Mike Elk

Mike Elk

@MikeElk Mount Pleasant, DC
Labor Journalist In These Times Magazine. Dyslexic. Grew up in union halls in Pittsburgh so my apologies for swearing & typos mike@inthesetimes.com
Text follow MikeElk to 40404 in the United States
Roy Houseman
Thanks @ for point this out. RT @ The RIght’s Boon in Knox v. SEIU - Truthdig
Andy Kroll
“@: OMG Shit Mt. Pleasant People say so good so good ” || "Someone stole my bike."
Brian Schefke
"Is that Mike Elk?" RT @: OMG Shit Mt. Pleasant People say so good so good
Mike Elk
OMG Shit Mt. Pleasant People say so good so good
Mike Elk
@ nope but call someone at UE they might
RT @: Egyptian soccer riots. It's my least-read piece ever for @ and imho, the most important..
Mike Elk
RT @ Jeremy Lin kind of reminds me of Tim Tebow except good.
Study Finds Cable Networks Are Asking Twice As Many Men To Comment On Birth Control As Women
Jack Kimble
We Catholics have the rhythm method. That's where the Bishop transfers you to another church and you swear it won't happen again
Mike Elk
@ can u do copy and paste on uber tweet
Mike Elk
@ both
Mike Elk
@ what do u think the problem is
Peter Rothberg
Jeremy Lin is the first NBA player since Isiah Thomas in 1981 to score more than twenty points in his first four starts.
Mike Elk
RT @ Michael Elk: 'In order to hurt big companies you got to hurt their profits' [VIDEO] on.rt.com/sto8pi
@ on RT "there are so many people willing to do that, to scab on another person's job" ...yup sadly including most new union members
By exploiting stock option loophole, Facebook will pay zero in federal income taxes for years to come
What's really scary for Romney is the numbers if Newt dropped out...Newt, by staying in, is all the sudden Mitt's BFF
Mike Elk
African cab driver pulls out Romney's book says he is reading it & says Romney doesnt apologize for America's greatness
Mike Elk
African cab driver pulls out Romney's book says he is reading & say Romney doesnt apologize for America's greatness
Mike Elk
RT @: Romney in Maine right now is telling people about his $10 Million dollar house on Lake Winnipesaukee.