all farewells should be sudden.

Thursday, 27 May 10, 12:29 PM · Hailed by LordOfTheWing

Thanks to all at OleOle. No hard feelings. It's been a BLAST! Good luck for the future. Too everyone else, see you on the other side.
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powerpoint to the future

Thursday, 20 May 10, 12:26 PM · Hailed by LordOfTheWing

The agony continues. The bunkers are down with no information coming from the zoot suits but information is buzzing from the buglers who are delivering messages to the troops.

The Celtic Trust have announced a meeting on the 28th May 2010 - first of 3 meetings - when the future of the club will be laid out bare. Who will be delivering that message? Yes, Neil Lennon and Peter Lawwell. It's like Shrek and Donkey on the road with a powerpoint presentation, to save the Princess...

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under the watchful eye of walter frosch

Wednesday, 19 May 10, 04:27 AM · Hailed by LordOfTheWing

An Irishman wobbling through the St Pauli district of Hamburg is not an uncommon sight. The sight of Paddy McCourt wobbling through defences and scoring instantly classic goals is not an uncommon sight either.

So last night saw our season stutter to a close when we played St Pauli in a game to celebrate their centenary. Their stadium is under construction and to...

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The E-Bay Of The Championship

Tuesday, 18 May 10, 09:35 AM · Hailed by LordOfTheWing

Seems like I annoyed some cup winners with my humbug take on their parade. They should just be glad I wasn't close enough to pish on it. But having seen footage of Andy Webster parading around like Gok Wan after a colonic irrigation he will fit in when he returns 'home' this summer.


Still, at least they didn't...

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the slosh of the taxman

Monday, 17 May 10, 09:02 AM · Hailed by LordOfTheWing

I really never had any reason to dislike Dundee United. I had the unfortunate pleasure of watching the majority off what failed to pass as a Cup Final and the reasons to gain a slight dislike of them became clear.


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Remember The Celtic Men

Saturday, 15 May 10, 04:18 AM · Hailed by LordOfTheWing

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A Twitter In The Golacs

Friday, 14 May 10, 11:52 PM · Hailed by LordOfTheWing

The domestic football season plays it's last tune today and it's akin to 'Hey Jude' played on pan pipes and as a ring tone on a Nokia older than Alan Sugars New Apprentices. Yes, it gives you the will to switch the bloody thing off but not to answer it.

Today, I will partaking in - what is becoming - my annual ignoring cup final day by partaking in alcohol in a beer garden somewhere pondering thoughts no sane man should ponder. Like why does Joe Broon look like Oor Wullies dad? And...

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the moral compass of sicilians

Thursday, 13 May 10, 12:16 PM · Hailed by LordOfTheWing

It's the close season. Sensible radio stations are leading on rugby stories while others discuss the numerous permutations of Engurland centre backs if the Moral Compass is injured. Still, their award winning broadcast states that a Celtic insider told them "they have no timescale on an appointment" while their main wanchor man states that "Neil Lennon will get the job."

Robbie Keane hopes Lenny gets the job. He said so. "I...

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samaras for a monkey

Wednesday, 12 May 10, 11:56 AM · Hailed by LordOfTheWing

It's been almost as if the world was going to end. It's been bleak, grey and strangely full of disappointment as we wake up to face the future that has been mapped out for us. Instead of - what I picture to be- a greasy long-haired goon in a big collared shirt, chinos and deck shoes we should send in Terry Tibbs to do any deal this summer.

"Samaras? I'll get you a monkey that plays the symbols"

Instead, we have Walter Sabatini - Palermo General Manager - saying:...

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the snake tongued recurring nightmare.

Tuesday, 11 May 10, 04:51 AM · Hailed by LordOfTheWing

It's not unusual to feel like you want to puke up your insides when John Reid appears on your Tv.  Like most unemployed MP's over the last few days he has been popping doing all sorts of interviews on the circus that is British...

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