Here Comes Trouble: Stories from My Life

"Outstanding…Moore Triumphs! Publishers Weekly


'We Are Fighting with All Our
Strength to Prevent the Gluttons of
Privilege from Swallowing the Country'

"The Wall Street reactionaries are not satisfied with being rich. They want
to increase their power and privileges, regardless of what happens to
the other fellow. They are gluttons of privilege." – Phil Angelides,
former California State Treasurer and chairman of the
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission,
quoting Harry Truman

Read Truman's Speech
"You remember the results of that Wall Street Republican policy. You
remember the big boom and the great crash ... That was a painful
lesson. It should not be forgotten for a moment."

Occupy Wall Street

* * * * *

Canadian Auto Workers local may occupy Caterpillar plant in London, Ontario
in order to get decent severance deal after Caterpillar moves their jobs to
the low-wage, low-benefit third world (i.e., Indiana)

VIDEO: Watch This If You Need Tips
As seen in 'Capitalism: A Love Story,' the workers of Republic Windows & Doors
could only get what they were owed by occupying their factory

* * * * *

Mike Helps Occupy the U.S.A.:
Michael Moore at OCCUPY WASHINGTON, January 12th, 2012
Michael Moore at OWS SPOKES COUNCIL, January 4th, 2012
Michael Moore at OCCUPY TRAVERSE CITY, December 22nd, 2011
Michael Moore at OCCUPY FLINT, November 22nd, 2011 (PHOTO)
Michael Moore at OCCUPY DENVER, November 3rd, 2011
Michael Moore at OCCUPY PORTLAND, October 31st, 2011
Michael Moore at OCCUPY SF, October 29th, 2011
Michael Moore at OCCUPY OAKLAND, October 28th, 2011
Michael Moore at the NYSE, October 24th, 2011
Michael Moore at OCCUPY WALL STREET, October 20th, 2011 (Part 2)
Michael Moore at TIMES SQUARE PARTY, October 15th, 2011
Michael Moore at OCCUPY WALL STREET, October 5th, 2011
Michael Moore at OCCUPY WALL STREET, October 4th, 2011  (Part 2)
Michael Moore at OCCUPY WALL STREET, September 28th, 2011
Michael Moore at OCCUPY WALL STREET, September 26th, 2011

#NeedsOfTheOccupiers | #OccupyWallStreet | #OWS | @OccupyWallStNYC | | | OccupyTVNY | Livestreams

Occupy the Board Room

Occupy Phoenix, AZ | Occupy Los Angeles, CA | Occupy San Francisco, CA | Occupy Denver, CO | Occupy Miami, FL | Occupy Atlanta, GA | Occupy New Orleans, LA | Occupy Boston, MA | Occupy Minneapolis, MN | Occupy Kansas City, MO | Occupy St. Louis, MO | Occupy Raleigh, NC | Occupy Cincinnati, OH | Occupy Philadelphia, PA | Occupy Providence, RI | Occupy Memphis, TN | Occupy Austin, TX | Occupy Houston, TX | Occupy Salt Lake City, UT | Occupy Charlottesville, VAOccupy Seattle, WA | Occupy Washington, D.C.

Open Mike: Mike's Featured Bloggers

Peter Van Buren

Peter Van Buren

Author, 'We Meant Well'

February 9th, 2012

Silent State

Crossposted from TomDispatchOn January 23rd, the Obama administration charged former CIA officer John Kiriakou under ...

Wendell Potter

Wendell Potter

Corporate Whistleblower and Author

February 8th, 2012

The Battle for Vermont's Health -- And Why It Matters for the Rest of the Country

You can't see them. They're hidden from view and probably always will be. But the ...

John Feffer

John Feffer

Foreign Policy in Focus

February 7th, 2012

Iran and the Not-So-Great Game

Stop the Russians from spreading south. This was a primary objective of the Great Game ...

Robert Greenwald

Robert Greenwald

Filmmaker, Brave New Films

February 7th, 2012

What the Koch brothers say online but won’t say under oath

Why will Charles and David Koch produce a video about their position on the Keystone ...

Ray McGovern

Ray McGovern

Retired CIA analyst

February 7th, 2012

Obama’s Super-Bowl Fumble on Iran

Before President Barack Obama’s interview with NBC’s Matt Lauer, aired before the Super Bowl on ...

Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben


February 7th, 2012

The Great Carbon Bubble

Crossposted from TomDispatchIf we could see the world with a particularly illuminating set of spectacles, ...

Joe Lapointe

Joe Lapointe


February 6th, 2012

Why the Right May Be Right to Be Offended by Chrysler's Clint Eastwood Super Bowl Ad

This year’s commercial | Last year's commerical For two straight years, Chrysler has won the ...

Tom Engelhardt

Tom Engelhardt


February 6th, 2012

Offshore Everywhere

Crossposted from TomDispatchMake no mistake: we’re entering a new world of military planning.  Admittedly, the ...

Dave Zirin

Dave Zirin

Author, Bad Sports

February 5th, 2012

Why Protests Should Be a Part of Super Bowl Sunday

Crossposted from The NationThis Sunday, the greatest multitude in the history of the United States ...

Dylan Ratigan

Dylan Ratigan

Host, Dylan Ratigan Show

February 3rd, 2012

Auction 2012: Greedy Bastards and Student Debt

Imagine a product so irresistible that most Americans thought they couldn't live without it.  Every ...

Dean Baker

Dean Baker

Co-Director, CEPR

February 3rd, 2012

A Competitive Dollar: The Missing Link in President Obama's Manufacturing Agenda

In his State of the Union Address last week, President Obama announced a renewed commitment ...

Wendell Potter

Wendell Potter

Corporate Whistleblower and Author

February 3rd, 2012

Paying For Cancer Treatment for Children in America With a Car Wash, Bake Sale and Fish Fry

"It shouldn't be this way," read the subject line of an email I received Friday ...

Robert Lipsyte

Robert Lipsyte


February 2nd, 2012

Four Reasons to Watch the Super Bowl

Crossposted from TomDispatchMost Americans won’t need a justification to watch Sunday’s game, but if you’re ...

Other Worlds

Other Worlds

Economic Justice

February 2nd, 2012

"Best practices" and "exemplar communities": Ivory tower housing solutions for Haiti

In a 2011 Forum on the Crisis of Housing in Haiti, a group of camp ...

Ray McGovern

Ray McGovern

Retired CIA analyst

February 1st, 2012

Divining the Truth about Iran

Watching top U.S. intelligence officials present the annual “Worldwide Threat Assessment” before the Senate Intelligence ...

David Swanson

David Swanson

Activist and Author, War Is a Lie

January 31st, 2012

A Crazy Republican Attack That Obama Himself Agrees With

Imagine if a bunch of the craziest war-hungry Republicans in the House filmed themselves in ...

John Feffer

John Feffer

Foreign Policy in Focus

January 31st, 2012

The Next Marx

Lenin graces the cover of a recent issue of The Economist. The Financial Times is ...

Michael Klare

Michael Klare

Professor, Energy Expert

January 31st, 2012


Crossposted from TomDispatchEver since December 27th, war clouds have been gathering over the Strait of ...

Tell Your Story!

We all have a story to tell. Submit a nonfiction short story from your life and Mike will publish his favorites in an online book in 2012.

Living Room Tour

Enter now for a chance to have Mike do a book reading in your own living room, with you and your friends!

Mike's Gift To Local Libraries

At each stop on his tour, Mike is giving half of all his royalties for each book sold that night to a library in that city that is most in need. Please join him and support your local library.

Still crazy after all these years: Half of all likely voters in the U.S. believe it's OK to attack Iran

Feb 9th
3:03 PM
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Even now, only 27% of Republicans believe Barack Obama was born in the United States: #blackhistorymonth

Feb 9th
1:17 PM
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RT @OccupyWallStNYC: Lessons Learned from #OWS

Feb 9th
12:45 AM
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RT @billmaher: Atlantic City casinos, the USFL, the birther movement, NBC, and now Mitt Romney: everything #Trump endorses or touches go ...

Feb 9th
12:37 AM
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It's great to watch Hannity and the right wing try to reconcile the real world with the crazy world inside their own heads.

Feb 8th
11:45 PM
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Sean Hannity Says If Obama Had His Way, Bin Laden Would Be Alive -- And He Can Prove It!:

Feb 8th
11:43 PM
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(From The Onion) "Obama Openly Asks Nation Why On Earth He Would Want To Serve For Another Term"

Feb 8th
6:09 PM
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The state of California has eliminated ALL state funding for every library in California. #OWS

Feb 8th
1:25 PM
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An active-duty Lt. Colonel says Americans haven't been told the truth, that the war in Afghanistan is lost:

Feb 7th
9:36 PM
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RT @dankildee Wow! A packed house in #Flint for our supporters get-together. Lots of people fired up and ready to go! #MI05 #DanForCongress

Feb 7th
9:27 PM
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Went to the Morgan Library to see original manuscript of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol." My favorite writer, born 200 years ago today.

Feb 7th
5:38 PM
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RT @MikeElk: how bittersweet that on the 200th birthday of Charles Dickens - candidate favoring child janitors is losing

Feb 7th
1:26 PM
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RT @BrentALang: In honor of François Truffaut's birthday, the final, shattering scene from "400 Blows"

Feb 7th
2:55 AM
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RT @crooksandliars: New At C&L;: If Obama Administration is 'At War' with the Catholic Church, So Are Most American Catholics ...

Feb 6th
10:43 AM
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RT @thinkprogress: NEW POLL: "More than 7 in 10 support increasing the taxes of those earning more than $1 million a year" ...

Feb 6th
10:36 AM
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RT @BrianFWright: @MMFlint We know there were #Reagan #Democrats... Maybe #ClintEastwood is an #Obama #Republican...

Feb 6th
10:29 AM
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And Clint, the consensus is u done a good thing standing up 4 Detroit--& your sermon seemed 2 b a call 2 give O his "second half." #sellcars

Feb 5th
11:29 PM
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Congrats Giants! A great game. Hilarious ending - have never seen a player bummed out because he scored a touchdown.

Feb 5th
11:24 PM
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RT @ZKWC: @MMFlint sounded to me like he was going to get all Dirty Harry on some Republicans by calling for another Obama term.

Feb 5th
10:23 PM
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Eastwood ad started great-but it ended like America was gonna go all Dirty Harry on the world again. Jeez. Props tho for representin Detroit

Feb 5th
9:32 PM
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Silent State Peter van Buren, State Department FSO The number of cases in play suggests an organized strategy ... The Obama...

Feb 9th
2:25 PM
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Angelides: 'Gluttons of privilege' rule Wall Street "The Wall Street reactionaries are not satisfied with being rich. They...

Feb 9th
9:18 AM
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The Battle for Vermont's Health -- And Why It Matters for the Rest of the Country Wendell Pott I have observed in Vermont over...

Feb 8th
4:02 PM
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Just the workers at Republic Windows & Doors (as seen in 'Capitalism: A Love Story') had to occupy their Chicago factory in order to get what...

Feb 8th
2:15 PM
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From Mitt Romney's alternate reality, via Andy Cobb and Second City: Super Bowl Ad (Alternate Reality Take) Mitt sure did feel strongly...

Feb 7th
9:59 PM
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Powerful article by an active duty Lieutenant Colonel: "How many more men must die in support of a mission that is not succeeding and behind an array of...

Feb 7th
3:57 PM
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The Great Carbon Bubble Bill McKibben If we could see the world with a particularly illuminating set of spectacles, one of its most...

Feb 7th
11:30 AM
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Why the Right May Be Right to Be Offended by Chrysler's Clint Eastwood Super Bowl Ad Joe Lapoi A year from now, we may be...

Feb 6th
9:08 PM
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Offshore Everywhere Tom Engelhardt A new way of preserving the embattled idea of an American planet is coming into focus and one...

Feb 6th
2:27 PM
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Daily Kos: The rightwingoverse In the Rightwingoverse, doubt must be cast upon facts, science, and basic reality, in order to sustain an...

Feb 6th
1:41 PM
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Thanks to the Record of Bergen County, New Jersey and reporter Lindy Washburn for doing the kind of important, in-depth journalism that's disappearing all...

Feb 5th
6:28 PM
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Why Protests Should Be a Part of Super Bowl Sunday Dave Zirin The people of Indiana are angry. I’m not sure telling them that anger...

Feb 5th
2:45 PM
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Occupy the Super Bowl: Indiana’s New Anti-Union Law Sparks Protest at Sport’s Biggest Spectacle Occupy protesters in Indianapolis are...

Feb 5th
2:35 PM
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The battle of McPherson Square Jefferson Morley Rough police tactics rout 300 protesters from their tent city in the heart of Washington

Feb 5th
2:11 PM
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Livestreaming of eviction at OccupyDC: OCCUPY DC BEING EVICTED NOW - Watch Live | According to twitter reports, majority of...

Feb 4th
12:58 PM
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Feb 4th: Day of Mass Action to Stop War on Iran February 4, 2012 Day of Mass Action to Stop War on Iran / NO war / NO sanctions / NO...

Feb 4th
12:30 AM
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Here's a better link for the Freewayblogger contest: Tales of the Freewayblogger: Slogan Contest/West Coast Tour I'd...

Feb 3rd
6:18 PM
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Now's your change to Freeway blog -- enter the Freeway Blogger's contest for the best slogans about global warming, get your work seen by tens of...

Feb 3rd
4:35 PM
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Paying For Cancer Treatment for Children in America With a Car Wash and Bake Sale Wendell Pott In late November, Caroline Richmond...

Feb 3rd
11:33 AM
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Four Reasons to Watch the Super Bowl Robert Lipsyte You need to watch this game to fully understand how jobs, religion, leadership,...

Feb 2nd
3:53 PM
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From Laura Flanders: The Deal That Saved Detroit (And Banned Strikes) | The Nation Romney bad; Obama good; Big Three back. The Deal with...

Feb 2nd
3:26 PM
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Divining the Truth about Iran Ray McGovern Watching top U.S. intelligence officials present the annual “Worldwide Threat...

Feb 1st
11:22 PM
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Anti-Wall Street protester's Twitter posts subpoenaed NEW YORK (Reuters) - Prosecutors have subpoenaed the Twitter records of an Occupy...

Feb 1st
12:23 PM
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If we ever get single-payer and decent health care for all in this country, one big reason will be Dr. Deb Richter: ...

Jan 31st
3:59 PM
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I think we all breathe easier with unrepentant supporters of basic human decency like Frank Cordaro locked up: Occupy Des Moines trainer sentenced to 30 days...

Jan 31st
12:45 PM
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Canada’s Labor Movement Digs in for ‘PATCO Equivalent,’ as Lockouts Drag On Mike Elk "When PATCO happened [in 1981] we didn’t...

Jan 30th
5:16 PM
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In the Washington area? Get down to OCCUPY DC to defend the encampment from a likely raid by police today: Jan 30th: Occupy DC will defend our home and our...

Jan 30th
12:51 PM
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Here's one of the channels streaming coverage of the Occupy Wall Street march tonight in solidarity with Occupy Oakland: Timcast Timcast...

Jan 29th
8:12 PM
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A Call For Mass Action Against The Suppression of The Occupy Movement Emma Kaplan Now this movement faces a true crossroads. Will it be...

Jan 29th
6:48 PM
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Events in solidarity with Occupy Oakland begin in New York City, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Tampa and many more cities at 7:00 PM ET --...

Jan 29th
2:26 PM
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Five Stories I Am Currently Following

Today, February 9th, 2012

FBI: People who like privacy are probably terrorists

A flyer designed by the FBI and the Department of Justice to promote suspicious activity reporting in internet cafes lists basic tools used for online privacy as potential signs of terrorist activity.

... Read More

U.S. will like this revolution even less than the last one: Nicaragua plans conversion to renewable energy

Nicaragua may be rich in resources, with abundant rivers, lakes, volcanoes, and wind-swept plains, but it built its economy on being a gas-guzzler. Now, the government is reevaluating its approach, trying to wean Nicaragua off its dependence on foreign oil and becoming a leader in sustainable development along the way.

... Read More

Vietnamese not eager to welcome back Monsanto, the company that gifted them with Agent Orange

No biotech company has yet got the official green light for selling genetically modified organisms (GMOs), but it does not assuage the fears that Vietnam could end up with another tragic legacy from a company that once caused many deaths in the country, environmental activists say.

... Read More

DO SOMETHING: Help President Nasheed of the Maldives, leader in global warming fight, now ousted in a coup

President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives has been one of's strongest allies, and friends, for many years.

... Read More

The Onion: 'Obama Openly Asks Nation Why On Earth He Would Want To Serve For Another Term'

PITTSBURGH—Citing three years of exhausting partisan politics, constant gridlock in Congress, and an overall feeling that the entire nation has "completely lost it," President Barack Obama openly asked a campaign-rally crowd Tuesday why he'd want to serve another term as president of "this godforsaken country."

... Read More

"You know, I can't really do this anymore ... unless those of you who are watching this in the theater want to join me. I hope you will. And please – speed it up." – Michael Moore asking audience to join him in an uprising against Wall Street at end of 2009's 'Capitalism: A Love Story'

Irish Times: 'The Occupy Wall Street movement seems a direct answer to Moore's appeal'

Check out Rage Against the Machine's 'Sleep Now in the Fire,' the video shot on Wall Street in 2000 by Michael Moore that forced the NYSE to lock its doors: