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  • Natasha Gilbert , Nature News

    Editor's Note: Dengue fever infects around 100 million people in the tropics each year. Some sources say the disease is fatal for 40,000 people a year while the article below says 12,500. I don't know who is doing the counting! Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that is passed from one... » read this article
  • Interview with Vandana Shiva , cookingupastory - Youtube

    This 3-part series of interviews with Dr. Vandana Shiva about the future of food is one of the most contentious, revolutionary, profound, and important discussions of any, we have had to date on Food News. This is more than about the safety of biotechnology; its about the ability of all... » read this article
  • Jeffrey Smith , Institute For Responsible Technology

    The person who may be responsible for more food-related illness and death than anyone in history has just been made the US food safety czar. This is no joke. Here’s the back story. When FDA scientists were asked to weigh in on what was to become the most radical and... » read this article
  • Paul Richard Harris, Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic exclusive

      A new report written by some top scientists has stated – without caveats – that Monsanto’s Roundup brand herbicide causes birth defects.   Monsanto’s business model is based entirely on Roundup – including the genetically modified (GMO) crops that are dominant in the United States and, to a lesser... » read this article
  • William Blum , Consortium News

    The U.S. government’s half-century campaign to discredit and destroy Cuba’s experiment with socialism has had many ruthless aspects, but perhaps none more so than efforts to disparage and damage the Caribbean island’s widely admired health-care system, as William Blum describes in this guest essay. June 4, 2011 In January, the government of... » read this article
  • Paula Spencer , Caring via MSN

    Editor's Note: Paula Spencer has written a pleasant, informative and completely readable article on a subject important to us all. - LMB 5 surprising, life-changing facts to know about inflammation Get ready for the health buzzword of 2011: inflammation. A key biochemical process inside every one of us, inflammation is the... » read this article
  • SPX Staff Writers , SPX via Seed Daily

    Washington DC (SPX) Jun 02, 2011 - Laboratory hamsters that were fed rations spiked with blueberry peels and other blueberry-juice-processing leftovers had better cholesterol health than hamsters whose rations weren't enhanced with blueberries. That's according to a study led by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) chemist Wallace H. Yokoyama. Yokoyama... » read this article
  • Don Fitz , Z Magazine

    A revolution can only be successful when the new generation takes over from the old. When thousands of students come together because of their dedication to helping others at a school that was built to allow them to fulfill their goals, the ground is fertile for students to continue the... » read this article
  • Nathanael Johnson , California Watch

    The rate of women dying from pregnancy-related complications has increased at a "statistically significant" pace, according to a long-awaited report on maternal deaths released today by the California Department of Public Health. African American, low-income and less-educated women had higher deaths rates from complications related to childbirth, according to the... » read this article
  • Gotson Pierre, Francesca Theosmy et Ronald Colbert (French). Translated by Dady Chery for Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic. Alterpress (French)

    Introduction Since the 1980’s, a series of Haitian administrations have systematically destroyed Haiti’s agriculture in return for U.S. aid.  As a result, Haiti’s production of its own food has dropped from over 80% to less than 40%.  This has caused real hunger.  One of the first blows was the extermination... » read this article
  • Special Report , Digital Journal

    Kuala Lumpur- Malaysian scientists have released genetically modified male mosquitoes in Bentong, Pahang, without public approval, in an experiment to fight dengue fever in an uninhabited forested area.   It is the first time Asia has utilized the genetically altered mosquitoes in the wild to curb the spread of dengue.... » read this article
  • Don Fitz , ZCommunications

    When Americans spend $100 on health care, is it possible that only $4 goes to keeping them well and $96 goes somewhere else?  Single payer health care advocates compare American health care to that in Western Europe or Canada and come up with figures of 20–30% waste in the US.     But... » read this article
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