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U.S. Military
  • James Petras. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    After nearly 3 years in deep pursuit of the colonial wars initiated by ex-President Bush, the Obama regime has finally recognized the catastrophic domestic and foreign consequences. As a result the “reality principle” has taken hold; the maintenance of the US Empire requires modification of tactics and strategies, to cut... » read this article
  • Patrick Martin , WSWS

    24 October 2011 US President Barack Obama announced Friday that the remaining US troops in Iraq would be withdrawn from the country before the end of December, following the collapse of talks with the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on extending the US presence into 2012. Obama, in a... » read this article
  • TJ Coles. Axis of Logic Exclusive , Axis of Logic

    February 2012 marks the fifteenth anniversary of the US Space Command’s declaration of war on the world, namely its quest to achieve Full Spectrum Dominance of land, sea, air and outer space by 2020, “to close the ever-widening gap between diminishing resources and increasing military commitments”1. Commenting on the Space... » read this article
  • Ghali Hassan. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic exclusive

    The United States is watching the violence in Syria "with horror”, said White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney recently. The “horror”, of course, is the result of ongoing U.S. interference in Syria’s internal affairs aimed at destabilising Syria. The U.S.-sponsored armed insurrection in Syria is a carbon copy of the... » read this article
  • Tom Engelhardt , AlterNet and TomDispatch

    Maybe you thought we’d get out of Afghanistan this very year, the drawdown date President Obama set as he surged U.S. troops into the country in December 2009; or maybe you thought the Obama administration’s target for withdrawal might be the last day of 2014, that date certain of recent... » read this article
  • Paul Richard Harris, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

    Editor's Note: The article on Matthew Chance has been republished many places on the internet and routed to this fine article by my co-editor, Paul Richard Harris. The article on CNN's Matthew Chance is located here (scroll down when you arrive). But please continue to read PHR's essay, Canada and the... » read this article
  • Ghali Hassan, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was created in 1945 by the U.S., not only as a tool to advance U.S. imperialist interests, but also to dominate West Europe economically and militarily. NATO’s purpose was to defend its members and to counter any threat from the former Soviet Union and... » read this article
  • Editorial Comment ,

    AFTER NEARLY three months of the Western bombing campaign in Libya, the truth about what is taking place--an imperial war, not a humanitarian mission--can no longer be denied. The UN Security Council's Resolution 1973, approved March 17, authorized "all necessary measures" against the regime of dictator Muammar el-Qaddafi in order... » read this article
  • Tom Englehardt , Common Dreams

    President Obama recently reshuffled his top Washington warriors, sending CIA Director Leon Panetta, a man who knows Congress well, on to the Pentagon to replace retiring Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.  In turn, the president is bringing in General David Petraeus, present Afghan War Commander, former Centcom commander, and former... » read this article
  • Les Blough, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Editor's Commentary: Washington-compliant Al Jazeera English (below) and Washington's servile Zardari government in Pakistan both suggest that this attack on the Pakistan Navy was carried out by "terrorists." We have no doubt that this well-planned, well-armed and well-executed attack was carried out by "terrorists" but the question about their identity... » read this article
  • Bill Van Auken , WSWS

    29 April 2011 Wednesday’s execution-style slaying of eight US troops and a civilian contractor at a supposedly secure military facility at Kabul airport underscores the crisis of the nearly decade-old US war in Afghanistan. It was the seventh―and deadliest―such attack this year on American or other foreign occupation troops by... » read this article
  • Gareth Porter* , Inter Press Service

    WASHINGTON, Apr 26, 2011 (IPS) - Starting in late 2005, U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan began turning detainees over to the Afghan National Directorate of Security (NDS), despite its well-known reputation for torture. Interviews with former U.S. and NATO diplomats and other evidence now available show that United States... » read this article
  • Glenn Greenwald , Salon

    A Pentagon official yesterday leaked word to the Associated Press that accused WikiLeaks leaker Bradley Manning was being transferred out of the Quantico Marine brig where he has been held under inhumane conditions for 10 months, and moved to the Army's prison facility in Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas. The Pentagon did not... » read this article
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