
by Karen on December 26, 2011


Am I the only non-Republican who’s hoping no one wins the primaries so we can see the GOP Clown Car pie-fight it out at their convention?


I want to see that dipshit Perry make his case. I want Bootstrap Paul to defend his race war. Hell, I wanna see if ole Newt bothers to show up. And Romney & his magic underwear? Sell that one to the Protestants, darling.

And yes, I’m going nihilistic this coming election year.  Hateful cynicism feels better than depressed hope.

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Dust in the wind…

by Karen on December 25, 2011

Perhaps it’s age. Perhaps it time. Maybe it’s just the beer, but this Christmas, I’m feeling a bit more melancholy than usual, so here’s Dust In The Wind:

For the rest of ya’ll, Merry Christmas.

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What could possibly go wrong?

August 30, 2011
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So Mike Stahl, a pastor based in Florida, wants to create a registry just for atheists. Not to worry though. Physical addresses won’t be released. Just names & photos, organized by state & town. How could such a neutral thing be used for bad things? What reason would an atheist have to be, shall we say, [...]

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What’s going on?

August 29, 2011

Not sure when I’ll be posting regularly, but for now here’s a video of 4 Non Blondes performing “What’s Going On”:

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Long time – No Post

August 27, 2011

I have no excuse, but since some of ya’ll are still subscribed after nearly a year – here’s how I feel about Governor Goodhair running for POTUS:

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An oil independant future?

October 15, 2010

This is from back in June, but Jon Stewart knocks it out of the park once again on American presidents bitching about American dependence on “foreign” oil:

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The war on ‘culture’ isn’t over

September 21, 2010
mike pence

One of the ideas surrounding the Tea Party is that it’s about economic issues, not cultural issues such as reproductive rights and LGBT rights. That’s a lie. As this video from Rachel Maddow shows (starting at about six minutes), the Tea Party is very much about continuing the war on women and gay people. They [...]

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Dude, you have no Quran – The Video

September 21, 2010

Jacob Isom, the skateboarder who snatched a Quran to keep it from being burned in Amarillo, has went viral:

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Oh, they do huh?

September 21, 2010
Thumbnail image for Oh, they do huh?

Are you an American? Did you know that 1.5 billion people hate you? Yes, 1.5 billion people hate you. What did you do? Nothing. Besides being born. Oh, you may tolerate bacon, beer and gays too.  “They” hate you for that too when they’re not hating you for existing. Just ask Chris Moran (heh) of [...]

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Stewart: Right Club

September 21, 2010

There is no fight for the soul of the Republican Party, the Tea Partiers have won:

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