Penn Action

Penn Action mobilizes Pennsylvanians in support of our vision of a New Commonwealth in Pennsylvania and America. Penn Action unites people, on the ground and on-line, in every region of the state, to work for a political community that provides the common goods we can’t attain on our own, including protecting ourselves from the dangers of an unregulated market; that creates the political and social conditions under which our businesses can create good jobs; that gives everyone an equal opportunity to make use of their talents; that respects the rights of all to choose their own path in life and be part of our common political life; and that require everyone to pay their fair share to sustain our common life.

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Take action TODAY with Penn Action and tell Congress to put America back to work.!

President Obama heard the message from Bucks County and across the country and responded by setting out an aggressive agenda to put millions of Americans back to work by investing in programs that Penn Action members have been demanding — investing in infrastructure, rebuilding schools, extending unemployment benefits and prohibiting discrimination against unemployed workers.

President Obama’s American Jobs Act is a ray of hope for millions of struggling Americans, especially in opposition to the job-killing, cuts-only approach of the right wing.

Congress should quickly pass these provisions and then it should keep going and pass a robust public job creation plan. NOW is the time for Congress to act.

Click here to tell Congress to put America back to work: