Common Dreams newscenter has been funded by our readers since 1997!

We Can't Do It Without You!

It is only because of you that we are able to publish the voices of dissent. The voices that reach behind the headlines and bring us the deeper analysis. The voices that speak truth to power. The voices that bring us new, progressive ideas to take us one step closer to bringing our common dreams to life. The voices of the 99% that are getting stronger everyday.

Please choose an option below and make a generous tax deductible contribution today. You can choose to use your credit card online, use PayPal online, to write a check, or to call and donate over the phone.

You can also click here to learn about other ways to contribute. Or click here to join us as a Sustaining Member.

Credit Card Online

PayPal Online

Write and send a check/E-check Donate over the phone

Common Dreams is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Tax ID #20-3368194.

We promise to never - ever - sell or give your name or email address to any individual or organization!  See our Privacy Policy here.

If you have any question about your contribution or other ways to donate, please contact:

Malory Shaughnessy
Director of Development & Special Projects
PO Box 443
Portland, Maine 04112-0443



Donate by Phone

Please feel free to call if you would prefer to donate over the phone.

You can call 207.775.0488 between 9am and 5pm EST Monday through Friday. If we can't get to the phone please leave a message and
Malory Shaughnessy, our Director of Development, will get back to you.

Or email to to give her a time to call you and take your donation over the phone.

Other ways to Donate to Common Dreams:

Matching Gifts

Please ask your company about its matching gifts program - the process is usually very simple and it's a great way to increase the value of your donation!

Thousands of companies, including corporations, foundations, nonprofits, and associations, match their employees' charitable contributions - sometimes for as much as double the amount of the initial gift.

In addition to matching gifts of cash, some employers will match your gift of stock or securities. Some even match gifts made by employee spouses, retirees and board members.

Gifts of Stock

Do you own stock, bonds, or mutual funds that you'd like to convert, but you don't want to pay capital gains tax on the appreciation?  Giving non-cash property enables you to help while conserving your cash for other uses. Plus you may gain greater tax savings than you would if you made an equivalent donation of cash.

Your accountant or broker can advise you on the tax consequences of making a gift of stock, bonds or mutual funds to If you choose to donate non-cash property, please contact

Community Foundations

Some of our supporters make donor-advised contributions through their local community foundations. Community foundations make grants to a wide variety of charitable causes.

There are nearly 700 community foundations in the United  States. You can find the community foundation in your city or state here, and learn how you can make a donor-advised contribution.


Like any nonprofit, we struggle with operational costs and how to remain sustainable from year to year. You can help permanently support by making and endowment gift.

Endowment funds are managed to grow steadily over time. Each year, some of the earnings from the funds are distributed. Over time, an endowment helps us count on steady funding to meet our budget expenses. If you have questions about creating an endowment for, please contact


As you plan for the future of your family, please consider providing for the future of's work, as well. Including in your will lets you support your commitment to progressive values well beyond your lifetime.

It's easy to leave a bequest of any specific dollar amount, or a percentage of your estate, by including the proper language in your will. Please have your attorney or accountant contact for any required information regarding our non-profit status or how to leave a bequest.

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Do you have a Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Giving Account? If so, please consider making a donor-advised grant to Common Dreams through your account.