18 January, 2012 |  Skip to main content

Extra: Leveson Inquiry Podcast: Getting the message across

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Wapping Returns to London

DATELINE: 4/1/12
The non-stop revelations in the phone-hacking scandal have ensured that Rupert Murdoch was never far from the headlines last year, which made the 25th anniversary of the Wapping events all the more relevant. To mark the onset of 2012, the Exhibition commemorating Wapping, "The Workers' Story", returns to London, where it can be seen at the Bishopsgate Institute Library, 230 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4QH from 9th January to 29th February. The exhibition is open Monday to Thursday and Saturday 10.am - 5.30pm on Friday 10am to 2pm

The Exhibition has been on display since August in various locations in London, Liverpool, Salford, Manchester and Brighton - the Marx Memorial Library, TUC Congress House, St George-in-the-East, Wapping, Liverpool Unite office, Goldsmiths College, the People's History  Museum, Manchester, the Working Class Movement Library in Salford, and Unite conferences in Brighton and London.

A special edition of the Wapping Post was produced for the Exhibition in September highlighting the essentially anti-democratic aspects of News International's activities, particularly the company's anti-union stance. Trade union rights to be re-asserted and reinforced at NI, and this means abolishing the legal loophole which allows the company-funded and run Staff Association to pose as a union defending workers' rights.

Free Press and this website continue to summarise and analyse media issues and developments.

Some copies of the Wapping Post special edition are still available, along with anniversary badges. If you would like to help with the information desk at the Exhibition, please contact Ann Field (ann.field@btinternet.com) as soon as possible.


DATELINE: 26/3/10
Download PDFs of Freepress here.


DATELINE: 26/3/10
Papers from the Media for All Conference


DATELINE: 26/3/10
The media’s job is to inform and entertain us but we rely on them too to tell us what our rulers and representatives are up to. In the run-up to the Iraq war the government used spin and disinformation in the media to create panic and mislead people. The truth is coming out now, but we need stronger, more independent media to be able to scrutinise governments and make informed choices.

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