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Jeeves And Wooster

Jeeves and Wooster

Screenshots, sound quotes

Titles (DivX5, 3.4M)

Soundtrack - The World of Jeeves And Wooster

Cellular phones ringtones

1st Series

1. In Court After the Boat Race (Jeeves' Arrival)
2. Bertie is in Love (Golf Tournament)
3. The Village Sports Day at Twing (The Gambling Event)
4. How Does Gussie Woo Madeline? (Hunger Strike)
5. Will Anatole Return to Brinkley Court? (The Matchmaker)

2nd Series

6. The Silver Jug (Jeeves Saves the Cow Creamer)
7. The Bassetts' Fancy Dress Ball (A Plan for Gussie)
8. The Con (Pearls Mean Tears)
9. Chuffy (Jeeves in the Country)
10. The Mysterious Stranger (Kidnapped)
11. Wooster with a Wife (Jeeves the Matchmaker)

3rd Series

12. Safety in New York (Bertie Sets Sail)
13. Bertie Ensures Bicky Can Continue To Live in Manhattan (The Full House)
14. Cyril and the Broadway Musical (Introduction on Broadway)
15. Bertie Takes Gussie's Place at Deverill Hall (Right Ho! Jeeves)
16. Sir Watkyn Bassett's Memoirs (Hot Off the Press)
17. Aunt Dahlia, Cornelia and Madeline (Comrade Bingo)

4th Series 1993

18. Return to New York
19. Lady Florence Craye Arrives in New York
20. Honoria Glossop Turns Up
21. Arrested in a Night Club
22. Totleigh Towers
23. The Ex's Are Nearly Married Off

Episode Guides

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