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Quote Of The Month:

"We artists are indestructible; even in a prison, or in a concentration camp, I would be almighty in my own world of art, even if I had to paint my pictures with my wet tongue on the dusty floor of my cell."

--Pablo Picasso



Contact Information

Latest News!


"I received the piece a couple of days ago in the mail. I am fully satisfied with the artwork. It arrived in perfectly good condition in the mail. Wow, it was nicer than what I saw on the website........amazing. Thank you and the Artist."


"Received the steamboat....just wanted to ask you to pass on to its maker the beautiful artistry and talent used in its is really a work of art!!!!"


"The drawing 'Raccoon' arrived today, and is truly beautiful--I love it! I am so pleased. I'll be buying from you again! Really a stunning piece of work.

Contact us by Email, Telephone or Snail mail

The Prison Art project takes its customer care very seriously. While our aim is to make our website easy to understand, and navigate we know there are times when you may need a bit of assistance.

We have provided a number of ways to help you:


For product information or any other assistance send an e-mail to:sales [at] prisonart [dot] org (written in this manner to defeat Web spider bots that harvest the web for e-mail addresses to spam).

We will respond to you within 24 hours, during regular business hours. All email correspondence is completely confidential. The Prison Art website visitors may also phone us at 206-271-5003.

Online Form:

Please send any specific information about your request so we can direct it to the appropriate people:

What kind of comment are you sending?

Complaint Problem Suggestion Praise

What aspect of Prison Art do you want to comment on?


Enter your comments in the space provided below:

Tell us how to get in touch with you:

Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.


Live Customer Care Center

Monday to Friday   8:00am to 5:00 pm (PST)

Saturdays, Sundays and federal holidays please leave a message.  Ed will try to contact you within 24 hours of the first business day.

Snail Mail:

Send your inquiries to:

  • Prison Art
  • P.O. Box 47439
  • Seattle, WA 98146-7439