Gary Kildall
Gary Arlen Kildall (May 19, 1942 – July 11, 1994) was an American computer scientist and microcomputer entrepreneur who created the CP/M operating system and founded Digital Research, Inc. (DRI). Kildall was one of the first people to see microprocessors as fully capable computers rather than equipment controllers and to organize a company around this concept.
Ken Silverman
Ken Silverman (born November 1, 1975) is a game programmer, best known for writing the Build engine used in Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood, and more than a dozen other games in the mid- to late-1990s. Once considered the primary rival of John Carmack, Silverman started work on the Build engine sometime before his first semester at Brown University in 1993, under a contract with Apogee Software. Prior to this, Silverman created ''Ken's Labyrinth'', which was later completed and published by Epic Games.
Tim Paterson
Tim Paterson (born 1956) is an American computer programmer, best known as the original author of MS-DOS, the most widely used personal computer operating system in the 1980s.
The entire collection of the Dos Equis "The Most Interesting Man In the World" ads. Stay thirsty my friends... -Intro -30 sec ad #1 -30 sec ad #2 -30 sec ad #3 -30 sec ad #4 -30 sec ad #5 -"Those Nuts" -"Packages" -"Careers" -"Life" -"Pick-Up Lines" -"Two-Party System" -"Rollerblading" Update This works with Windows 7 W7. With Windows 7 and Vista 64, old DOS programs do not work. Also, Windows XP has problems running some DOS programs. There is a solution to this problem called DOSBox. DOSBox can run DOS programs in the Vista and XP environments. DOSBox can be downloaded for free at and there is a link to the program on the SchoolFreeware website. Schools and individuals can use DOSBox to run their old software and DOS games. This tutorial shows how to get, install and use DOSBox. DosBox can be downloaded here: The link to OldDos (install file containing QBasic) is found here Turbo Pascal 5.5 install files are found here:
Found this in the back room of my old job. It was titled "YO MS Raps!" MS-DOS 5.0 was the first version available in a retail package. Looks like MS spent a few $$$ to produce the effects in this video to promote it. High Quality Here:
When the 386 came to market in 1986, it blew everything else away. Having one of these was considered "life in the fast lane" and until the 486 & Pentium, it was the ultimate CPU to use. This is an overview of the NCR Comten PC 386SX from 1989, a 386 processor-based sort of IBM PS/2 55SX ish clone, as well 386 machines in general. Also compares its speed to the IBM PC and XT range of machines. Footage of: Windows/386 2.1 Commander Keen 4 Goodbye Galaxy Arkanoid Test Drive III The Passion Bubble Ghost World Class Leader Board This is a response to some requests for footage of some of my systems "in action" instead of just a review. But that would be boring I think so lots of facts, commentary and history as well. Oh and I paid about $25+shipping for this PC, no monitor or extras. I have since added a 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive, 210MB HDD and Sound Blaster 2.0 card.
"number eight" by dos from their new album on clenchedwrench/org music, "dos y dos" - release date: july 12, 2011 video director: chris stein video editor: kelly carpenter dos is: kira on bass mike watt on bass _
I'm not responsible for your actions. Watch HQ. Subscribe. Download link: I recommend you to spoof your IP & MAC address first. * = connected - = server crashed You only be able to DoS bad hosting sites. Don't even try to DoS good web pages like Youtube or Google. Music Modestep - Feel Good Official Video
Music Video about DOS Games. Second part: Game list: Moria - AJM Doom 2D - Act Mario and Luigi - Mike Weiring Jill Of The Jungle - Epic Megagames Inc Duke Nukem 2 - Apogee Software Ltd Ms Pacman - Atari Inc Rise of The Triad - Apogee Software Ltd Commander Keen 2 - Apogee Software Ltd Lemmings - Psygnosis North And South - Atari Inc Prince of Persia - Broderbund Software Stunts - Broderbund Software Rogue The Game - Artificial Intelligence Design Transport Tycoon Deluxe - Microprose Software UGH! - Playbyte Prehistorik 2 - Titus Interactive Prehistorik - Titus Interactive Spy vs Spy 3 - Epyx Micro Machines 2 - Codemasters Colorado - Silmarils
Here's an old MS-DOS computer for you. Slow as hell to boot up, has all the original floppies. Computer is a zenith. complete with RS-232 serial port, serial-style monitor port, and a parallel port on the back. Processor is an Intel 8088. I boot it up and run a directory listing on the floppy disk. very hard to read the screen, and i adjust the contrast after running the directory command. If anyone is interested in other videos of servers, old as/400 mainframes, microcomputers, unix system v machines or my modern 5 computer mosix cluster, pm or leave a comment.
This tutorial shows some simple commands and how to use ms dos. To use this on a PC go to run and type cmd. Go to for some commands.
60 of my favorite games for DOS from the 286/386/486 era. Music from King's Bounty: The Legend. Recorded with Dosbox. Abrams Battle Tank Another World Arkanoid Arkanoid 2 Battle Chess (VGA) Budokan: Martial Spirit Cat Catacomb Abyss Civilization Crime Wave Cycles Dangerous Dave 2 Demon Stalkers Digger Doom Death Track David Wolf - Secret Agent Eden Blues Tongue of the Fatman Golden Axe Goody Grand Prix Hexen Indianapolis 500 Italy '90 King's Bounty Lemmings Lemmings 2 The Tribes LHX Attack Chopper Livinstone I Presume Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat 2 Metal Mutant The Secret of Monkey Island The Secret of Monkey Island 2 Mechwarrior NBA Playoffs: Lakers vs Celtics Overkill Paratrooper Prehistoric 2 Prince of Persia Prince of Persia 2 Airborne Ranger F29 Retaliator Rick Dangerous 2 Risky Woods Ski or Die Shadow Knights Sokoban Stormlord Stunts Su 25 Stormovik Tapper Test Drive Test Drive 2 Test Drive 3 Thexder Tower Toppler Wolfenstein 3D Xenon 2 Megablast
Some MS DOS (Command Promt) Basics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Website: Twitter Facebook:
MSDOS Basics Course Lesson 1. This segment discusses DOS internal and external commands.
Dos Equis - The Most Interesting Man In The World
Dos Equis - The Most Interesting Man In The World
The entire collection of the Dos Equis "The Most Interesting Man In the World" ads. Stay thirsty my friends... -Intro -30 sec ad #1 -30 sec ad #2 -30 sec ad #3 -30 sec ad #4 -30 sec ad #5 -"Those Nuts" -"Packages" -"Careers" -"Life" -"Pick-Up Lines" -"Two-Party System" -"Rollerblading"
Running DOS Programs on Windows XP, Vista, W7 (Windows 7) With DOSBox
Running DOS Programs on Windows XP, Vista, W7 (Windows 7) With DOSBox Update This works with Windows 7 W7. With Windows 7 and Vista 64, old DOS programs do not work. Also, Windows XP has problems running some DOS programs. There is a solution to this problem called DOSBox. DOSBox can run DOS programs in the Vista and XP environments. DOSBox can be downloaded for free at and there is a link to the program on the SchoolFreeware website. Schools and individuals can use DOSBox to run their old software and DOS games. This tutorial shows how to get, install and use DOSBox. DosBox can be downloaded here: The link to OldDos (install file containing QBasic) is found here Turbo Pascal 5.5 install files are found here:
Silly MS-DOS 5 Promo Video
Silly MS-DOS 5 Promo Video
Found this in the back room of my old job. It was titled "YO MS Raps!" MS-DOS 5.0 was the first version available in a retail package. Looks like MS spent a few $$$ to produce the effects in this video to promote it. High Quality Here:
DOS "Crazy For You" (PV)
DOS "Crazy For You" (PV)
chartered 1996/09/25
Tony Dize - Entre Los Dos (Official Video)
Tony Dize - Entre Los Dos (Official Video)
Tony Dize - Entre Los Dos (Official Video)
386 MS-DOS Computer Overview - Lazy Game Reviews
386 MS-DOS Computer Overview - Lazy Game Reviews
When the 386 came to market in 1986, it blew everything else away. Having one of these was considered "life in the fast lane" and until the 486 & Pentium, it was the ultimate CPU to use. This is an overview of the NCR Comten PC 386SX from 1989, a 386 processor-based sort of IBM PS/2 55SX ish clone, as well 386 machines in general. Also compares its speed to the IBM PC and XT range of machines. Footage of: Windows/386 2.1 Commander Keen 4 Goodbye Galaxy Arkanoid Test Drive III The Passion Bubble Ghost World Class Leader Board This is a response to some requests for footage of some of my systems "in action" instead of just a review. But that would be boring I think so lots of facts, commentary and history as well. Oh and I paid about $25+shipping for this PC, no monitor or extras. I have since added a 3.5" 1.44MB floppy drive, 210MB HDD and Sound Blaster 2.0 card.
"number eight" dos
"number eight" dos
"number eight" by dos from their new album on clenchedwrench/org music, "dos y dos" - release date: july 12, 2011 video director: chris stein video editor: kelly carpenter dos is: kira on bass mike watt on bass _
Mariana Seoane - Una De Dos (Video-Clip Con Letra )
Mariana Seoane - Una De Dos (Video-Clip Con Letra )
El Cancion Y Video-Clip Una De Dos Con Letra De MARIANA SEOANE ! Lo Amoo Este Nina BUena ... Ella Es Mi Vida (Y) Lo Adoro ...(L) (K)
How to DoS sites with rDos
How to DoS sites with rDos
I'm not responsible for your actions. Watch HQ. Subscribe. Download link: I recommend you to spoof your IP & MAC address first. * = connected - = server crashed You only be able to DoS bad hosting sites. Don't even try to DoS good web pages like Youtube or Google. Music Modestep - Feel Good Official Video
Ricky Martin - María
Ricky Martin - María
Music video by Ricky Martin performing María. (C) 2008 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT
DOS Games r0x
DOS Games r0x
Music Video about DOS Games. Second part: Game list: Moria - AJM Doom 2D - Act Mario and Luigi - Mike Weiring Jill Of The Jungle - Epic Megagames Inc Duke Nukem 2 - Apogee Software Ltd Ms Pacman - Atari Inc Rise of The Triad - Apogee Software Ltd Commander Keen 2 - Apogee Software Ltd Lemmings - Psygnosis North And South - Atari Inc Prince of Persia - Broderbund Software Stunts - Broderbund Software Rogue The Game - Artificial Intelligence Design Transport Tycoon Deluxe - Microprose Software UGH! - Playbyte Prehistorik 2 - Titus Interactive Prehistorik - Titus Interactive Spy vs Spy 3 - Epyx Micro Machines 2 - Codemasters Colorado - Silmarils
Amiga VS PC (DOS) games
Amiga VS PC (DOS) games
A little video I made just for fun. Don't take it too seriously, I love both Amiga and PC DOS games!
1986 IBM XT booting to DOS 3.1
1986 IBM XT booting to DOS 3.1
1986 IBM 5160 XT PC booting from cold into DOS 3.1 from the hard drive. Intel 8088 at 4.77MHz, 640kB RAM, 20MB HDD and CGA colour graphics.
MS-DOS computer
MS-DOS computer
Here's an old MS-DOS computer for you. Slow as hell to boot up, has all the original floppies. Computer is a zenith. complete with RS-232 serial port, serial-style monitor port, and a parallel port on the back. Processor is an Intel 8088. I boot it up and run a directory listing on the floppy disk. very hard to read the screen, and i adjust the contrast after running the directory command. If anyone is interested in other videos of servers, old as/400 mainframes, microcomputers, unix system v machines or my modern 5 computer mosix cluster, pm or leave a comment.
Heroes del silencio - entre dos tierras
Heroes del silencio - entre dos tierras
One of the best songs ever. Unfortunately the band ended in 1996.
MS DOS for beginners
MS DOS for beginners
This tutorial shows some simple commands and how to use ms dos. To use this on a PC go to run and type cmd. Go to for some commands.
Paco de Lucia - Entre dos aguas (1976) full video
Paco de Lucia - Entre dos aguas (1976) full video
Paco de Lucia - Entre dos aguas
【PV】 Baby baby baby dos 【TK】
【PV】 Baby baby baby dos 【TK】
60 nostalgic DOS games for 286/386/486
60 nostalgic DOS games for 286/386/486
60 of my favorite games for DOS from the 286/386/486 era. Music from King's Bounty: The Legend. Recorded with Dosbox. Abrams Battle Tank Another World Arkanoid Arkanoid 2 Battle Chess (VGA) Budokan: Martial Spirit Cat Catacomb Abyss Civilization Crime Wave Cycles Dangerous Dave 2 Demon Stalkers Digger Doom Death Track David Wolf - Secret Agent Eden Blues Tongue of the Fatman Golden Axe Goody Grand Prix Hexen Indianapolis 500 Italy '90 King's Bounty Lemmings Lemmings 2 The Tribes LHX Attack Chopper Livinstone I Presume Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat 2 Metal Mutant The Secret of Monkey Island The Secret of Monkey Island 2 Mechwarrior NBA Playoffs: Lakers vs Celtics Overkill Paratrooper Prehistoric 2 Prince of Persia Prince of Persia 2 Airborne Ranger F29 Retaliator Rick Dangerous 2 Risky Woods Ski or Die Shadow Knights Sokoban Stormlord Stunts Su 25 Stormovik Tapper Test Drive Test Drive 2 Test Drive 3 Thexder Tower Toppler Wolfenstein 3D Xenon 2 Megablast
THE death this month of Malawi’s p resident Bingu wa Mutharika in a private clinic in Johannesburg brings to mind other African leaders whose lives ended in hospitals far from the public health...
Business JournalMollyRyanReporter - Houston Business Journal Email | Twitter Do you have what it takes to eat a cricket taco? How about an alligator taco, for the less adventurous? Or, for the most adventurous, a mystery meat taco? H-Town StrEATs, a local food truck, is inviting all Houstonians to try one of...(size: 2.3Kb)
The ExaminerHappy (almost) wedding anniversary to Prince William and Kate Middleton! It seems like only yesterday when millions across the world bore witness to the royal couple's real-life fairytale nuptials. But Kate's sumptuous laced gown by late designer Alexander McQueen wasn't the only thing receiving...(size: 7.3Kb)
CNNApril 27, 2012 -- Updated 1257 GMT (2057HKT) When visiting Hawaii, focus on one or two islands and split your time between the sunny southern and western areas and the more tropical northern and eastern shores. Colorful flora and fauna are part of the islands' tropical allure. The state is made up...(size: 5.4Kb)
The IndependentAccording to a recent survey by HSBC, the coming bank holidays will see more than half of UK householders undertake some form of DIY in their homes, with the most popular job of all being re-decorating. Contrary to common sentiment, however, painting and decorating is not as simple as it looks and a...(size: 4.1Kb)
The ExaminerThere is no secret about the importance of the hair dos for women. Hairstyles could make us attractive, plain, or absolutely hideous. It takes us a long time to find that perfect style, that perfect color, that perfect length of hair, which is just made for us. From birth into the childhood, from...(size: 6.4Kb)
In spite of the common usage, none of these systems were simply named "DOS" (a name given only to an unrelated IBM mainframe operating system in the 1960s). A number of unrelated, non-x86 microcomputer disk operating systems had "DOS" in their name, and are often referred to simply as "DOS" when discussing machines that use them (e.g. AmigaDOS, AMSDOS, ANDOS, Apple DOS, Atari DOS, Commodore DOS, CSI-DOS, ProDOS, and TRS-DOS). While providing many of the same operating system functions for their respective computer systems, programs running under any one of these operating systems would not run under others.
All MS-DOS-type operating systems run on machines with the Intelx86 or compatible CPUs, mainly the IBM PC and compatibles. Machine-dependent versions of MS-DOS were produced for many non-IBM-compatible x86-based machines, with variations from relabelling of the Microsoft distribution under the manufacturer's name, to versions specifically designed to work with non-IBM-PC-compatible hardware. DOS-C's predecessor DOS/NT ran on Motorola 68000 CPU's.
DOS is a single-user, single-task operating system with basic kernel functions that are non-reentrant: only one program at a time can use them. There is an exception with Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs, and some TSRs can allow multitasking. However, there is still a problem with the non-reentrant kernel: once a process calls a service inside of operating system kernel (system call), it must not be interrupted with another process calling system call, until the first call is finished.
The DOS kernel provides various functions for programs (an ''application program interface''), like displaying characters on-screen, reading a character from the keyboard, accessing disk files and more.
DOS by default provides a primitive ability for shell scripting, via ''batch files'' (with the filename extension.BAT). These are text files that can be created in any text editor. They are executed in the same fashion as compiled programs, and run each line of the batch file as a command. Batch files can also make use of several internal commands, such as goto and conditional statements. gosub and simple arithmetic is supported in some third-party shells but can also be faked via strange workarounds; however, no real form of programming is usually enabled.
The operating system offers a hardware abstraction layer that allows development of character-based applications, but not for accessing most of the hardware, such as graphics cards, printers, or mice. This required programmers to access the hardware directly, usually resulting in each application having its own set of device drivers for each hardware peripheral. Hardware manufacturers would release specifications to ensure device drivers for popular applications were available.
Drive naming scheme
In DOS, drives are referred to by identifying letters. Standard practice is to reserve "A" and "B" for floppy drives. On systems with only one floppy drive DOS assigns both letters to the drive, prompting the user to swap disks as programs alternate access between them. This facilitates copying from floppy to floppy or having a program run from one floppy while accessing its data on another. Hard drives were originally assigned the letters "C" and "D". DOS could only support one active partition per drive. As support for more hard drives became available, this developed into first assigning a drive letter to each drive's active primary partition, then making a second pass over the drives to allocate letters to logical drives in the extended partition, then a third pass to give any other non-active primary partitions their names (where such additional partitions existed and contained a DOS-supported file system.) Lastly, DOS allocates letters for optical disc drives, RAM disks, and other hardware. Letter assignments usually occur in the order the drivers are loaded, but the drivers can instruct DOS to assign a different letter; drivers for network drives, for example, typically assign letters nearer the end of the alphabet.
Because DOS applications use these drive letters directly (unlike the /dev directory in Unix-like systems), they can be disrupted by adding new hardware that needs a drive letter. An example is the addition of a new hard drive having a primary partition where a pre-existing hard drive contains logical drives in extended partitions; the new drive will be assigned a letter that was previously assigned to one of the extended partition logical drives. Moreover, even adding a new hard drive having only logical drives in an extended partition would still disrupt the letters of RAM disks and optical drives. This problem persisted through Microsoft's DOS-based 9x versions of Windows until they were replaced by versions based on the NT line, which preserves the letters of existing drives until the user changes them.
Reserved device names
There are reserved device names in DOS that cannot be used as filenames regardless of extension; these are used to send application output to hardware peripherals. These restrictions also affect several Windows versions, in some cases causing crashes and security vulnerabilities.
A partial list of these reserved names is: NUL:, COM1: or AUX:, COM2:, COM3:, COM4:, CON:, LPT1: or PRN:, LPT2: and LPT3:.
Colons are not necessary in some cases, for example:
echo This does nothing > nul
It is still possible to create files or directories using these reserved device names, such as through direct editing of directory data structures in disk sectors. Such naming, such as starting a file name with a space, has sometimes been used by viruses or hacking programs to obscure files from users who do not know how to access these locations.
Boot sequence
The boot sector on PC-compatible computers (MBR) is located at track zero. The boot sector on all disc devices are then in turn loaded into memory segment 0000:7C00, and if the sector contains the values "0x55 0xAA" at position 0x1FE, it's considered to be valid and is executed. On harddiscs each of the four partitions are searched for an active partition (bit-7=1 at pos 0x1BE+0x10*n).
The boot sector code loads the DOS-BIOS into segment 0000:0600; which is located in the file IO.SYS on MS-DOS systems. In some cases the boot sector instead relocates itself into 0000:0600 and loads the partition boot code into 0000:7C00 and executes it.
The DOS-BIOS will then load the DOS kernel, located in MSDOS.SYS on MS-DOS systems. In the DOS-kernel Windows 9x, the DOS-BIOS and kernel are combined in IO.SYS, and MSDOS.SYS is used as a text configuration file.
The kernel then loads the \CONFIG.SYS file to parse configuration parameters. The SHELL variable specifies the location of the shell which defaults to \COMMAND.COM.
The shell is loaded and executed.
The startup batch file AUTOEXEC.BAT is then run by the shell. DR-DOS allows specification of the startup batch file through a parameter in the SHELL statement.
The BIOS and kernel files loaded by the boot sector must be contiguous and be the first two directory entries. As such, removing and adding this file is likely to render the media unbootable. It is, however, possible to replace the shell at will, a method that can be used to start the execution of dedicated applications faster.
Variations from MS DOS re-name the BIOS and kernel files, for example, in DR-DOS and PC-DOS IBMBIO.COM is used in place of IO.SYS and IBMDOS.COM in place of MSDOS.SYS. On systems designed for PC-DOS v1.10 the signature 0x55 0xAA at position 0x1FE is not checked.
IBM PC-DOS (and the separately sold MS-DOS) and its predecessor, 86-DOS, were loosely inspired by Digital Research's CP/M (Control Program / [for] Microcomputers), which was the dominant disk operating system for 8-bit Intel 8080 and ZilogZ80 based microcomputers. PC-DOS ran on 8088-family processors.
When IBM introduced the IBM PC, built with the Intel 8088 microprocessor, they needed an operating system. Seeking an 8088-compatible build of CP/M, IBM initially approached Microsoft CEO Bill Gates (possibly believing that Microsoft owned CP/M due to the Microsoft Z-80 SoftCard, which allowed CP/M to run on an Apple II). IBM was sent to Digital Research, and a meeting was set up. However, the initial negotiations for the use of CP/M broke down—Digital Research wished to sell CP/M on a royalty basis, while IBM sought a single license, and to change the name to "PC DOS". DR founder Gary Kildall refused, and IBM withdrew.
IBM again approached Bill Gates. Gates in turn approached Seattle Computer Products. There, programmer Tim Paterson had developed a variant of CP/M-80, intended as an internal product for testing SCP's new 16-bitIntel 8086CPU card for the S-100 bus. The system was initially named "QDOS" (Quick and Dirty Operating System), before being made commercially available as 86-DOS. Microsoft purchased 86-DOS, allegedly for $50,000. This became Microsoft Disk Operating System, MS-DOS, introduced in 1981.
Microsoft also licensed their system to multiple computer companies, who supplied MS-DOS for their own hardware, sometimes under their own names. Microsoft later required the use of the MS-DOS name, with the exception of the IBM variant. IBM continued to develop their version, PC DOS, for the IBM PC. Digital Research became aware that an operating system similar to CP/M was being sold by IBM (under the same name that IBM insisted upon for CP/M), and threatened legal action. IBM responded by offering an agreement: they would give PC consumers a choice of PC DOS or CP/M-86, Kildall's 8086 version. Side-by-side, CP/M cost almost $200 more than PC DOS, and sales were low. CP/M faded, with MS-DOS and PC DOS becoming the marketed operating system for PCs and PC compatibles.
Digital Research attempted to regain the market lost from CP/M-86; initially with DOS Plus, and later with DR-DOS (both compatible with both MS-DOS and CP/M-86 software). Digital Research was bought by Novell, and DR DOS became Novell DOS 7; later, it was part of Caldera Systems (under the names ''OpenDOS'' and DR DOS 7), Lineo, and DeviceLogics.
Microsoft and IBM later had a series of disagreements over two successor operating systems to DOS - Microsoft's Windows and IBM's OS/2. They split development of their DOS systems as a result. MS-DOS was partially transformed into Windows; the last version of PC DOS was PC DOS 2000, released in 1998.
The FreeDOS project began June 26, 1994, when Microsoft announced it would no longer sell or support MS-DOS. Jim Hall then posted a manifesto proposing the development of an open-source replacement. Within a few weeks, other programmers including Pat Villani and Tim Norman joined the project. A kernel, the command line interpreter (shell) and core utilities were created by pooling code they had written or found available. There were several official pre-release distributions of FreeDOS before the FreeDOS 1.0 distribution was released on September 3, 2006. Made available under the GNU General Public License (GPL), FreeDOS does not require license fees or royalties.
Early versions of Microsoft Windows were an application that ran on top of a separate version of DOS. By the early 1990s, Windows saw heavy use on new DOS systems. With MS-Windows for Workgroups 3.11, DOS was almost reduced to the role of a boot loader for the Windows kernel; in 1995, MS-Windows 95 was bundled as a standalone operating system that did not require a separate DOS license. With Windows 95 (and Windows 98 and Me, that followed it), the MS-DOS kernel remained, but with Windows as the system's graphical shell. With Windows 95 and 98, but not ME, the MS-DOS component could be run without starting Windows. With DOS no longer required to use Windows, the majority of PC users stopped using it directly.
Continued use
Currently available DOS systems are FreeDOS, DR-DOS (and Enhanced DR-DOS), ROM-DOS, the Russian PTS-DOS, NX-DOS, Multiuser DOS (based on Digital Research's Concurrent DOS), and others. Some computer manufacturers, including Dell and HP, sell computers with FreeDOS as the OEM operating system. NX-DOS is currently under development. It is 16-bit, real-time, networkable, bootable from a floppy, and has an incomplete USB driver. It dates back to 1992 as a personal project, and was released as GPL in 2005.
DOS's structure of accessing hardware directly makes it ideal for use in embedded devices. The final versions of DR-DOS are still aimed at this market. ROM-DOS was used as the embedded system on the Canon PowerShot Pro 70.
Under Linux, it is also possible to run copies of DOS and many of its clones under ''DOSEMU'', a Linux-native virtual machine for running DOS programs at near native speed. There are a number of other emulators for running DOS under various versions of UNIX, even on non-x86 platforms, such as DOSBox.
DOS emulators are gaining popularity among Windows XP and Windows Vista users, due to these systems being very incompatible with pure DOS. They can be used to run games or other DOS software. One of the best-known is DOSBox, designed for legacy gaming (e.g. King's Quest, Doom) on modern operating systems.
It is possible to run DOS applications in a copy of a DOS operating system on a PC emulator, allowing better compatibility than DOS emulators where the emulation of the DOS operating environment is imperfect.
With Microsoft Windows
True 32-bit versions of Windows, starting with NT and including 2000, XP, and Vista, are not based upon DOS. These include the NT Virtual DOS Machine (NTVDM), which runs a modified version of MS-DOS 5 in a virtual machine. While DOS-based versions used the traditional COMMAND.COM for a command line interface, MS-Windows NT and its derivatives use cmd.exe, a descendant of OS/2's command interpreter which recognizes many DOS commands (although COMMAND.COM is still called and used when DOS .EXE files are run).
64-bit Windows Versions
Windows XP x64, Windows Vista x64 and Windows 7 x64 editions do not contain the NTVDM (because the x86-64 architecture does not allow it) and therefore they cannot run 16-bit DOS applications directly. COMMAND.COM is missing and the only way to run a DOS application under these versions of Windows is by using an emulator.
DOS was the dominant PC-Compatible platform and many notable programs were written for it. These included:
Lotus 1-2-3; a protected mode spreadsheet program that saw heavy use in corporate markets and has been credited with the success of the IBM PC
DOS systems utilize a command line interface. Programs are started by entering their filename at the command prompt. DOS systems include several programs as system utilities, and provides additional commands that don't correspond to programs (''internal commands'').
Eventually, the manufacturers of major DOS systems began to include their own environment managers. MS-DOS/IBM DOS 4 included DOS Shell; DR-DOS 5, released the next year, included ViewMAX, based upon GEM.
By its original design, DOS was a single task operating system. MS and PC DOS would introduce task switching with DOSShell, and DR-DOS would include it with DR-DOS 6, via the ''TaskMAX'' command. MS and PC DOS never had a multitasking capability; DR-DOS had the capability with DR-DOS 7 (assuming DR-DOS was running with DPMI enabled). Programs such as VMIX (shareware) or DesqView (commercial) could multitask even on an 8088, which did not have hardware support for multitasking due to its lack of protected mode.
Several limitations plague the DOS architecture. The original 8088 microprocessor could only address 1 megabyte of physical RAM. With additional hardware devices being mapped into this range, the highest amount of available memory was 640 kilobytes, known as conventional memory. Due to DOS's structure, this was assumed to be the maximum, and DOS could not address more than this. An early workaround was expanded memory; later, extended memory was developed with the 80286. While these provided usable memory to applications, they still had to start in conventional memory, thereby using part of the existing 640 KB. With the 80386 microprocessor's redesigned protected mode, DOS extenders and the DOS Protected Mode Interface were able to provide additional memory to applications, as well as multitasking.
DOS also has an upper limit to the size of hard disk partitions. This has two causes. First, many DOS-type systems never had support for any file system newer than FAT16, which, by design, does not allow partitions larger than 2.1 gigabytes. Additionally, DOS accesses the hard disk by calling Interrupt 13, which utilizes the cylinder-head-sector system of mapping the disk. Under this system, only 8 gigabytes are visible to the operating system. Newer operating systems accomplished disk access via software means, e.g. 32-bit disk access.
Using FAT16 (and FAT12 for floppy disks) required use of the 8.3 filename. Filenames in DOS can not be longer than eight characters, and the filename extension cannot be longer than three. Win95's patented VFAT hack worked around this in a unique way.
IBM Corp., IBM, (January 1984). “IBM DOS Release 2.10 Cloth bound retail hard board box”. 1st edition. IBM Corp. Item Number. 6183946
IBM Corp., IBM, (January 1984). “Disk Operating System User's guide (DOS Release 2.10)”. 1st edition. Microsoft Corp. (100 pages including colour illustrations) Item Number. 6183947
IBM Corp., IBM, (January 1984). “Disk Operating System Manual (DOS Release 2.10)”. 1st edition. Microsoft Corp. (574 looseleaf pages in 3 ring folder) Item No. 6183940
IBM Corp., IBM, (May 1984). “BASIC HANDBOOK General Programming Information (BASIC Release 3.0)”. 3rd edition. IBM Corp. (127 pages) Item Number 6361129
IBM Corp., IBM, (May 1984). “BASIC Reference (BASIC Release 3.0)”. 3rd edition. IBM Corp. Item Number 6361134
A computer repair technician is a person who repairs and maintains computers and servers. The technician's responsibilities may extend to include building or configuring new hardware, installing and updating software packages, and creating and maintaining computer networks. Computer repair technicians work in a variety of settings, encompassing both the public and private sectors. Because of the relatively brief existence of the profession, institutions offer certificate and degree programs designed to prepare new technicians, but computer repairs are frequently performed by experienced and certified technicians who have little formal training in the field.
A repair technician might work in a corporate information technology department, a central service center, or a retail computer sales environment. A public sector technician might work in the military, national security or law enforcement communities, health or public safety field, or an educational institution. Despite the vast variety of work environments, all computer technicians perform similar physical and investigative processes, including technical support. Experienced technicians might specialize in fields such as data recovery, system administration, or information systems. Some technicians are self-employed or own a firm that provides services in a regional area. Some are subcontracted as freelancers or consultants. This type of technician ranges from hobbyists and enthusiasts that volunteer or make a little side money, to those who work professionally in the field.
Computer malfunctions can range from a minor setting that is incorrect, to spyware, viruses, and as far as replacing hardware or an entire operating system. Some technicians provide on-site services usually at an hourly rate. Others can provide services off-site, where the client can drop off at the repair shop. Some have pickup and drop off services for convenience. Some technicians may also take back old equipment for recycling (In the EU, this is required under WEEE rules).
When possible, repair technicians protect the computer user's data and settings, so that after repair, the user will not have lost any data and the technician can fully use the device with little interruption, and then diagnose the problem. Addressing the issue, the technician could take action as minor as adjusting one or several settings or preferences, but could also apply more involved techniques like installing, uninstalling, or reinstalling various software packages. A reliable, but somewhat more complicated, procedure for addressing software issues is known as a restore, in which the computer's original installation image (including operating system and original applications) is reapplied to a formatted hard drive. It should be known though, that anything unique, such as settings, or personal files will be destroyed if not backed up on external media, as this reverts everything back to its original unused state.
He started under the guidance of one of the most popular duos in reggaeton, Wisin & Yandel. He debuted in the disc Blin Blin vol.1, with the song "No Pierdas Tiempo". Through his short career he has worked with the best DJs of the genre such as Luny Tunes, Naldo, Urba & Monserrate, Notty, and Noriega. He appeared as a guest in the album Pa'l Mundo, in a song with Wisin & Yandel called "Sensación". The song was a minor hit. Tony Dize finally broke through with the song "Quizás", found on the album Los Vaqueros. The song was one of the album's biggest hits, and made him a force in reggaeton. The official remix of the song features Ken-Y. He was part of WY Records and his first production, ''La Melodía De La Calle'', was released on April 22, 2008. Tony Dize participated in a beach festival named "Back to School", on August 9, 2008.
Tony dize performed at the Cedar Hall on February 2, 2009 in Boston, Massachusetts.In the performance he collaborated with DJs such as DJ Shorty DJ Problem, and DJ Luis Morales.
He is now a member of Pina Records, after leaving WY Records over disputes with Wisin.
Born to an Argentine mother and a Cuban-Mexican father, Seoane demonstrated an interest in becoming an entertainer since a very early age. She began acting and singing professionally as a teenager. It is the former career, however, that has brought her much fame in Mexico and Latin America.
In 1995, Seoane made her acting debut on a Televisatelenovela, when she appeared on ''Retrato de Familia'' ("Family Photo"), alongside Alfredo Adame, Helena Rojo and Julio Bracho. Seoane played Aracely in ''Retrato de Familia''.
During 1996, Seoane played Sandra in ''Los Hijos de Nadie'' ("Nobody's Children"), where she acted with Puerto RicanOsvaldo Rios. Seoane then acted in ''Cancion de Amor'' ("Love Song"), a soap opera geared towards teenagers and young adults. In it, she shared credits with young actors like Eduardo Capetillo, Jorge Salinas and Mauricio Islas, as well as with veterans such as Joaquin Cordero, Guillermo Garcia Cantù, Lorena Rojas and Jaime Garza. Seoane played Roxana in ''Cancion de Amor''.
Seoane continued on with her acting career in 1997, when she filmed ''Mi Pequeña Traviesa'' ("My Little Daredevil"), with Anahí, Rafael Inclan, Enrique Rocha and future spouses Hector Soberon and Michelle Vieth. Having given life to the character of Bárbara in that soap opera, Seoane then proceeded to take a two year lay-off from telenovelas after that. But she returned in 1999, when she had her first opportunity of starring in a telenovela, acting as Adriana in ''Amor Gitano'' ("Gypsy Love"), where Islas was her co-star. Seoane also acted in ''Tres Mujeres'' ("Three Women") that year, sharing the scene with Laura Flores as well as such up and coming actors as Dominika Paleta, Eduardo Verastegui and future husband and wife Bobby Larios and Niurka Marcos, among others. Seoane played Marcela Duran in ''Tres Mujeres''.
After a two year hiatus from television, Seoane returned in 2001, making her comedy debut in ''Diseñador, Ambos Sexos'' ("Designer of both Sexes") a comedy about a fashion designer who pretended to be homosexual in order to get close to women.
Seoane played Ernestina Soto in ''Atrévete a Olvidarme'' ("Dare to Forget Me"), a telenovela which was also run during 2001, with Jorge Salinas and Adriana Fonseca as stars. Seoane has made a total of four soap operas where Salinas also acted.
In 2003, Seoane was offered her second starring role on a telenovela, when she participated as Rebeca Linares in Venevision's production, ''Rebeca''.
Seoane then recorded her first CD, which was released during 2004. ''Sere Una Niña Buena'' ("I'll be a Good Girl"), her first discographic production, became a mild success in Seoane's show business career. It peaked at number 42 in the Top Latin Album in ''Billboard'' and her first single peaked at number 18 in the Hot Latin Tracks. ''Que no me faltes tu'' was her second single, which was successful, it peaked number 6 in the Hot Latin Tracks. Her second album was released in 2005, ''La nina buena'' ("The Good Girl"), it peaked number 38 in the Top Latin Albums in ''Billboard'' and the first single, ''Una de dos'', reached number 22 in the Hot Latin Track; her second single was ''No vuelvo mas'', which peaked 42 in the Hot Latin Tracks. In 2006 she released ''Con Sabor a... Mariana''; the first single of this album was ''Mermelada''. This album was less successful than the two previous albums. Her latest album was recorded in 2007, titled ''Mariana esta de fiesta... atrevete'', and the single was ''Atrevete''.
During 2005, a well known Hispanic gossip magazine in the United States sponsored a contest where winners would get a photo and a copy of the ''Sere una Niña Buena'' CD personally autographed by Seoane. Noting that three of the twenty contestants that won the prizes were from Puerto Rico, Seoane made sure to mention that country on her New Year's Eve Univision celebration show's speech.
, Seoane was invited to appear on the famous telenovela, ''La fea más bella''. She appears as Karla, who falls quickly in love with Fernando Mendiola, played by Jaime Camil.
Enrique "Ricky" Martín Morales (born December 24, 1971), better known as Ricky Martin, is a Puerto Ricanpopsinger and actor who achieved prominence, first as a member of the Latinboy bandMenudo, then as a solo artist since 1991.
During his career he has sold more than 60 million albums worldwide. He is the founder of ''Ricky Martin Foundation'' (in Spanish ''Fundación Ricky Martin''), a non-profit charity organization.
Ricky Martin's exuberant 1999 single "Livin' la Vida Loca" made him a prominent figure of Latin dance-pop. Martin got his start with the all-boy pop group Menudo; after five years with the group, he released his Spanish-language solo album, ''Ricky Martin'', in 1991. He also acted on stage and on TV in Mexico, becoming a modest star there. In 1994 he starred on the American TV soap opera ''General Hospital'', playing a Puerto Rican singer. In 1999, after several albums in Spanish, he released his first English-language album (also titled ''Ricky Martin''), which included the salsa-style "Livin' la Vida Loca". The album sold 22 million copies and brought Martin international fame. His other studio albums include: ''Me Amarás'' (1993), ''A Medio Vivir'' (1995), ''Vuelve'' (1998), ''Sound Loaded'' (2000), ''Almas del Silencio'' (2003), ''Life'' (2005), and ''Música + Alma + Sexo'' (2011). In 2010 Martin announced that he was a "fortunate homosexual man", ending years of fan speculation on the topic.
On the edge of the new millennium, Martin—almost by himself—gave Latino music an international face. An acclaimed performance at the 1999 Grammy Awards launched Martin into worldwide super-stardom. As ''Entertainment Weekly'''s Andrew Essex reported, "his leather-pants, electro-pelvis version of 'La Copa de la Vida' single-handedly goosed a very dull [Grammy] telecast, earning him a standing ovation."
Martin's twin sons, Matteo and Valentino, were born via a surrogate mother in 2008. Martin also co-owns a Miami restaurant, Casa Salsa, and received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2007.
Early life
Martin was born on December 24, 1971, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the son of Nereida Morales, an accountant, and Enrique Martín Negroni, a psychologist. His parents divorced when he was two; his father remarried. Martin has two maternal half-brothers, Fernando and Ángel Fernández, and two paternal half-brothers, Eric and Daniel Martín, and a paternal half-sister Vanessa Martín. Martin grew up in a Roman Catholic home and was an altar boy until he joined Menudo.
Martin has some Corsican and Spanish ancestry as his paternal fourth great-grandfathers were born in Rogliano, Cap Corse, Corsica, and Vilanova i la Geltrú, Catalonia (Spain).
After completing high school, Martin left San Juan and moved to New York City. Later, Martin moved to Mexico City where he attended the national school of space. He played lead role in a 1989 musical-theatre release named ''Mis Tennis Rojos'' (''My Red Tennis Shoes'') next to Angélica Vale and then followed another theater production ''Mama Ama el Rock'' (''Mom Loves Rock'').
Early solo work: 1991–1994
In 1991, Ricky Martin participated in a telenovela titled ''Alcanzar una estrella II'' next to Sasha Sokol. Out of this soap opera a musical group was formed named Muñecos de Papel in which he was one of the six members; they toured several cities in Mexico and recorded two albums. His main single was "Juego de Ajedrez". A film based on the TV series was also produced in which Martin played Pablo, earning a Heraldo Award in 1993.
Martin moved to Los Angeles, California in 1994 and landed a role as bartender and singer Miguel Morez in the American soap opera ''General Hospital''.
Breakthrough: 1995–1998
In 1995, Martin refocused on his music career, and his third album, ''A Medio Vivir'', became an international breakthrough. With this album, Martin made a shift from formulaic hit ballads to a more risky fusion of music centered around traditional Latin sounds, epitomized by the hit "Maria". The song broke Martin into Europe via Spain. "Maria" went to number one in France, Belgium Wallonia and Australia, and reached the top ten in most European countries; it even charted on the US Billboard Hot 100, peaking at number eighty-eight. With the ballad "Te Extraño, Te Olvido, Te Amo", Martin furthered his expansion from Latin American and Spanish-speaking audiences to the European and Asian markets. The album has sold over 3 million copies worldwide.
After the conclusion of a worldwide tour, Martin returned to New York to appear in a Broadway theatre production for the first time, joining the cast of the hit musical ''Les Misérables'' to play the romantic lead, Marius Pontmercy.
While on Broadway, Martin returned to the studio and recorded his fourth album, ''Vuelve'' (1998). The title track and the ballad "Perdido Sin Tí" both hit number one on the Hot Latin Songs. The album's pinnacle, however, was "La Copa de la Vida", which Martin made a major hit in an English version when he was chosen to sing the anthem of the 1998 FIFA World Cup. "La Copa de la Vida" reached number one on the charts around the world and went gold and platinum in various countries. It was awarded Pop Song of the Year at the 1999 Lo Nuestro Awards. Further singles included: "La Bomba", "Por Arriba, Por Abajo" and "Corazonado". ''Vuelve'' spent twenty-six weeks at number one on the Billboard Top Latin Albums. It became Martin's first top forty album on the Billboard 200 in the United States, where it was certified platinum by the RIAA. The album also went to number one in Spain and Norway, and sold over eight million copies worldwide.
Martin was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Latin Pop Album for ''Vuelve'', and was booked to sing on the 41st Grammy Awards live TV broadcast. The now-legendary performance of "The Cup of Life" stopped the show, earning Martin an unexpected standing ovation and introducing the star to the mainstream American audience. Martin capped off the evening by winning the Grammy Award.
Crossover to English: 1999–2002
After several years as a major star in Spanish-speaking countries, Martin prepared his first English album in 1999. The self-titled album contained material by writers and producers such as Desmond Child, Diane Warren, William Orbit, George Noriega and his longtime childhood friend Draco Rosa. The album also featured special guests: Madonna on the Spanish-English duet "Be Careful (Cuidado con mi Corazón)" and Meja on "Private Emotion".
The first and most prominent single was "Livin' la Vida Loca", which reached number one in many countries around the world, including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland and New Zealand. It was followed by "She's All I Ever Had" which peaked at number two on the Billboard Hot 100. Both tracks peaked at number one on the Hot Latin Songs. "Livin' la Vida Loca" is generally seen as the song that began the Latin pop explosion of 1999 and made the transition of other Latin artists (first Jennifer Lopez and Enrique Iglesias, then later Shakira) into the English-speaking market easier. ''Ricky Martin'' became one of the top-selling albums of 1999, and was certified 7× platinum in the United States, selling over 22 million copies worldwide. In Cctober 1999, Martin embarked on a very successful year-long Livin' la Vida Loca Tour.
After this success, a new English-language album, ''Sound Loaded'', was released in November 2000. It debuted at number four on the Billboard 200 and was certified 2× platinum by the RIAA. "She Bangs" and "Nobody Wants to Be Lonely" (duet with Christina Aguilera) peaked at number twelve and thirteen on the Billboard Hot 100, respectively. Both singles reached number one on the Hot Latin Songs. ''Sound Loaded'' has sold over 8 million copies worldwide.
In February 2001, Martin released a Spanish greatest hits album entitled ''La Historia'', which went to number one for five weeks on the Billboard Top Latin Albums and debuted at number eighty-three on the Billboard 200. It also topped the chart in Sweden for three weeks. The album contained reworkings of two of his early songs "Fuego Contra Fuego" and "El Amor de Mi Vida". In November 2001, an English-language greatest hits album, ''The Best of Ricky Martin'' was released outside North America. It contained two new remixes of "Amor".
''Almas del Silencio'' and ''Life'': 2003–2006
In May 2003, Martin released a new Spanish album ''Almas del Silencio''. The first single, "Tal Vez", debuted at number one on the Hot Latin Songs and stayed there for eleven weeks. Martin said of the new album: "I really needed to go back to focus, to my center, to the beginning. I had the need to search within, and really dig deep, and find those emotions that, because of the adrenaline and the euphoria that I lived for a couple of years, were probably sabotaged." ''Almas del Silencio'' debuted at number twelve on the Billboard 200 and reached number one on the Billboard Top Latin Albums where it stayed for six weeks. The album sold more than one million copies worldwide. The next singles, "Jaleo" and "Y Todo Queda en Nada", reached number one on the Hot Latin Songs. "Jaleo" also topped the chart in Spain for four weeks.
In October 2005, Martin released his first English-language album since 2000's ''Sound Loaded'' and the tenth album of his career. Most of the songs on the album, called ''Life'', were co-written by Martin. He commented on the album: "I was really in touch with my emotions. I think this album is very multi-layered, just like life is. It's about feeling anger. It's about feeling joy. It's about feeling uncertainty. It's about feeling. And all my emotions are part of this production." The album debuted at number six on the Billboard 200. The first single from the album, "I Don't Care", featured guest appearances by Fat Joe and Amerie. It peaked at number three on the Hot Dance Club Songs and number sixty-five on the Billboard Hot 100. Another song from the album, "It's Alright" was re-recorded as a duet with French singer M. Pokora. It was successful in French-speaking countries, reaching number four in France.
Soon after, Martin announced his One Night Only with Ricky Martin tour. Starting in Mexico City, the tour premiered on November 15, 2005. After finishing the first leg which included Latin America and the United States, Martin performed at the 2006 Winter Olympics closing ceremony in Turin. A few days later, he announced the second leg of his world tour, which included Europe and Africa. The second leg started on April 21, 2006 in Manchester, UK, and ended on June 3, 2006 in Tel Aviv, Israel.
After finishing his worldwide tour, Martin took a break from the music industry and focused on his private life. In November 2007, Sony BMG Norte released ''Ricky Martin Live: Black and White Tour'' on CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc. One year later, a Spanish-language greatest hits album was released, entitled ''17''. It was a summary of seventeen years of Martin's musical career, which included mostly Spanish-language songs.
Autobiography and a new album: 2010–present
Ricky Martin's autobiography, ''Me'', was published on November 2, 2010. The book became ''The New York Times'' Best Seller list, debuting at number five on the Hardcover Nonfiction list. A Spanish-language edition entitled ''Yo'' was published simultaneously.
''17: Greatest Hits'' was released on July 11, 2011 exclusively in the United Kingdom.
Ricky Martin will be playing Ché in the Broadway revival of the show ''Evita'', scheduled to begin previews on Broadway in March 2012, ahead of an opening in April 2012.
Personal life
In the past Martin stated he was in love with Mexican TV host Rebecca de Alba, with whom he had an off-and-on-again relationship for over 14 years. They even talked of starting a family together, and at one point Martin planned on proposing.
However with the release of ''Life'' in 2005, Martin confirmed he and De Alba had parted ways.
In August 2008, Martin became the father of twin boys, Matteo and Valentino. The babies were birthed by a surrogate mother.
After the success of "Livin' la Vida Loca", Martin's personal life became a subject of interest due to his large gay following, and he was questioned about his sexual orientation. In a December 2000 interview with ''The Mirror'', Martin was asked to comment on the rumors surrounding his sexuality. He replied that "I don't think I should have to tell anyone if I am gay or not, or who I've slept with or not." Along with this, Martin reportedly stated in an interview with ''Plus 7 Days'' magazine, "If I were gay, why not admit it? I am a normal man. I love women and sex. I am a real hot-blooded Puerto Rican, but I have never been attracted by sex with a man."
On March 29, 2010, Martin publicly acknowledged his homosexuality in a post on his official web site by stating, "I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am." Martin said that "these years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within, and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn't even know existed." In 2010, prior to Martin coming out, Barbara Walters expressed some regret for pushing Martin in a 2000 interview to admit if he was gay. The ''Toronto Star'' quoted her as saying, "When I think back on it now, I feel it was an inappropriate question."
Martin announced on ''The Oprah Winfrey Show'' that he is in a relationship. Martin has also expressed support for same-sex marriage in an interview on ''Larry King Live'', and commented on his experience of being closeted and coming out. "[E]verything about saying [that I am gay] feels right...", Martin stated, adding "if I’d known how good it was going to feel, I would have done it ten years ago."
Martin was raised Catholic, but says he is open to all sorts of religious beliefs, especially the Buddhist philosophy, although he does not identify as a Buddhist.
Humanitarian work
Martin is the founder of ''Fundación Ricky Martin'' (), a non-profit organization. Among the events promoted by the foundation was a summer camp, which included Martin's personal participation.
Martin has been honored with many accolades for his humanitarian efforts including: Leadership in the Arts Award, ''Billboard'''s Spirit of Hope Award, ALMA Award, Vanguard Award, International Humanitarian Award by the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children, Hispanic Heritage Award for his humanitarian work through the Sabera Foundation in rescuing three orphan girls from the streets of Kolkata (September 2002).
Martin has also collaborated with the International Organization for Migration on the ''Llama y Vive'' (''Call and Live''), a campaign which is aimed to facilitate prevention of human trafficking, protection of the youngest victims of child trafficking, and prosecution of the traffickers. For his work against human trafficking, the United States Department of State named Martin one of its Heroes in Ending Modern-Day Slavery in 2005.
Martin was a headliner in the 2001 inauguration ball for President George W. Bush; he even invited the newly elected president to join him on stage to dance. This image was captured by photographers and broadcast in various media throughout the world. Martin referred to it in a later song, "Asignatura Pendiente".
Martin has since changed his position on the former President. In a concert in Puerto Rico during the song ''Asignatura Pendiente'' Martin thrust his middle finger disapprovingly in the air while singing the line "photo with Bush". The gesture met with audience approval but caused a minor controversy with the media. Martin said in an e-mail statement sent to the Associated Press via a spokesman: "My convictions of peace and life go beyond any government and political agenda and as long as I have a voice onstage and offstage, I will always condemn war and those who promulgate it".
Martin was chosen along with Félix Trinidad in 1999, to lead Puerto Rico's worldwide tourism campaign, both exemplifying Puerto Rico's youthfulness, enthusiasm and indefatigable character.
In February 2004, Martin received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Lo Nuestro Awards in Miami.
Martin was honored as the 2006 Latin Recording Academy Person of the Year by the Latin Recording Academy on November 1, 2006. He was chosen for his accomplishments as a world renowned entertainer, consummate performer and passionate humanitarian. A portion of the proceeds from the evening's tribute dinner was used for benefitting Ricky Martin's charitable efforts.
In addition to the numerous awards received throughout his musical career, Martin has also been honored with many accolades for his humanitarian efforts.
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A little video I made just for fun. Don't take it too seriously, I love both Amiga and PC DOS games!
1986 IBM XT booting to DOS 3.1
1986 IBM XT booting to DOS 3.1
1986 IBM 5160 XT PC booting from cold into DOS 3.1 from the hard drive. Intel 8088 at 4.77MHz, 640kB RAM, 20MB HDD and CGA colour graphics.
MS-DOS computer
MS-DOS computer
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One of the best songs ever. Unfortunately the band ended in 1996.
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