Citizen Action of Wisconsin

Citizen Action of Wisconsin is an issue focused coalition of individuals and organizations committed to achieving social, economic, and environmental justice. Citizen Action of Wisconsin organizes people to make Wisconsin a better place to live and work. Citizen Action employs an integrated strategy of grassroots organizing, public education, earned media, professional research, voter engagement, and political lobbying to advance progressive values and shape the public and political debate around health care, economic development, and consumer protection. Every year, Citizen Action generates hundreds of media stories, mobilizes thousands of citizens to participate in political advocacy, and engages hundreds of thousands of voters.

Get involved in Wisconsin! 

Citizen Action has over 42,000 individual members and 123,000 supporters. They come from all over Wisconsin, from each of our 99 state assembly districts and from all walks of life. They are rural and urban, young and old, lower, middle and upper income, male and female, multi-racial and have different faiths and political persuasions.

Citizen Action’s offices are located in Milwaukee and  has many local activities in your area.

Citizen Action keeps an updated list of statewide events here: No Sacred Cows Blog

Get involved Online! 

Sign up for CA/WI email action alerts click HERE.