Breast Tissue Biopsy
Breast Tissue Biopsy
If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: www.nucleusinc.com www.nucleusinc.com This 3D medical animation shows several methods of breast tissue biopsy procedures including: needle biopsy, stereotactic core biopsy, ultrasound-guided core biopsy and surgical biopsy. ANCE00184
Liver Biopsy Procedure
Liver Biopsy Procedure
This is a liver biopsy procedure performed by Dr. Joseph Galati, in Houston, Texas. He is President of Liver Specialists of Texas, and Medical Director of the Center for Liver Disease and Transplantation at The Methodist Hospital, located in the Texas Medical Center. This procedure was done at Texas International Endoscopy Center.
Bone Marrow Biopsy 1
Bone Marrow Biopsy 1
Bone marrow biopsy performed at Odette Cancer Center, Toronto, Ontario March 10 2008
Endometrial Biopsy of the Uterus
Endometrial Biopsy of the Uterus
If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: www.nucleusinc.com www.nucleusinc.com This 3D medical animation shows an endometrial biopsy of the uterus procedure, typically used to test for endometriosis, precancerous cells or infertility problems. In the animation, a small pipelle device is used to harvest tissue from the lining of the uterus. ANCE00189
Skin Biopsy
Skin Biopsy
If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: www.nucleusinc.com www.nucleusinc.com This 3D medical animation shows skin biopsy procedures dermatologists use to investigate warts, moles, and other skin lesions to see if they are benign or cancerous. The three types of skin biopsies are biopsy, punch biopsy, and excisional biopsy. ANH00001
Liver Biopsy
Liver Biopsy
If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: www.nucleusinc.com www.nucleusinc.com This medical animation outlines the various functions of the liver and describes the liver biopsy procedure, which involves the removal of a sample of tissue (biopsy). A liver biopsy is usually performed to identify abnormal conditions, such as hepatitis, jaundice, and cancer.
Fine Needle Biopsy of Thyroid Nodule
Fine Needle Biopsy of Thyroid Nodule
Video shows a fine needle biopsy with guided ultrasound of a thyroid nodule.
Shave and Punch Skin Biopsies
Shave and Punch Skin Biopsies
Two techniques for skin biopsies. Created at University of Calgary. Although care has been taken in preparing the information shared in all components of this project, the project does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy thereof. Expert medical opinion should be sought out, when determining a clinical approach. These videos are not a substitute for such medical expertise.
Painless liver biopsy
Painless liver biopsy
Actual liver biopsy procedure from REAL HIV-HCV TREATMENT, a nine-module, CME-accredited, case-study series following the step-by-step process of hepatitis C treatment in an HIV/HCV coinfected female.
What to Expect from a Prostate Biopsy
What to Expect from a Prostate Biopsy
Men who need a prostate biopsy may not know what to expect. Learn how the procedure is performed and the potential complications
Cystoscopy & Bladder Biopsy
Cystoscopy & Bladder Biopsy
This operative surgical video details a common urological procedure - Cystoscopy and Biopsy. In this video, a small bladder lesion is biopsied with forceps through an integrated cystoscope. Anatomy of the urethra and bladder is demonstrated. Iqbal S Shergill BSc(Hons) MRCS(Eng) FRCS(Urol) is senior Specialist Registrar in Urology in London, UK. During his urology training, he has organised a number of practical skills courses for fellow trainees, as well as publishing on all aspects of urology in the medical literature. He has edited five teaching text-books and continues to be involved in teaching, training and medical education.
Excisional Biopsy
Excisional Biopsy
If you like this animation, LIKE us on Facebook: www.nucleusinc.com www.nucleusinc.com This 3D medical animation shows the anatomy and physiology of skin and demonstrates an excisional biopsy a surgical techniques commonly used to obtain a sample tissue of suspected skin disorder. A skin biopsy is used to view under a microscope and make a diagnosis of skin pathologies, including warts and moles, skin cancers and other growths, allergic reactions, bacterial or fungal infections, acne, psoriasis, and injuries and scarring.
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy
For more information, visit CancerQuest at www.CancerQuest.org A video-animation presentation about sentinel lymph node biopsies for breast cancer diagnosis. 3D graphics are used to explain the process. Topics include the lymphatic system and the methods used. This video is part of the breast cancer education series produced by CancerQuest at Emory University.
Bone Marrow Aspiration & Biopsy 4-1-09
Bone Marrow Aspiration & Biopsy 4-1-09
Dr. Coyle Connolly Performs a Skin Cancer Biopsy
Dr. Coyle Connolly Performs a Skin Cancer Biopsy
Board-Certified Dermatologist Dr. Coyle Connolly performs a biopsy for skin cancer on a suspicious lesion found on a patient's forehead.
Percutaneous Liver Biopsy
Percutaneous Liver Biopsy
This patient education video explains percutaneous liver biopsy, what it is for, as well as its possible risks and complications. It also explains some liver diseases and alternative tests.
Patient Education Breast Biopsy Incisional Surgery
Patient Education Breast Biopsy Incisional Surgery
www.PreOp.com Patient Education Company Most women experience periodic changes to their breasts. Cysts are some of the most common kinds of tissues that can grow large enough to be felt and to cause tenderness. Cysts often grow and then shrink without any medical intervention. A second kind of lump is caused by changes in breast tissue triggered by the growth of a cyst. Even after the cyst itself has gone away, it can leave fibrous tissue behind. This scar tissue can often be large enough to be felt. The third kind of growth is a tumor. Tumors can be either benign or cancerous and it is concern about this type of growth that has lead your doctor to recommend breast biopsy. Sometimes you will have breast changes that can not be felt by physical examination alone; but may be seen on a mammogram. In order to learn more about the nature of the lump in your breast your doctor would like to surgically remove it. Most likely, you're feeling some anxiety about this procedure, which is perfectly understandable. You should realize that it's natural to feel apprehensive about any kind of biopsy. In some cases, a woman will choose not to have a biopsy simply out of fear. But ignoring a lump in your breast won't make it go away. If you're feeling anxious, try to remember that the purpose of a biopsy is simply to find out what is going on in your body - so that if you do have a problem, it can be diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible. If you should decide not to allow your <b>...</b>
Prostate: Please Avoid Prostate Biopsy
Prostate: Please Avoid Prostate Biopsy
Prostate Biopsy, Ben Ong discusses the negative side effects of biopsy and explains why biopsy is dangerous. Ben suggests a non-invasive risk assessment from a Urologist. Find out more about Prostate Protection visit: www.prostateprotection.org Find Ben on Facebook: www.facebook.com ......................................... www.facebook.com www.youtube.com Transcript: Please Avoid Prostate Biopsy, there are better alternatives. My name is Ben Ong and I have been helping men with prostate disease for 10 years now. I would like you to consider the following: Conventional invasive diagnostics, drugs and treatments can destroy the quality of your life and may be entirely unnecessary. Is your doctor encouraging you to see a Urologist or have a biopsy? Perhaps you would like to avoid biopsy but have been led to believe there is no other option. There are alternatives. A biopsy risks spreading your prostate cancer to other parts of the prostate or even possibly other parts of the body. Needle tracking causes cancer to spread and makes a biopsy potentially dangerous. A prostate biopsy can turn what is a low level, local, small harmless tumour into a raging one that spreads through your prostate. More than 4/5 men who have prostate cancer will never die of it. Right now the odds are in your favour. But a biopsy can make your odds worse? Would you want to do that?Having a biopsy is more likely to lead to your prostate being removed and that loses you some quality-of-life. Side <b>...</b>
Colin Jackson's leg biopsy - The Making of Me - BBC
Colin Jackson's leg biopsy - The Making of Me - BBC
Former World champion hurdler Colin Jackson goes under the knife as a human performance expert takes a sample of his leg muscle to find out whether it was nature or nurture that made him a champion. Watch more high quality videos on the BBC Worldwide YouTube channel here: www.youtube.com