Progress Ohio is a 501 (C4) organization with over 440,000 members dedicated to issue advocacy across the State of Ohio. work with progressive groups and activists by providing online organizing tools, the latest web technology and earned media support.

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Take action TODAY with and Protect Your Right to VOTE!

A new law, House Bill (HB)-194, will make it more difficult for our community to vote. In 2008, more than 1.7 million Ohioans voted early before Election Day – in person or by mail.

HB-194 would shorten the early and absentee voting period and open polling places later thus shortening voting hours. It also eliminates Sunday voting. In our community, this law will mean making difficult choices between casting our ballots or having to put it off to got to work, pick up the kids, or get to class. We’ve worked too hard to secure our rights–we have to fight back to keep them. Protect Your Right to VOTE today!