Symptoms of Brain Tumors
Symptoms of Brain Tumors
Dr. Len Cerullo, CINN Medical Director and Neurosurgeon, discusses the most common signs and symptoms of brain tumors. These symptoms are as variable as the parts of the brain where tumors may present. Symptoms of brain tumors may include dizziness, weakness, seizures, behavior changes, headaches in rare cases and other neurologic deficits. Dr. Cerullos experience spans over twenty-five years of treating patients with brain tumors at one of the largest and most comprehensive neurosurgical practices in the country.
Brain Tumor Health Byte
Brain Tumor Health Byte
A brain tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells in your brain. Learn about brain tumor symptoms, treatments, and diagnosis in this video on health and diseases.
Microsurgical Resection of a Brain Tumor
Microsurgical Resection of a Brain Tumor
For more neurosurgery videos visit www.NeurosurgeryBlog.com. Neurosurgeon Peyman Pakzaban, MD demonstrates the steps involved in resection of a small metastatic brain tumor.
-The diagnosis once cast a pall of despair over its victims, who had little hope and few options for recovery. However, neurosurgical research and innovative treatments are beginning to change that view. "We know so much more about brain tumors then we did 10 years ago," said John Jane Sr., MD, PhD, Editor of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons" Journal of Neurosurgery and a neurosurgeon in Virginia, "We still have a lot to learn, especially since brain tumors remain one of the least understood and difficult to treat tumors.But, there have been advances in how we diagnose brain tumors and how we treat brain tumors." What is a brain tumor? A brain tumor is a cluster of abnormal cells growing in the brain. Brain tumors can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). They can start growing in the brain - a primary tumor, or they can be formed when cancer cells from another part of the body travel to the brain - a metastatic brain tumor. Approximately half of all primary brain tumors are benign. All metastatic brain tumors are malignant. More than 110000 people are diagnosed each year with a brain tumor. Approximately 80000 of tumors are metastatic. There are more than a dozen different types of brain tumors and they are classified by level of malignancy, size and degree to which the cancer has spread. First, metastatic brain tumors often are formed when cancers of the lung, breast, colon, prostate and skin spread to the brain. Improvements in treating <b>...</b>
Brain Tumor Surgery
Brain Tumor Surgery
This University of Washington program profiles an innovative surgical technique for maintaining the speech and language skills of a brain tumor patient. The program introduces viewers to Deborah Kelley, a remarkable patient who bravely allows a camera to follow her for several weeks, from her initial consultation at the UW Medical Center's Neurosurgery clinic and then into surgery. Deborah undergoes an awake surgery, which allows the neurosurgeon to pinpoint the exact location of her brain tumor, a technique called functional brain mapping. Kelley's case received an in-depth review by the University of Washington Medical Center's Neuro-Oncology Tumor Board, a multi-disciplinary group of neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, neuropathologists, brain tumor researchers and social workers. The Neuro-Oncology Tumor Board has created a passionate and comprehensive approach to patient care centering on the role of the medical team, who guide the patient, and their family, from pre-operative tests to post operative diagnosis and treatment. To see more videos from the University of Washington visit uwtv.org.
Brain Tumor - Carlos Luceno's Story
Brain Tumor - Carlos Luceno's Story
Diagnosed with a grade two astrocytoma brain tumor, Carlos Luceno is currently living with brain cancer. Carlos is receiving his treatment and care from Johns Hopkins neurosurgeon Dr. Henry Brem at the Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Brain Tumor Center. Learn more about the Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Brain Tumor Center www.hopkinsmedicine.org
My Brain Tumor
My Brain Tumor
Diagnosed with a brain tumor in April 09 and 1st Craniotomy 1st June 09.
Symptoms of a Brain Tumor
Symptoms of a Brain Tumor
My father was recently diagnosed with a brain tumour, l wanted to share with you how he was first diagnosed as early diagnosis can help save lives.
brain tumor awareness
brain tumor awareness
we think brain tumors suck. pass it on -young brain tumor patients
Brain Tumor Awareness
Brain Tumor Awareness
May is brain tumor awareness month. Continuing to honor the kids...
Types of Brain Tumors
Types of Brain Tumors
Dr. Len Cerullo spends about five minutes describing the different types of brain tumors. Dr. Cerullo has been treating patients with brain tumors for over twenty years. Listen and learn about the difference between metastatic brain tumors, primary brain tumors and extra axial brain tumors, such as pituitary tumors and acoustic neuromas. He also discusses the differences between benign brain tumors and malignant brain tumors. If you have any questions for Dr. Cerullo, please email us at info@neuro-ortho.org.
NOBODY CAN AFFORD A BRAIN TUMOR... BRAIN TUMOR TREATMENT COSTS CAN BE FINANCIALLY DEVASTATING 1st Study on the Financial Impact of Brain Tumors on Patients and Families For More Information or To Help, Please Contact: The National Brain Tumor Foundation 800.934.CURE You can download a copy of this study at: www.BrainTumor.org
"It might be a tumor"
"It might be a tumor"
Arnold Schwarzenegger has a major headache and the kids thinks he has a tumor.
Meningioma Brain Tumor
Meningioma Brain Tumor
CLICK HERE: www.mybraintumour.com if you or someone close to you has just been given the devastating news that doctors have found a Brain Tumor.
Cushing's Disease-Pituitary Brain Tumor
Cushing's Disease-Pituitary Brain Tumor
Sharmyn McGraw searched for answers for seven years for whatever it was that was killing her; finally she diagnosed herself via the Internet with Cushing's disease, caused by a pituitary brain tumor.
Child healed of brain tumor at Bay Of The Holy Spirit Revival 28th Aug 2010
Child healed of brain tumor at Bay Of The Holy Spirit Revival 28th Aug 2010
A young boy who had two brain tumors and a hole in the heart is touched by the power of God at the Bay of the Holy Spirit revival in August, 2010. The boy's family weep as they share how he will now be able to play sports after doctors said there was no trace of cancer in his body the day after he attended the revival and received prayer.
Illuminating Brain Tumors
Illuminating Brain Tumors
Dr. Andrew Sloan, Director of the Brain Tumor and Neuro-Oncology Center at UH Seidman Cancer Center, discusses a new drug that is helping surgeons locate and remove dangerous brain tumors. ow.ly
Glioblastoma Brain Tumor Research Trials at UAB
Glioblastoma Brain Tumor Research Trials at UAB
University of Alabama at Birmingham Neurosurgeon, Dr. James Markert, author of the textbook Glioblastoma Multiforme , discusses research trials on the treatment of malignant gliomas (cancerous brain tumors) presently being conducted at UAB.
Pediatric Brain Tumors
Pediatric Brain Tumors
Pediatric oncologist and brain tumor expert Charles M. Rubin, MD, describes the diagnosis, treatment and recovery for pediatric brain tumors. Rubin and his colleagues at Comer Children's Hospital at the University of Chicago have many years of experience treating children with benign and malignant brain tumors. These experts are involved in important research to understand the biology of pediatric brain tumors with the goal of developing new treatments.
Developing New Therapies for Brain Tumors
Developing New Therapies for Brain Tumors
Keynote Address- Developing New Therapies for Brain Tumors by Henry Brem, MD, Neurosurgeon-in-Chief, The Johns Hopkins Hospital; Harvey Cushing Profession of Neurosurgery, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD