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    Supercommittee member, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., walks with reporters as he departs the Capitol Hill office of Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., after meeting with other Supercommittee members as time for action by the deficit reduction panel grows short, Monday, Nov. 21, 2011, on Capitol Hill in Washington.  (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

    Congress' supercommittee conceded ignominious defeat Monday in its quest to conquer a government debt that stands at a staggering $15 trillion, unable to overcome deep and enduring political divisions over taxes and spending. More »Super failure: Deficit-cutting panel gives up

    FILE - In this Sept. 8, 2011, file photo Co-Chairs of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, left, and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., wrap up the committee's first organizational meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington. Failure by Congress’ debt-cutting supercommittee to recommend $1.2 trillion in savings by Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2011, is supposed to automatically trigger spending cuts in the same amount to accomplish that job. But the same legislators who concocted that budgetary booby trap just four months ago could end up spending the 2012 election year and beyond battling over defusing it. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

    Don't look for the Pentagon to shut down one side of its famous five-sided building. … More »What next? Lawmakers look to undo the back-up plan

    Two Egyptian protesters throw rocks toward Egyptian riot police in Cairo, Egypt, Monday, Nov. 21, 2011. Security forces fired tear gas and clashed Monday with several thousand protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square in the third straight day of violence that has killed dozens of people and has turned into the most sustained challenge yet to the rule of Egypt's military. (AP Photo)

    Egypt's civilian Cabinet offered to resign Monday after three days of violent clashes … More »Egypt Cabinet offers to resign but protests go on

    • Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich leaves after speaking at a town meeting at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H.,  Monday, Nov. 21, 2011. (AP Photo/Cheryl Senter)
      Gingrich calls for private retirement accounts AP - 3 hrs ago

      Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich on Monday proposed allowing younger workers still decades away from retirement to bypass Social Security and instead choose private investment accounts that would be subject … More »Gingrich calls for private retirement accounts

      Republican presidential candidate, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich leaves after speaking at a town meeting at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H.,  Monday, Nov. 21, 2011. (AP Photo/Cheryl Senter)

      Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich on Monday proposed allowing younger workers still decades away from retirement to bypass Social Security and instead choose private investment accounts that would be subject to stock market gyrations.

    • Jose Pimentel, 27, right, represented by attorney Joseph Zablocki, left, is arraigned at Manhattan criminal court, Sunday, Nov. 20, 2011, in New York. Pimentel, 27, an "al-Qaida sympathizer" accused of plotting to bomb police and post offices in New York City as well as U.S. troops returning home, was charged with criminal possession of explosive devices with the intent to use in a terrorist manner. (AP Photo/Jefferson Siegel, Pool)
      Mother of bomb plot suspect apologizes to NYers AP - 1 hr 6 mins ago

      The mother of a "lone wolf" accused of plotting to attack police stations and post offices with homemade bombs apologized to New Yorkers on Monday, even as questions arose about why federal authorities — who typically handle … More »Mother of bomb plot suspect apologizes to NYers

      Jose Pimentel, 27, right, represented by attorney Joseph Zablocki, left, is arraigned at Manhattan criminal court, Sunday, Nov. 20, 2011, in New York. Pimentel, 27, an "al-Qaida sympathizer" accused of plotting to bomb police and post offices in New York City as well as U.S. troops returning home, was charged with criminal possession of explosive devices with the intent to use in a terrorist manner. (AP Photo/Jefferson Siegel, Pool)

      The mother of a "lone wolf" accused of plotting to attack police stations and post offices with homemade bombs apologized to New Yorkers on Monday, even as questions arose about why federal authorities — who typically handle terrorism cases — declined to get involved in what city officials called a serious threat.

    • Visitors to the National September 11 Memorial and Museum circle one of two reflecting pools, on Monday, Nov. 21, 2011, in New York. The opening of the museum at the World Trade Center, planned for Sept. 11, 2012, will be delayed by disputes over redevelopment costs, a person familiar with the construction project said Monday. The memorial opened in September on the 10th anniversary of the 2001 attacks. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
      AP source: Funding dispute will delay 9/11 museum AP - 2 hrs 0 mins ago

      The 2012 opening of the Sept. 11 museum at the World Trade Center will be delayed by disputes over redevelopment costs, a person familiar with the construction project said Monday. More »AP source: Funding dispute will delay 9/11 museum

      Visitors to the National September 11 Memorial and Museum circle one of two reflecting pools, on Monday, Nov. 21, 2011, in New York. The opening of the museum at the World Trade Center, planned for Sept. 11, 2012, will be delayed by disputes over redevelopment costs, a person familiar with the construction project said Monday. The memorial opened in September on the 10th anniversary of the 2001 attacks. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)

      The 2012 opening of the Sept. 11 museum at the World Trade Center will be delayed by disputes over redevelopment costs, a person familiar with the construction project said Monday.

    • Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks to employees at BAE Systems in Nashua, N.H., Monday, Nov. 21, 2011. (AP Photo/Winslow Townson)
      Romney to run his first TV ad of presidential race AP - 6 mins ago

      Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is turning President Barack Obama's own words against him in the Republican hopeful's TV first ad of his 2012 White House bid. More »Romney to run his first TV ad of presidential race

      Republican presidential candidate, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks to employees at BAE Systems in Nashua, N.H., Monday, Nov. 21, 2011. (AP Photo/Winslow Townson)

      Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is turning President Barack Obama's own words against him in the Republican hopeful's TV first ad of his 2012 White House bid.

    • In this photo provided by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, Jerice Hunter, mother of missing 5-year-old girl Jhessye Shockley  is photographed Monday, Nov. 21, 2011. Sgt. Brent Coombs said Monday that Jerice Hunter was arrested on child abuse charges "directly related to Jhessye." Jhessye Shockley has been missing since Oct. 11.  Coombs said at a news conference that investigators don't believe they'll find the girl alive and that Hunter "is our No. 1 focus." (AP Photo/Maricopa County Sheriffs Office)
      Missing girl's mom arrested on child abuse charges AP - 2 hrs 15 mins ago

      Police on Monday arrested the mother of a missing 5-year-old Arizona girl on child abuse charges "directly related" to the girl, and said they don't believe they'll find the child alive. More »Missing girl's mom arrested on child abuse charges

      In this photo provided by the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office, Jerice Hunter, mother of missing 5-year-old girl Jhessye Shockley  is photographed Monday, Nov. 21, 2011. Sgt. Brent Coombs said Monday that Jerice Hunter was arrested on child abuse charges "directly related to Jhessye." Jhessye Shockley has been missing since Oct. 11.  Coombs said at a news conference that investigators don't believe they'll find the girl alive and that Hunter "is our No. 1 focus." (AP Photo/Maricopa County Sheriffs Office)

      Police on Monday arrested the mother of a missing 5-year-old Arizona girl on child abuse charges "directly related" to the girl, and said they don't believe they'll find the child alive.

    • FILE - In this Nov. 7, 2011 file photo released by ABC, Rob Kardashian, right, and Cheryl Burke perform on the celebrity dance competition series "Dancing with the Stars," in Los Angeles. Two routines stand between the three “Dancing With the Stars” finalists and the show's disco-ball trophy. Reality star Rob Kardashian, TV personality Ricki Lake and actor and Army veteran J.R. Martinez will each perform two numbers on Monday's final dance-off. A new champion will be named Tuesday.  (AP Photo/ABC, Adam Taylor)

      Rob Kardashian swung to the top of the "Dancing with the Stars" leaderboard Monday.

    • ESPN analyst Bobby Valentine pauses as he answers questiong during a baseball availability following his interview for the vacant Boston Red Sox manager position at Fenway Park in Boston on Monday, Nov. 21, 2011.(AP Photo/Bizuayehu Tesfaye)

      The Boston Red Sox said they were looking for a different voice in the clubhouse when they let Terry Francona walk after the worst September collapse in major league history. Enter Bobby Valentine.

    • WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In an apparently serious setback for U.S. intelligence against a key adversary, Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shi'ite militia, has succeeded in identifying and arresting informants within its ranks who were working for the CIA, current and former U.S. officials said. Separately, counterintelligence officers …

    • Trucks are driven into a shipping container area at Qingdao port

      TOKYO (Reuters) - China's economy faces growing risks from Europe's sovereign debt crisis and worries about regional Chinese governments' debts, but it could engineer a soft landing by using the scope for monetary policy easing, the World Bank said on Tuesday. In a semi-annual East Asia and Pacific Economic Update, the …

    • Students walk out of a showroom at the headquarters of Samsung Electronics in Seoul

      SEOUL (Reuters) - Samsung Electronics, the world's top TV maker, is in last-stage talks with Google to roll out its Google TVs, the head of Samsung's TV division told reporters on Tuesday. Google TV -- which currently comes built-in on certain Sony Corp television models and on Logitech International set-top boxes -- allows …

    • CHICAGO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When the CME Group pledged $300 million of its own money to help former MF Global customers get their cash back faster, the exchange was likely thinking of customers like Kansas cattle rancher Tim Rietzke. Fed up and frustrated with his broker's collapse and what he sees as the CME's slow …

    • A view of the Morgan Stanley headquarters building in New York's Times Square

      NEW YORK (Reuters) - Wall Street bankers are used to vicious swings in fortunes - it is in their DNA. Make a killing in the good times, they say, because markets may turn against you tomorrow. The job losses, bonus cuts and clampdown on the size of trading books this time around, though, seem different. It's not just the …

    • WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An accused White House shooter, who allegedly called President Barack Obama the "devil" and "anti-Christ," was ordered on Monday to undergo a mental exam to determine his competency to face charges of attempting to kill the president. Obama and his wife, Michelle, were in California at the time of …

    • The framework for a single family home currently under construction is seen in Los Angeles

      NEW YORK (Reuters) - It's not like the people in Fort Wayne, Indiana aren't sympathetic with America's unemployed. It's just that they're not seeing as many of them as the rest of us. While most of the country is saddled with stubbornly high unemployment, numerous new construction projects and thousands of new jobs have …

    • A young supporter holds a handwritten sign for Republican presidential candidate Romney at a campaign rally in Nashua

      LITTLETON, New Hampshire (Reuters) - Republican Mitt Romney, looking to close the deal in the early primary state of New Hampshire, picked up an important endorsement on Sunday from U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte. Ayotte was elected in 2010 from New Hampshire as part of big Republican gains in Congress, and is the top Republican …

    • Congressional Super Committee member Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) carries a binder titled Budget Policy Options as he departs the inaugural meeting, as the members search for at least $1.2 trillion in new deficit reductions, in Washington

      NEW YORK (Reuters) - A brutal year for global investors may get even worse this week if Congress proves yet again it is too bitterly divided to deliver on its promise to reduce the gaping U.S. budget deficit. The congressional "super committee" created to slash $1.2 trillion in federal spending over 10 years was likely …

    • NEW YORK (Reuters) - Federal authorities declined to join the local investigation of a suspected New York militant, saying he was not likely to carry out an attack, a law enforcement source familiar with the case said on Monday. Jose Pimentel, 27, a suspected follower of late Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, was arrested …

    • Italy's Prime Minister Mario Monti talks on the phone during a vote of confidence at the Lower House of Parliament in Rome

      ROME (Reuters) - Newly installed Prime Minister Mario Monti got straight to work at the weekend, reviewing Italy's parlous finances before a round of meetings in coming days with European leaders to discuss the growing euro zone debt crisis. Monti easily won confidence votes in record time in both houses of parliament last …

    • People walk through the office complex where MF Global Holdings Ltd have an office on 52nd Street in midtown Manhattan New York

      NEW YORK (Reuters) - Three weeks after MF Global's collapsed, furious former customers are still fighting for access to billions of dollars as they question why as much as two-thirds of their money is still stuck. While authorities have touted the fact that they are returning 60 percent of the collateral and cash that had …

    • Saif al-Islam Gaddafi is seen sitting in a plane in Zintan

      OBARI, Libya (Reuters) - The chic black sweater and jeans were gone. So too the combat khaki T-shirt of his televised last stand in Tripoli. Designer stubble had become bushy black beard after months on the run. But the rimless glasses, framing those piercing eyes above that straight fine nose, gave him away despite the …

    • WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008 and shattered the belief that U.S. money market funds would never "break the buck," Washington rushed to limit the damage. But as Europe's debt crisis threatens to put the U.S. financial system under strain again, U.S. policymakers are worried they cannot turn …

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