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  • Kristen Allen , Der Spiegel

    Canada is under fire for exiting the Kyoto Protocol just one day after UN climate talks ended with an agreement to extend the treaty. Putting financial interests ahead of environmental commitments is an affront to global climate protection efforts, German papers write on Wednesday.   While it may not have... » read this article
  • Kiyul Chung , The 4th Media

    A German Submarine Defends Palestine On October 31, 2011, Palestine was accepted as full member by UNESCO, which became the first UN agency to recognize it as an independent country. Several other agencies are expected to take a similar decision in following month. The US entered UN Alley, by opposing... » read this article
  • Victor Grossman , Monthly Review

    "Ten murders traced to neo-Nazi terrorists!"  More and more ugly facts splashed through the German media, with echoes around the world. Politicians from the "respectable" parties expressed shock and surprise. In 2007 a German policewoman had been shot to death and her colleague badly wounded. The murder weapon was now... » read this article
  • Ulrich Rippert , World Socialist Web Site

    The elections to the Berlin House of Representatives (state legislature) on Sunday contain important political lessons for the working class worldwide. The elections were held in the midst of the greatest economic crisis since the 1930s. As was the case at the end of the Weimar Republic eighty years ago,... » read this article
  • Peter Schwarz , WSWS

    16 March 2011 The German government has responded to the nuclear disaster in Japan by doing a panicky about-face in its nuclear policy. The main concern of German Chancellor Angela Merkel is to drum up support for her ailing party in important state elections that will take place over the... » read this article
  • Victor Grossman , Monthly Review

    On December 5th one or two hundred people left a movie theater in Berlin, mostly silent and deeply moved though the film they had seen was first released in 1930. This American-made epic had lost none of its extremely emotional appeal. It was All Quiet on the Western Front and... » read this article
  • Marco Evers , Spiegel Online

    Pope Benedict XVI is embarking on a missionary journey to the UK in a bid to get the heathen Brits back into the fold. But the pope can expect a cool welcome as militant secularists and victims of pedophile priests prepare to protest.   The Catholic Church is used to... » read this article
  • Katharina Wied , WSWS

    28 August 2010 A major environmental scandal has featured in the German media since the spring of this year. In Dortmund transformers were dismantled and recycled by the company Envio Recycling GmbH & Co. The recycling process resulted in setting free highly poisonous PCB chemicals in what amounts to a... » read this article
  • F. William Engdahl* , Voltaire Network

    Germany’s foreign policy is split between, on the one hand, the ties it developed with the U.S. occupier during the 20th Century and, on the other hand, its economic interests vis-à-vis its historical partner, Russia. Gerard Shroder embodies this dilemma best. Formerly an atlantistic Chancellor, he is today CEO of... » read this article
  • David North. WSWS , WSWS

    17 May 2010 In certain critical respects, the world of 2010 resembles the conditions that existed on the eve of World War I and World War II. Economic crisis, geopolitical tensions and social instability are greater today than at any time since 1945 —Report on “Perspectives and Tasks of the... » read this article
  • Multiple authors (listed below); Translated from German by Christopher Sultan , Der Spiegel

    Original publication on April 26, 2010   The Greek government's appeal for help is putting Chancellor Angela Merkel under pressure. With Germany required to provide billions over the coming years to pay for the Greek bailout, there are growing calls in the German government for Greece to withdraw from the... » read this article
  • Severin Weiland , Der Spiegel

    Merkel Reaches Her Overdraft Limit When Chancellor Angela Merkel's current government came into power, Germany was just emerging from the economic crisis. But despite pledges to curb deficit spending, Merkel's administration has been running up debt at a record pace -- and bailing out Greece will only exacerbate the situation.... » read this article
  • Martin Kreickenbaum , WSWS

    18 March 2010 The suicide of a Georgian refugee in a Hamburg deportation centre graphically expresses the contempt for human life on the part of the city’s Senate—a coalition of the free-market Free Democratic Party and the Greens. David M., a citizen from Georgia, hanged himself in his cell on... » read this article
  • Peter Schwarz , WSWS

    1 March 2010 A large majority of the German parliament voted Friday, February 26 to expand the country’s military operation in Afghanistan. In future, the number of soldiers deployed in the Hindu Kush will be increased from the current level of 4,500 to 5,350. In addition, significantly more police will... » read this article
  • Dietmar Henning , WSWS

    14 January 2010 For the first time in many years, Germany’s two biggest trade unions—the engineering union IG Metall and the Mines, Chemical and Energy union (IGBCE)—have agreed not to demand a wage increase in 2010. They justify their stance by claiming that due to the economic crisis, the protection... » read this article
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