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  • Les Blough in Venezuela. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    A huge congratulations to President Rafael Correa and all Ecuadoreans from Axis of Logic for their resounding victory in yesterday's referendum. President Correa won the referendum on all ten questions between 51 and 57%, depending on the specific measure on which the people voted. This referendum victory should be seen... » read this article
  • James Petras. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Introduction The class struggle continues to play a central role in the process of capitalist accumulation, albeit it takes different forms depending on the socio-economic context. In order to map out the unfolding of the class struggle it is necessary to specify key concepts related to the (a) varied conditions... » read this article
  • Mark Weisbrot , The Guardian

    The current spat with Ecuador is symptomatic of Washington's failure to grasp that it no longer exercises regional hegemony. On Thursday, the United States expelled the ambassador from Ecuador, in retaliation for Wednesday's expulsion of the US ambassador from Ecuador. This now leaves the United States without ambassadorial relations in... » read this article
  • James Petras. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic.

    The abortive military-police coup in Ecuador, which took place on September 30, has raised numerous questions about the role of the US and its allies among the traditional oligarchy and the leftist social movements, Indian organizations and their political parties. While President Correa and all governments in Latin America, and... » read this article
  • Lisa Sullivan , Presenté! (SOAW)

    A School of the Americas graduate has been charged for last Thursday's unsuccessful coup attempt in Ecuador.  Colonel Manuel E. Rivadeneira Tello, a graduate of  the SOA's combat arms training course, is one of three police officials being investigated for negligence, rebellion and attempted assassination of the president. Rivadeneira was... » read this article
  • Mark Weisbrot ,

    This was a coup attempt – encouraged by Washington's shameful support for the overthrow of Manuel Zelaya last year In June of last year, when the Honduran military overthrew the social-democratic government of Manuel Zelaya, President Rafael Correa of Ecuador took it personally. "We have intelligence reports that say that... » read this article
  • Paul Jay interviews Gregory Wilpert , The REAL news

    Editorial comment: As has been reported in a previous article on this site, Rafael Correa was rescued form the hospital by the military and seems to now be safely back in the presidential palace.  - SON Gregory Wilpert: Right-wing forces use recession, President Correa's faltering popularity to launch failed coup... » read this article
  • News Bulletin , BBC

    Soldiers in Ecuador have rescued President Rafael Correa from a police hospital after a tear gas attack. Mr Correa left the clinic after soldiers opened fire on the police, following protests by officers angry at benefit cuts. BBC News website readers from the country have been in contact to give... » read this article
  • Eva Golinger. Axis of Logic , Axis of Logic

    Coup Attempt in Ecuador 2pm EST - A coup attempt is underway against the government of President Rafael Correa. On Thursday morning, groups of police forces rebelled and took over key strategic sites in Quito, Ecuador’s capital. President Correa immediately went to the military base occupied by the police leading... » read this article
  • Les Blough in Venezuela. Axis of Logic. , Axis of Logic

    Watch the coup d'etat unfolding in Ecuador live, in Spanish, on TELESUR Update Six: A few minutes ago, President Correa spoke live on radio from the hospital where the right wing has him trapped. He stated that he will not, under any circumstances, negotiate with the criminals who are attempting to overthrow the government.... » read this article
  • Don Alverto Taxo, a Quichua elder and Iachak , Globaloneness

    Don Alverto Taxo, a Quichua elder and Iachak (community leader/healer), speaks of the ancient prophecy of the eagle and the condor meeting to bring a new harmony into the world. Don Alverto invites us all to trust the universal human intuition to bring greater harmony into our lives, and to... » read this article
  • Jennifer Moore , Upside Down World

    “We're crazy for water,” chanted about a thousand campesinos as they marched through the streets of downtown Cuenca in southern Ecuador on Monday. The march, called for by the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), was part of a nation-wide mobilization against a new water law. It included intermittent... » read this article
  • President Rafael Correa interviewed by Amy Goodman , Aporrea

    Editor's Note: September 12, 2009. Amy Goodman (Democracy Now) interviewed President Rafael Correa on a range of issues and advancements in Ecuador and more broadly, in Latin America. Goodman's questions are subtitled in Spanish and President Correa's answers are interpreted into English. Correa is very good at answering semantically biased/loaded... » read this article
  • Amazon Watch , Press Release

    Chevron's Video Transcripts Raise Questions About Oil Giant's Misconduct to Delay $27 billion Environmental Trial In Ecuador Department of Justice Asked to Focus on Chevron Quito, Ecuador (September 1, 2009) – In a maneuver reminiscent of Richard Nixon's infamous "dirty tricks" operations, Chevron has posted a series of grainy videos... » read this article
  • Eduardo Garcia and Walker Simon , Reuters

    QUITO, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa was sworn in for a second term on Monday vowing to deepen his socialist "revolution" but he did not spell out how he plans to jump-start the country's slow economy. Mapping out his vision for a new term, Correa, 46, said... » read this article
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