
01.25.12 - 8:05 PM

As the sound and fury of election season looms, Democrats are trying to fight an unlevel playing field made worse by Citizens' United with new legislation to make Super PACs (more) transparent. But the numbers discourage. A new survey shows a majority of Americans believe we need new campaign laws, and charts on political donations and media influence - Republicans own the news cycle - back them up.

-Abby Zimet
01.25.12 - 12:22 PM

The NYPD has been caught in a mess of lies about their "training" using The Third Jihad, a vicious film that presents religious killings, car bombs and executed children as "the true agenda of much of Islam in America." When the Village Voice first broke the story, the NYPD spokesman dismissed it as a "wacky movie" mistakenly shown "a couple of times." Turns out the film was shown "on a continuous loop" for up to a year to 1,500 officers. This sure will help their already-strained credibility.

-Abby Zimet
01.25.12 - 11:01 AM

Man, what is it about Arizona and sheriffs? The new candidate for Pinal County is a neo-Nazi who has led armed volunteers and called for landmines to stop "illegals," and believes this country must be preserved as "a white European homeland." JT Ready vows, once elected, to name a street after George Lincoln Rockwell. The kicker: His hero is George Wallace, so he's running as a Democrat.

-Abby Zimet
01.24.12 - 9:41 PM

Irony Not Dead Yet: In its latest high-profile attack, Anonymous brought down OnGuardOnline.gov, a cyber security site managed by the Federal Trade Commission, to protest anti-piracy measures and the "corporate Internet." More on sites that their "allied armies of darkness" have (CBS, FBI) and, despite reports to the contrary, haven't (Sony, Facebook) hacked.

-Abby Zimet
01.24.12 - 6:17 PM

Some perspective on the state of the debt-ridden union. Numbers from the Treasury Department.

01.24.12 - 5:33 PM

Okay, so Scott Walker faces some challenges. A million Wisconsinites want to recall him, his former top aide is going to trial for embezzling money from a veterans group, and his campaign finance records show that while he's raised $4.5 million, alot of it looks pretty squirrely: Some big donors relied on a questionable legal loophole, and more than half came from out of state. But supporter Glen Shulfer wrote him a song! You gotta hear it.

-Abby Zimet
01.24.12 - 12:59 PM

Showing a marked aversity to anything remotely resembling reality, Tennessee Tea Party leaders have issued "demands" to state legislators that schools stop teaching - through "neglect and outright ill-will" - all that bad stuff about our fine Christian Founding Fathers like that maybe they owned slaves or killed Indians or did other icky things. This, after Texas did likewise for its almost five million students. Sigh. The truth shall set you free, but which one?

"We seek to compel the teaching (of) the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government.”

-Abby Zimet


Thursday January 26, 2012

Wednesday January 25, 2012

Andrew Fieldhouse:

We Can't Do It Without You!
Lina Newhouser