psalm 67, Edward Bairstow

Westminster Abbey - Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
Westminster Abbey - Dear Lord and Father of Mankind
Westminster Abbey choir and congregation sing Dear Lord and Father of Mankind. The trebles do a verse on their own.

Vicar Does A Cartwheel In Westminster Abbey
Vicar Does A Cartwheel In Westminster Abbey
A Vicar Does A Cartwheel In Westminster Abbey After Prince William & Princess Catherine Leave The Abbey. Found by Online Vintage Clothes Shop www.TheThriftShop.co.uk 29/04/2011

Zadok The Priest - Westminster Abbey Choir and Choristers of the Chapel Royal
Zadok The Priest - Westminster Abbey Choir and Choristers of the Chapel Royal
The choir of Westminster Abbey and the choristers of the Chapel Royal sing GF Handel's coronation anthem Zadok The Priest during the Royal Maunday Service 2011. Information on Maunday Money. en.wikipedia.org