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Forward in Europe autumn 2011 newsletter

Surrey branch autumn 2011 newsletter


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Expert Briefings

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The UK's contribution to the EU budget

A Financial Transactions Tax for Europe

Citizens of Europe

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European Movement in the Media

The EM's Petros Fassoulas writes for Progress about the markets and the Eurozone crisis, "The democracy of the markets", 07/12/11

Petros Fassoulas, EM Chair, writes for the New Statesman about ways to reform the Eurozone, "Is this the end of the world as we know it?", 02/12/11

→ EM Chair Petros Fassoulas debates Bill Cash MP, Chair of the Commons EU Select Committee on BBC Radio 5, 11/11/2011 (From 00.25.40 to 00.35.15)

→ Petros Fassoulas talks to the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 about the eurozone and the Greek referendum, 03/11/2011

Petros Fassoulas writes about the Greek referendum for the New Statesman,  02/11/2011

→ Petros Fassoulas comments for BBC News Channel on the eurozone summit and the EU referendum vote at the Commons, 22/10/2011

→ Petros Fassoulas speaks to BBC Radio Three Counties about the UK's membership of the EU, 21/10/2011 (01.18.15-01.23.00) 

→ BBC Radio Humberside show on the EU referendum with David Davies MP and Petros Fassoulas, 19/10/2011 (from 00.06.00 to 00.18.10)

→ Euranet-UK radio report on communications between the EU and its citizens (06.35-21.30), with Petros Fassoulas putting forward the European Movement's position (from 13.13 to 17.36), 18/10/2011


Head Start Europe

The European Movement is quoted by the House of Lords on its report on the Future of Economic Governance in the EU (12th report of Session 2010-11).

To view the full report click here.

“The European Union is more important to Britain than ever, which means that the European Movement is too.  The case for Europe needs to be put loud and clear. Join me in the European Movement to put the pro-European case.”

Rt Hon Charles Kennedy MP, president of the European Movement

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