Apr 6
Coca Cola, Pepsi and Kraft have all announced their severing ties with the right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council. Tell other companies to do the same!

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Mar 28
PFAW Senior Fellow Jamie Raskin joined Ed Schultz to discuss the much-watched Supreme Court arguments on the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate.

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PFAW's TV ad airing in New Hampshire challenges presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s recent assertion that “corporations are people.”
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Our latest ad, now live in Wisconsin, calls for constituents to recall Luther Olsen for his support of Gov. Scott Walkers pro-corporate agenda.
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Pat Robertson says liberals support reproductive choice in order to prevent married women from having babies and thereby make lesbians equal.
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From the creators of the Story of Stuff, the Story of Citizens United v. FEC, gives an exploration of the inordinate power that corporations exercise in our democracy.